~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

congrats to all the new mummies, this thread is starting to get really busy again yay! :D

just a little update from me for all the ladies with similar problems...i feel like someone snuck into my house last night and swapped my baby!

for the last 2 weeks as you know he has been so unsettled, constipated and colicky I've been at my wits end with his screaming as it has been all day all night every day every night and I've tried everything including baby massage, smaller more frequent feedings, leg cycling, apple juice, infacol and changing him to comfort milk and he has still been the same. yesterday i decided to give gripe water a proper try. I gave him one ounce of cooled boiled water with a teaspoon of GW after his first feed of the day, and then one teaspoon of GW in every feed throughout the day, and another ounce of cooled boiled water with GW after his bottle just before bed... he had a big big smelly poo :p then we put him to bed at 1am and he slept through til 7am!!! precious sleep!! i brought him down, changed him, fed him and took him back up to bed by 7:30 and he is still asleep now at almost 11am!! :dance::dance:

long may this continue! and i suppose even if he goes back to how he was at least i had one days break!

How is libby today GG? and everyone else who's babies are a little colicky/refluxy ? xxx
much the same, cant put her down.. im co-sleeping now properly to get sleep

glad u had a gd nite bet u fell like a diff person x
Congratulations to all those new mummies and sparkler babies :flower:

Does anyone else still have their overhang from their section? (I don't know if the ladies with natural deliveries get it?) I keep looking down at mine, and although it is nowhere near as bad as it was, and I can fit back in pre-bump jeans, this old ladies floppy tummy is grossing me out...will it ever go away? :dohh:

i have it still from william :wacko:
congrats to all the new mummies, this thread is starting to get really busy again yay! :D

just a little update from me for all the ladies with similar problems...i feel like someone snuck into my house last night and swapped my baby!

for the last 2 weeks as you know he has been so unsettled, constipated and colicky I've been at my wits end with his screaming as it has been all day all night every day every night and I've tried everything including baby massage, smaller more frequent feedings, leg cycling, apple juice, infacol and changing him to comfort milk and he has still been the same. yesterday i decided to give gripe water a proper try. I gave him one ounce of cooled boiled water with a teaspoon of GW after his first feed of the day, and then one teaspoon of GW in every feed throughout the day, and another ounce of cooled boiled water with GW after his bottle just before bed... he had a big big smelly poo :p then we put him to bed at 1am and he slept through til 7am!!! precious sleep!! i brought him down, changed him, fed him and took him back up to bed by 7:30 and he is still asleep now at almost 11am!! :dance::dance:

long may this continue! and i suppose even if he goes back to how he was at least i had one days break!

How is libby today GG? and everyone else who's babies are a little colicky/refluxy ? xxx

That's fantastic! A good nights sleep can do wonders for our state of mind, its amazing how better we feel after a decent sleep, makes the entire day easier.

aww all these pics of all the gorgeous babies :happydance:

Welcome over Silas! Looks like Joseph is very happy with his new baby sister!
Hows William taken too Alexander DF?

Glad too hear Ryan is doing so much better Loula - and as you said long may it continue!!

Dani - I still have a very loose tummy - Im gonna get wii fit and start on that in the new year - hopefully will tighten it up and lose (lots and lots) weight then - I wanna get fit enough too run around after her once she is mobile!

AFM-Just got signed off by MW :happydance: just waiting on HV too arrive now and looking forward to finding out how much weight Phoebe has gained - she has been a gannet the last few days so thinking she may be close too 9lb now!

Lol xx

ps Phoebe and Evan could always get married if things don't work out with Libby :hehe:
i hope Libby improves soon for you GG. hopefully after a few days the comfort milk will do it's magic :)
Thought I'd put some pics up of Phoebe, for those who are not on my facebook :)






Lol xx
she's such a little cutie-pie! i love the little buggie outfit n__n
Lol, deffo if things don't work out he can marry pixie :rofl:

dani I have it too still! Hate it but can't be helped!! Now I'm 5 weeks on and stopped bleeding gonna go swimming leave evan with my sis for an hour :)

well I walked thru the blizzard to drs he wants evan to stay on gavisvon for another week before giving him stronger stuff. Evan has been really sick this morning and sleep is crap as he has bad belly ache :( but then slept 10am til 1 :)
This is really getting busy now.

