***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

I also noticed when I went shopping, (ok I just had a big plate of chinese fried noodles) but I so didnt feel like shopping for anything that I ended up with a choc bar and a newspaper :haha:
I've had no cravings at all and up until the last few weeks have eaten very healthily, now i just want lots of carbs and not too much fruit or salad. At the mo my thing is a big bowl of salty popcorn every evening!

good to see you're still cooking you girls WTB.

I need to start freezing some food too for the days after...yikes!! bag is all packed but still need to pick up car seat. At least with this been the 1st and not a multiple we can make do with our car for the mo. i often wonder how people with several children or multiples manage with transport, so a van it is!!
I've been making soups all week, I have one serving for lunch and then put the rest in the freezer :)
I've thrown some things in a bag but its not finished, I've still got things to buy... Re car seats we have ours but i dont think were putting it in the car til it's time to go to the hospital.

Re freezing food, I need to buy freezer containers then ill make some soups and some lasagnes xoxo
just popping in to say hi n see how u all r doing. as for me im doing good just tired all the time and my feet hurt.. this saturday im getting y 3d 4d ultrasound im so excited and can not wait!!
Wtbmybfp: I don't blame you for feeling that way at all! I can't imagine how sad it will be to leave them there ar hospital but how over whelming to bring all three home! I'm sure just like with any amount of infants you adapt QUICKLY :)

I'm really thinking this is it for me! My body is breaking down over here I can't imagine having another baby but people remind me that I have been pregnant two years in a row so that can't be helping. If I could go today and have baby I would, just ready to get this over with and get into a routine! Mr. Dominic is STILL not sleeping all night in his crib but we keep trying!

I really need night lights! For both babies rooms that's about all I need to buy! I don't wanna pack my bag too early cause then I feel time will drag on. Plus I need to go to tour of hospital Sunday to see what all they provide since I had Domi in a German hospital. Every time they took him out of room they took of my clothes and put him in theirs :haha:
WTB - remember, I'm "only" giving you until 32w5d. :winkwink: Glad to hear things are going so well though!

So ladies, how are you managing your nights? Mine have become beyond miserable. I'm starting to feel claustrophobic in my own body. I've decided to will my body into evacuating Little Ninja on Oct. 27th - 38 weeks. Wishful thinking, I know, but I decided to go with that mindset instead of what I'm sure will actually happen.... induction at 41 weeks. :wacko:
I am pretty good, even though the lil miss is trying to escape over the sides again (or this is what it feels likeright in between the pelvis and the ribs.
So after I typed that out last night my husband went to clean out my car and was able to get all 3 car seats in the back seat of my car! I thought there was no way! So I am extremely happy about that! :)

daddiesgift-I so understand...I feel completely miserable. It hurts to do anything and everything. I don't know what I'm going to do once my husband goes back to work on the 1st. I'm ready to hit 37 weeks and have her but who knows....I'm on my 3rd baby in the past 4 years so my body is just not handling this one very well....Hopefully we all get through this and times goes by quickly so that we can have our babies in our arms soon!!
I'm going to start doing some batch cooking next week - lots of chilli, spag bol etc :thumbup:

I've got the stuff for my emergency bag (if needed) but haven't packed it yet

Had a bump shoot today - really good fun and can't wait to see the pics :dance:

Bbygurl - that's so exciting! you'll have to share some of your pictures. Glad things are going well!

Daddiesgift - yay for finally getting your car!!! And I'm in the same boat in thinking this may be it for me! I loved the first 7 months of pregnancy, but now I'm in constant pain! DH has been talking about "baby #2" a lot lately and I keep reminding him that we're not there yet, and we'll talk about it later. LOL! I definitely want another, but I can't imagine jumping right back into it. I've gained way more than I wanted to, and overall the pain is getting to me.

