~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

YAY Missy!!!!

Girls your babies are absolutely beautiful, ALL of them :)
wow what gorgeous babies!!! Congratulations girls :hugs:

Seems like everyday another baby joins the beautiful baby sparklers........hopefully not long til my turn lol!
Congrats on the new babies. I will be handing out candy with my little dinosaur tonight. Every step I take it feels like someone hoofed me in the vajaja like its all bruised or something.

mine feels like that to. like a bruise someone kicked me in :cry:spd apparently.

I am feeling labour envy now even though I say I can wait its all teh pretty baby pics thats getting to me.
Evening ladies :hi:

Lovely piccies Dani & Loula, they are both gorgeous!

Thanks for sharing your birth story GG, its good to hear something positive about having an epidural.

Glad you are both settling back home Teal.

Lizzy, make sure you rest loads honey, fingers crossed everything stays as it is until your elective date :hugs:

Yay looks like we have another sparkler on the way just seen on facebook woohooo =)

Ooooh who???

Well Herbert did not decide to give me a little treat and make an appearance today. November here we come!

missymojo's waters went about 4-5 hours ago =)
ooo Missy may be the 1st November baby then! :happydance: GL Missy!!

GG - I love your pics-- you need too update your signature now too as its still showing your pregnancy ticker :haha:

BHB - Glad too hear your enjoying motherhood - don't think any of us will judge your cooperation on here at the moment, as we know your busy! :flower:

DF & Hayley :hugs: hope you both get some easement of that pain!

With so many early gorgeous sparklers I can see why were all getting impatient!! I've been telling myself since the start that Im going to go overdue, just helps stop the frustration! Can't wait too meet my Princess, but she is coming when she is ready :kiss:

Lol xx
i just realized i never posted a picture of Madelyn. here she is,(if you are friends with me on facebook you have probably already seen her lol)


Hey ladies! :winkwink:
Been to MW today and she's worried the pains I had last night/this morning could be early labour pains so I've spent most of the afternoon in bed. They've eased off now thankfully. I don't drive and OH is at work so am under strict instructions to ring an ambulance if anything else happens-MW has even written it in my notes so they can't get cross with me if I do!

:hugs: I hope this is something starting for you!

Congratulations on all of the new babies!!! I hope the rest of you are doing okay?

Thanks for updating Shy :thumbup:

We got home from hospital today, will try and write a birth story and put up piccies later...but for now;

Amber Harrie Coates, born by emergency c-section (elective 'was' booked for 1st Nov) 29th October 2010, at 10.10am weighing 7lbs 12ozs.

She is pure perfection and I am so in love :cloud9:

She has taken well to breastfeeding and so far seems a very happy and content little thing, I am a little bit sore, but not too uncomfortable...she was worth every minute of it all :kiss:

Congrats once again Hon! :hugs:

im home!!! woohoo! straight on the breast pump to try and increase my flow of colostrum my little girl is so lazy and wont suck and gets frustrated so having to do top up feeds at the moment, not gonna beat myself up about it anymore.

quick birth story...

waters went wednesday 4.30am as you know, labour started stopped started stopped, induction booked for sat morning 9am 72 hrs after waters, shopping on friday went to the loo and noticed discharge has turned green :( possibly meconium straight to maternity ward and they checked the pad and sent me down to delivery suite for an inductiont there and then friday 4pm, given antibiotics and syntoxin was given at 7pm I was checked and cervix was barely visible and hind waters still there apparantly head high up, used tens machine and was left to progress for 4 hours, after 4 hours was barely able to cope with pain and when I was checked I was 5cm! in 4 hours... ouchy! started gas and air to cope and oberservations showed that bp was sky high and needed intervention, was asked about epidural as it brings bp down, was so scared and didnt want one but had an excellent midwife who really help me calm down and make the decision to have one. Didnt like all the contractions while they were doing it but coped with gas and air, aahhh I was a total different person afterwards, it worked a dream!! could feel my legs and could feel the tightenings of contractions.. I started feeling her head moving down, kind of felt like it was going to fall out my bum! they wouldnt check me early as if they did they would have to start the clock for pushing if the head was visiable, during the last couple of hours everytime I had a contraction the her heartbeat dipped and I new the cord was round her neck but we were reassured it was normal and baby was happy she was probs just pressing on her cord, come 3am when they checked me head was visable right at the top, I told mw I could feel her moving down and was starting to feel like I needed to push she didnt beleive me but I new she was coming, 20 mins of pushing and she was out! little monster had her cord wrapped round her neck twice! but she was safe and healthy, was so overwealmed with love, relief and shock, no tears just a couple of grazes, have needed no painkillers since the birth, my god Im glad I had an epidural!

