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November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

I'm sorry Shamz! :( I miscarried last month, and here I am! So hopefully you will be back in first tri soon :)

Join the mama bears TTC after a loss group if you like :)

Tip: I ovulated 2 days late after my MC.
Great levels RAND :hugs: xxx

Ugh I had a disturbed night with F getting croup :dohh: so I'm even more shattered. I also got those sharp pains when I twisted over in bed. I remember those from before!! Xxx

What do you mean by "F getting croup"? I don't understand all the lingo yet.
Ha...no lingo. F is my little girl, she's 2 and croup is a really bad barky cough. She sounds like a seal, poor baby! :nope: xxx
Midwife appointment 20th march! :D
Well done Kazine xxx

My son had croup when he was 2, and he has had a cough the last few days that is sounding awfully reminiscent of that. :( What are the odds? The last time he had it, he also got roseola (which meant his fever skyrocketed for a day, went away, and then he was covered from head to toe with a splotchy, non-itching rash). I'm hoping this isn't round two. He didn't sleep well last night. This momma is broken from a lack of sleep. :nope:
Oh Shamz... :cry: I'm so sorry. You will always be an honorary member!!!<3 FX'ed for your bfp with a sticky bean and a H&H 9 months! So soon :hugs:
Great levels RAND :hugs: xxx

Ugh I had a disturbed night with F getting croup :dohh: so I'm even more shattered. I also got those sharp pains when I twisted over in bed. I remember those from before!! Xxx

What do you mean by "F getting croup"? I don't understand all the lingo yet.
Ha...no lingo. F is my little girl, she's 2 and croup is a really bad barky cough. She sounds like a seal, poor baby! :nope: xxx
Midwife appointment 20th march! :D
Well done Kazine xxx

My son had croup when he was 2, and he has had a cough the last few days that is sounding awfully reminiscent of that. :( What are the odds? The last time he had it, he also got roseola (which meant his fever skyrocketed for a day, went away, and then he was covered from head to toe with a splotchy, non-itching rash). I'm hoping this isn't round two. He didn't sleep well last night. This momma is broken from a lack of sleep. :nope:
Oh no ihope he isnt getting it back Tiger :nope:
This is the second time for F too :dohh: she really suffers with coughs. Last time it didn't really bother her but kept me awake all night listening to the barking. Last nigth she got a bit breathless and panicky with it though so I went in and took her in the spare room with me at 4am. She went back to sleep thank goodness :sleep:
Ah I'll have my hcg results soon. I start work at 10am so I said to call b4 then but I hope they ring me early enough that of its bad news I have time to ring in sick.
Blergh didn't eat for four hours and I ended up retching. Now after eating I still feel like if I move to fast I'll vomit. :(
What kinds of drinks do you enjoy for those of you that used to drink? I'm heading for a happy hr with my workmates and not looking forward to having to dodge questions about why I'm not drinking.
What kinds of drinks do you enjoy for those of you that used to drink? I'm heading for a happy hr with my workmates and not looking forward to having to dodge questions about why I'm not drinking.

Just say you're on antibiotics for an ear infection. Easy enough! I don't drink anyway so I don't need questions, though I do expect people to buy me drinks/try to convince me to drink at our engagement party, before we announce it that is!

OH has gone to a buskers night. I was meant to go too but I'm just soooo tired :(.
Ah I'll have my hcg results soon. I start work at 10am so I said to call b4 then but I hope they ring me early enough that of its bad news I have time to ring in sick.
Let us know...hope all is good news xxx

Blergh didn't eat for four hours and I ended up retching. Now after eating I still feel like if I move to fast I'll vomit. :(
oh no poor thing :dohh: I hope it doesn't last. :hugs:Xx

What kinds of drinks do you enjoy for those of you that used to drink? I'm heading for a happy hr with my workmates and not looking forward to having to dodge questions about why I'm not drinking.
I don't really drink that much so dodging drinks is not an issue. I'm usually driving...could you drive? Xxx

What kinds of drinks do you enjoy for those of you that used to drink? I'm heading for a happy hr with my workmates and not looking forward to having to dodge questions about why I'm not drinking.

