November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Anyone else finding it super hard to find a position to sleep in? Last night LO was so active that no matter what position I put myself in, I couldn't get comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE when I can feel her moving around, just not when I'm exhausted as all hell, lol.

My dad's side all chipped in and got us a glider from Babies R Us. We'll it got delivered yesterday. Turns out they delivered the wrong item. All slips attached to the box side glider, but when OH opened it to put it together, he noticed it was a crib! Needless to say we were not happy. Now we have to wait for them to email us return labels to send it back. My aunt who arranged it all was not happy at all !
Anyone else finding it super hard to find a position to sleep in? Last night LO was so active that no matter what position I put myself in, I couldn't get comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE when I can feel her moving around, just not when I'm exhausted as all hell, lol.

My dad's side all chipped in and got us a glider from Babies R Us. We'll it got delivered yesterday. Turns out they delivered the wrong item. All slips attached to the box side glider, but when OH opened it to put it together, he noticed it was a crib! Needless to say we were not happy. Now we have to wait for them to email us return labels to send it back. My aunt who arranged it all was not happy at all !

Yes!!! I can't find a comfortable position at all but she is very still at night...that's not my problem. My problem is my tummy feels like it is being pulled down by gravity and it's so uncomfortable. I think I'm going to have to find me a new pillow. I've been using one under my belly but it's not working any more...just seems to get flatter and flatter. I'm going to do some research today and find out what the best pregnancy pillow is that isn't top dollar of course. Any suggestions?!:shrug:

That was really sweet of your family to go in for the glider. I have to figure out where I'm going to get mine. I'm sorry they sent you the wrong thing, that would be infuriating. :hugs:
I second the uncomfortable ergh. Between SPD and Braxton hicks I feel very useless.

Mwel love that scan pic it's very clear!
I second the uncomfortable ergh. Between SPD and Braxton hicks I feel very useless.

Mwel love that scan pic it's very clear!

Thank you! We went to a place called 4D mommies. They specialize in ultrasounds only for entertainment purposes. They do really good at getting very clear pictures. :) They make you drink double the water you usually would a week before the ultrasound. You get a CD (with over 50 pics), a DVD of the session, and I got a heartbeat buddy too so I can listen to her heartbeat anytime I want and it's inside a cute little stuffed giraffe toy. :)
Anyone else finding it super hard to find a position to sleep in? Last night LO was so active that no matter what position I put myself in, I couldn't get comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE when I can feel her moving around, just not when I'm exhausted as all hell, lol.

My dad's side all chipped in and got us a glider from Babies R Us. We'll it got delivered yesterday. Turns out they delivered the wrong item. All slips attached to the box side glider, but when OH opened it to put it together, he noticed it was a crib! Needless to say we were not happy. Now we have to wait for them to email us return labels to send it back. My aunt who arranged it all was not happy at all !

Yes!!! I can't find a comfortable position at all but she is very still at night...that's not my problem. My problem is my tummy feels like it is being pulled down by gravity and it's so uncomfortable. I think I'm going to have to find me a new pillow. I've been using one under my belly but it's not working any more...just seems to get flatter and flatter. I'm going to do some research today and find out what the best pregnancy pillow is that isn't top dollar of course. Any suggestions?!:shrug:

That was really sweet of your family to go in for the glider. I have to figure out where I'm going to get mine. I'm sorry they sent you the wrong thing, that would be infuriating. :hugs:

I have no ideas on the pillows. The one I have I stopped using because it too got flat and squished form where my legs were wrapped around it !

I think OHs mom was more upset about the mess up than we were. We kept telling her they are going to take care of It lol.

I cant stop eating sweets! But its so weird how with my girl i ate eveything and gained 45 total and right now with this one im still eating junk food but wayyyyy less than with her and im still gaining more! Anyways besides dr telling me to cut back om sweets and coke, on thursday i will have 7 weeks left!
I definitely don't sleep that well. I toss and turn, but since the bump is so big at this point, it's difficult to toss and turn! I also get hot really easily, and pee a few times a night. I love the support of the pregnancy pillow but I also get tangled up in it and it's harder to get out of bed to pee or turn to my other side. Fun stuff!
I definitely don't sleep that well. I toss and turn, but since the bump is so big at this point, it's difficult to toss and turn! I also get hot really easily, and pee a few times a night. I love the support of the pregnancy pillow but I also get tangled up in it and it's harder to get out of bed to pee or turn to my other side. Fun stuff!

