November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Has anyone else lost weight in last few weeks? I've been losing weight. As of yesterday, I weighed 4lbs less than I did the week before. And the only difference between the two days would have been shoes. This week I was wearing light weight top, jean capris that weren't extremely heavy and flip flops. Last week, I had work top on (light weight), and black slacks (not too heavy), but work shoes on. I've been weighing myself at home, and yeah I've lost weight. Everything is okay with Pickle, so doctor isn't concerned, but OH is worried (of course), and I just find it odd.
Selaphyna- losing weight is completely normal. I've lost weight the last few appointments as well. I guess the amount of amniotic fluid gets lower and some moms just find it more difficult to eat with baby crowding their tummies. If your doc isn't worried, I wouldn't worry either.

It will be exciting to see who will deliver next, it sounds like several ladies are close.
Has anyone else lost weight in last few weeks? I've been losing weight. As of yesterday, I weighed 4lbs less than I did the week before. And the only difference between the two days would have been shoes. This week I was wearing light weight top, jean capris that weren't extremely heavy and flip flops. Last week, I had work top on (light weight), and black slacks (not too heavy), but work shoes on. I've been weighing myself at home, and yeah I've lost weight. Everything is okay with Pickle, so doctor isn't concerned, but OH is worried (of course), and I just find it odd.

That is considered to be another 'labour sign' to some. Ive never lost weight personally, i gain like no tomorrow lol
OMG, so I just got back from my OB and she wants me to pick a date between Oct 29th and Nov 1st to schedule the induction!! Talked to my hubby about it and we decided Nov 1st, which is a Sat, that way we can take the kids trick or treating and my mom can come over and stay with the kids on Sat, that is 11 days from now, wow just wow. Maybe she made a mistake in the days because I'll be 37 +3, that is just 4 days shy of 38 weeks. I'm kindof in shock right now, and just wow.
Has anyone else lost weight in last few weeks? I've been losing weight. As of yesterday, I weighed 4lbs less than I did the week before. And the only difference between the two days would have been shoes. This week I was wearing light weight top, jean capris that weren't extremely heavy and flip flops. Last week, I had work top on (light weight), and black slacks (not too heavy), but work shoes on. I've been weighing myself at home, and yeah I've lost weight. Everything is okay with Pickle, so doctor isn't concerned, but OH is worried (of course), and I just find it odd.

Sel, I've lost 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks, doc said that is great, nothing to be worried about.
Twinklie, when is your next dr's appointment? I would definitely be concerned with your symptoms. If it is pre-e, you will likely be put on bedrest until they induce you, which could be early, like 37 weeks or so. I would talk to your boss NOW about it - and maybe work from home as much as possible to limit the amount of energy you're expending. I know you only have 2 more weeks at the office, but I would say the more you can do from home, the more likely they are to be able to keep you longer without you having to be completely off of work!
We are definitely in the final throes of pregnancy here! Congrats to those who have had their beautiful babies, so exciting that is has begun for us! Sorry to those who are feeling poorly. I can definitely relate on some level.

I'm going to have to ask the doctor to check for pre-e at my appointment this Friday. My hands and feet got WAY more swollen starting last week, and I gained a ton of weight (like 6 pounds in a week). I totally have cankles and sausage feet, so I've resorted to wearing flip flops at work knowing that no one will say anything to the pregnant lady. :) I do also get little spots in my vision in the mornigns some times. No bad head aches thought. My carpal tunnel is really, really bad. My hands are numb and tingly like 23 hours of every day. I wake up at night and they are throbbing, I'm in so much pain I have to get up and go ice them for 20 minutes. Then when I wake up again they are throbbing again. I tried propping my hands up last night but I couldn't find a position like that where my back didn't hurt. Sigh. I feel so pathetic, normally if there's an issue I either suck it up or solve it, but I feel like the only solution to my carpal tunnel is having the baby, and that's 5 weeks away (plus or minus 2 weeks). UGH. There's so much I want to do still for getting the house ready and such, but it ALL involves using my hands obviously. And at work I am typing and using the computer mouse all day. I'm starting to actually consider my OB's reccommendation last time that if it gets real bad, consider if my primary doctor will put me on short term disability off of work before the baby comes. But I feel guilty leaving work in the lurch!

Twinklie, do you wear wrist braces at night? The ones with the metal bars along your wrist. I've been wearing them for several months and they do help. I've also been using thermacare heat wraps underneath the braces and it helps tremendously. I take a back one and cut it along the middle then cut the sides off that wrap around you and I'm left with two neat squares of the thermal oval things to put along my wrists under the braces. They don't get too hot cause the ovals are not exposed to air. I also will put bengay or icy hot on my wrists during the day, it really helps if they start aching during the day if I'm on the computer or using my hands alot. You might try those things.
So I've been planning on formula feeding from the start with my little lady, and have signed up with multiple brands online hoping for samples. Boy, did I get them!
I now have about 4 large-sized containers of Similac and quite a few Enfamil as well. For ladies that have formula-fed before, which did you prefer? I know better than to mix the formulas and to stick with just one, and I also know that what I may stock up on may not be what agrees with my baby's digestion. Just kind of curious about your experiences!
As for me, I'm craving chocolate milk something fierce. Damn you, GD!!

I feel your pain girlfriend. My son's birthday was last week and I got to stare longingly at his chocolate cake for a week before the kids finished it off.
We are definitely in the final throes of pregnancy here! Congrats to those who have had their beautiful babies, so exciting that is has begun for us! Sorry to those who are feeling poorly. I can definitely relate on some level.