Looking for advise really:- Leo is very windy and has been since birth he has always been sick after feeds too, but he has but on alot of weight so was never bothered. (he is now 9ib 14oz). However since Saturday he has started being really sick after feeding, and screaming in pain while feeding and after. He also has a sore bottom as he poos in every nappy I haven't had just a wet nappy yet. I am BF'ing and he is on Infacol, I have booked DR for later today but wondered if anyone as any advise as I can see alot of you are going or gone through this too. Sleep wise he ahs always been good with waking 1 or 2 times a night, now he wakes every hour again since Saturday I think it is because he is bringing most of his food back so is hungry quick again. Sorry for long post
Lol - Joseph gets curious at times about her, but he is just way too rough most of the time. When we play with him we make it a game to find mommy or daddy's nose, eyes etc. so when he is with Madelyn he is always trying to get her nose, eyes, and he is a weirdo and likes to stick his fingers in peoples mouths so he is always trying to stick his finger in her mouth. :haha:

But I have to watch him when he gets upset because the first thing he goes after is poor Madelyn. I guess he thinks he is getting back at me when he trys to hit her. :wacko:

Does anyone have any ideas of what would be causing Madelyn to spit up her formula right after each feeding? It doesn't even digest, it comes up looking the same as when it came down. As if she just can't keep it in her tummy. She has been doing it since the day she was born. At first she wasn't gaining weight well, but now she is doing good so the doctor doesn't seem concerned. But honestly, I am not so sure. I just cant see how it is normal.
no advice weezer it could be intolerance, reflux, colic .. I will say if your dr doesnt have a clue ring hv as they are more specialised xx
looks like we all have the same problem... x

silas is it projectile? or just spit up.. Im beginning to think its normal as we all seem to have this issue... maybe its wind/reflux/colic haha x
Sometimes it is projectile, but most of the time its pretty regular. My son spit-up a lot too, but not like Madelyn does. Or atleast, not the amount that she does.
Afternoon ladies :hi:

Huge welcome to all of the new Sparkler 3rd tri graduates! Its great to see the thread starting to get nice and busy!

Jo, I am so sorry you have had such a difficult time, glad to hear you are on the mend now :hug:

Dani, I still have my overhang too and I hate it! I never had one after my natural birth. I miss my flat tum!

Is anyone else's tummy still numb? The skin between my scar and belly button feels like it belongs to someone else :rofl: it feels very numb to the touch. Is this normal?

Gemma, I was so worried when I first started co-sleeping but we are used to it now and get such a great nights sleep, I can handle Georgie being a velcro baby during the day! I did read everything I could on how to do it safely ad luckily my HV is very into AP so is very supportive.

Lol, I love the Santa hat. I want one for Georgie!

AFM: I am feeling a little bit down in the dumps. We have been exclusively BF for nearly three weeks now (during the 1st week we had to do formula top ups due to his blood sugar levels and concerns about my supply) and I think my supply is still crap. My boobs never leak, they never feel rock hard, I can't feel let down (what ever that feels like), I cant express a drop and Georgie feeds every hour during the day and pretty much all evening nonstop (we go to bed at 10pm to give my boobs a break as he is happy to go with just one feed through the night).

I have tried not to worry too much as we do have lots of wet and dirty nappies but he was weighed today and has only put on 2oz and has dropped to the 0.4 percentile :(

I am doing everything I can to make BF work and even though I do whinge about being tied to the sofa all day, I am happy to do it if it helps get us established, but I don't want my precious Georgie to go hungry! I do have some emergency cartons of formula in the cupboard, but when we gave Georgie formula before, it made him sick and windy (he suffers from neither of those things while being BF) so I don't want to go down that road. He is such a happy contented little chap.

My HV wants me to see my BF counsellor again tomorrow (was going to anyway) and then we will all make a plan on where to go from here. I feel so sad that my stooopid boobs can not make enough to feed my lovely little man.

Sorry for the moan xx
Oh god I have the dreaded overhang too! 1 plus to it - its protecting my scar haha
I have the nasty stomach still. Its something I never heard about and I was surprised after my first pregnancy. Its gross, I hate it. Lol. My tum is also still numb in some places.

I tried breastfeeding, but I only did it about 2 times. I wasn't comfortable with it and I couldn't work past it in my head. As well as she was spitting it up and I can only imagine what that would have done to us if my milk supply was crap. But my milk came in and I still have leaky boobies. :| & we have no need for breastmilk as she is formula fed.

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