~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Ladies who are BF, how are u all going?
I have found it challenging and that i need alot of determination. Its def not as easy as what i thought it would be.....well for me anyway!

I'm still going. It definitely hasn't been easy for me (i must have made a billion posts in the BFing section about how much I hated it BUT as of yesterday I think we might of cracked it!
Pleased isn't even the word. Feeding my daughter is now almost completely pain free! :happydance:

I am having a really hard time of it. I am lucky in that I am not finding it painful (other than slightly sore nipples every now and then when we have been marathon feeding) but I have got a supply problem which has meant that Georgie is not gaining weight at a good rate (was 6lb 3oz at birth and now at 5 weeks weighs just 6lb 7oz). I am seeing a lactation specialist and have an appointment with my doctor to hopefully be prescribed Domperidone to increase my supply. Until then we have to top up with formula several times a day to ensure Georgie gets all he needs.

Today I have been shown how to give formula through a tube that Georgie can suck on while on the breast so that my boobs are still stimulated and he doesn't get too attached to his bottle. I should give up really but I can't, I am like a dog with a bone! Saying that, if the medication fails to increase my supply then I am going to do my best to mix feed, which I will be happy with as it is better than nothing.

I don't think they give enough information on just hard BF can be.

Editted to add: I actually wrote this post hours ago, got side tracked and forgot to post it :haha: I will go back and catch up on all posts made since.
Just had a catch up.........

Gemma, love the cute outfit and Libby looks so cute and cuddly in your other pics.

April, wow what a little piggy you have! Make sure you post your piccies when you get them done of your two gorgeous children!

Kelly, I can't believe how big Addison has got! He looks so alert now. Love the pix of the new house too, me jealous?

Bartness, I think we are both about to go on the same meds by the sound of it, I am seeing my doctor tomorrow in the hope he will prescribe it for me. I am sorry you are having a hard time too honey, its a bummer when you want something so badly and for some reason it just doesn't happen! Good luck to us both x
Ladies who are BF, how are u all going?

I have found it challenging and that i need alot of determination. Its def not as easy as what i thought it would be.....well for me anyway!

I love breast feeding, me and Eva are so grateful that we haven't had any issues, I mean in the first week it was hard to get her to latch properly and I kept getting blisters on my left nipple and my nipples were extremely tender but once we got through the first week its been great, I have a big supply and eva only feeds 6 times every 24hr period and is gaining heaps of weight!! I love how with breastfeeding its like getting a cuddle everytime you feed your baby, Eva.curls her little body right up against me. We have also expressed just a couple of times and that's gone well too, made it possible to take her to a christmas party and allows hubby to give her a feed but she rarely has a bottle because I don't want it to muck up her sucking.

Love love
Madelyn is 1 month old today! :happydance:

Thinking of moving Madelyn up to 3 oz a feed. I think she wants it, as she sucks really hard on her pacifier sometimes after feed. I have also considered feeding her 1 oz every hour during the day as she SEEMS to spit-up less that way ... but not sure I want to get myself in to all that tbh.

My mom and grandma came to visit today. It was really nice. They played and occupied the babies, and I got a few minutes to breathe for once. :D
Happy 1 month Miss Madelyn :) Jo, I hope the meds work for your milk supply! Did you try the jungle juice/fenugreek?
Beth, glad things going so well..

My little man is so sick :-( He seems to have cought Ashton's chest infection and I am not entirely sure anyone can do anything about it.. He is still feeding at least and his temp seems in control for now.. Hate seeing him so sick though
Happy 1 month Miss Madelyn :) Jo, I hope the meds work for your milk supply! Did you try the jungle juice/fenugreek?
Beth, glad things going so well..

My little man is so sick :-( He seems to have cought Ashton's chest infection and I am not entirely sure anyone can do anything about it.. He is still feeding at least and his temp seems in control for now.. Hate seeing him so sick though

I got a cold and now both my LO's have caught it. :(
Happy 1 month Miss Madelyn :) Jo, I hope the meds work for your milk supply! Did you try the jungle juice/fenugreek?
Beth, glad things going so well..

My little man is so sick :-( He seems to have cought Ashton's chest infection and I am not entirely sure anyone can do anything about it.. He is still feeding at least and his temp seems in control for now.. Hate seeing him so sick though

Thanks Kelly, I have been on fenugreek for two weeks now but forgot about the jungle juice!

Hope your little man is soon on the mend and that Ashton is feeling much better now too.

Happy 1 month Madelyn x
Shame Silas, hope you all feel better soon.. Jo, I'm sure the meds will do the trick-you've done so well to keep at it! x
BFing this time around is wonderful!!! She is a piggy and loves the boobs! Lol Still hurts sometimes but I have to just relatch her properly. We FF Bottle feed when I can't feed her but going back to the boob is no problem. There is no confusion with her between my boobs, bottles or the pacifier. :thumbup:

Ive been lucky like that too....she takes breast, bottle and dummy no worries. I FF for a day in hospital, bottle fed using expressed breast milk and have had her on the boob and and drinking breast milk from the bottle no probs.

My main issue has been my left nipple :cry: has been awful. In hospital it was hard to get her to latch on that side even the midwives and lac consultants had trouble....the nipple is just flatter and smaller than my right i hate it. Is ok for a few days and even tho she is latching properly it gets sore after a few feeds and i have to stop on that side and express :( I think cause she has to suck so hard to get it out and big enough for her to suck on...Now its cracked through the middle like my nipple is splitting in two....lanishoh helps but then i got thrush and it can make it worse so putting anti fungal cream on there as well.

