November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

When I got my hospital papers from my OB yestetday there wad a list of what to pack in your hospital bag, so that will be helpful.
Mind sharing? :flower: I have no clue what the essentials are, and every list I've seen seems WAY massive!
Olivia is a beautiful name, by the way!

Trying to remember off the top of my head as the paper is at home.
Slippers, pads, diapers (apparently my hospital doesn't supply pads or diapers, but I've heard otherwise), underwear (granny panties !), lip chap, night gown. I'll write the rest on here when I get home tonight.
I asked my OB if I need to do a birth plan - he plain out saidno. Lol. He said half the time it doesn't end up getting followed anyways. The more complicated it is, you're more than likely to have a c-section. He said if you want drugs, tell them as soon as you get there lol.
I may still write one up just to be on the safe side. I found a template for one off of Pintrest.
I asked my OB if I need to do a birth plan - he plain out saidno. Lol. He said half the time it doesn't end up getting followed anyways. The more complicated it is, you're more than likely to have a c-section. He said if you want drugs, tell them as soon as you get there lol.
I may still write one up just to be on the safe side. I found a template for one off of Pintrest.

I think it's important to have a birth plan if there is something you adamantly want/don't want during your labor & delivery - but just as important is having your birthing partner/spouse be your advocate. So things that you would make you feel like you've "failed" down the road. Like, if you adamantly want a med-free birth, put that in your birth plan and make sure hubby knows that even if you beg for it, NO, you don't want an epidural. Or if you want your water to break naturally and not be broken for you, etc.

Other than that, if you're comfortable with whatever intervention or aide the doctor recommends, then no, there's probably no need for a birth plan. I didn't really have an opinion on most things, except that I wanted to nurse my baby and wanted to do skin-to-skin as soon as possible. I would have freaked the freak out if they took my baby out of the room unless it was medically necessary. So, those are things my hubby knew, and knew to fight for if needed.

I am very lucky that our hospital is one of the top-rated in the state for best places to have a baby, and they're one of a small number of facilities designated as "baby-friendly" - that means their standard of care involves immediate skin-to-skin, breastfeeding, no pacifiers, rooming in unless requested otherwise, etc. It's in their policy that (unless the mother requests otherwise or the baby is medically unable to do so), mothers initiate breastfeeding no more than one hour after birth. They don't allow formula company advertisements and don't allow brands on any of their documentation, if the mother chooses to formula-feed. I really love this hospital and, even though it's no longer the closest one to us, we're going back there for this reason. They rock.
And OMG yes please bring granny panties to the hospital, with a really high waist. I had a c-section and everything hit right on my scar, except for those good ol' grannies. And I didn't buy any before going to the hospital, so I had to send my BFF to Target to buy me some before she came to visit baby. I'm sure she loved me for that one :)
Ladies quick ques...? Im not a daily coffee drinker but i've noticed that when i do drink coffee im not sure if its braxton hicks what im feeling. Ive never had them before so not sure what to look or feel "braxton hicks" feel like slight pressure but no pain down there...but its only after i drink coffee then it goes away and thats it. I called nurse and she said to not drink anymore til i speak to the dr and if i keep having them thry will see me, but i dont have them so i doubt just happens when i drink coffee and then thats all.
We are beginning final prep. I finally picked a pediatrician, the nursery is painted and coming along, I have shower #2 tomorrow and after that, we'll buy the odds and ends of everything else we need. We only have two baby classes left (completed birth classes and infant CPR), just need to finish the breast feeding class and one more infant care class, and we toured the hospital. I still need to pack my hospital bag, but I'll get on that next week I think. The biggest thing we still need to do and keep putting off is trading in my little Ford Focus for a bigger car. Not looking forward to that at all. My car is only a year old and I know we are going to loose money on it. I'm also not looking forward to the bigger car payment- but two car seats just aren't happening in either of our vehicles. Boo.
We are beginning final prep. I finally picked a pediatrician, the nursery is painted and coming along, I have shower #2 tomorrow and after that, we'll buy the odds and ends of everything else we need. We only have two baby classes left (completed birth classes and infant CPR), just need to finish the breast feeding class and one more infant care class, and we toured the hospital. I still need to pack my hospital bag, but I'll get on that next week I think. The biggest thing we still need to do and keep putting off is trading in my little Ford Focus for a bigger car. Not looking forward to that at all. My car is only a year old and I know we are going to loose money on it. I'm also not looking forward to the bigger car payment- but two car seats just aren't happening in either of our vehicles. Boo.

