~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Thanks everyone, well luckily dr I saw used to be a peadritician. Anyways Leo hjas Reflux and colic and has got gaviscon to take. He doesn't think its my milk so as said ok to still BF. However he said it may be something to do with his stomach so if it is no better in 2 weeks have to take him back.

I have the stomach overhang too, and was natural birth!! I hate mine too but really dont think i'll get rid of it this time.

He did say that if I change to formula could make it worse as it is stronger and may upset him more. Was only going to Bf for a month or 2 looks like it may be longer as reflux can apparently last 6 months!!!
Thanks everyone, well luckily dr I saw used to be a peadritician. Anyways Leo hjas Reflux and colic and has got gaviscon to take. He doesn't think its my milk so as said ok to still BF. However he said it may be something to do with his stomach so if it is no better in 2 weeks have to take him back.

I have the stomach overhang too, and was natural birth!! I hate mine too but really dont think i'll get rid of it this time.

He did say that if I change to formula could make it worse as it is stronger and may upset him more. Was only going to Bf for a month or 2 looks like it may be longer as reflux can apparently last 6 months!!!

at least you know what's wrong now though hun have a better idea of how to help him :)
thats so weird that he mentioned u may have to go bk 2 weeks as he may have something wrong I just wrote in silas journal about the small surgical procedure that may need doing if baby doesnt grow out of reflux or gets no better.. its called a fundiplication and its quite common - seen it quite a lot on my child nurse training
Glad u got some answers and hope the gaviscon works... better than my dr :( he sent me away with paracetamol :(
Im having the same issues with bf Cocobelle. My lactation nurse is having me take an herbal suppliment called "More Milk Plus" its all organic, and supposed to help up the milk supply. If it doesnt help by Friday Im supposed to call back to the nurse, and then it will probably be time for me to give up. As our options are: give up, or take a cancer drug thats side effects are lactation. I dont want to take a cancer drug just to make milk.

Jaxon has been taking formula at every feeding, but first we do try BFing. He'll suck for about 10 minutes then gets pissed b/c he's not getting enough and it becomes formula time. Im also pumping every 2-3 hours a day, but only getting like 5 mil, when I should be getting 2oz. Its frustrating.
I really, really hope that Madelyn's doctor will be willing to treat her for reflux atleast to see if it helps her to keep her food down.
I just had a hard time starting Alex on bf. But today he has been on the boob all day so I hope he keeps that up . Very stressful when they dont latch .
its the november reflux colic babies :haha:

Pixie is just getting better and better - she's being sick much less which is a relief. just have to take time winding her fully :flower:
Jo...the numb belly is totally normal after a section, I never regained full feeling in mine after Reagan and it is much more numb now after a second section, it is really common not to regain total feeling, they are some huge muscles that have been cut down there.

Have you tried Fenugreek to increase your milk supply? Holland and Barrets do 100 capsules of quite a high dose for £7.99 :thumbup:

AFM: Amber was weighed today and is now 9lbs 11ozs!! She has fallen into a habit of being wide awake between the hours of 3 and 6am, so by the time I get back to sleep for an hour the alarm goes off ready to get the school run started :nope: I am tired!!
you&me Pixie is awake at that time too. takes a good 1h and a half to settle her because i think she still doesn't know the difference between night and day yet
Madelyn is my easy child today. Joseph is giving me a run for my money though, ugh. :wacko:
congrats on the weight gain you&me thats brilliant!

ryan was last weighed about 2 weeks ago when the HV came to my house and she isn't coming again until 2 weeks into december, is that normal? everyone else's babies seem to be getting weighed far for often, but HV never said anything?
my hv doesnt come out again.... they have no time apparantly x
my hv doesn't come out again.... they have no time apparently x

really!? i see mine every week. she's meant to be here thursday but this weather is terrible so i doubt ill see her
Here in the US, we dont have a HV....but I go see a lactation nurse once a week with Jaxon. He's had his first pediatrician visit, and wont see him again until January.....
Bartness, I always said I would do my best to give BF 6 weeks, and I am almost 4 weeks in now but if at any time I thought moving over to formula would be best for Georgie's health, then I would do it in a heartbeat. Hopefully it won't come to that!

Dani, thanks for the numb tum reassurance :haha: I was hoping it would eventually go away, it feels weird, lol. I got some Fenugreek on Sunday after seeing your last post, fingers crossed it helps!