Haha, that's why I stopped using my pregnancy pillow. It would get caught in the comforter and then I'd be flailing to get out of it. Now that I'm bigger and my pelvic area tends to hurt while I sleep it's harder to move from side to side during the night. Getting up to pee is the worst. We're in the basement so not only does it take me a while to get outta bed, but I habe to walk up the stairs to the bathroom :wacko:
I've been kinda MIA for the last little bit. I had a bit of a scare with my son. We went in last routine growth ultrasound last week and his ventricle in his brain was measuring 11mm when they want it under 10. They sat us down with the genetic counselor and everything and explained that it was only mildly enlarged, he's a big boy to begin with and this could just be his normal, and 90% chance he'd have normal development. However, there was (is?) a 10% chance he'd have developmental delays. They told me they'd need to schedule a more in depth ultrasound to look more closely at all the structures of his brain. Initially they wanted to wait to do this at my 32 week ultrasound next month, but I went into panic mode. This was not even an issue at my previous scans and if it weren't for twins, I would have never known it was a potential issue as I wouldn't be having these repeat ultrasounds. Needless to say, I was an emotional wreck- they really scared me. Seriously- they were talking to me about special Ed, group homes when he is an adult, possible blockages in the brain, chromosomal abnormalities, etc. Way over the top scary stuff for a 10% chance of there actually being something wrong. I called the genetic counselor late last week in tears and she got the perinatologist to move up my scan to today because there was no way I could handle a month in complete limbo.

Thank God, the scan today went well. Declan's brain looks totally normal outside of a slightly enlarged ventricle (measuring smaller today at 10.3, not 11). The perinatologist thinks it's just due to him being a big baby with a large head (no shock there, my DH has a HUGE head). I'm not completely out of the woods and will continue to have follow ups, but it's looking ok. It's also possible that my pediatrician will order a MRI or other follow up for Declan after he is born just to be on the safe side. Not a fun week though. Sometimes all this technology and information is just over the top. This probably minor issue would have gone completely unnoticed if it weren't for all my extra scans and I could have/would have been saved the worry.

On a nicer note, both babies are now head down right at my cervix. Declan was hugging his sister and they had their heads pressed up together. Totally adorable!
Sorry for your worry Missy :hugs: fingers crossed Declan is doing just fine in there xxx

I'm not too gassy, but am finding it quite hard to sleep. It's the heartburn keeping me awake though, I'm now on 4 pillows, I might as well sleep up in a chair :dohh:
Aww sorry for all the worry Missy. Hopefully it's just like they said and he's just a big baby.
My cousin delivered her little boy Owen Ray yesterday at 5:30 PM. He weighed just under 6 pounds and was 18 inches long! Perfectly healthy and the family is happy and resting. He would have been a very big baby if he had lasted 5 more weeks!!

As for me, I had a cardiologist's appointment today for my skipping heartbeats. I guess it's fairly common for pregnant women to experience, but I have an echocardiogram on Monday to rule out any abnormalities. My husband went with me, and when they laid me back to hook up the EKG we FINALLY got to share the freaky/awesome/out of this world sight of my little lady pushing against my stomach! She didn't really like the tests because she would not stop bumping up against the wires.
Great news Dissy :)

And sorry about your worry Missy.. but it all sounds really hopeful in the end. I am having extra scans too and whilst it is lovely to see the LO again, each scan throws up something to worry about :wacko:
Dissy - that's great news! Wow, that early and almost 6lbs?? That would have been a huge baby, LOL! Congrats to her, hope everyone is doing well.

Missy - so sorry to hear about the worries. That must be so frustrating! But, glad to hear Declan is alright, and babies are getting into position! You're just a few weeks out now, right? Assuming that you deliver early - is your doc still thinking you'll be around 34 weeks?

AFM - 30 weeks today, yay! 3/4 of the way there. Very excited. I'm trying really, really hard to not complain about this pregnancy, even though I want to real bad! I know it's my last pregnancy, and I want to really enjoy every last minute of it. It doesn't help that work is crazy busy right now and the time is just flying by - SO much faster than with my first! No nursery or Big Sister room yet - hopefully this weekend. Haven't taken out Chase's newborn clothes yet to see what else we might need. A friend is bugging me about a "sprinkle" and I still need to get back with her. I NEED MORE TIME! GAH!

Reese is still spinning, so goes between head-down and transverse. I don't know where and when she'll land. Back pain is a little more constant, though not near as bad as with my first. Difficulty breathing at times. I get exhausted QUICKLY (all it took last night was making dinner and folding ONE load of laundry). And she's moving all. the. freaking. time. LOL. I even scolded her during a meeting yesterday in front of my boss because she was kicking me HARD! Luckily I work around all women/moms so nobody cared!

