Hi Megs

And welcome to our group. Looking forward to chatting to you loads more over the coming weeks. I have been really lucky that the few occasions I have had heartburn, it has been mild enough not to need to take anything for it. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
DF, I am pleased your landlord is sorting out your damp problem. I bet it will look lovely when all newly decorated.
Soph, good luck with your appointment, I hope you and chunk get given the all clear.
SS, so pleased you finally got to see sweet little Connies face, she is a good weight, I wonder if my 'Herbert' weighs the same?
Look at all your good babies being the right way down! Mine is still transverse, the monkey. It has 4 weeks to get its but up before I see my consultant, lets hope hanging off sofa's and bouncing on birthing balls does the trick. He/she does feel pretty wedged in there though
Aw Missy, what a lovely video, I wish I had taken pics of my belly all the way through, I have one from this week (32 weeks). Its a bit of a wide bump (so everyone keeps telling me!) but then bubs is sticking its bum out!