***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Last I talked to her she said "wait and see" it may come to a csection if he won't come out.
So I have no idea what she'll say. I have an appointment next week I'm gng to talk to her about it all though for sure.
I think it'd probably be elective if i chose to have one, but I have no idea.
Daddies - What kind of fabric do you use for cloth wipes? I am planning on making some this month but not sure what makes the best ones!

I have never had a flu vaccine and don't plan on getting one...I have only had the flu twice in my adult life and I am a teacher, so I am definitely exposed! Just FYI...a recent Canadian study found that people who had the flu vaccine were MUCH more likely to get H1N1 during that outbreak in 2009...food for thought ;)

The best thing to use is one side cotton or flannel, the other side a towel type fabric. That way you have a soft wiping side and a rougher side for that hard to get poo :winkwink: we don't use cloth wipes very often on my sons poo since we cloth diaper and don't use a diaper sprayer we just use a wet wipe and grab the poo and flush it. Works well when they are older! We just use cloth wipes on pee wipes. I'm making all these for the baby online product store I'm getting ready. Today I bought some CUTE quilters cotton and happened to walk by wash rags that match in color so ill use those as the back side! You can make them 8x8 fold in half and they will fit perfectly in wipe warmers ect!

I got the WC vaccine just before I got pregnant. I work with children and many with compromised immune systems so we have to have it. Especially as there have been outbreaks close around here. I also had the flu shot at the same time, first one I've ever gotten. I don't like to get vaccines unless really necessary, kinda glad I did this year to protect lil bean.

I just got back from another ultrasound. Bean's head is measuring 4 weeks ahead!!! But the rest of him is right on par with where I'm at with my dates. His dad has a big head and so does his son from previous relationship so I know where he gets it but I'm kinda freaking out! I'm tiny and I deff have tiny hips, I dunno how the heck I'm going to push him out! Or if I should even try! Ahhh :(
I'm getting nervous about the whole birthing process. With the possibility I have a septum in the way, they still can't tell so it's possible it is but also just as likely it isn't and the fact he's got a big head I'm worried about trying to do it naturally/vaginally. I'm tempted to just go for a csection. I dont want to try to push for hours just for the, to say its not happening time for an emcs, if im going to have a csection id rather just plan for it. But then that also worries me for different reasons. What do u ladies think?what would u do?

On the happy side got to see his cute lil face today! He doesn't like to show it straight on that often as he's too busy dancing around, which he did the whole scan, but he held still for a moment for us to get a nice look :)

That does sound scary!! But sonograms/ultrasounds/scans aren't 100% correct on measuring! I'd ask midwife if its even a possibility for YOU to push out baby! Idk what I'd do, hubs and I were talking earlier what we would do if baby was breach and we both elected a csection :)
Thanks Daddies! I have the whole month off now to focus on that type of stuff :) can't wait!

Lilbean - those measurements are estimates! Don't stress yourself over something so imprecise :) It could be WAY off and having a csection for no reason would be such a shame. If it were me, I'd just forget it, take a deep breath and trust your body. You can do it!!!!
Daddies- thanks for your input. Ugh as if labour itself isn't hard enough hey?! Now extra things on top of the usual stuff to think about and consider and stress about!
Gai- I know they aren't totally accurate but I have scans done every 3 weeks and every 3 weeks they have kept telling me his head was larger than average at the point I was at. Until now I haven't really worried about it because I've figured that they they may not be totally right on with just how much bigger.....but I kind of figure one or two scans u can be off but the fact they've been consistently telling me the same thing now I'm not sure they're that off :s

I just don't kno :(
Stressing me out tho!
Hmmm well I'm still of the belief that our bodies CAN do it. Ina May Gaskin and the midwives she worked/works with have csection rates around 1/150 so I think that bodes well for us all :) i think we doubt ourselves and our abilities too much. That's just my belief though! Try not to stress, as annoying as that advice can sound when you're stressed...
Apparently because of the plates of the baby head, it doesn't matter too much the size of the head. My baby has also had consistently a big head :( also from her big headed daddy...
Yep the babies skull is a bit soft and squishy so changes shape to accommodate the birth canal and the size of your hips don't necessarily mean that your pelvis is too small to give birth. Birth can be scary for many reasons but I do agree with gaiagirl, believe in your body :)
I havent got any sleeping problems at all atm, so I guess I am just getting thrown into cold water :rofl:
Ok so after thinking I had it good hearing all of your sleeping complaints...last night SUCKED! It's like I suddenly got insanely uncomfortable. My hips ache, my groin is so sore and I had leg cramps! Good grief!
think i just lost part of my mucus plug? i am only 33 weeks... lol i am not sure though!!
Lilbean, Harry's head measured 5 weeks ahead at the 32 week growth scan and the rest of him was spot on 32 weeks. Everyone is obviously different but although I tried to deliver naturally his head got stuck. He never descended down much and it got stuck on my spine in the transverse position ie his ear was facing the exit. They tried to turn him via vontouse but I ended up with a c section. His head was off the chart when he was born. As a result I'm having a growth scan on Monday to see if this one also has a big head. I hope this doesn't scare you unnecessarily as it could be the fact I'm so small. Also like the ladies say scans are not always accurate. Feel free to message me if you want to chat about it though.

Oh and I'm going to try to do this one vaginally whatever the scan says on Monday as I still think it's possible, just that Harry got in a bad position. X
Ooh Wishful that sounds exciting! I think you can loose bits of it and in fact it can grow back but it could mean your body is getting ready? X
Wishful I lost mine at 30 weeks but I'm still here so I wouldn't worry. Could be your body getting ready :thumbup:. I have noticed my CM being a lot thicker and mucosy this week, I e also been really crampy xxx
Your mucos plug regenerates itself so even if it sheds you could still have a while to go! I lost mine with my son blood in it and all and still didn't have him for three weeks :( but doctor told me that ^ and its a good sign body is getting ready but not a for sure labors around the corner sign :).
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well. I've been busy celebrating my birthday from Thursday to last night :) I came home yesterday after work and was suprised with a puppy pit bull. He's so adorable. All that he wants to do is cuddle and sleep.

Btw- has anyone noticed that it's getting harder to work? I've been so exhausted. I don't know how I'm going to last another month.

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