***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

I know it's all about risk and a very individual choice. From what I read i thought they thought that the antibodies passed through the placenta, which surprised me as I know they don't think this happens with the flu vaccine. If it doesn't it does require BF, which I plan on doing.
My doctor still hasn't brought up the wc vaccine and I don't plan on asking her about it. If she brings it up, we'll chat, but I'm still unsure of how I feel about getting it, so I'll just hold off. I definitely vaccine my babes, and would typically get it if I weren't pregnant, but I just worry about taking a vaccine while pregnant.

I've never gotten the flu vaccine, so I won't get that either unless they "force" me. I have way too many friends and family that have come down with the flu after getting the vaccine, and I've never had it, so I'll pass on that one.
I can't wait to be able to sleep on my stomach or back even!! Last night I was up basically every hour just from being uncomfortable. I was having contractions and the pain in my back was horrible. After about 6 hours like that I finally slept for 3...I am definitely going to need a nap today!
My doctor has not talked to me about the vaccines at all, so maybe at the next appt we can talk about it...
around where i live in the US everyone i know gets the WC vaccine and all the family members who will be around baby do too! i guess its just big here... there have been outbreaks from people who don't get it and sadly infants have died. their lungs just can't handle it :( i got it and felt sick for a few days, but now i have piece of mind. my parents already had it because they work in schools.. and my brothers got it too.

i slept terribly last night.... but thats normal... its rainy here so i think i'm going to nap..

have a good weekend ladies!
I've had lots of massages on my side, propped with pillows and it was fine...don't you sleep on your side anyways?

Sometimes after seeing a massage therapist you can actually be quite sore but it's normal because they are working on muscle groups...as opposed to just a relaxation massage. It could also be because the pressure was too much...?

I would just talk to them and let them know, or try another place?

I can't sleep on my sides anymore... it's just too painful. I sleep sitting up, which is akward for sure, but much more comfortable. I have about 4 pillows under my head/back and 2 under my knees. I feel like I'm in a nursing home bed or something, but it works! And it definitely wasn't the pressure of the massage that caused the soreness... she was very light and b/c of an ice pack burn on my lower back/hip area she pretty much avoided taht area all together. I just have "momma hips" now and they're just too wide for their own good! :haha:

As for the vaccines. I got the flu shot a couple of weeks ago. I did have a little cold afterward, but that's it. I'm getting the whooping cough vaccine after the baby is here (while still in the hospital). My doctor said it doesn't cross the placenta so it won't hurt the baby, but they don't carry the shot in their office, so that's why I have to wait. Also, she said 80% of whooping cough cases in infants were passed on to them by family members so she highly recommended anyone who will be spending prolonged periods of time with the baby also get the vaccine.
Silly question and I should probably research but how long does the wc vaccine last? If we had to get it as children wouldn't we still be okay? It seemed like as a child I got a million shots so I'm sure wc was in there some where!

Funny about flu shot I always get it and still end up with the flu during winter! I know a lot of people feel that way, maybe we just don't get it as bad as we would with out it :haha:

Not sure ill get my funnel cake today :( it's sprinkling outside so we will probably just go tomorrow.

I'm about to go to the store ALONE! Baby is staying with daddy while I run an errand, the little things a stay at home mom gets that makes wal mart feel like a mini vacation :haha:
you need boosters of the WC shot... i think my dr said every 5 or 7 years?? and it does not cross the placenta.
My doctor said it can last up to 10 years, but it's best to get it after 7 years (which means I am LOONNNGGG overdue for mine!). That's the main reason it's on the rise... people don't know how long vaccines last so there has been a big outbreak of whooping cough in the states becuase of it. Even my friends/family that are teachers are not forced to get the vaccine and the children they teach are all mostly likely overdue as well.
The reason that they are initiating the whooping cough vaccine in the UK to pregnant women is to offer baby some protection against it until they can be vaccinated at 8 weeks. What I have read is that antibodies do cross the placenta so baby is born with some immunity, this is on the dept of health website and NHS website and this was on a midwifery website:

The mother's immune system should respond to the injection by producing whooping cough antibodies, which then cross the placenta into the developing child.
This should provide enough protection until the baby has its first routine vaccine.

