November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

I've been with DH for 13 years...married for 5 years. We're both 35 now and decided it was time for a LO since we're getting older and I didn't know how long it would take us to get pregnant. We were lucky and got pregnant right away.

You can lose mucus plug a few weeks before you actually go into labor. It doesn't have to be brownish/red but can be. It can be whiteish too. I'd def mention it to your doc and see what they say.
Thanks ladies. I called the doctor on call cause I'm paranoid like that. She said if I start to leak fluids or get contractions to go in right away. Absent those symptoms, she said just bring it up to my doctor in the AM.
I looked online and a mucus plug can be clear as well, and many times is. I've gotten a couple sharp stabby pains in my cervix area since, but I think one or both of the babies is using it as a punching bag. Otherwise I feel normal, so I'm trying just to chill and not worry about it.
Well i wasnt too sure on what color it is...but yesterday i had a contraction...not a braxton hick but thank god it was just once and that was it, but it was painful.
Came home to - a clean house, no dishes in the sink, all laundry done. And DH was MUCH more patient this evening! LOL. Seriously, glad I'm not the only one married to a grown man who throws tantrums like a two-year-old ;)

DH and I have been together 6.5 years, will be married 4 years October 9. I'll be 31 on October 7th, and he's 39 now...he's pretty happy to be done having kids before turning 40!
Question for all - how long have you been married and/or been with your partner?

We have been together for 6 1/2 years. Our anniversary is March 21st.

Came home to - a clean house, no dishes in the sink, all laundry done. And DH was MUCH more patient this evening! LOL. Seriously, glad I'm not the only one married to a grown man who throws tantrums like a two-year-old ;)

DH and I have been together 6.5 years, will be married 4 years October 9. I'll be 31 on October 7th, and he's 39 now...he's pretty happy to be done having kids before turning 40!

OH and I are about the same as you and DH. I turned 31 in March (b-day is the 20th), and OH turned 38 in July. I think he figured he wasn't going to have any kids. We were ntnp for pretty much 5 years. We'll be done after this. This is his first, and my second.

And yeah most grown men can throw tantrums like a 2 year old. This past weekend I had DS1, and I had to deal with two children basically.
We have been together 3 1/2 years DS was a surprise baby that was the making of us and we started trying (on and off due to mc) in May 2013. I think having two will be hard but it was OHs idea to keep them close in age so we got all the baby stage done together!

Oh and we are both 25
36 weeks today! I need to get the nursery all finished and organized. Once that's done I'll definitely feel more ready for him to be here.

My ribs are so sore on my right side from baby kicking them all the time!
DH and I met/started dating 10 years ago. We have been married for 6 years. I turn 30 today. DH is 34.

We started fostering our nephews 2 years ago they are 7 & 9. I'm the one with little patience more often than DH. I usually try to bite my tongue and get away. I need alone time! Which I worry about with a baby but I'm hoping mother instinct kicks in more and I can just chill while baby sleeps.

On other notes my stupid cyst came back last week so I had surgery to drain it Friday. Still recovering yesterday was rough. They switched my pain meds to Tylenol 3 which does not agree with me. I get super nauseous, dizzy, hot, sleepy and the pain is barely touched so I have been trying to do just plain Tylenol or nothing. Then last night I got sick. Lost my dinner and felt terrible after. I think I was having contractions too. Today I feel better but still not great. Going to the chiropractor in a few minutes then might shop for a few little things for the nursery then back to bed until the boys get home from school tonight. I'm so glad I have today off. (Although tonight is crazy with football for 9yo.)

This weekend we are going on a mini vacation to a waterpark hotel and are taking a friend for 9yo. Saturday is his birthday party and we have nothing planned!
Wow, I feel like a baby having a baby up in this thread - I'm 23 turning 24 in December, and DH is 27. :haha: I've always lived life fast though..moved in with DH 9 months into the relationship, got married at 22, finishing my semester one month early...I don't know what my rush is!