Ugh I know that feeling! We're trying to figure out what car we will be able to fit 3 car seats in! We only have one car at the moment, and it definitely won't fit 3. We also have no money for a new car :haha:
I feel very ill prepared! Nursery isn't even finished , haven't even thought about packing hospital bags lol.

...but tomorrow we are ordering rest of nursery things plus the pram, car seat and base, bouncer! And the Moses basket and other bits should arrive Monday so I reckon by next Monday everything will be ready...hopefully!
Ladies quick ques...? Im not a daily coffee drinker but i've noticed that when i do drink coffee im not sure if its braxton hicks what im feeling. Ive never had them before so not sure what to look or feel "braxton hicks" feel like slight pressure but no pain down there...but its only after i drink coffee then it goes away and thats it. I called nurse and she said to not drink anymore til i speak to the dr and if i keep having them thry will see me, but i dont have them so i doubt just happens when i drink coffee and then thats all.

I don't think it's Braxton hicks, but I may be wrong...but sometimes coffee can "clean" a person out...meaning that what's in the coffee sometimes causes slight cramps due to the BM about to occur after drinking it. It may not actually occur for you, but it's possible that your tummy gets a little bit upset over it...I know a lot of people who love drinking coffee just for the perk of
But I may be wrong...
My cousin is having her baby!!!!!! Maybe. My mom just called me and told me she is in the hospital having contractions that are 10 minutes apart, but regular. I sent her a message on fb (which goes to her phone) but if she is actually in the midst of labor she probably can't answer, lol. She knew she was going to be early with this one, but she is 5 weeks ahead of me, so that would put her at 35 or 36 weeks. I don't know, but I'll update when I get some new info. So exciting!!!

Hey Laylagirl! I didn't realize you were just a couple days behind me. How are you doing?

As far as being prepared, Meh. I have thought about what all I'll put together in a hospital bag, but other than that I guess I'll wait till that famous nesting phase comes along. Like I have said, I never had anything but the utter basics with my kids, not even a crib, so I'm not worried about getting/having this or that. I have alot of baby clothes already washed and put up, so she'll have something to wear when she comes home. I have my breast pump, but I'll be exclusivly breast feeding for at least 6-8 weeks so I don't really need that yet except for a just in case. I have my cloth diapers and wipes and all that. I have a Ton of baby toilettries because I'm a couponer and stocked up on that stuff a long time ago. My shower is next month, and hubby and I plan to go shopping tomorrow for a car seat and maybe a few other things... I have a baby swing a friend let me borrow... Mother in law has already said to be on the lookout for a crib and maybe something else as she is going to give us $300 bucks for it. I'm pretty ready I guess.
Cncem- hi! I didn't notice either...maybe we can compare notes on how were feeling as the time gets closer for us...
I'm doing's lonely... As he says "were roommates now"...and that's hard...I'm just trying to take each day as they come and when he's not here, I hardly think about him or his mistress.. Just focused in my girls and my SON!! At least I have them...

I finally got everything I need for my little man..I just want to buy a nursing cover.
As far as packing a hospital bag, I have zero urge to do that...and I've even stopped getting the urge to look at and buy baby clothes.. So I'm not exactly sure when I will be packing a bag yet. But my hospital tour is October 22, so we will see where I'm at by then.

I still have this pang for a baby shower for my little man...I just don't have very many important people in my life to have one and I've heard it looks bad if you have showers for subsequent babies...either way, just to take my mind off things, I'm going to order a cookie cake with blue frosting and quietly celebrate him. Plus it gives me a reason to indulge a little bit. Lol .
Thanks for asking cncem...I appreciate it.
Ladies quick ques...? Im not a daily coffee drinker but i've noticed that when i do drink coffee im not sure if its braxton hicks what im feeling. Ive never had them before so not sure what to look or feel "braxton hicks" feel like slight pressure but no pain down there...but its only after i drink coffee then it goes away and thats it. I called nurse and she said to not drink anymore til i speak to the dr and if i keep having them thry will see me, but i dont have them so i doubt just happens when i drink coffee and then thats all.

