~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

Well tell me your millions then, sharing is caring!!!!! Our other boy maybe is Deacon..

Silas how is your studying going, been thinking about you :)

Was surprised to see this :haha:

Its going alright, this week is my last week. Will be finished on the 19th. :thumbup: Just hoping I pass as of now. Have to do my finals this week and all .. but thats ok because that means its almost over!!!
been to hospital today had a little scare, nothing serious tho. Basically, about half and hour after hubby left me to go home I had a leakage, felt like id weed myself, i even had to check for blood. Changed underwear and got soaked again and then went to toilet to wipe and there was bright green thick snot like discharge. I text my cousin and said does this sound like and infectiona and replied that she thought i might be leaking fluid and losing my plug and to ring assessment unit. Well I did and she wanted me to come in. They moniter baby on a trace, she was very active but had quite a high heartrate and quite a lot of accelerations, which could indicate she was distressed or just that she was having a whale of a time jumping around in there! Apparantly they were concerned that the bright green discharge could indicate meconium present (baby poo) as mixed with all of our bits and bobs, comes out bright thick green in discharge form. So I had an internal and neck of womb still closed so all looks fine, she said there was quite a lot of discharge there which may indicate an infection (should I just walk around the house with no nickers on this time?? haha - Bolton Midwife told me this at 28 week app when i thought i had one) they took some swabs and I get results on thurs, but i wouldnt be suprised if i had a little infection to be honest. I felt like a fraud and I could here some of the mw talking about me while getting the trace... i didnt want to come in I was told too lol!

She really panicked me telling me if it was meconium, I would have to be started off. Was by myself and my husband 160 miles away so im so pleased everything was ok, baby needs to cook a lil bit longer

DF - my cravings are the smell of fabric softner, mainly lenor and other cleaning products inc bleach.. i often bleach the dishclothes so my hands smell of bleach xx
Hello Ladies - its taking longer and longer too catch up - roll on my maternity leave... just so I can keep up! :haha:

GL Weezy - hope your LO holds on as long as possible!

Kelly - I think Connah goes really well with Ashton, thats one of the things you need to think of when choosing names too :)

Still no early sparklers, which is fab - hope we can all still hang on at least till Oct! :thumbup:

What name you chosen Pichi?

Hinky, Im bricking it about labour but then I don't have my antenatal course till 2nd Oct, so I guess Im just unprepared?

DF - Im sorry too hear your still suffering :( I had similar issues if you remember and they started to clear Fri/Sat and Im feeling a lot better now -I just used cream and cleaned/applied it often and also used ice packs to help with the swelling

AM - When are you due back into work? Surely there won't be much school time left? so at least you won't have the 'demon' class for too long?

oh and Im 80% pregnant now woo hoo!! :happydance:

Lol xx
When my waters where broke in labour william had meconium in it, they had him checked so many times thinking there was defo something wrong as that can lead to probs and lucky enough nothing. I think it had just happened before he was born while in labour as we where both stressed. Scary though . I am still craping it about labour early.

I was addicted to fairy fab conditioner from when i was preg with william. So fresh, clean and pure . I sniff new baby clothes all the time. Tesco non bio powder goes well with it,. I am a washing powder addict, changed so many times i always end up with fairy in the end.
swelling gone LOL pants that was from the side effects of anti biotic before last anti biotic now its infection again. I have midwife on wed will have her check urine.
Hello Ladies - its taking longer and longer too catch up - roll on my maternity leave... just so I can keep up! :haha:

GL Weezy - hope your LO holds on as long as possible!

Kelly - I think Connah goes really well with Ashton, thats one of the things you need to think of when choosing names too :)

Still no early sparklers, which is fab - hope we can all still hang on at least till Oct! :thumbup:

What name you chosen Pichi?

Hinky, Im bricking it about labour but then I don't have my antenatal course till 2nd Oct, so I guess Im just unprepared?

DF - Im sorry too hear your still suffering :( I had similar issues if you remember and they started to clear Fri/Sat and Im feeling a lot better now -I just used cream and cleaned/applied it often and also used ice packs to help with the swelling

AM - When are you due back into work? Surely there won't be much school time left? so at least you won't have the 'demon' class for too long?

oh and Im 80% pregnant now woo hoo!! :happydance:

Lol xx

we've not chosen a name. i really loved Kitty but, because i am a huge fan of Hello Kitty people may think i'm taking the piss slightly :dohh: which i wouldn't be! i genuinely think Kitty is a cute girls name
Kitty is lovely :) We had a Kitty at school, she was school leader and got straight A's and A*'s :)

lolpants, I am not going back to work as yes there is only 5 weeks to go and it would be too much of a pain to slot back in for a few weeks just to bugger off again. Plus I have too many appointments, I'd be in and out all the time anyway. So I'll have them when I go back in June, as they are my form I take full rap for them when they are bad, thats why I don't want shit kids, lots of extra work!!
been to hospital today had a little scare, nothing serious tho. Basically, about half and hour after hubby left me to go home I had a leakage, felt like id weed myself, i even had to check for blood. Changed underwear and got soaked again and then went to toilet to wipe and there was bright green thick snot like discharge. I text my cousin and said does this sound like and infectiona and replied that she thought i might be leaking fluid and losing my plug and to ring assessment unit. Well I did and she wanted me to come in. They moniter baby on a trace, she was very active but had quite a high heartrate and quite a lot of accelerations, which could indicate she was distressed or just that she was having a whale of a time jumping around in there! Apparantly they were concerned that the bright green discharge could indicate meconium present (baby poo) as mixed with all of our bits and bobs, comes out bright thick green in discharge form. So I had an internal and neck of womb still closed so all looks fine, she said there was quite a lot of discharge there which may indicate an infection (should I just walk around the house with no nickers on this time?? haha - Bolton Midwife told me this at 28 week app when i thought i had one) they took some swabs and I get results on thurs, but i wouldnt be suprised if i had a little infection to be honest. I felt like a fraud and I could here some of the mw talking about me while getting the trace... i didnt want to come in I was told too lol!

She really panicked me telling me if it was meconium, I would have to be started off. Was by myself and my husband 160 miles away so im so pleased everything was ok, baby needs to cook a lil bit longer

DF - my cravings are the smell of fabric softner, mainly lenor and other cleaning products inc bleach.. i often bleach the dishclothes so my hands smell of bleach xx

Scary stuff! Glad all seems ok though :) I know what you mean about feeling like a fraud. It is how I have felt as some docs have said I haven't leaked at all. Even though it was confirmed through a speculum exam! Are they going to monitor you more?
no they just said that I need to ring for results on thursday and if I have anything else I need to come bk in and wear a pad to moniter it, and then see my midwife when i get home as im staying with family at the moment xx
Glad you got checked up. I've had the greeny stuff too :s maybe I should mention that on thurs to my midwife. Peanuts movements seem to be less too *grumble*
ugh.....IM EXHAUSTED! i have had four hours of sleep in a little over 24 hours....My stepson has been in the hospital with a flu-like virus(the dr said). I was there yesterday from 4-9pm, then from 11-5am and then 10-2....he is finally discharge for doing better, but im so tired. It was scary though for a little while there, he wouldnt eat or drink and they had to give him an iv both times he was there(had to hold him down with his mom's help and the nurses for the iv....hardest thing i have had to do :( )

AFM...im just going to go to sleep, bubs is doing good though. She is still kicking and rolling around at her normal times, so Im not too worried about her. I just hope i dont get sick again...im SOOOOO over being sick.

Sorry for the rant :S
Pichi don't worry about the movements reducing, Chunk has been really quiet today aswell.

I have had a bit of a scare, not pregnancy related though. Gos all I do is moan I am such a hypochondriact I am sorry ladies.

I phone up my old doctors to get my GTT results today and was told they were as follows:

Blood sugar level - 4 (normal)
GFR - 60ml

Now I didn't know what GFR was so I googled it (big fail!!) It looks like it is the rate at which the kidneys process the sugar. A GFR of less than 60 suggests there has been kidney damage. WTF could I have kidney damage? I know I drank load before I got pregnant but jeez, I am actually shitting it a bit. I'll mention it tomorrow and could well be barking up the wrong tree, but woah this has scared me!!

Anyone know about this?
been to hospital today had a little scare, nothing serious tho. Basically, about half and hour after hubby left me to go home I had a leakage, felt like id weed myself, i even had to check for blood. Changed underwear and got soaked again and then went to toilet to wipe and there was bright green thick snot like discharge. I text my cousin and said does this sound like and infectiona and replied that she thought i might be leaking fluid and losing my plug and to ring assessment unit. Well I did and she wanted me to come in. They moniter baby on a trace, she was very active but had quite a high heartrate and quite a lot of accelerations, which could indicate she was distressed or just that she was having a whale of a time jumping around in there! Apparantly they were concerned that the bright green discharge could indicate meconium present (baby poo) as mixed with all of our bits and bobs, comes out bright thick green in discharge form. So I had an internal and neck of womb still closed so all looks fine, she said there was quite a lot of discharge there which may indicate an infection (should I just walk around the house with no nickers on this time?? haha - Bolton Midwife told me this at 28 week app when i thought i had one) they took some swabs and I get results on thurs, but i wouldnt be suprised if i had a little infection to be honest. I felt like a fraud and I could here some of the mw talking about me while getting the trace... i didnt want to come in I was told too lol!