Read more: Midwifery Pregnancy jab for whooping cough
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No idea how accurate this is as I know not all vaccines cross the placenta but some do.

Hope you had a nice Wal Mart Vacations Daddies! :)
lol are vaccinations different country to country? lol print i got said it doesnt cross! well if it does i am happy about it.
lol are vaccinations different country to country? lol print i got said it doesnt cross! well if it does i am happy about it.

LOL! I was just thinking the same thing, Wishful. I know US vaccines have to be approved by the FDA, so maybe our vaccines are different? I hate the conflicting information, I wish it was all standardized.
Enjoy your baby free shopping trip,Daddies! It really does feel like a mini vacation. :haha:

There's been no mention of the WC vaccine here, my doctor has never mentioned it. I haven't heard of any out breaks here though either :shrug: xx
Daddies - What kind of fabric do you use for cloth wipes? I am planning on making some this month but not sure what makes the best ones!

I have never had a flu vaccine and don't plan on getting one...I have only had the flu twice in my adult life and I am a teacher, so I am definitely exposed! Just FYI...a recent Canadian study found that people who had the flu vaccine were MUCH more likely to get H1N1 during that outbreak in 2009...food for thought ;)
Just FYI...a recent Canadian study found that people who had the flu vaccine were MUCH more likely to get H1N1 during that outbreak in 2009...food for thought ;)

AAAH!!!!!!!! That's so scary!
I saw the news about the vaccine and have messaged my mw asking about it. I've declined the flu vaccine though.
I saw the news about the vaccine and have messaged my mw asking about it. I've declined the flu vaccine though.

Think I'm getting the flu jab next week, but will have a chat with my GP about whooping cough one and see what i think then.
I'm up to date with the pertussis vaccine (wc)... And will definitely be getting a flu shot soon. I've had one every year for as long as I can remember and have never had the flu (I work in healthcare). DD had one last year at 7 months and will be getting one this year too... As I do not want her passing the flu on to the baby this winter! I also had a flu shot the year I was pregnant with DD (2010).
omg i had H1N1 from my dad! he is a teacher and brought it home. it was TERRIBLE!!!!!!! i have never gotten a flu shot before.. still undecided, but probably get it this year to protect baby
I got the WC vaccine just before I got pregnant. I work with children and many with compromised immune systems so we have to have it. Especially as there have been outbreaks close around here. I also had the flu shot at the same time, first one I've ever gotten. I don't like to get vaccines unless really necessary, kinda glad I did this year to protect lil bean.

I just got back from another ultrasound. Bean's head is measuring 4 weeks ahead!!! But the rest of him is right on par with where I'm at with my dates. His dad has a big head and so does his son from previous relationship so I know where he gets it but I'm kinda freaking out! I'm tiny and I deff have tiny hips, I dunno how the heck I'm going to push him out! Or if I should even try! Ahhh :(
I'm getting nervous about the whole birthing process. With the possibility I have a septum in the way, they still can't tell so it's possible it is but also just as likely it isn't and the fact he's got a big head I'm worried about trying to do it naturally/vaginally. I'm tempted to just go for a csection. I dont want to try to push for hours just for the, to say its not happening time for an emcs, if im going to have a csection id rather just plan for it. But then that also worries me for different reasons. What do u ladies think?what would u do?

On the happy side got to see his cute lil face today! He doesn't like to show it straight on that often as he's too busy dancing around, which he did the whole scan, but he held still for a moment for us to get a nice look :)
congrats on your scan. what does your mw/dr think about vaginal vs c-section. i know they dont have all the answers but does she have an opinion on whats best? would she grant u a c-section or would it be elective?

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