Hi Ladies!!
So once again, I am confused about my due date. Apparently, my 20 week ultrasound have an EDD of Dec. 7. However,I am going by the ultrasound that I had done at 8 weeks that put me on Nov. 30...Going off the date of my LMP my due date is Dec 3, however if I adjust those days based on my cycle length (25 days and not 28 days), then my EDD is Nov. 30. Nov. 30 also matches with the date that I should be due based on when I ovulated..
Uggh so many dates... I'm hoping I do get my November Sparkler, but I realize it may be a dec dreamer (although I feel like baby will come in November).
Anyways, it feels good to be in 3rd Tri. Had my 3d/4d scan on Saturday. Got some good pics of the baby. But the Baby is laying sooo low done that it was hard to see his/her face. But the baby is a cutie. S/he already have full cheeks and I got to see my baby practice breathing. We're going back during week 31-32 to get some more pics done and I'm hoping we'll be able to see more of the baby's face.