Hi all

time for my evening catch up!
Glad your scan went well ssmith, I see my MW every 2 weeks and have done since 28 weeks due to high BP in my previous pregnancy but so far so good and its normal this time. I will start seeing her weekly from 36 weeks though just to be on the safe side.
Sara I fully intend on telling them not to go anywhere near the bits area or at least to warn us if they need to as I know we will get a good eyeful if there are any boy bits on display!
Missy I had no idea you were in hospital

I am pleased they have managed to stop your contractions as every day nudger is inside you, the better! Hope you go as far as you can!
Dani, glad the itching is nothing serious. Hopefully you will soon have it under control.
Silas, I am so pleased you will be passing

you must be well chuffed! Well done, you worked hard and you deserve it.

to you and DF for having so much trouble with your mums. My mum is fab and I could not imagine what it must be like to have one who is unsupportive.