November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

After this upcoming dr appt on tuesday i will have one more dr appt left and thats it! I cant wait these BH and random contractions are painful and want to be over it. My pelvic pain during the nights are the worse it feels like if i have a huge cut or something...not to mention that since im constipated sometimes i take long in the rr well today as i was in the rr as soon as i got up from the toilet, it felt like if i had a huge wide gap open in between my legs...
I had one horrific experience with constipation after I started supplementing iron. After that I started a magnesium supplement at night before bed. And upped my fiber. Helped tremendously!

I don't think I've posted my congrats yet to the ladies who have had their babies! Perfection! Well done, mamas!
Maternity tour this wednesday.... Nothing too exciting over here..
My BH make me breathless too. They came roughly every 7 mins last night for hours with period like ache pains. Then they just disappeared. BH are very annoying when they go regular (ish) only gets your hopes up!

I'm jealous of anyone on maternity leave without a toddler. Please make the most of it!
My BH are evil! It totally goes against the advice that is given online.
I woke up this morning to my FOURTH ocular migraine in two weeks and fifth since starting the third tri. Usually I get an occular migraine maybe once a year, if that. I've brought it up to my OB after each migraine/visual disturbance but she keeps brushing them off as being hormone related or telling me I'm likely dehydrated (which is probably true). But still... They are scary and getting pretty frequent. I really, really hope they are just a late term pregnancy side affect and go away after I give birth and nothing else is going on.
I'm now on my weekly OB appointments starting next week. Time is flying !

Had my Group B swab today, so will find out the results next week.
I woke up this morning to my FOURTH ocular migraine in two weeks and fifth since starting the third tri. Usually I get an occular migraine maybe once a year, if that. I've brought it up to my OB after each migraine/visual disturbance but she keeps brushing them off as being hormone related or telling me I'm likely dehydrated (which is probably true). But still... They are scary and getting pretty frequent. I really, really hope they are just a late term pregnancy side affect and go away after I give birth and nothing else is going on.

Sorry to hear that, i hope your migraine has lifted. Ive had a lot bad headaches this pregnancy which im not use to.
I'm now on my weekly OB appointments starting next week. Time is flying !

Had my Group B swab today, so will find out the results next week.

Is it a standard test to have where you are?

Ya between 35-38 weeks they will do a swab. If you test positive, they have to give you an IV drip during labour. Not harmful to the mother but when baby passes through the birth canal it could infect them.
I'm now on my weekly OB appointments starting next week. Time is flying !

Had my Group B swab today, so will find out the results next week.

Is it a standard test to have where you are?

Ya between 35-38 weeks they will do a swab. If you test positive, they have to give you an IV drip during labour. Not harmful to the mother but when baby passes through the birth canal it could infect them.

I had positive at 14w but wouldnt of agreed to test if i had known. I have declined IV unless certain situations happen.
SPD/PGP is especially bad right now. Last night I almost couldn't make it through grocery shopping, every step was agony. Getting in and out of the car was super painful. The two small steps into my house were almost impossible. DH had to bring in all the groceries because I just couldn't make my legs and hips work! I had a hard time sleeping, because I couldn't stay in one position for long before it started to hurt, and then turning over was so difficult and painful. Thankfully, I'm working at home today, so I'm sitting with the heating pad on, hoping that Tylenol will do something for a change.

35 week bump picture! 4 weeks to go!


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240 hours to go!!!!
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!! :happydance: you could be next hopeful! Xxxx

We had my baby shower yesterday! So glad that we are finally able to get everything sorted and situated for the little man's arrival. We did so much this weekend in preparation for his arrival - lots of returns, shopping, organizing, cleaning, etc. Nursery is almost all set!

I've been having lots of pain in my vagina area -- it feels like sore almost. I think he's really starting to forcefully sit there and push down!
lovely progress pics xxx

SPD/PGP is especially bad right now. Last night I almost couldn't make it through grocery shopping, every step was agony. Getting in and out of the car was super painful. The two small steps into my house were almost impossible. DH had to bring in all the groceries because I just couldn't make my legs and hips work! I had a hard time sleeping, because I couldn't stay in one position for long before it started to hurt, and then turning over was so difficult and painful. Thankfully, I'm working at home today, so I'm sitting with the heating pad on, hoping that Tylenol will do something for a change.