On a side note, I could live off of hot & sour soup, and chocolate bars of any kind. I'm trying to be good and eat only home-cooked stuff this week, no eating out. Monday and Tuesday are down. Let's see how i do the rest of the week :)
Thanks ladies. I'm feeling more confident now that baby boy will be just fine. The perinatologist stressed they really don't start to worry until the ventricles get to be 12 or 13 mm and so long as Declan's stay stable at 10mm-11mm he is very likely completely fine. They are just being overly cautious. This won't stop me from worrying before my next scan at 32 weeks though!

Mariemo, my doctor thinks it's likely I'll have these babies sometime between 34-36 weeks. Obviously the longer they bake the better. I still have my scheduled c-section set for 38 weeks, but that's probably unlikely. Coming quick!
Missy, good news that everything is ok with Declan I agree sometimes technology is not so much a blessing. How is your gd?

I went to see the specialist today, Macie is doing great head down at the moment, weighs 3 pounds 11 ounces, heart rate 141 bpm. As for me I've lost 2 pounds these last two weeks eating No carbs, pretty drastic but I didn't know what I could and couldn't have. I talked to the dietician today and she told me what all I can and can't have, turns out I can have carbs in moderation, but better choices like wheat or whole grain instead of white bread, or brown rice instead of white rice things like that, and of course eat every couple hours and they gave me a meter to check my blood sugar an hour after ever meal and first thing in the morning before I eat anything. This whole thing is not so bad and I'm going to continue eating like this after Macie is born, it seems to be helping with weight and maybe I'll lose the baby weight this way. I still do moderate exercise too.

Dissy, yay for your cousin!! Under 6 pounds is a real good weight for 35 weeks was it? My son was born at 35 weeks and weighed 4 pounds 11 ounces. So glad he is healthy and everything is okay. I'm off to pick my son up from school, you ladies have a lovely day!

And Mariemo, happy 30 weeks, I'm the same and getting nervous that it is getting close. Single digit weeks for me, 9 weeks to go. (induction at 39 weeks).
Missy, good news that everything is ok with Declan I agree sometimes technology is not so much a blessing. How is your gd? .

My GD has been easily controlled. My numbers are consistently low even when I cheat a little. Not good I know but hard not to cheat once in a while when your numbers are way below the cut off line after eating... I admit I've gone a little lax with the diet because of this. I find the only thing that spikes my numbers is milk, which is my fave and makes me sad, but I'm dealing. How is it going for you? Definitely not fun, but also not the worse scare I've had this pregnancy! How is your BP doing? Mines been pretty stable in the high range, but no signs of Pre-E yet, Thank Goodness! I go in tomorrow again for my weekly check.
Missy so sorry for all of the worry. I really bet it's all going to be fine. I agree that all this technology sometimes gives us information that is enough to make us worry but in the end is really nothing! I bet little Declan is going to be perfect. :hugs:
Missy, good news that everything is ok with Declan I agree sometimes technology is not so much a blessing. How is your gd? .

My GD has been easily controlled. My numbers are consistently low even when I cheat a little. Not good I know but hard not to cheat once in a while when your numbers are way below the cut off line after eating... I admit I've gone a little lax with the diet because of this. I find the only thing that spikes my numbers is milk, which is my fave and makes me sad, but I'm dealing. How is it going for you? Definitely not fun, but also not the worse scare I've had this pregnancy! How is your BP doing? Mines been pretty stable in the high range, but no signs of Pre-E yet, Thank Goodness! I go in tomorrow again for my weekly check.

My glucose reading today at the doc's office was 80 after a 4 hour fast (not intentional, I just forgot to eat since 8 this morning) and then when I checked it one hour after lunch it was 130 which my goal was less than 140 an hour after lunch, so far so good. I have been cutting carbs and sugars like a nazi all week and found out today that wasn't neccesary, I could have things in moderation, well obviously not soda or candy. It's ok to cheat a little from time to time, in moderation of course. My bp has gone back down to the 125s over 70s-80s range, which is good for me, and again I'm not sure but I think this carb free diet I've been on has helped with that. No, it's not the worst thing, apart from having to test my blood, I don't like that part, but the diet I can deal with. Doc even said I can have a small piece of my baby shower cake so I'm happy. Good about the no signs of pre e for you! I hope you can cook those baby's for as long as possible. Good luck on your weekly checkup tomorrow!
Currently waiting to get my blood taken for my Glucose test. Wasn't that bad tasting, lol.
Baby is head down now, how they can figure that out I'll never know ! Got my papers from my OB to pre-register for the hospital. And now my biweekly appintments start !

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