~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

pichi is the comfort milk making pixies pumps smell really bad and poop really loose? a lady from another thread said its making her lo like this nd so is lib x

yeah it is but she's always been a little stinker haha her poop is loose but not to the point of it being a concern if that makes sense? she seems so much settled though on the comfort milk. had to give her some 'normal' stuff and she brought more of that up than she has the comfort milk the whole time she's been on it.

oh god that was a bad night last night :dohh:

snap...if not the worst then second worst since we came home.
i wish i didnt need sleep

ditto. she just wouldnt settle from about 1 till 6 :cry: she sounds a little sniffley too. just hope shes not coming down with something :wacko:

ooh same! how odd...

poor babies :(
Evan, the most pimped out baby ever!? :haha:

I have no shame :rofl:

Well Evan seems much more contented and settled. He hasn't randomly cried for no reason for hours since Saturday night :) He seems to sleep most of the time at the moment, but with this crap weather I don't mind :haha:

so he slept from about 1.45am to 5.15am :) And dozed on and off for a few hours before that! Problem was from 5.15am he didn't go back to sleep till Jeremy Kyle was on, so i then slept too till midday :D He was very very sick this morning, puking up every booby feed I tried to give him. I gave him a bottle with gaviscon which he didn't puke. So I dunno if that puking is the reflux or my milk supply cos he was spluttering a bit when my milk was coming out!! He puked on my boob, all over him, all over me. Not nice :(

He's been sleeping all day now :) Buti am bored and wanna do stuff. I feel lazy leavinh him to sleep but he is only 5 weeks, so I guess it is still normal.

I just called the benefit people :growlmad: Child benefit have everything and have said it can be up to 12 weeks, tax credits have no record of claim yet and housing benefit office is bloody shut :growlmad:
ive started filling out my CB and CTC forms but havn't gotten around to finishing them just now :dohh: really need to do that and get them sent off
Well I am feeling a bit more positive about BF after going to the BF clinic this morning, I took my pump along and was actually not using it quite right ad since being home, I have had a go at expressing and have managed to get about 20mls out a go (both boobs combined) which is a huge improvement on before! After a few goes I now have 1.5oz in the fridge. Hopefully will get another few goes this evening to top it up enough so that hubby can give him a feed while I finally have a long soak in the bath!

The BF counsellor has said that if I hired a hospital grade pump for a month and used it regularly throughout the day/eve, it will really help to boost my supply. I am thinking about that.

Sophie, thanks for the encouraging words :flower:Georgie's latch isn't brilliant as he is a bit lazy at keeping his mouth open wide enough, I am working on that!

I never managed to get hold of a moses basket but my pram carrycot is as narrow as one so I am using that more for daytime naps and today I did get a 2 hour sleep out of him!

I did quite a bit of research on co-sleeping to make sure we do it safely and the main thing we do is I sleep with the duvet quite low, no higher than my belly button so that it can not cover Georgie, I have a blanket for my top half. Georgie has his own blanket but will go in a grobag once he gets bigger. I lie on my side with my arm stretched out (or tucked under my pillow) with Georgie's head almost under my arm pit, he sleeps on his side facing me with my nipple within licking distance :haha: just having it there should he want it, seems to keep him happy and settled. When he does wake up, he just nuzzles me and I latch him on. Have a read of these guidlies: https://www.babyfriendly.org.uk/pdfs/sharingbedleaflet.pdf

My MW, HV and BF counsellor are all totally for co-sleeping while BF, which did surprise me but they have gone very pro AP in my area.

Pixelle, I am sorry to hear you are feeling a bit down, I hope you get some much needed sleep soon :hugs:

MW, never feel guilty for doing what is best for you, your baby and your family. I have said time and time again that while I have all the time in the world to just sit and feed and do what I can to get BF established, f had another child to consider I would never be able to do it. I take my hat off to all you mummies with newborns and toddlers, I don't know how you manage :hug:

I hope all the colicky/reflux babies soon start responding to treatment :)
i want to apply for Sure Start Grant which is £500 but need CTC before I can get that and CTC want CHB number, I also have housing benefit and council tax benefit claims pending awaiting CHB number! I am not entitled to that yet as it is based on my wages going down. CTC haven't even got a recored of the bloomin' claim and Child benefit up to 12 weeks :growlmad:

I was looking forward to this money for Xmas :haha: will just have to use credit card, although did get paid yesterday.

The way i look at it as a positive is I am 5 weeks in for CHb which is £100 and CTC which is £550 , so shal get some lovely backdated money at some point in the future :)

I wanted some new Ugg boots though :growlmad:
grobags are a godsend. Pixie loves hers. found she was a bit too cold with her blankets etc.. put her in the grobag and she snuggles down with her little musical seahorse... thats when she's behaving haha

glad you're feeling more positive about BF :)

AM i don't know if i'd be entitled to the sure start grant - i mean i can always apply for it... wouldn't hurt to try
I have 2 Grobags, both are in the wash covered in sick :( But Evan was so settled with them on!