AFM right now, I am waiting for a call back from my doctor's office on whether I should go get checked out or not. I came home from work yesterday with constant cramps (not contraction like..they never ebbed) that shifted from my front to back and was told to rest for the day. They haven't gone away today and at the moment are resting in my back. Not sure if it's just round ligament pain, BH (still have no clue what those feel like!), dehydration, or just sleeping weird. Any ideas from you ladies? Little lady is still kicking around, and I almost feel like it's more than usual :shrug:
Wow, I feel like a baby having a baby up in this thread - I'm 23 turning 24 in December, and DH is 27. :haha: I've always lived life fast though..moved in with DH 9 months into the relationship, got married at 22, finishing my semester one month early...I don't know what my rush is!

AFM right now, I am waiting for a call back from my doctor's office on whether I should go get checked out or not. I came home from work yesterday with constant cramps (not contraction like..they never ebbed) that shifted from my front to back and was told to rest for the day. They haven't gone away today and at the moment are resting in my back. Not sure if it's just round ligament pain, BH (still have no clue what those feel like!), dehydration, or just sleeping weird. Any ideas from you ladies? Little lady is still kicking around, and I almost feel like it's more than usual :shrug:

Not sure what to suggest I hope you get some answers but I've never been In labour so can't help much there. Interestingly the midwife today said contractions give you a less tight tummy then BH (my bh are like a really tight feeling in tummy which sometimes take my breath away but only hurt if I've over done it). I was 22 when I got pregnant with DS abd me and OH had only been together 8 months so I know what you mean about being in a rush!
DH and I met/started dating 10 years ago. We have been married for 6 years. I turn 30 today. DH is 34.

We started fostering our nephews 2 years ago they are 7 & 9. I'm the one with little patience more often than DH. I usually try to bite my tongue and get away. I need alone time! Which I worry about with a baby but I'm hoping mother instinct kicks in more and I can just chill while baby sleeps.

On other notes my stupid cyst came back last week so I had surgery to drain it Friday. Still recovering yesterday was rough. They switched my pain meds to Tylenol 3 which does not agree with me. I get super nauseous, dizzy, hot, sleepy and the pain is barely touched so I have been trying to do just plain Tylenol or nothing. Then last night I got sick. Lost my dinner and felt terrible after. I think I was having contractions too. Today I feel better but still not great. Going to the chiropractor in a few minutes then might shop for a few little things for the nursery then back to bed until the boys get home from school tonight. I'm so glad I have today off. (Although tonight is crazy with football for 9yo.)

This weekend we are going on a mini vacation to a waterpark hotel and are taking a friend for 9yo. Saturday is his birthday party and we have nothing planned!

Happy Birthday! I'm sorry you are in pain and dealing with a cyst. Not fun!
Wow, I feel like a baby having a baby up in this thread - I'm 23 turning 24 in December, and DH is 27. :haha: I've always lived life fast though..moved in with DH 9 months into the relationship, got married at 22, finishing my semester one month early...I don't know what my rush is!

AFM right now, I am waiting for a call back from my doctor's office on whether I should go get checked out or not. I came home from work yesterday with constant cramps (not contraction like..they never ebbed) that shifted from my front to back and was told to rest for the day. They haven't gone away today and at the moment are resting in my back. Not sure if it's just round ligament pain, BH (still have no clue what those feel like!), dehydration, or just sleeping weird. Any ideas from you ladies? Little lady is still kicking around, and I almost feel like it's more than usual :shrug:

Not sure what to suggest I hope you get some answers but I've never been In labour so can't help much there. Interestingly the midwife today said contractions give you a less tight tummy then BH (my bh are like a really tight feeling in tummy which sometimes take my breath away but only hurt if I've over done it). I was 22 when I got pregnant with DS abd me and OH had only been together 8 months so I know what you mean about being in a rush!

My DH told me he was ready for kids pretty much the moment we started dating haha! He was my cousin's best friend, though, so it's not like we didn't know each other at least...
I've made an appt to see my Doc at 1:30 this afternoon. I'm sure it's nothing because sheesh, I'm only 32 weeks!
I've been with my hubby since I was 15 (so 11 years). We have been married for 6 years. Yes I was a young bride and yes I knew what I wanted. We were just very blessed to find each other that young. I am 26 and he is 30 and this is our first and we couldn't be happier! :)
Last night I had to go to the hospital for monitoring- while I was at work, I had 20+ BH contractions in an hour. I called, and at first they told me to just go home and rest, but then they looked at my history and saw that I had my twins at 32 weeks, so they had me come in. I sat on the monitors for an hour, which showed I was still contracting every 4-5 minutes, and baby's heartrate and movements were great.