I am seeing my HV once a week but I guess that is because they are keeping an eye on his weight. I expect I wont see them for dust once that has stabilised.
Blimey can't believe how all our babies are suffering :(

had a projectile vomit incident this afternoon :(

evan isn't pooing much and when he does it is thick, dr said probs the gavisvon!

Evan has slept all day apart from wake up for feeds or cry when his filled his nappy! Isn't that a bit too much?? I've only let him stay asleep as was out on the damn snow half the day then I was cold and wet when we got home!

Weezy how u gonna give gavisvon? I've been mixing with an oz of formula when i can't mix with ebm. I've found myself increasing Evans formulacos his feeding on the boob has gotso fussy he doesn't stay latched for long. Today he's fed like a dream every2-3 hours off the boob. Weird kids :haha:

Jo, my belly is also numb. O still find my normal clothes uncomfortable over it :(

taking evan out today was an experience. They didn't grit our main roads we've had it bad!! My mum left work at 4pm, not home yet and facing walking poor thing x
Loula I saw hv once now have to take evan to baby clinic once a month but I think I'll do fortnightly for my peace of mind!

Jo I don't think your boobs will get hard cos georgie is feeding so often. I only get engorged when evan goes much longer or I skip a bf feed for formula. Don't worry about not being able to express it is no indication of milk quantity and is still early yet anyway, they say 6 weeks? The weight gain wasn't fab bit isn't a loss :)

is georgies latch ok? He probs sucks more for comfort, wake him when he sleeps to continue eating? Did you try the Moses basket? How do u co sleep? Evan ends up in bed with me every night or morning but he sleeps on my chest with boob as a pillow, not the safest :(
Happy 1 month to Libby :flower:

Loulabump, my HV came out to the house twice after the midwife discharged me, which is a routine thing for them after a section...now we just have to go to the baby clinic at the health centre for weighing, they said to take amber once more before christmas then I can go monthly as her weight gain is good.

Pichi I just don't know what else to do to shorten that 3 hour wake period :dohh: So tonight we are going to try leaving bedside lamp off and just use the hallway lighting to see if that helps by keeping it a little darker!! She is in a fleece sleepsuit over her babygro, so I know she isn't cold, one minute at the end of the three hours she will be really crying, then as quick as you can click your fingers she has zonked right out!!
Lol, deffo if things don't work out he can marry pixie :rofl:
Pixie is Pichi's baby! :haha: Does that make Phoebe 3rd on the list??

Lol - Joseph gets curious at times about her, but he is just way too rough most of the time. When we play with him we make it a game to find mommy or daddy's nose, eyes etc. so when he is with Madelyn he is always trying to get her nose, eyes, and he is a weirdo and likes to stick his fingers in peoples mouths so he is always trying to stick his finger in her mouth. :haha:

But I have to watch him when he gets upset because the first thing he goes after is poor Madelyn. I guess he thinks he is getting back at me when he trys to hit her. :wacko:

Does anyone have any ideas of what would be causing Madelyn to spit up her formula right after each feeding? It doesn't even digest, it comes up looking the same as when it came down. As if she just can't keep it in her tummy. She has been doing it since the day she was born. At first she wasn't gaining weight well, but now she is doing good so the doctor doesn't seem concerned. But honestly, I am not so sure. I just cant see how it is normal.
Bless him - guess he is just curious?
Dunno what too say about the formula throwing up issue other than to see your Dr? Best be safe I guess?
Lol, I love the Santa hat. I want one for Georgie!

My HV wants me to see my BF counsellor again tomorrow (was going to anyway) and then we will all make a plan on where to go from here. I feel so sad that my stooopid boobs can not make enough to feed my lovely little man.
The hat was just £1.50 in Asdas :thumbup:
GL with the counsellor tomorrow!

AFM: Amber was weighed today and is now 9lbs 11ozs!! She has fallen into a habit of being wide awake between the hours of 3 and 6am, so by the time I get back to sleep for an hour the alarm goes off ready to get the school run started :nope: I am tired!!
Awesome weight - almost in double figure lbs!! :happydance: Phoebe was 8lb15 today. Hope that Amber gets outta that habit tonight for you!

ryan was last weighed about 2 weeks ago when the HV came to my house and she isn't coming again until 2 weeks into december, is that normal? everyone else's babies seem to be getting weighed far for often, but HV never said anything?
My HV comes every week for the 1st 8 weeks - then I gotta go too clinic

Lol xx

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