November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Has anyone done a gestational diabetes test? I have mine tomorrow.

I have mine at 28 weeks on 18 August - the day after a week abroad on an all inclusive holiday! Hope it goes OK :)

I can't believe that some of us are heading into the third trimester already... I feel quite apprehensive about it now! :wacko:
I had my test last wed after being away at an all inclusive the week before. I haven't heard back but I'm assuming I passed since they usually only call for abnormal results but I'll call today just to be sure
Ugh. It's the middle of the night here and crazy acid reflux just woke me up and made me vomit my guts out. Now I can't lie down because it's so uncomfortable so I'm sitting in a chair waiting to feel well enough to try lying down/sleeping again. Definitely add me to the list of ladies who are starting to feel uncomfortable lots of the time (especially at night in my case), and I'm still a good 4 weeks from third tri! I think it's going to be an interesting autumn for me to say the least! :wacko:
Ugh sorry you're not feeling well

Third tri today! Don't know how I feel about that...I'm excited but nervous at the same time. Still feel there is so much to do!
Thanks for all the glider recliner vs, glider with ottoman input. I am having a hard time deciding!!! I would get a little foot stool with the recliner so I am leaning that way....

Sorry about all the BH MarieMo. Welcome to third trie Geralyn! And feel better Missy, hope this was a fluke and not a new trend for you! I have a friend who propped her mattress up with pillows and that helped her immensely.
Congrats on 3rd tri, Geralyn! Sorry about the acid reflux, Missy. I had it throughout 2nd and 3rd tri with my first pregnancy. I got a prescription from my doc for omeprazole, and that helped tremendously. Still couldn't eat large meals, though, or CHOCOLATE because that made it worse. Life is unfair sometimes.

Reese is doing somersaults in my belly. This morning I swear she was booty up, I felt a very hard bump at the top of my uterus. Then some uncomfortable movement, and kicks down by my cervix. She's a crazy little monkey in there.

About to head into an all-day training session, then a flight back home to my family this evening. I'm looking forward to being home with them, no more travel!

I have a FB friend (former coworker) who went into labor this morning with her first. It's ridiculous how excited I am for her right now. I can't wait for it to be me again!
Just found out I passed my glucose test but am positive for a group b strep urinary infection. I have to go on antibiotics now and again when I go into labor. Anyone else ever have this?
Just found out I passed my glucose test but am positive for a group b strep urinary infection. I have to go on antibiotics now and again when I go into labor. Anyone else ever have this?

Glad you passed the glucose test! Sorry about the other news, I'm not familiar with that, but sounds like they know how to treat it and are on top of it. :hugs:
I haven't, but have heard it's common and very manageable and without any issues for the baby, so long as the antibiotics are administered.
Yay for glucose test!
Glad they're getting that under control Geralyn, and congratulations on third tri :)

Went to the doc yesterday. I've officially gained 30 pounds since my first appointment! Insane. I need to start walking lol. Had to ask about the Down Syndrome screen that I had done, and she was like, "oh, yeah, that. You're fine". So all's good so far! Wishing I could get one more look at my baby, but I don't think my doc is that concerned to allow another US so I guess I'll go to a private US.

And I made my cousin a baby shower gift! She had a similar print on her registry, so I'm hoping she likes the sentimentality of it. She's due 5 weeks ahead of me. I've been feeling SUPER crafty lately, so on top of that I'm making myself a Dr. Seuss picture to go with the mobile and name wall that are already lovingly completed. :happydance:

Anyone still see episodes of "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" on TLC? Watching one now, and the woman had twins!


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Glad they're getting that under control Geralyn, and congratulations on third tri :)

Went to the doc yesterday. I've officially gained 30 pounds since my first appointment! Insane. I need to start walking lol. Had to ask about the Down Syndrome screen that I had done, and she was like, "oh, yeah, that. You're fine". So all's good so far! Wishing I could get one more look at my baby, but I don't think my doc is that concerned to allow another US so I guess I'll go to a private US.

And I made my cousin a baby shower gift! She had a similar print on her registry, so I'm hoping she likes the sentimentality of it. She's due 5 weeks ahead of me. I've been feeling SUPER crafty lately, so on top of that I'm making myself a Dr. Seuss picture to go with the mobile and name wall that are already lovingly completed. :happydance:

Anyone still see episodes of "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" on TLC? Watching one now, and the woman had twins!