They did a fetal fibronectin test, which is supposed to predict if you have a high risk of going into labor in the next week. They said they couldn't use any lubricating gel because it could affect the test, so they shoved a huge metal speculum in me with no lubrication- SUPER painful. Luckily the test was negative. Then, they decided to check my cervix, which is closed and not at all effaced, so that's great. At that point they sent me home and basically told me to rest as much as possible, stay hydrated, and call them if I have any other symptoms.

Today I'm very sore, and have lower back and pelvic pain any time I'm sitting up, probably from the exam/tests. Still contracting pretty regularly, although not as frequent as yesterday. Luckily I'm working from home, so I'm relaxing in bed with my laptop.
And I feel like an old lady, Dissy. I turned 37 in May, and assuming we can handle being parents, this won't be my last pregnancy.
PK, when is your anniversary? I just realized we're close...DH and I are going on 4 years on October 9th. And again - glad to hear I'm not the only one with this kind of hubby! LOL. I really do wonder how he'll deal with 2 girls, especially when one is 2 and the other is 4...poor guy!

Question for all - how long have you been married and/or been with your partner?

We will have been married 4 years on October the 27th...3 days after my scan edd!

We were childhood sweethearts, getting together at 16 and together about 13 years before I finally persuaded him to get married! I was pg 6 months later!

Midwife app this morning...little Bug is engaged and ready to go. Lying exactly the same as F and measuring exactly on track so all good :happydance: xxx
Hi ladies!
Lately I have been going to growth scans due to my thyroid disfunction and because I had Graves Disease last year. Everything was going well so far until today. I had my US and baby was moving around and very happy and he still over the percentile a bit... but my amniotic fluid was preety low... at 28+6 weeks my AFI was 14.6 and now at 31+6 has dropped down to 6.6
Doctor said is far too low for this stage and asked me if I had any gush of waters or something... I asked I don't know but I notices my discharge has increased and sometimes was more watery? ( I thought I had some urine loss) then she checked me and said she couldn't see any leaking but we need to keep a close eye. Me and OH are concerned to death as we are now on a dead point until we get some blood results on Friday and a new US on Tuesday. Another possibility doctor said is that baby has been swallowing fluid and his tummy and kidneys might be full and the levels won't go back to normal until he has a pee... but then she said something about that was not normal to drop almos a 50% of fluid in 4 weeks... don't know what to do :( any suggestions?
MarieMo - we are very close in age! I turn 31 on Oct 18th.

I have been with DH for almost 10 years now. We've been married for 4 years (anniversary was just this August). I turn 31 next month and DH is 33, turns 34 in March. Although he's 2.5 years older than me, we're only one grade apart, as I was always the baby for my grade and he was always the old guy in his grade. haha.

DH also needs his alone time to recharge, so I worry about balancing that with "just us" time and family time when the baby comes. I always joke that he is my first child and is used to me babying him a bit, and he may get a little jealous when the baby steals a lot of the attention!

I do feel like we both have rather high expectations of children and may be the mean/strict parents on the block, but we appreciate how we were rasied (to respect authority, have really good manners without prompting, yadda yadda). All good in theory, we'll see what happens when we actually have to do it! :)
Hope you ladies having some trouble get some reassurance and relief from pain soon! I don't have much to offer, but thinking of you. :hugs:
I met my wonderful husband 6ish years ago and we've been married for 3 1/2 years. He does have a temper and can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but I love him to pieces. Maybe having a baby will calm him abit, we'll see.

My father in law and I ordered a crib this weekend, they gave me a budget of $300 (for a crib?? That is insane) but told me if I find one for cheaper I could use the rest of the money for other things I need. So I got a crib, mattress, baby bathtub, breastpump accesory kit and 2 bumgenius cloth diapers. There was a coupon in Sundays paper for $20 off $125 baby purchase with an online code so I split everything up into two transactions and got $40 dollars extra, which paid for the diapers. I love coupons!! I'm so looking forward to my shower, which is less than 2 weeks away! So excited.

I hope all you ladies having pain issues feel better soon.

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