AFM - I had my massage yesterday. I wish I could have enjoyed it a little more, but they did not have any specialty tables, just a regular table and I had to lay on my side :( I'm really hurting today after that... even though it was just an hour, my hips were screaming! I've given up sleeping on my sides now, too. I sleep sitting up. Ah well... I'll just have to settle for DH's massages :)
i think, god willing, i will have another.. but i plan on waiting two years to start trying.. that way they will be like three years apart. my brothers and i are all three years apart and i liked it. we never fought.. looked after one another and we all had good one on one time with our parents... but we'll see who knows!! baby is still killing my ribs and i might be scarred for life due to it :haha:
DH is talking like he wants #2 pretty soon after this one! He just needs to hold his horses...
Oh Mrs.! That's what I was worried about with a prenatal massage! I'm so sorry it wasn't a better experience for you - it could have been so wonderful! :nope: Dh used to give me amazing massages, but hasn't since I've been pregnant :saywhat:. I also spend a part of my night sitting up in bed. We have one of those "old people" adjustable beds (had to get it after it totally fixed a back ache I was having once), so when dh isn't there, I raise the bed so I can be half sitting up - and it's great. So now I long for him to go out of town so I can have the bed to myself! :haha: Luckily (I think), he'll be out of town for a full 1/3 of October. All I can think about is how nice it'll be to sleep how I want!
I love my close age gaps but we are done now I need a break from being pregnant and to be honest my body, although has coped the best this time around is exhausted and is done for a very long long while if not forever. I've been pregnant for 3 years with only a 5 or 6 month gap between Henry and this baby so, OH has promised to have the snip :) Though .... he does keep bringing into conversation about how he knows we are going to have a fourth pretty soon after this one :dohh:

Ahh Mrs that sucks :( Was it a normal massage or a pregnancy one? Cause if it was a pregnancy one you would have thought they should have the special tables for us preggos!
Ah, Cridge! I am jealous of your bed! I can see why you'd want DH gone :haha:

Charlie - I honestly wouldn't mind a small age gap, but I just don't think my body is up for it. I need to lose my pregnancy weight, plus some, before getting pregnant again. Maybe if I start out smaller than I was this go round the extra weight won't be so hard on my body. And yes, the massage was supposed to be prenatal. When I booked it they said they have a therapist that specifically works on pregnant women so I figured it would be the full prenatal experience, but nope! Same ol' table. I have another massage booked for Monday but I'm thinking of calling and asking about their tables. If they don't have the specialty tables either I'm going to cancel. While the idea is nice, my hips hurting is not.
Oh wow! I just realized I moved up to the second to last box on my ticker! Baby's getting big!! :)
you girls with close pregnancies are brave! I don't have that choice, but after #1 came, although I love loved being pregnant, I couldn't handle the thought of being pregnant again until he was 3 years old! I would have taken a pregnancy before (or soon after, for that matter) then, but it seriously scared me to think of having to go through all of that again.

We're not using bc again after this one is born (I'm my own natural bc :haha:) and although I really don't think this pregnancy has fixed my body either, I've had countless people tell me I'm having another one soon after. The thought scares me! I don't think my body could handle it. So I'm in awe of you girls that do it again so quickly!!!
i love the little milestones. can't believe october is so close!! ahh!!
and MRS i think the daddies are all for babies close because they really have no idea. i mean my DH sees the pain and knows my worries, but you really dont know unless you go through it yourself. thankfully my DH is all for waiting!

and yes, i can't lay on my hips anymore without terrible pain.. and those tables are not soft! so i'd call beforehand.. no sense paying money for discomfort. :(
:haha: I had no choice with Henry - we conceived 2-3 weeks after having Stephen ... we didn't listen when the midwife said it was incredibly easy to conceive just after giving birth! But, IF we were going to do it the way we originally wanted then Henry would be being born now and then in two years time we'd have started trying for Phoebe. Everything happens for a reason though - a real strong believer in that :)

Mrs that's so bad that it's a prenatal massage yet, they don't have the right equipment?! I'd definitely cancel if they haven't got the right bed on Monday - what's the point in going in to relax and then coming out in pain? :shrug:

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