I don't think it's Braxton hicks, but I may be wrong...but sometimes coffee can "clean" a person out...meaning that what's in the coffee sometimes causes slight cramps due to the BM about to occur after drinking it. It may not actually occur for you, but it's possible that your tummy gets a little bit upset over it...I know a lot of people who love drinking coffee just for the perk of
But I may be wrong...

It sometimes helps me go to the rr since im a constipated person...but i dont feel pressure in my butt, i feel pressure on my pelvic area and its weird cause i know when its the rr and when its not...and ots weird to me that after coffee i feel like if my vagina oops sorry tmi it feels like if its contracting. I think coffee does have something to do with it cause tney told me to not drink anymore wahhhhhhh
Thanks Layla, she is having a little girl! I don't know what is going on though, my mom can get a little bit hyper sometimes. I don't think a hospital would keep you for contractions 10 minutes apart, so I hope nothing else is going on with her. And this is my third child, but I've never had a baby shower before, and my husband's family and friends insist on it, so who am I to say no, lol. On a serious note though, I hope things work out for you and your kiddos.
OK so this is the list of things to bring to the hospital that I was given at my doctors appintment yesterday.
Sanitary napkins
Chap stick/Vaseline
Baby clothes
Car seat (on discharge day)
we aren't really ready.

We narrowed name down, but not sure of order. It may be Aeryk Alexander or Alexander Aeryk. Aeryk may be spelled differently than that, but we do know it won't be the traditional spelling.

We still need to get the pack 'n play. I was wanting to get a travel system, plus an extra car seat, so we have one for each car, but I've been thinking about it, and since it will be November, I think we are just going to get the regular car seat, and then come closer to spring, we can then buy the travel system.

I have a pediatrician picked out. I still need to get a babysitter lined up.

I do have a plan as for when I plan on going back to work though. Hopefully he cooperates with it. If I have him as close to his due date as possible, or after, 6 weeks will be right before Christmas. I get short term disability for 6 or 8 weeks depending on the birth. So I figured since it's that close to Christmas, I might as well wait until after the 1st of the year to go back to work.

I'm slowly getting things prepared for my hospital bag. I went shopping on Wednesday and bought 3 dark color sleep pants. I will most likely have to wear the hospital gown, or a tank, for easy access to bf. I wasn't able to find any button up sleep shirts that I liked. I want to still try to find a light weight robe, and I need slippers. I also have quite a few other things I need to get.

I'm also getting very frustrated with work. We are short handed, especially now as we lost someone today. So my boss tells us, starting next week, we are expected to work our day off (no matter what we have Sundays off, as we are closed, but whatever day he has us scheduled off during week, we have to work it.). I don't really mind this too much as I like money, and it will help us get ready for Pickle to be here. But, I was talking to him about my 36 week appt, where I was told I'd have an u/s. I'm not sure how early they do u/s but I know the latest is 2:30, so if I were to take the 2:30 time, I'd have to leave my work by 1:15 if I was working, which is pointless because it doesn't help cover lunches. Well, I kind of want OH to come to this, but he can't unless its a later time. Boss wasn't happy that I told him this, and he goes "just remember what type of position that puts the rest of us in". I'm also worried that the extra hours will put more stress on me and my body, and make me go into labor earlier than I'm ready.
My cousin is having her baby!!!!!! Maybe. My mom just called me and told me she is in the hospital having contractions that are 10 minutes apart, but regular. I sent her a message on fb (which goes to her phone) but if she is actually in the midst of labor she probably can't answer, lol. She knew she was going to be early with this one, but she is 5 weeks ahead of me, so that would put her at 35 or 36 weeks. I don't know, but I'll update when I get some new info. So exciting!!!

This is crazy! Our due dates are the super close, and MY cousin just had her baby five weeks early! I hope everything turns out for the best for her! :thumbup:
I just talked to my mom, my cousin didn't have her baby, false labor they said.
Thanks twinklie...I appreciate that....I can only go up from here, right? It's a day by day process, but I'm doing my best to stay strong...and coming here to you ladies is definitely refreshing and a huge help. I even get a few laughs...

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