I'm in the same 30 lb boat as you. My midwife said to watch my diet and walk more. I wish I had a pool so I could swim. It's so much easier than walking long distances. The whale painting is too cute. Would go perfect in my nautical nursery. I'm working on some paintings and a mobile right now
Just found out I passed my glucose test but am positive for a group b strep urinary infection. I have to go on antibiotics now and again when I go into labor. Anyone else ever have this?

I found out at 8 weeks that I had an urinary tract Infection witg traces of strep b and was put on antibiotics as well! I also have to have the antibiotics in labour too, I've been told that as soon as I go into labour I need to go straight to hospital so they can give me 2 doses through IV but won't affect my water birth (hopefully!)

It's extremely common, and it's a normal bacteria that is in our body and not harmful to us. It just can make babies very poorly should they pick it up during labour, also if you have a c section you don't need antibiotics. Babies will be under close supervision after birth and that's it basically, nothing to worry about!
Baby's really hiked up into my ribs which has also increased my heartburn. I'm right there with you. I hate taking things, but I have to keep some tums by my bed or I can't sleep. I get the reflux cough :nope: So gross!!


On the good news front, I also passed my GTT!!!! Yay! I pulled an 80 which was exciting. I now know that I am just the body type to gain a ton during pregnancy. My doctor isn't concerned, and she knows the calories I'm eating at (since I log on MyFitnessPal), and she knows I log each and every thing I eat/drink. I can't lower my cals without eating too little, so I just have to accept the gains as is :shrug:

My doctor said something comforting. "As long as you are paying attention, taking care of you and baby (as baby is measuring at the perfect rate 55%), and making sure to include smart choices like protein and omegas, you have your whole life to lose the weight you gain during pregnancy. Don't let it ruin your whole pregnancy worrying about the state of your gain." That made me feel better.

I'm sorry about being so quiet in here for a while. I've been a little mopey and really exhausted from the heat we've been having. It's been consistently over 80 degrees for weeks, and because we live in Washington state, we typically have no need for AC. We are seriously reconsidering that. IT'S. SO. HOT! Our house is two story, and our bedroom faces the setting sun. :( It's like an oven that won't cool off. Fans blowing, windows open, etc. nothing saves us :haha: Oh well.
Rant done!

I really am sorry for checking out and not commenting. I've been reading here and there, but my mood has just been so poopy.

Sending love to you all!!! <3
I'm glad I'm not the only one with this reflux/heartburn issue. Baby girl is up in my ribs already, so I'm sure my stomach is pushed way up. No worries though, because baby boy is balancing it out by bouncing on and around my cervix. :dohh:I don't even want to think about what my insides look like right now, or worse, how everything will fit in 10+ weeks when I'm deep third tri! Scary thought! :haha: It's totally worth it though and I wouldn't change a thing. Even if I keep vomit burping today. I'm gonna have to break down and buy some tums I think at the very least.

To whoever mentioned "I didn't know I was Pregnant" does that happen???? With twins? Everything about my body is starting to change. If I didn't KNOW I was pregnant, I'd be worried I was seriously ill or something with the weight gain, swollen ankles, inflated stomach, acid reflux, movement. I don't get it. :shrug:

Congrats Geralyn and all other ladies in the Third tri! Can't wait to join you!
Oh man my heartburn has been reasonable up until now and I had the worst reflux in the middle of the night i chocked on vomit!! I woke up in the middle of the night with burning reflux rapidly coming up my throat and into my mouth ... was horrific!! I was laying on my back ... I jumped out of bed in shock and had to get something for it which settled it right down thankfully.

Now i am heartburny today. I thought i was going to escape it this pregnancy for some reason, but ooohhhhh no... its here...with a vengeance.
I only get heartburn some nights. I think it depends on what and how much I eat. Tums usually helps
Congrats on starting 3rd tri GeralynB! Just noticed your ticker then!
My hb as been horrible since I found out I was pregnant, and seems to be getting worse. Usually worst at night. Nothing really helps other than zantac, and I try not to take that unless it's really bad. Most of the time I can just deal with it. I'm expecting Pickle to have a full head of hair when he is born considering how much hb I've had.

Has anyone done a gestational diabetes test? I have mine tomorrow.

I have mine scheduled for a week from tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. Luckily it's first thing in the morning (8:30 am). I just have to go to work after it's all said and done, and I know I'm going to feel like crap the rest of the day because of the syrupy drink.

I can't believe that some of us are heading into the third trimester already... I feel quite apprehensive about it now! :wacko:

Oh i know what you mean. I was talking to a coworker yesterday and he goes "you have 5 weeks left right?" I kind of gave him a funny look. I'm like no I'm due in November, I have about 15 weeks left. It wasn't until I said I had 15 weeks left that it really hit me. It's weird you can say I'm due "such and such date" and it seems like you still got plenty of time, but as soon as you put it into weeks it seems like it's just around the corner.