She really panicked me telling me if it was meconium, I would have to be started off. Was by myself and my husband 160 miles away so im so pleased everything was ok, baby needs to cook a lil bit longer

DF - my cravings are the smell of fabric softner, mainly lenor and other cleaning products inc bleach.. i often bleach the dishclothes so my hands smell of bleach xx

How scary! I hope you don't have an infection My Dear! :hugs:
GUH! sometimes I wish I didn't know anyone and didn't have friends because they are more work then needed.

My friend on facebook writes to me saying we haven't talked and she doesn't even know if I want to be her friend anymore. SO I write back trying to be nice and say I'm just busy just because we don't talk doesn't mean anything It's just life is busy. Try not to take it so personally. (because this is a very needy friend who takes everything PERSONALLY)

So she writes back You don't know anything about my life. I lived with a guy for 9 months and you didn't even know his name (to be fair I never got to meet this guy and she moved in with him after they dated for 1 month and I didn't think that was a good idea and now they've broken up so it doesn't really matter that I never knew his name)

So I decide to let her really know how I felt. and here is what I wrote back word for word.

"You are right I didn't know his name but I think you did tell me and I just forgot. I don't forget things to be mean to people or because I don't want to know its just that when your son is disabled it takes over your life.

We have known for over a year now what is wrong with Ben and Kevin and I still tear up when we see normal children or when they explain to us how much or how little he is going to understand in life. When he crys and I can't figure out why I get really upset because I know by now he should be able to talk to me and Ben doesn't even know his own name.

My life has changed from thinking about cute outfits to buy for Ben to how to save up enough money for his medication or his walker he needs. We are selling our house because it has to many stairs for Ben and if we could save money we could save up to buy a wheelchair van which we will need in the next 3 to 5 years. Ben may also need botox treatments in his arms and legs to help him not get stiff. And Botox is not cheap.

I spend 2 days a week in therapy sessions for Ben and if there is any other doctors appointments on top of that I have to schedule that in as well. I am looking forward to having the baby just so I no longer have my own doctor to go to anymore.

I am worrying about how to take care of 2 of them at the same time. How to make sure Ben gets all the care he needs while still giving my 2nd the love he deserves.

I am not trying to say poor me or pity me. I just want you to understand why I may be more forgetful or not as good a friend as maybe I should be.

Anyways she writes back that she wasn't trying to be rude she just wanted to know if I even wanted a friendship or not. GUHHHHH AT THIS POINT NO I DON'T I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR STUPID CRAP
Hayley, sometimes people find it difficult to understand. Ben takes up a lot of your time and you have a lot to worry about as you have mentioned and along with the new baby you are going to be even busier. The thing I haven learnt about friends is the real ones are still there even if you don't talk for a while x
I agree with Anna! Also, last week a "friend" tried to start drama with me on my FB page as well. All for nothing. I have not talked to the girl in months and it did not mean I dislike her, only we were/are both busy!! I was so upset and deleted her comments because that is embarrassing and I really dislike drama and don't want my friends seeing that crap and am too old for that crap. Being that she is in her mid 40's she is too old for it too! Some people just like DRAMA! :hugs:
This friend is single with no kids so she really doesn't get how a baby changes your life. When I was pregnant with Ben she actually said to me "don't be one of those moms whos whole life is about their children" I try to have some balance. We go on date night once a month and I have other interests like Yoga but for the most part yes my child is my life and I am proud to be a mother who cares that much to make her child her number 1 priority.
Wow! Duh, your child should ALWAYS be #1! Geez! :dohh: Some people! This friend I have is a grandma and her grandson lives with her. I tried 3 times to invite her to hang out and she claimed she was busy so I stopped asking. I was not hurt. Just thought she was busy and she was a Bitch to me on FB and it was ALL out of the blue!!!
This friend is single with no kids so she really doesn't get how a baby changes your life. When I was pregnant with Ben she actually said to me "don't be one of those moms whos whole life is about their children" I try to have some balance. We go on date night once a month and I have other interests like Yoga but for the most part yes my child is my life and I am proud to be a mother who cares that much to make her child her number 1 priority.

Well that is exactly what someone with no kids would say!!! In fact it is something I myself would probably have said. Oh how things change! Especially as Ben needs more of your time than other kids might!

I think it is important to have some balance in life. I know I am going to need it and still want to have some kiind of a social life. But I have already started saying to friends who are planning things either I can't go, or the baby comes too or I will have to see if I can get a sitter. My life will revolve around him! If people don't like it then they can bloody do one :haha:

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