I'm going to have to ask the doctor to check for pre-e at my appointment this Friday. My hands and feet got WAY more swollen starting last week, and I gained a ton of weight (like 6 pounds in a week). I totally have cankles and sausage feet, so I've resorted to wearing flip flops at work knowing that no one will say anything to the pregnant lady. :) I do also get little spots in my vision in the mornigns some times. No bad head aches thought. My carpal tunnel is really, really bad. My hands are numb and tingly like 23 hours of every day. I wake up at night and they are throbbing, I'm in so much pain I have to get up and go ice them for 20 minutes. Then when I wake up again they are throbbing again. I tried propping my hands up last night but I couldn't find a position like that where my back didn't hurt. Sigh. I feel so pathetic, normally if there's an issue I either suck it up or solve it, but I feel like the only solution to my carpal tunnel is having the baby, and that's 5 weeks away (plus or minus 2 weeks). UGH. There's so much I want to do still for getting the house ready and such, but it ALL involves using my hands obviously. And at work I am typing and using the computer mouse all day. I'm starting to actually consider my OB's reccommendation last time that if it gets real bad, consider if my primary doctor will put me on short term disability off of work before the baby comes. But I feel guilty leaving work in the lurch!

Twinklie, do you wear wrist braces at night? The ones with the metal bars along your wrist. I've been wearing them for several months and they do help. I've also been using thermacare heat wraps underneath the braces and it helps tremendously. I take a back one and cut it along the middle then cut the sides off that wrap around you and I'm left with two neat squares of the thermal oval things to put along my wrists under the braces. They don't get too hot cause the ovals are not exposed to air. I also will put bengay or icy hot on my wrists during the day, it really helps if they start aching during the day if I'm on the computer or using my hands alot. You might try those things.

Yes I started wearing the wrist braces with the bars at night about a month ago. I'm not sure if they help or not, but since I still wake up with throbbing pain, I think my swelling is just too much for my wrists to handle at this point! I did make an appiontment with my primary care doctor for Friday, and I called my OB about my potential pre-e symptoms. I bet it's nothing, but worth checking out.
Well... I never ended up calling L&D last night, but I did have a marathon 4 hour doctor appointment this morning. Basically the NST picked up some contractions, but nothing major. I'm also only 1 cm dilated. The ultrasound tech spent a lot of time going over my placentas asking if I felt pain (looking for an abruption). And... Basically everything is inconclusive. My doctor said she can't rule out and wouldn't be surprised if this is early labor for me, but she can't tell me for sure that's what is going on either. I'm still in pain. It feels like constant period cramps, bad gas, or like I need to take a BM and can't. I was sent home with orders to rest, drink lots of water and call back right away if the pain intensifies, or if the pain starts to get into a pattern and I have more than 5 in an hour. Oy. It's all so confusing. I really don't know what I'm looking for or when I should be worried. FTM problems. Dissy, does this sound like what you were/are sort of dealing with? Very frustrating.

Twinklie, I would most definitely ask your doctor to check you for pre-eclampsia. Your symptoms don't sound fun at all and do kind of sound like what my doc told me to be on the lookout for. I'm sure it's probably fine, but better safe than sorry.

And now I'm going to go chug some water and lie on my left side. Fun times.
Congrats Spiffy and Geralyn. Beautiful boys and so happy they are super healthy as well! <3

Twinklie: Don't worry about work thinking you are getting out... You need to always do what's best for you and baby.

AFM: Nothing out of ordinary going on here. Group B test on Friday, I've always been positive. I will also go every week and be checked for cervical changes. But, I doubt anything at all is going on.
Missy, that's EXACTLY how I felt when I went in, and sorry to tell you how I still feel two weeks later! I still have no idea what aches equate to regular pregnancy pains, and what are considered contractions. Basically, they told me to wait until I can't walk or talk to go back in (even though my pain last time was what I thought manageable and they were trying to get me to do an epidural!) so now I just go to my Dr's appts and play the waiting game. I wish I had better news for you from me! :wacko:
So i only gained 2lbs which i had lost last week which isnt a bad thing....and hes sending me for induction next wednesday..8 more days to meet my babyyy
Ooooo missy that sounds like the few days before I had F, I hope it's early labour for you but I'm sorry you're in so much pain.

Thanks ladies. I guess I just play the waiting game now to see if this is real or not. Dissy, two weeks of this? How frustrating for you! PrincessK, thanks for your happy thoughts! I'm still hoping for a nice, calm planned c-section on 11/4 at 37 weeks, but if this is really the beginning of labor, and it happens now I guess 35 weeks with twins isn't horrible and could be worse. Right now I'm thinking it's not labor though? I feel ok if I am laying down- the minute I try to walk or shift positions it really hurts though. There is absolutely no pattern or consistency with any of the pain. I have no idea what I should and should not be watching for. :shrug:
Missy: Best wishes whether this is it or not. I hope you find some relief.

Jalanis: How exciting!!! 8 days OMG!!!
Yup. Two weeks of paranoia! Haha, and just as I get over it, I had an appointment this afternoon where my Dr is starting to check me every week. I'm still 4cm dilated, 50% effaced but her head is "very low". Coupling this with the fact that I've been having regular contractions every night for a few hours before bed, my doc goes "it shouldn't be long before she comes now!" I WISH she would STOP saying that!
Jalanis, how crazy is it that you know what your baby's birthday will be? LOL, that's awesome!!! How exciting!

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