Glad they're getting that under control Geralyn, and congratulations on third tri :)

Went to the doc yesterday. I've officially gained 30 pounds since my first appointment! Insane. I need to start walking lol. Had to ask about the Down Syndrome screen that I had done, and she was like, "oh, yeah, that. You're fine". So all's good so far! Wishing I could get one more look at my baby, but I don't think my doc is that concerned to allow another US so I guess I'll go to a private US.

And I made my cousin a baby shower gift! She had a similar print on her registry, so I'm hoping she likes the sentimentality of it. She's due 5 weeks ahead of me. I've been feeling SUPER crafty lately, so on top of that I'm making myself a Dr. Seuss picture to go with the mobile and name wall that are already lovingly completed. :happydance:

Anyone still see episodes of "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" on TLC? Watching one now, and the woman had twins!

Yeah I haven't asked about my quad screen either, but I'm sure if I'd ask about it I'd get the same response you got from your doctor.

The gift is so cute. I've also been feeling crafty lately, I just haven't had the time, which is disappointing because I did alot when I was pregnant with DS1, this time I work so many hours and don't have a lot of down time to make anything.
I wanted to give everyone a quick update... I haven't been on here in SO LONG! First off, baby boy got a name change! He was going to be Jackson Scott and carry his father's last name (we haven't been together since I was about 6 weeks), but in the past month and a half, the father has decided he doesn't want to be involved :sad2: AND Jackson sounds super weird with my last name, so I've decided to change baby boy's name to Levi Thomas!!

Second... (here begins a bit of a rant)... idk if it's just me or what, but -- first time mom here -- I only JUST started feeling solid baby movements like... a week ago. No kidding. And I definitely can't tell the difference between hiccups, kicks, punches... although I think I can tell when he rolls around, but only because it sometimes makes me feel like I'm about to get motion sickness. :shrug: lol

On top of that, I had a lady at my church tell me on Sunday "I'm so glad you finally look pregnant! When I was as far along as you I looked like I swallowed an adult!" because... in spite of the 20+ pounds that I've gained already *sigh* apparently I just don't "look all that pregnant"... It's so exasperating!

When I look at everything combined... including my very minimal pregnancy symptoms so far, the fact that I'm probably MORE active now than I was pre-pregnancy (I've just been walking a TON), and everything else... is it bad that I sorta feel like I'm not really getting the full monty pregnancy experience here? Am I just being ridiculous?

EDIT: Sorry, this sounds super negative, so let me please clarify... I'm actually really excited! I am so stinking excited and so super impatient to experience every single thing I possibly can that has to do with this baby that I get frustrated when his presence is sometimes STILL a little less than obvious. I'm the girl who feels a slight movement and automatically presses her hand to that spot to see if she can get a better sense of it -- even though it has already meant sitting idly at my desk at work doing nothing but staring into space with my hand on my belly and a stupid grin on my face. This boy is the most beautiful distraction I've ever had. Hands down.
Welcome back, beccabear! So sorry to hear about the dad issues, but Levi Thomas is a beeeeeeeautiful name! He's going to be well taken care of by people that love him and appreciate him. :hugs:
As for the movement thing, my little lady has been moving super hardcore in the last week, but before then it was still "just butterflies", so I know where you are with that one. My mom didn't feel either my sister or me move while we were in utero, so I count every movement (little or barrel-roll) as a score! Just know that he definitely is happy and healthy and probably moving around a bunch in there, there just isn't a lot of room for him to do his karate moves!
And don't let women get you down about your belly. Ugh, that has been my biggest pet peeve this whole time. I feel like a whale because I'm constantly hearing "you have blown up!"...can't these ladies remember what it felt like when people commented on their weight!? Honestly! It's not okay when we -aren't- pregnant, so why is it ok now? At least just say "you look beautiful!" or "you're glowing!" ... those seem pretty safe.
I have felt very little movement so far. I have an anterior placenta which is muffling it apparently, but it is frustrating, since it seems so late to not be feeling much of anything now. But everyone says it's ok, and I had an ultrasound where I saw her doing little flips so I try not to worry.

At work people have been saying I really popped while on vacation. I'm like, ummm thanks....??? haha. I only ever tell pregnant woman they "look great!" - that is nice and safe. haha. Some are paranoid about being too big, some paranoid about being too small... better not to comment on size on a woman EVER. haha.

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