Well I am home and 38 weeks today so just 14 days left until my EDD
Lots of catching up to do so here goes:
Bushtwins your boys are adorable and I do hope they are both home with you very soon x
Huge congratulations on the birth of your little girl Becci
Bubbywings, I was induced with my son. I had a pessary the night before and another the next morning. By mid morning I was experiencing mild contractions that built up slowly so my body was able to get used to them. They got an awful lot stronger once they broke my waters but hat happens anyway. Saying that, having spent 2 nights on an antenatal ward, I was gobsmacked at just how quick the inductions seemed to take off. One minute they were happily in bed, the next it sounded as if they were about to pop!
Lizzy, the others have given you plenty of good tips to get your baby head down, I tried some of them but in the end, the baby decided to move with no help from me at all. I was lucky because if it had stayed breech any longer, I would be having a section next Wednesday at 39 weeks!
Happy 37 weeks to all those who have hit that milestone today!!!
I have also heard that it is a myth that babies slow down towards the end. Herbert is quite the opposite as I have never had such big and strong movements as I have had in the last few weeks! Sometimes it feels as if s/he never sleeps!
April get your hubby to paint your nails! Mine gives me a pedicure once a week, ok its not perfect but at least my nails look pretty (as long as you don't study them too closely

) and it is nice and relaxing!
GG thanks for the website for the Tens machine, I have been thinking about hiring one although I am worried it will distract from my Hypnobirthing but for that price its worth having even if I don't end up using it. I also check out the link you added Lols
Loula, gutting about your OH bike! I hope your insurance pays up nice and quickly for you.
Kelly, enjoy having your mummy about, hope she spoils you lots!
Pichi, what cute tats, I a too much off a baby to have any. My belly button piercing is more than enough for me!
Sophie, glad your BP is under control but I hope it does not swing the other way now! I am really sorry about your friend too, all you can do is be there for her
BHB, I have nights where I just can't sleep, its the pits and it makes you feel awful all the next day. Hope you have a better nights sleep tonight!
I really hope I hae not missed anyone out
AFM: well as I said above, I am home as Herbert has been head down for 24 hours now and has started to move down enough to probably not come back out but I still have to get my MW to do regular checks and at the first sign of anything untoward, I will be straight back in there with no chance of parole until Herbert is born

I feel very tender in the pelvic area after all the pushing and poking that I have been subjected to several times a day, I am surprised I am not bruised!
The really good news is that I have now been passed back to midwife lead care so providing all stays as it is, I can use the midwife lead birthing unit (based at my hospital) and have a water birth as originally planned, provided I don't go over due as then they would prefer to induce me (due to my previous obstetric history and the huge age gap between babies) and then it will be bye bye water birth. So I have 2 weeks to get things moving naturally which means as of now, I will be doing all I can to encourage Herbert to get a move on!
One last thing, at 38 weeks exactly, Herbert is estimated to weigh 6lb 9oz, has a fair bit of hair and the cutest little button nose! I can't wait o have him/her in my arms now.