Well I am feeling a bit more positive about BF after going to the BF clinic this morning, I took my pump along and was actually not using it quite right ad since being home, I have had a go at expressing and have managed to get about 20mls out a go (both boobs combined) which is a huge improvement on before! After a few goes I now have 1.5oz in the fridge. Hopefully will get another few goes this evening to top it up enough so that hubby can give him a feed while I finally have a long soak in the bath!
The BF counsellor has said that if I hired a hospital grade pump for a month and used it regularly throughout the day/eve, it will really help to boost my supply. I am thinking about that.
Sophie, thanks for the encouraging words
Georgie's latch isn't brilliant as he is a bit lazy at keeping his mouth open wide enough, I am working on that!
I never managed to get hold of a moses basket but my pram carrycot is as narrow as one so I am using that more for daytime naps and today I did get a 2 hour sleep out of him!
I did quite a bit of research on co-sleeping to make sure we do it safely and the main thing we do is I sleep with the duvet quite low, no higher than my belly button so that it can not cover Georgie, I have a blanket for my top half. Georgie has his own blanket but will go in a grobag once he gets bigger. I lie on my side with my arm stretched out (or tucked under my pillow) with Georgie's head almost under my arm pit, he sleeps on his side facing me with my nipple within licking distance
just having it there should he want it, seems to keep him happy and settled. When he does wake up, he just nuzzles me and I latch him on. Have a read of these guidlies: https://www.babyfriendly.org.uk/pdfs/sharingbedleaflet.pdf
My MW, HV and BF counsellor are all totally for co-sleeping while BF, which did surprise me but they have gone very pro AP in my area.
Pixelle, I am sorry to hear you are feeling a bit down, I hope you get some much needed sleep soon
MW, never feel guilty for doing what is best for you, your baby and your family. I have said time and time again that while I have all the time in the world to just sit and feed and do what I can to get BF established, f had another child to consider I would never be able to do it. I take my hat off to all you mummies with newborns and toddlers, I don't know how you manage
I hope all the colicky/reflux babies soon start responding to treatment