Congrats once a again Hon! :hugs: What did you name her??

Hi ladies, just thought I would post a quick photo of my gorgeous little man! I've only just got home and will write a birth story as soon as we're settled back in as it will be rather long!

Here he is... ryan alexander, born 29/10/10 at 37+6 weighing 6lb6oz...we are smitten !!

Super Cute!!! <3 Congrats once again! :hugs:

aw look at all the sparklers, they're all just so cute!

i wish i could just fast forward to getting regular contractions and then i could say the show is on the road so to speak :haha: i'm getting bored waiting now... gah why do the last few weeks go sooooo sloowwwwwww

I know!!! I feel like this last few weeks we have are gonna be S-L-O-W!!!

Hey ladies, look at all the sparklers that have been born! Congrats ladies! Sorry it has been a while, we have been getting use to having Madelyn home. Things have been going pretty good, I have been doing breast feeding on demand :) I love it, dh gets jealous a little bit because I get this bonding that he doesnt, so I have started to express so that he can take a feeding during the night times. I love my little girl so much!

Don't worry about being on here. We understand! :hugs: Congrats once again! :hugs:

Missy mojos waters went :)

:yipee: GL MM! :hugs:



most probs saw from fb xx

Awe! Super cute! :kiss:




I was convinced bean was coming today :(


:haha: :hugs: :( Bean will be here soon Love! :kiss:

Congrats on the new babies. I will be handing out candy with my little dinosaur tonight. Every step I take it feels like someone hoofed me in the vajaja like its all bruised or something.

Have fun handing out candy! They did TRTing here last night. We went walking around for over 2 hours and I am paying for it today. Jace was a Black Ninja and he get TOO MUCH Candy! :lol:

wow what gorgeous babies!!! Congratulations girls :hugs:

Seems like everyday another baby joins the beautiful baby sparklers........hopefully not long til my turn lol!

I can't wait to update the first page again! :happydance:

:-( I want my baby..........

I hear ya! :lol:

i just realized i never posted a picture of Madelyn. here she is,(if you are friends with me on facebook you have probably already seen her lol)



She is so cute!!! :kiss:

Al of these babies are absolutely GORGEOUS Ladies!!! :hugs:

AFM, I go back to he doctor tomorrow morning for my Weekly. Getting my cervix checked again. Hope I am at a 1 now! I was 1/2 cm last Monday so I hope there is more good news. I will get my GBS Test results tomorrow too.
Hi hun, oh boy i feel like im going into labour everyday! Im due today!!

Ive had weeks of lightning pains getting worse, period pains and back aches at least every day (last few days have increased to 3-4 times a day lasting up to 10 mins+ each time) and the last 3 days have started getting these pains accross my lower bump, shooting, tightening pains like someone has a rubber band they are pulling tighter and tighter......sounds very much like the real thing but then stops after 2 contractions.

I cannt believe how much cramping i have had yet she still isnt here!! I have my final 40 week appointment at the hospital today and they will induce me in 10 days if still no action. I hope it doesnt come to that.

And not to mention how slow time is going, its driving me mad!

Enough whinging from me, How have u been feeling?? :)
hey girls just popped on and have tried to catch up but cant seem to with everyone sorry

but congrats to the girls who have had babies so pleased for you all

was meaning to ask if anyone would like to be my txt buddy or maybe need one i am due 22nd november and would really like one or to help someone out???

i have been feeling very sicky these past few days nd was having contractions again last night but stopped again :(:( hows everyone else feeling we got anymore on their way???

btw, found it quite a coincendence, one of my L & D nurses was due the day after me! While she was watching the monitors she kept having contractions as well, i thought she was going to pop right then and there!
Shan happy due date :) I hope it happens soon :D

Congratulations to everyone who had babies this week, what a busy week we had!

Well I am finally back on the laptop :happydance: So here is my birth story :)

As you know, Thursday 21st October my consultant decided that he wanted to induce me within 10 days due to the PPROM at 28 weeks and subsequent high bp and abnormal CTG's, Chunk was better out than in.

I went to see hi on Monday to get my induction date booked. I was on the CTG monitor where unfortunately Chunk as usual wasn't playing ball. My consultant walked in and took one look at the trace and told me it wasn't good enough and I was to be admitted to Labour ward there and then. He wanted a repeat trace which if it improved I was to be induced that night, but if it didn't improve I was to have a section as soon as theatre was available. I was shitting it, crying I had nothing with me I was just so unprepared.