35 week bump picture! 4 weeks to go!
cute bump, sorry you're in so much pain :hugs:

Sorry to all the mummies feeling so uncomfortable. We are all nearly there, we just have to ride out this last worst bit.

I agree with whoever said to enjoy mat leave without a toddler, it is totally not the same to be off work running round after a little ball of energy! I want to make these last weeks so fun too, to really make the most of having just her.

I was full of energy this morning and even cleaned the bathroom in my underwear! I feel bump has dropped a bit today and like someone else mentioned I do feel like baby is almost falling out each time I go to the toilet or sit down!! :wacko: xxx
spent about 3 hours at the hospital/doctor's this morning. Started with my biophysical and Pickle was being stubborn and didn't want to move at first, even though he was moving on the drive over there. When I got up from that, I felt a bit light headed from laying on my back.

I then went up to L&D for my NST. BP was 143/98 when I first got there, so they had me lay on my left side for the testing. He was really stubborn or sleepy today because he didn't move as much but hb was great. Not sure if I was having contractions. I did feel a few, but I wasn't facing the machine so I don't know. She then took my bp, it was 127/82.

I then go down to my doctor's office, and first bp reading they get is 138/96. She then takes my bp by manual cuff, and it's now 152/96. They do have it noted in my chart that if I lay on my side by BP is fine. I also got my flu shot today. Figured what the hell, I'm off work, so if I feel crappy, I can feel crappy in the comfort of home. Anyway, my doctor comes in, and measures me, and listens to heart. She also talks about how she doesn't want to induce me, because of unsure if conditions are favorable (even though the week before the other doctor already checked and seems like if they were to induce me now, I'd progress nicely, but I understand where she is coming from and happy for that). She sent me back down to outpatient to get blood work done (cbc and two other tests), and wanted me to come back on Thursday. She said she will check me on Thursday to see if I'm dilated or have thinning (anymore than what it was last week).

Missy, I hope the headache goes away soon. :(
I woke up this morning to my FOURTH ocular migraine in two weeks and fifth since starting the third tri. Usually I get an occular migraine maybe once a year, if that. I've brought it up to my OB after each migraine/visual disturbance but she keeps brushing them off as being hormone related or telling me I'm likely dehydrated (which is probably true). But still... They are scary and getting pretty frequent. I really, really hope they are just a late term pregnancy side affect and go away after I give birth and nothing else is going on.

Sorry to hear that, i hope your migraine has lifted. Ive had a lot bad headaches this pregnancy which im not use to.

Thanks. They aren't painful. It's visual disturbances- a blinking aura, pieces of my vision missing or distorted. They come out of no where with no warning. They usually last about 15 minutes, and them I'm sometimes left with a mild headache, but most of the time I feel fine. It's more scary than anything. Like I said, these ocular migraines are somewhat normal for me, I'll get them once a year or so, but four times in a week and a half is highly unusual for me and slightly disturbing. I really, really hope my OB is right and they are just being triggered by hormones/lack of sleep/dehydration and they go away when the babies are born.

I'm getting tested for group b step tomorrow even though I'm having a c-section. Fun times!
SPD/PGP is especially bad right now. Last night I almost couldn't make it through grocery shopping, every step was agony. Getting in and out of the car was super painful. The two small steps into my house were almost impossible. DH had to bring in all the groceries because I just couldn't make my legs and hips work! I had a hard time sleeping, because I couldn't stay in one position for long before it started to hurt, and then turning over was so difficult and painful. Thankfully, I'm working at home today, so I'm sitting with the heating pad on, hoping that Tylenol will do something for a change.

35 week bump picture! 4 weeks to go!

I was told to put carrier bag on car seat so it makes it easier to slide around.
Sleeping and comfortable are 2 words i cant use in same sentence haha pain on pubic bone brings tears to my eyes when its time to pee in the night some nights am up 4 times.
Every time I get up to pee in the middle of the night, OH always asks me if I'm okay lol. The grunting and whining wakes him up. I have to hold on to the head board to help me up lol.

I am enjoying my mat leave with no kids lol. I just get super bored really fas. And I know if I go out I'll spend money I don't have !
spent about 3 hours at the hospital/doctor's this morning. Started with my biophysical and Pickle was being stubborn and didn't want to move at first, even though he was moving on the drive over there. When I got up from that, I felt a bit light headed from laying on my back.