Go for it, can''t hurt just applying can it :D I only know I will be cos CTC going off last years earnings and I only worked half the year so only earnt half a years wages so get quite alot, which seems stupid and my salary is double now!

Jo I realise my post was like 2o questions there :haha: cheers for the cosleeping advice, he has slept next to me once as a fluke but hasn't settled again like it! He still just sleeps on my chest and we fall asleep with him feeding. MUST.STOP.DOING.THAT :D Glad you got a bit more milk, you are doing a great job. I have to admit I am very slowly upping Evan's formula, by 3 months I think I will be FF :(
yeah, all this paper work is just annoying especially since it's got to be done and it's quite hard finding the time! :dohh:

i have 2 grobags too - they're pink and white with we flowers in them. think its a 2.5tog
Cocobelle: Glad you're feeling better about BF.
I think I might hire a pump to try to build my supply up again. I really don't want to exclusively FF...not saying anyone who chooses to is wrong, it's just not something I want to do!

I was hoping to get my child benefit before Christmas but it's not looking likely! I sent everything off last week and received Kai's birth certificate back from them yesterday but apparently there are big delays....just great!

What are grobags? I'm currently swaddling Kai, with some success....he doesn't always settle and most of the time gets his arms out! Is it like a sleeping bag? My MW told me not to use them until he's 6 months....is that wrong then?
the grobag i have can be used when baby is 7lb or more. mines is from debenhams.. and yeah it's pretty much like a sleeping bag.
My child benefit took 10 days to come through, and my tax credits took 8 I think, not sure if it was quicker because they have all of my details etc from Reagan, I only had to ring up and inform them I had had a baby for my CTC, then CB verified to them that they had seen the birth certificate.

I think they say the delays could be longer than they are sometimes?
ugh....maddy is starting to suck harder and it feels like im back to square one with my nipples!!! BLAH!
I dunno if they sent my bierth cert back, but they recieved it last Thursday and said "Up to" 12 weeks. Can't see how it will take that long. I do not want to miss out on money cos they take so long. I worked at the benefits office years ago (doing Income Support) /i know it doesn't take long to process a simple straightforward claim. In fact it takes minutes as it is just inputting info into a computer and then the computer works it all out!

Pichi - I have 2 blue ones not proper Grobags, one is mothercare and one is M&S, both blue one with cars on (how boyish) and one with puppies on :haha:

Pixelle, i feel like you. i keep angling towards FF, but i can't do it. I love BF too much. Jeez it sounds weird but it is a real bond I am not ready to part with just yet if i don't have to. Cos of the reflux i am taking him to get weighed fortnightly instead so if next weeks weight is still good then I shall continue what i am doing :)

Oooh he is stretching meaning wake time is imminent :D

So who's babies have started to do stuff? Evan really concentrates on stuff now, he starts to grab things like his dummy or my top when feeding, he has started doing raspberries too and i am still getting the start of a smile. Not long now :cloud9:
Pixie likes the black and white photos we have posted around her change station. she stares at them and makes these cute faces while taking them in :) i also love the little smirks you get after feeding - so cute :cloud9:
I sent my ctc and cb forms off 3weeks ago, i actually got my first cb payment 6 days after i sent the forms, i was amazed how fast it was. but ctc im still waiting on, i rang them today but they said they have a backlog or something and that i have to wait 4 weeks before they will chase it.
iv applied for ctc but i only had to do it over the phone as I already get wtc and its through already, and it took a few days to come through...we get sure start grant as ctc go off last years wages and u have to get the higher end which I believe we do (i think) sent off cb forms but waiting to hear but they sent her birth certificate back... just put libby in her moses basket for first time today ahhhhhhh

I got 2 for £6 quality street delivered in my shopping last night for xmas but I have just devoured half a box oops, im stressed and lonely as oh is working till 9pm tonight surverying manholes... in this weather! but I feel sick now...

coco - woohoo glad ur feeling more positive :) ur hard work is paying off x
libby has smiled a few times and hv witnessed it and said it wasnt wind, but it hasnt happend since and she also grabs her dummy and pulls it out her mouth. She seems so miserable tho, wakes to feed, goes bk to sleep and cries a lot x
Pixie likes the black and white photos we have posted around her change station. she stares at them and makes these cute faces while taking them in :) i also love the little smirks you get after feeding - so cute :cloud9:

We have black beams on out ceiling Evan loves to stare at them, as well as the black and white photos dotted around the walls :) I also have a dots and spots book which has loads of random pictures for hi to focus on.

I feel like a lazy mum today, as evan has slept I have hopped in and out of bed all day as he has stayed in my room all day :haha:

Sounds like the benefits are all a total nightmare :( I could have claimed wtc as it goes off last years wages but i didn't know until recently so missed out :dohh:
ahhhhhhhh man i spoke to soon she is awake already... I just need 5 minutes and a cuppa for gods sake! lol

Ryan has been asleep since 4 and instead of doing anything productive I've just messed around on facebook and BnB...before I know it he'll be wide awake again and I'll be sorry I didn't do anything when I had the chance!
pixie has been sleeping since her feed at 12! ive pretty much stayed in my bed all day :blush:

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