***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

You guys are right... no sense in paying if I'm just going to hurt more afterward. It's at a prenatal chiropractic clinic so I'm hoping when I call tomorrow they say "of course we have a specialized bed!" We'll see though :shrug:
I've had lots of massages on my side, propped with pillows and it was fine...don't you sleep on your side anyways?

Sometimes after seeing a massage therapist you can actually be quite sore but it's normal because they are working on muscle groups...as opposed to just a relaxation massage. It could also be because the pressure was too much...?

I would just talk to them and let them know, or try another place?
you girls with close pregnancies are brave! I don't have that choice, but after #1 came, although I love loved being pregnant, I couldn't handle the thought of being pregnant again until he was 3 years old! I would have taken a pregnancy before (or soon after, for that matter) then, but it seriously scared me to think of having to go through all of that again.

We're not using bc again after this one is born (I'm my own natural bc :haha:) and although I really don't think this pregnancy has fixed my body either, I've had countless people tell me I'm having another one soon after. The thought scares me! I don't think my body could handle it. So I'm in awe of you girls that do it again so quickly!!!

I was on birth control before I even lost virginity because of horrible cramps that bc helped and I just never stopped taking it! I wanted kids just never met anyone I wanted to with so when I got married I stopped taking it and we said if it happens it does, then a year went by and I got worried then we actively tried took clomid ect two years and no baby I really thought I couldn't get prego. My bfp with my son was a shock and during a clomid cycle so I really thought my body wouldn't do it on its own. Obviously we were wrong!! I was shocked when I got this bfp and son was 5 months old! We didn't think it would be right to stop something we tried so hard for but now that I know I can get prego on my own ill be taking bc after this baby!! I wish we could use natural bc but I'm so scared it won't work so ill just go back to the trusty pill!

Speaking of sleeping my hips also kill me at night! No amount of pillows or space helps. I have bad heart burn all day and sleeping on my right makes it worse?? My stomach is sooooo much bigger this time around, I never had problems seeing before but now my husband points out huge patches of hair I've missed while shaving :haha:
I feel u ladies on the crappy sleep.
I'm exhausted and in bed by 930pm but even though I'm beyond tired I know my sleep will suck. I wake up every 1.5-2hrs to pee and then the rest of the time I am asleep sucks because I can't get comfortable, I'm in pain or I can't breathe properly because feels like he's crushing my lungs and diaphragm.
I know everyone says "get used to it" "it's getting u prepared for being up with baby" etcetc....but honestly at least with a baby I'll feel like I'm getting up to do something useful! And there is a purpose for my lack of sleep!
yeah i'd rather wake up to my son then due to not being able to breath.. not being able to move.. having to pee (and trip over one of the cats lol) and to adjust my 15 pillows :haha:

my good friend had a really hard time conceiving and after two years was told she couldnt get pregnant (they tried everything). she used a surrogate and had twins!!! were totally done, partly because of the cost of twins and of surrogacy.. and she gets pregnant on her own randomly when the twins were a year old. it was SHOCKING to say the least!!!
I never took any hormonal birth control, because I don't like the idea of artificial hormones, also they end up in the water too etc.
Birth control messes with my body. I don't plan to go back on hormones after this baby, I had actually stopped taking them a while earlier, we'd been just using condoms :/
Lilbean people said that to me and it's rubbish. At least when the baby arrives you will fall into deep sleep quickly. I was terribly tired at the end of my last pregnancy and slept so much better after Harry arrived.
I was using gynefix, for a couple of years(frameless copper IUD) and nfp.
Morning ladies,

I think I'd like to try and have a coil fitted rather then take the pill.

Have any of you ladies in the UK read about the whooping cough vaccination now available for pregnant ladies? What are your thoughts?
I've text my midwife to ask her opinion but at the moment I'm all for it.
I've read about it - I'm really not sure. There is no proven efficiacy or trials conducted, which worries me. More babies become poorly from GBS infection each year, but we don't screen routinely in the UK due to cost efficiency and the fact it's a transient infection. However, doctors get paid to vaccinate so I doubt whether the risk really is as large as they are making out. I really don't know - it's a difficult one

35 week bumpy

I think I'll get the vaccine if I'm offered it before I give birth :flower: my godson had whooping cough when he was a baby x
great bump boofle!

I do believe that the lack of sleep during pregnancy prepares you a bit for the lack of sleep after baby is here, but it's SO different. After baby is here you can actually get comfortable and SLEEP. Yes, you have to get up a bunch of times, but then you can go back to your bed, get in a comfy position and sleep...even if it's short-lived. I actually had insomnia really bad after my #1 was born, so I didn't get much sleep then either, but at least I could lay in bed comfortably. Now it's just miserable. Mis.Er.A.Ble. :haha:
I wake up every two hours for meds, but I'm able to get back to sleep. The worst thing now is rolling over. Oh my goodness does it hurt. It's an act of congress!
Ugh I just had the worst sleep! Wide awake at 4 am knowing I have to get up at 6:30...but you know what?! It's my LAST DAY OF TEACHING! So almost nothing could ruin it :):):)

My replacement is shadowing me all day which is nice because the kids will get to meet her and I'll get to fill her in on every detail!

The pertussis vaccine - I don't know why but it isn't a big fuss where I live. I never hear of people with it and no one I know with young babies ever worries about it? I won't be getting it but the baby will when we decide to start vaccines (probably not at 2 months but soon after that).
Yep heard about the whopping cough vaccination plan this morning on the news and at my NCT class. I have my 36 week MW appt a week on Monday so will ask then about it. I think I will go and get it, newborns can get so poorly when ill, especially respiratory problems. Have any of you thought about the flu vaccine? I'm getting mine on Monday, never had one before even though offered one annually due to my work, but now i will do as I've seen heavily pregnant women critically ill and end up in ITU with flu (not common but there's a higher risk at the end of pregnancy).

Thanks for that Cridge....was beginning to think that comfort was never going to come back especially in a bed!! but it will and I've never thought of been able to catch sleep more easily and comfortably once bubs is here.... so something else to look forward to :)
I haven't heard about this new vaccination but I'm all for vaccinating! I would be worried tho if no trail runs were ran and this was the first time they are ever using it. Think I'd just have to talk to doctor and see what they think. I always get a tad sick after the flu vaccination I hate needles so I do the nasal spray which I believe is the live virus one, and I don't think you get nasal one when prego :( so not sure what ill do yet. My sons always had his shots on time and never had any sort of reaction so I'm happy for that!

We woke up at 730am this morning which is late for us! Between crazy dreams, aching hips, and husband stealing the blanket all night sleep wasn't the best!! Today I need to clean house :( go pick up some fabric for some reusable baby wipes I've made that are too cute! And if weather permits stop by the festival in town. Kind of praying they sell funnel cakes naughty I know! :haha:
Oooooooh. Funnel cakes!!!! Eat one for meeeee!!! Hahahahha!
I had the flu vaccine last October as I was pregnant then, I guess I should get it again x
I refused the flu vaccine when I was offered it at the start of pregnancy, although it probably wouldn't be quite so bad in third tri. My concern is with the wc vaccine (the one that will be offered to uk women) is that absolutely no testing on pregnant women has been done, so while there is no evidence of a risk....they haven't tested it to create any sort of evidence if you see what I mean? For the UK outbreak of wc as well, they are counting on the fact that women are going to breastfeed and pass on antibodies that way as it could be that very few antibodies pass through the placenta. So unless you are breastfeeding and can guarantee you will pass on antibodies, is it worth the risk? So many questions - no easy answers, every one just has to do what they feel is best.....I'm still undecided xxx

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