I stayed on the monitor and guess what? Yep, Chunk started moving and grooving!! The midwife decided that it was ok for me to go home and get all my stuff ready and to go to the Ante-natal ward at 4.30pm which I did.

I got to ante-natal, got into bed etc and the doctor came round and told me as my consultant had not written my plan on my notes they couldn't do anything until Tuesday morning. I had CTG's throughout the evening and as these were OK I was just left to it. A bit pissed off to say the least as they were chopping and changing their minds!!

By half 8 the next morning I was told to pack up my stuff and taken down to the LAbour ward where I would be induced straight away. IT WAS HAPPENING :D :D :D

At 10am I had the first gel pessary inserted and that was that I had to wait 6 hours! It was pretty boring really, my mum was with me and dad came to visit but generally I just walked around and symptom spotted. All it really felt like was I had a sore vagina (you know like when you have had a damn good shag lol!!)

I was examined 6 hours later at 4pm where my mw told me I had yet to start dialating and my cervix was still long and high :dohh: So I had the second lot of gel inserted and told to wait to be examined at 10pm. I started to get the odd cramp but nothing substantial. I had a burger King at 8pm and was put on the CTG at 9pm. Chunks heartbeat started dipping regularly and a consultant was rushed in where I was told i would be having an EMCS. Until that was I said I'd had a BK :( So they changed their mind especially as the trace improved AGAIN!!! They then examined me again. This time by a doctor and OMFG I have never felt pain like it. Whole hand up me I was wailing and crying :( There was no change. My body was not ready to go in to labour at all. So I was told again that they would reassess in the morning, but they would attempt another induction.

Well sod that for a laugh and decided I was going to fight to have a CS as I just wanted it over and done with. Next morning the consultant came round and imediately agreed to a "semi" elective CS as she didn't think another induction would work. I was to be fitted in when there was a space. Well there was a space like NOW!!! and that was that. Mum got into her scrubs and I got into my gown and went off to have the spinal block.

I was in theatre by 9.20ish I think. And it was the most surreal experience!! The spinal was fine, didn't hurt one bit. They had to shave me as i was a little unprepared :haha: The sheet was put up and away they went. They didn;t talk me through it I just chatted to mum about random crap :rofl: I just felt the tugging feeling. I know Chunk was a bit stuck behind my ribs as I could feel then trying to get him out.

Then next thing I know at 9.54am the screen was lowered and this baby's bum with big bollocks was dangled in my face. This baby was screaming like crazy. This baby, was mine :)

But I didn't feel like he was mine. He was taken away to be checked. I hadn't seen him, I knew nothing. I felt nothing. I kept saying "what does he look like" "what does he weigh" After what felt like a lifetime mum brought him over to me. I could just about see my puffy little Evan with his matted head of hair, he looked just like my mum :haha: I don't really remember too much. I think I was in a bit of shock to be honest.

I eventually went into recovery and got to hold my baby, he was the most perfect beautiful thing I have ever seen :)

Evan Andrew Golledge born at 9.54am on 27/10/10 weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 21.5 inches :)

And here he is (I've included a final bump pic too at 37+6 the day I was induced!) :) :cloud9:


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  • Isabella and Evan 3 days old.jpg
    Isabella and Evan 3 days old.jpg
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Hi hun, oh boy i feel like im going into labour everyday! Im due today!!

Ive had weeks of lightning pains getting worse, period pains and back aches at least every day (last few days have increased to 3-4 times a day lasting up to 10 mins+ each time) and the last 3 days have started getting these pains accross my lower bump, shooting, tightening pains like someone has a rubber band they are pulling tighter and tighter......sounds very much like the real thing but then stops after 2 contractions.

I cannt believe how much cramping i have had yet she still isnt here!! I have my final 40 week appointment at the hospital today and they will induce me in 10 days if still no action. I hope it doesnt come to that.

And not to mention how slow time is going, its driving me mad!

Enough whinging from me, How have u been feeling?? :)

Ah Hon! :( I'm so sorry! Here is some Labor :dust: for you. I hope you can go into labor on your own! :hugs:

I'm ok. I feel like I have been punched in the vag and my feet & ankles are HUGE!!! My back is killing me too and I am having Period type cramps still with BH. :( I need to have her stay in at least until next Sunday where I will be 37 Weeks!!

Happy Due Date BTW! :hugs:

hey girls just popped on and have tried to catch up but cant seem to with everyone sorry

but congrats to the girls who have had babies so pleased for you all

was meaning to ask if anyone would like to be my txt buddy or maybe need one i am due 22nd november and would really like one or to help someone out???

i have been feeling very sicky these past few days nd was having contractions again last night but stopped again :(:( hows everyone else feeling we got anymore on their way???


