OMG YAY I am so happy he is gorgeous and such a good weight too

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Finally we have our first (although early but he's perfect!!)
I am scared now. My baby is like that big lol
Silas, sorry to hear about your History, I am a History teacher, I know nothing about the American History or what you guys do but if I can be of any help just let me know

Thanks hon!
Congrats to mommy2baby2
Yeah, I screwed up. Really should only blame myself, but I thought it would be fine. Anyway, there is no way I am going to pass my history class without a decent grade on my final so looks like another 9 weeks of school for me and I am out over $2,000.00.
I don't even know if I care about getting my degree anymore, I was so close to being finished and now it just means nothing and I have to pay money? Ugh. I better stop even thinking about it before the tears manage to come.
Oh no!

I hope you passed it hon! I Love History!
I am not going to pass, unless my teacher decides to be a heavenly angel. Its just a bunch of stuff that I should have double checked and been more responsible about. But I worked really hard on the paper, so I thought "Eh, nothing can go wrong!" Oh well, once I find out I just have to decide whether or not I really want to retake the class or not and get my degree. My biggest thing is that I am going to have to pay for the class which is over $2,000.00 and obviously I don't have that kind of money!
In other news; to top this miserable day off: My phone got shut off, and I officially do not have a mother. Well, I have one, but I am done with her. I really don't care to hear her racist, prejudice and childish remarks towards my OH because I told her the truth about something. She is such a childish bitch. Ugh. Like I said, I am done with her. I really don't care anymore. Today is the worst day in a long time with nothing going right. Maybe a miracle will happen.