I then went up to L&D for my NST. BP was 143/98 when I first got there, so they had me lay on my left side for the testing. He was really stubborn or sleepy today because he didn't move as much but hb was great. Not sure if I was having contractions. I did feel a few, but I wasn't facing the machine so I don't know. She then took my bp, it was 127/82.

I then go down to my doctor's office, and first bp reading they get is 138/96. She then takes my bp by manual cuff, and it's now 152/96. They do have it noted in my chart that if I lay on my side by BP is fine. I also got my flu shot today. Figured what the hell, I'm off work, so if I feel crappy, I can feel crappy in the comfort of home. Anyway, my doctor comes in, and measures me, and listens to heart. She also talks about how she doesn't want to induce me, because of unsure if conditions are favorable (even though the week before the other doctor already checked and seems like if they were to induce me now, I'd progress nicely, but I understand where she is coming from and happy for that). She sent me back down to outpatient to get blood work done (cbc and two other tests), and wanted me to come back on Thursday. She said she will check me on Thursday to see if I'm dilated or have thinning (anymore than what it was last week).

Missy, I hope the headache goes away soon. :(

If anything serious is brewing with your blood pressure, the pre-eclampsia blood panel your doctor ordered will catch it. I totally get your frustration with the 3+ hour doctor appointments. I had two like that last week, and I'm guessing I'll have 2 more marathon doc appointments this week too (labs, blood pressure checks, NSTs, biophysical profiles, AFI checks). Honestly, I feel mostly fine- I'm still moving around well for the most part and I feel pretty good. But the way my doctor's are treating me, I feel like I'm super high risk or something! They just need to cover their bases and make sure moms and babies are happy and healthy. Just take it one day at a time! :flower:

And yes, I'm TOTALLY taking advantage of these last 2 weeks that I have (or however long I'm given) without work and child free. I pretty much know in 14 days or less my life will never be the same again, so I better enjoy some couch potato time now while I can! Haha! But, I also hear you Salu. I've been done with my job for a week now, and I potentially have up to two more weeks work/child free before babies. It's easy to get a bit stir crazy, and if I go out I'm definitely tempted to spend money I don't have. I'll be paid for the next month and a half or so because all my built up vacation time is coming my way, but I need to keep reminding myself every time I want to spend money- "one income, 2 extra people- you are poor!!!" Lol
I woke up this morning to my FOURTH ocular migraine in two weeks and fifth since starting the third tri. Usually I get an occular migraine maybe once a year, if that. I've brought it up to my OB after each migraine/visual disturbance but she keeps brushing them off as being hormone related or telling me I'm likely dehydrated (which is probably true). But still... They are scary and getting pretty frequent. I really, really hope they are just a late term pregnancy side affect and go away after I give birth and nothing else is going on.

Missy, I hope everything is ok and those are just hormone related. I wouldn't wish migraines on my worst enemy they are awful, I used to get them but havn't had one in a while knockwood.
My husband gets ocular migraines on occasion. Not often, but his doctor also told him it was at least in part due to dehydration. When I was in the hospital this weekend they gave me a water bottle that holds 32 ounces. I've decided my goal is to finish 3 of those a day...and if I get through 2, that's my bare minimum. Good to have a stretch goal, though ;)

Ladies, I'm worried about the status of my VBAC. My OB is 100% supportive of it. But I found out this weekend (after dealing with the doucebag on-call OB, who is part of my doctor's practice) that most of the OBs in the practice do not do VBACs. There are 2, maybe 3 that do, including my OB. So if I go into labor and my doctor isn't there, they can require me to have a c-section. That, or refuse "against medical advice" and have no one to deliver my baby, or have to find another hospital. I'm going to discuss with my doctor on Wednesday, to get her thoughts on it, but I'm concerned that it's not going to happen.

I don't mind another c-section, really. But I haven't experienced going into labor. I'd like to experience that, as long as it doesn't put my baby into danger. If anyone told me that there was a GOOD medical why I shouldn't have a VBAC, I'd understand and would happily sign up for my surgery. But a VBAC poses no additional risk or threat than a repeat c-section, at least for me and my baby in my current medical condition, so shouldn't I be allowed to try? Ugh. I didn't realize until now that it would be this complicated.

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