I would be your txt buddy, but I am in the US and I am not sure how that works. :shrug:

MM water's broke! :D

btw, found it quite a coincendence, one of my L & D nurses was due the day after me! While she was watching the monitors she kept having contractions as well, i thought she was going to pop right then and there!

How funny! :lol:

Shan happy due date :) I hope it happens soon :D

Congratulations to everyone who had babies this week, what a busy week we had!

Well I am finally back on the laptop :happydance: So here is my birth story :)

As you know, Thursday 21st October my consultant decided that he wanted to induce me within 10 days due to the PPROM at 28 weeks and subsequent high bp and abnormal CTG's, Chunk was better out than in.

I went to see hi on Monday to get my induction date booked. I was on the CTG monitor where unfortunately Chunk as usual wasn't playing ball. My consultant walked in and took one look at the trace and told me it wasn't good enough and I was to be admitted to Labour ward there and then. He wanted a repeat trace which if it improved I was to be induced that night, but if it didn't improve I was to have a section as soon as theatre was available. I was shitting it, crying I had nothing with me I was just so unprepared.

I stayed on the monitor and guess what? Yep, Chunk started moving and grooving!! The midwife decided that it was ok for me to go home and get all my stuff ready and to go to the Ante-natal ward at 4.30pm which I did.

I got to ante-natal, got into bed etc and the doctor came round and told me as my consultant had not written my plan on my notes they couldn't do anything until Tuesday morning. I had CTG's throughout the evening and as these were OK I was just left to it. A bit pissed off to say the least as they were chopping and changing their minds!!

By half 8 the next morning I was told to pack up my stuff and taken down to the LAbour ward where I would be induced straight away. IT WAS HAPPENING :D :D :D

At 10am I had the first gel pessary inserted and that was that I had to wait 6 hours! It was pretty boring really, my mum was with me and dad came to visit but generally I just walked around and symptom spotted. All it really felt like was I had a sore vagina (you know like when you have had a damn good shag lol!!)

I was examined 6 hours later at 4pm where my mw told me I had yet to start dialating and my cervix was still long and high :dohh: So I had the second lot of gel inserted and told to wait to be examined at 10pm. I started to get the odd cramp but nothing substantial. I had a burger King at 8pm and was put on the CTG at 9pm. Chunks heartbeat started dipping regularly and a consultant was rushed in where I was told i would be having an EMCS. Until that was I said I'd had a BK :( So they changed their mind especially as the trace improved AGAIN!!! They then examined me again. This time by a doctor and OMFG I have never felt pain like it. Whole hand up me I was wailing and crying :( There was no change. My body was not ready to go in to labour at all. So I was told again that they would reassess in the morning, but they would attempt another induction.

Well sod that for a laugh and decided I was going to fight to have a CS as I just wanted it over and done with. Next morning the consultant came round and imediately agreed to a "semi" elective CS as she didn't think another induction would work. I was to be fitted in when there was a space. Well there was a space like NOW!!! and that was that. Mum got into her scrubs and I got into my gown and went off to have the spinal block.

I was in theatre by 9.20ish I think. And it was the most surreal experience!! The spinal was fine, didn't hurt one bit. They had to shave me as i was a little unprepared :haha: The sheet was put up and away they went. They didn;t talk me through it I just chatted to mum about random crap :rofl: I just felt the tugging feeling. I know Chunk was a bit stuck behind my ribs as I could feel then trying to get him out.

Then next thing I know at 9.54am the screen was lowered and this baby's bum with big bollocks was dangled in my face. This baby was screaming like crazy. This baby, was mine :)

But I didn't feel like he was mine. He was taken away to be checked. I hadn't seen him, I knew nothing. I felt nothing. I kept saying "what does he look like" "what does he weigh" After what felt like a lifetime mum brought him over to me. I could just about see my puffy little Evan with his matted head of hair, he looked just like my mum :haha: I don't really remember too much. I think I was in a bit of shock to be honest.

I eventually went into recovery and got to hold my baby, he was the most perfect beautiful thing I have ever seen :)

Evan Andrew Golledge born at 9.54am on 27/10/10 weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 21.5 inches :)

And here he is (I've included a final bump pic too at 37+6 the day I was induced!) :) :cloud9:

He is just Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the birth story! Wow! How irritating that would be. 2 Inductions both failed. :hugs: I guess Evan was just so comfy inside mommy's tummy he did not wanna leave right away! :kiss:
It's 2 more hours here till its officially November. I am super happy about that :)

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