~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

No lol, I meant of things don't work out with Phoebe then he can marry Pixie :haha:

Well I took some advice from Loula and gave Evan some gripe water mixed with water. Well he done a real watery poo after that, it leaked out the nappy and so far (touchwood) very little tummy painful farting trouble tonight. He is like a different baby, so calm and relaxed. He just stares at our ceiling (we have wooden beams and some funky light) he loves it! Am also starting to get the beginnings of a smile, it won't be long now :wohoo:

Don't think i will get too much sleep as Evan never sleeps well at night, but he has fed like a pro today (every few hours with minimal fussing) so here's hoping :)
Ooh i've had a hard day and night...Raphi's in bed with us tonight because she simply wont be put down. It feels like she just didn't stop screaming yesterday. I'm convinced something is wrong with her but OH thinks i'm just being a paranoid new mum :/
Dani, i have a gross over hang too. i hate it! I am below my prepregnancy weight though its just all really loose. :S
Kai is finally asleep. He's been a right monster lately so haven't had time to even brush my hair!

Welcome to the new mummies! :flower:

Sorry to hear about the reflux/colic babies....hope things get better soon! Seems some of you have sussed it and babies are happier, so that's really good!

With regards to overhang...I have a proper jelly belly! I was large-ish before pregnancy but was at least toned....now it's all gone jelly like...grrrr!

AFM: My milk is pretty much non existent now :(
I've been taking Fenugreek for nearly a week and it's made no difference.
Kai will not feed off the breast for more than 10 minutes without getting pissed off and screaming the place down, so I have to relent and give him formula or EBM (if I have any!) so that doesn't help with building my supply again.
Have been feeling pretty down the last few days. Me and OH have been arguing a lot and I feel like a failure most days.
I'm sure I'll feel better once I've had some decent sleep. Hopefully at the weekend OH can do the night feeds for a change and I can get some sleep!
my right boob is like a melon and sore, nipple is on fire. didnt think i would have same proms again. was hard to get Alex to feed on day one i was in tears. fusses sometimes to. i have breast tissue under arm and all. sore!
Oh no DF :nope:

Wellllllllll...we had a great night, Amber went down after doing her screaming, red in the face kinda thing at 11.30...I laid in bed cuddling her, and it clicked why she has been like she has, we bought Aptimal hungry baby formula (for night time feeds) instead of just the normal aptimal, well we bought it saturday...and it was since saturday night that we haven't been getting much sleep...it was obviously causing her discomfort :nope: I had one carton of normal formula in the cupboard, so gave her that at 3.30am when she woke, and she was back asleep, happy and content at 4am.

I feel so damn guilty and like a crap mummy for not realising and putting two and two together, poor Amber had 3 nights like it :cry:
Pixelle oats are meant to be good for boosting milk supply...so eat lots of flapjacks :D
I am not in the mood for people especially assholes like OH bro :growlmad:

came in, "well lets see the brat" :shock: I took exception and was not pleased.

then darrens niece said in a shocked voice "omg you where hoping fpr a girl!":nope: I never once said preferance as I am happy with whatever and she had asked me this all the time and was told that.

darrens bro

"squeely wee fucker is he?":growlmad:

no he never even stared when they where here!

my baby is content not a sqeely wee fuckerr brat :growlmad:

then picked on how small he was. suppose i shoiuld be grateful of anyone coming but at the same time......

no cards so got nothing forr Alex special box and williams is packed.
well another night of no sleep i have plenty of milk in my boobs but all michael wants is to have them in his mouth 24/7 even after hes done eating so i feel horrible but i need to change him to formula asap for my own sanity my boobs kill and im exhausted as he wants to feed 30 min of every hour all day and night but i know hes getting milk.. but its going to be a struggle as he wont take a dummy or a bottle =( i feel like i failed but on the other hand i did make it 2 weeks with bfing.. a week longer than with my daughter..
i try but its hard because i love the bonding but i hate falling asleep nursing him because he wont sleep without my boob in his mouth =(
oh god that was a bad night last night :dohh:
I understand the milk supply issues...been taking More Milk Plus (main ingrediant is Fenugreek), since Monday and Im not seeing much of a change. If there is no change by Friday, Im officially giving up, as I refuse to take a cancer a drug to help my milk supply.

Jaxon sleeps all day and is up at night. Lucky for me, my OH lets me go to bed and he stays up with Jaxon until 230 or 3, when he wakes me up to take care of Jaxon. By that time, Jaxon is ready to sleep again!
seems we have a lot of nocturnal babies in this thread hah
Evan, the most pimped out baby ever!? :haha:

DF you will find that a 2nd baby won't get spoiled as much as the 1st - My bro had loads given to him when he was born, £100's in premium bonds etc and I had hardly anything in comparison. Darrens bro sounds like he needs a slap though!

MW = 2 weeks means he got from you what you can't get from formula, so you did the best you can do! I only lasted exclusively BF for about 5 days, but she got all the colostrum that they can't put in formula, so I can't feel too guilty!

Lol xx
pichi is the comfort milk making pixies pumps smell really bad and poop really loose? a lady from another thread said its making her lo like this nd so is lib x

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