Back to not feeding on the left side again after a day back on as its sore....and i never get as much milk from the left side either, i guess cause from day one it hasnt been used as much?
BFing this time around is wonderful!!! She is a piggy and loves the boobs! Lol Still hurts sometimes but I have to just relatch her properly. We FF Bottle feed when I can't feed her but going back to the boob is no problem. There is no confusion with her between my boobs, bottles or the pacifier. :thumbup:

Ive been lucky like that too....she takes breast, bottle and dummy no worries. I FF for a day in hospital, bottle fed using expressed breast milk and have had her on the boob and and drinking breast milk from the bottle no probs.

My main issue has been my left nipple :cry: has been awful. In hospital it was hard to get her to latch on that side even the midwives and lac consultants had trouble....the nipple is just flatter and smaller than my right i hate it. Is ok for a few days and even tho she is latching properly it gets sore after a few feeds and i have to stop on that side and express :( I think cause she has to suck so hard to get it out and big enough for her to suck on...Now its cracked through the middle like my nipple is splitting in two....lanishoh helps but then i got thrush and it can make it worse so putting anti fungal cream on there as well.

Back to not feeding on the left side again after a day back on as its sore....and i never get as much milk from the left side either, i guess cause from day one it hasnt been used as much?

Isn't it anything how the size our nipple can make such a difference? My left nipple is extra long and during the first week it want actually possible for eva to attach to the whole nipple in their mouth like their suppose to which means I got a really sore left nipple as it wasn't possible to attach properly a midwife said when her mouth gets bigger she would be able to fit more in and sure enough she can now fit her mouth over much more of my nipple, I.also have to be careful because if my nipple is too fat in her mouth she gags on it and vomits but I know how to hold hey so this doesn't happen so thankfully it's only happened twice.

typed on phone sorry
yeh!! I couldnt bf as mine as flat :( she couldnt latch and nipple shields meant my supply wasnt good and they filled her full of wind, I wish I had carried on now and maybe as her mouth got bigger we would of had a breakthrough but alas my milk has all gone now so there is no going back x
:( At this rate my only option is looking like expressing from one side and feeding from the other?

Wonder if anyone else has done this?
:( At this rate my only option is looking like expressing from one side and feeding from the other?

Wonder if anyone else has done this?

i think there is a thread or was at least a thread in breastfeeding about this. i initially wanted to do this but since my milk wasn't coming through fast enough for hungry horris here i swapped to formula although i do have a little milk still that ties her over from time to time.

ill try find the thread for you x
Hi ladies :wave:

Hope all are well - I have been reading but only on my phone, this is the first time I have managed to get on the laptop for days!!

In the 8 years since I last had a baby I have forgotton how LONG it takes to do anything (especially when you factor in the cuddles and looking at the new bubs ;))

Anyway - I am hoping to get to Asda today for the last of the Chrissy Pressies although I am still sat in my dressing gown having done nothing but bathed today and Leo is sleeping and will need feeding when he wakes!!

Hope all are well, there seems to be a lot of LO's with reflux :( - I hope you all managed to sort it soon. When DD2 was a baby she had ranitodene (sp) and we always changed her bum before a feed (I know this isnt always practical), kept her upright for at least 20 mins after a feed and raised the mattress in her cot - it helped somewhat but nothing fixed completely other than weaning I'm afraid!

I cannot believe Leo will be 3 weeks tomorrow - SO much has happened but I can imagine a time when he wasnt here!

He weighed 8lb 12oz on Monday so my boobs must be doing something :)

Love to all and Im sorry there are no personal references - I do follow you all though :)

I BF maybe a total of like two times and my boobies are still leaking. Its been nearly or around 3 weeks since Madelyn has even been on the boob. I have thought about maybe trying to express and see if my milk supply would increase and try Madelyn on breastmilk again. But I don't even know if this is a plausible idea!

Moving Madelyn up to 3oz a feed was a VERY bad idea. She only drank 2 1/2oz, and she threw up so much and nearly constantly until her next feed. I am at a loss about this all. I just don't see why she spits up so much? Its just the milk coming back up right after she eats. It looks like it did when she drank it! (iykwim) I just don't understand what is going on. It really stresses me out! :sad1:
I BF maybe a total of like two times and my boobies are still leaking. Its been nearly or around 3 weeks since Madelyn has even been on the boob. I have thought about maybe trying to express and see if my milk supply would increase and try Madelyn on breastmilk again. But I don't even know if this is a plausible idea!

Moving Madelyn up to 3oz a feed was a VERY bad idea. She only drank 2 1/2oz, and she threw up so much and nearly constantly until her next feed. I am at a loss about this all. I just don't see why she spits up so much? Its just the milk coming back up right after she eats. It looks like it did when she drank it! (iykwim) I just don't understand what is going on. It really stresses me out! :sad1:

pixie has been on 4oz for like a week and a bit now :wacko: she is sometimes sick if we don't get all her windies up. 4oz every 4/5h is what she's on just now and sometimes she'll take it all and somtimes just 3oz...

hope madelyn improves for you hun :flower:
Jaxon had a case of diarriah this morning. Went through 3 pairs of PJ's , and about 10 diapers. Im completly out of newborns, and only have size 1's one hand. This means I gotta make a trip to Target to pick up more newborn size diapers today.

Started that anti-nasaua medicine for my milk supply yesterday. Hopefully I'll go through engorment again soon. Havent had a chance to express yet today, as Jaxon has been uber clingy, and screaming the minute I put him in his basket. I'm also completly out of bottles and have no cups/glasses/plates or bowls clean in house. Gotta start the dishes soon.

Just had to stop by and see however one else is doing today first...oh and my laptop has a super bad virus on it, so i have to use OH's desktop.

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