***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

No swelling here (didn't have any with DD either)... But I often get lightheaded when up on my feet, so I've been taken off work (last week).
My other big issue is weight gain... Or lack of it. My midwife is starting to get on my case about it, so I'm going to pick up some nutrition shakes to supplement my normal intake. I just don't have a great appetite, and my metabolism must run full speed when I'm pregnant! I managed to gain 15 lbs with DD (41+ weeks, 8 1/2 lb baby). But I'm 35 weeks tomorrow, and have only gained 4 lbs this pregnancy! Hope I put on a few more over the next weeks!
Also, hoping to NOT get to 41+ weeks this time around... LOL
I happily give you some of my weight.
I gained 20 kg so far...
:) Too bad it doesn't work like that... LOL
I didn't have swelling until after, and now my cankles look like snausages!!! Oy!

On the weight front I put on about 45 lbs, and am too chicken to find out where I am now, weight-wise.
Woo hoo, Silver Penny! Sounds like you're making some progress over there... I'll be waiting for your birth story soon :)

WTB - 45lbs with 3 is AWESOME! Good for you... I'm somewhere in the 30-35lb range with just the one... YIKES!!!! I was still working out in the beginning, avoiding sweets, and eating healthy and immediately started "storing fat". I looked pregnant pretty early on, so I'm just going to chalk it up to my body type. (at least, thinking that way makes me feel better).
Everyone puts on weight differently and as long as you and your LO are doing well, who cares?! Only real problem I've had since is with triplets my guts and uterus are distorted enough that I still look very, very pregnant. I can't go anywhere without someone asking when I'm due or commenting on it. Even had an old lady in khols just gape at me yesterday like I am some sort of circus freak. My dad was with me and I thought he was going to attack her. :rofl: grandpa is definitely in "protect mama bear" mode.
Hi gals. I know I never really kept up here but just thought I would let you all know that our HBAC baby boy arrived on Oct 16 weighing 6lbs 11.5 oz 19" long. He is perfect.
Oh, lovealittle that's wonderful news!! Congratulations :)
Hi gals. I know I never really kept up here but just thought I would let you all know that our HBAC baby boy arrived on Oct 16 weighing 6lbs 11.5 oz 19" long. He is perfect.

Yay, congrats! So glad you got to have your HBAC :thumbup:
SO SLEEPY! If this baby would be born with all his teeth I'd have no problem with that as teething is the worse! My poor son woke up at 4am screaming his back teeth are out of the gums but not completely BAH!

Really need to clean but feeling lazy, what happened to nesting? I don't think I've got to yet! That bag I tried to pack the other day? Yeah still sitting in the crib in complete.
Awe, DG, I hate your DS is feeling bad :( Poor little guy... teething is hard on everyone. I'm not looking forward to that part!

I am going to try and FORCE myself to finish packing everything this weekend. I still need to get a bag together for LO and finish packing the rest of my stuff... They're going to look at me like I'm crazy when I show up with 2 duffel bags :)
Congrats lovealittle!! It's so crazy that our babies are showing up already!

WTB - 45 pounds with triplets?! That's amazing woman! I've gained just over 30 pounds, but I'm hoping AT LEAST 10 of it is water. I'm thinking more like 15 cause my swelling is BAD. With #1 I left the hospital weighing what I did when I went in. :saywhat: How does that work when you have an 8.5lb baby?! Whatever. I was back to pre-pregnancy in 3 weeks, so I guess it worked out fine. I'm fully planning to take a year to get back to pre-pregnancy weight with this one. :dohh:

Daddiesgift & Mrs - I still haven't packed a THING! :dohh: I'm starting to feel an urgent need to though - especially if I end up getting induced next week. Yikes. I had plans to pack yesterday but I was feeling so horrible all day that I didn't get a thing done. Feeling better today, so hoping to get started, at least!
Not been online for a couple of days so a quick scan and look like another November baby has arrived!! Congratulations Lilbean, hope you're both doing well and his breathing has improved.

Looks like a few more are soon to be here too, how exciting!

All my symptoms have calmed down now and I'm also convinced that I'll go late!! Think now I'm 38 weeks I'm going to get started on some serious bouncing and walking!!
Congratulations lovealittle1, and double celebrations that you achieved your home birth, can't wait to hear all about it xxx
Congrats lovealittle, and well done on your HBAC too :flower:

Weight front - I had lost weight in both 1st & 2nd tri's and only just started to regain what I'd lost. I'm currently 1kg under my pre-preg weight at the minute, so not doing too bad! Baby's measuring fine so nobody's concerned at all.
Lovealittle that's fantastic news!! And wow a HBAC?! Very impressed.. well done. :)

I lost a stone in the first tri but have put on 2 since so am now a stone over my pre pregnancy weight. I was looking slim in the face but I've recently been shoving it full of sweet and fatty things (I just can't resist) and I've noticed my face is looking a bit podgy now. x

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