Just say you're on antibiotics for an ear infection. Easy enough! I don't drink anyway so I don't need questions, though I do expect people to buy me drinks/try to convince me to drink at our engagement party, before we announce it that is!

OH has gone to a buskers night. I was meant to go too but I'm just soooo tired :(.
What have you planned for the engagement party?
Buskers night sounds fun, but bed sounds more fun for me too! Xxx
What have you planned for the engagement party?
Buskers night sounds fun, but bed sounds more fun for me too! Xxx

We go to buskers nights aaaaaaall the time lol (or at least used to before we moved in together and spent all the money on rent lol). We even met at one.

We have hired a function room :)
Okay, here's my story. I was taking 50mg Quetiapine (antipsychotic) and 150mg Lamotrigine (mood stabiliser) and my psych advised me to come off the Lamotrigine at least. I did so, and I've surprised myself with how stable I've been, especially with going through a miscarriage.

But I saw her again yesterday and even though I thought she was okay with me being on Quetiapine she has recommended that I come off that too. I know she has to say that but she seemed adamant that I should but of course said that it was my choice. It's a very low dose as is too and there have been no findings of harm done to the fetus apparently.

Now every time in the 2 and a half years I've been on these tablets that I've tried to come off them I end up suicidal. It would be great for me to be on no meds at all but I just don't think that's possible. Recently when I've even reduced the dose to 50mg I've ended up crying and telling my OH that I wished I was dead by the following night.

So I don't know whether to bother trying to come off it. I mean I'm going through a lot of stress as it is at the minute, every minute of every day expecting blood and analysing cramps to work out if they're too strong, I convinced myself I was gonna miscarry the other night and ended up wanting to die.

I think that, for me, the benefits outweigh the risks in this particular situation. What does anyone else think?

Jodi x
Okay, here's my story. I was taking 50mg Quetiapine (antipsychotic) and 150mg Lamotrigine (mood stabiliser) and my psych advised me to come off the Lamotrigine at least. I did so, and I've surprised myself with how stable I've been, especially with going through a miscarriage.

But I saw her again yesterday and even though I thought she was okay with me being on Quetiapine she has recommended that I come off that too. I know she has to say that but she seemed adamant that I should but of course said that it was my choice. It's a very low dose as is too and there have been no findings of harm done to the fetus apparently.

Now every time in the 2 and a half years I've been on these tablets that I've tried to come off them I end up suicidal. It would be great for me to be on no meds at all but I just don't think that's possible. Recently when I've even reduced the dose to 50mg I've ended up crying and telling my OH that I wished I was dead by the following night.

So I don't know whether to bother trying to come off it. I mean I'm going through a lot of stress as it is at the minute, every minute of every day expecting blood and analysing cramps to work out if they're too strong, I convinced myself I was gonna miscarry the other night and ended up wanting to die.

I think that, for me, the benefits outweigh the risks in this particular situation. What does anyone else think?

Jodi x

If you've done your research and there are no findings to say it can cause problems I'd say stay on!

She just wants you to stop so she's not liable if something does go wrong.
Also so happy with the epu at hospital they've booked me for a scan on the 19th march and an appointment with their lady that deals with recurrent mc patient support on the 21st
Kazine I say stay on it if it working for you then keep at it. Also it maybe hard right now but think about the positives don't add more stress by thinking u might mc try and take it one day at a time I kno its hard but that's what we're here for to boost each other up on hard days :)
Kazine, did you tell her your history when you came off the drugs? Did she still recommend you get off them? I'd suggest seeking a secondary opinion from another doctor, maybe your OB. It's good the research you've done shows no findings of harm.
Kazine I have a chart of mc statistics, by now (once hcg reaches 80 which yours would be by this time by your line darkness) the risk is only 10%, once we have seen the hb it drops to 5%
Lovely numbers Hopeful :yipee: and thanks for those stats.

Jodi I think the others are right. Do your research, get other medical opinions and then go with your gut. You know what would be better for you and your baby. I'm sorry you ave been going through that. Do you go to counselling? Hopefully your little bean will give you a new ray of light to focus on.
We are all here to keep things positive :hugs: xxx

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