November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Jalanis, how crazy is it that you know what your baby's birthday will be? LOL, that's awesome!!! How exciting!

I know! He has his halloween onsie ready lol...this week is going to dragggg for me but let the countdown begin
I'm starting to get more cramping lately. Went grocery shopping last night and my lower back was in a lot of pain. As I sit here typing this, I'm getting mild like period cramps. It's starting to get really uncomfortable to sleep now. I'll have to tell my OB about it on Tuesday. See if he thinks I'm going to last the while 4 weeks or go early.
Dissy, Missy, and Jalanis - so exciting that your babies might be here real SOON! :)

I did call my OB yesterday and given my low BP they aren't too concerned about pre-e and will just check me this Friday afternoon at my appointment. I am going to my primary care doc Friday morning to check on my carpal tunnel. The OB mentioned that they might be able to prescribe me some physical therapy where they massage the fluid out. I'll try anything!

I think I have BH every night around dinner time/after dinner, but they don't really hurt, my belly just gets real tight and it's a little bit uncomfortable. I have had a few period like cramps, guessing that's my cervix perhaps starting to efface a bit.
My weekly session of BH has kicked in haha.

Many of you's drinking raspberry leaf tea?
I don't want to jinx myself but my cramping is feeling MUCH better today. Still a bit uncomfortable, but nothing like yesterday.

Apparently my blood platelet count went down a bit again. My doctor didn't seem that concerned yesterday and told me they'd just recheck next week at my normal appointment assuming I'm still pregnant. But I just looked at the results online and they are 132 (they want it over 150), and something was mentioned about large platelets being present possibly causing inflated scores- meaning my platelet level might even be lower than that? I know my doctor didn't seem concerned, but I can't help but wonder if pre-eclampsia isn't causing this, what is? I was so caught up in thinking about the contractions yesterday, that I didn't even think about any of these questions about my platelet count when she called me back yesterday with my lab results. Also, I know if your platelet level goes too low, they won't let you have a spinal block/epidural and I'd need to have my c-section under general anesthesia which I definitely DO NOT want. I want to remember and be aware for the birth of my kids. So now I'm debating whether I should be "that guy" and call my office to get further answers/clarification about some of my concerns, but I'm afraid they already think I'm a bit nutty. Oh the life of a hypochondriac! :haha: I think I'll feel better when my babes are here safe and sound and I can start getting my health back to normal again.
hm...I'm not sure if bump dropped or not, but I'm actually thinking it has. Yesterday and last night I had really bad pain when I tried to walk because he was sitting right in my pelvic area.

Here is a pic from 27 weeks (first), and then one from today 37w4d (second).
Ignore the mess in my bathroom, lol.


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Thanks Twinklie! Im so ready to meet him already..everytime i lay down i get my stomach and wonder who he looks like, what hes doing etc. etc. this countdown will be the longest one for me lol
My bump progression July 27weeks (blue) today 38 weeks(flower top)


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Another one getting lots of period cramps here today. I actually was woke up in the middle of the night with pressure down there and some BH. I've been getting them on and off all day today too. So uncomfortable.
Another one getting lots of period cramps here today. I actually was woke up in the middle of the night with pressure down there and some BH. I've been getting them on and off all day today too. So uncomfortable.

BH are so annoying aren't they. I feel surely they should be doing something? If not they can get lost!!
Another one getting lots of period cramps here today. I actually was woke up in the middle of the night with pressure down there and some BH. I've been getting them on and off all day today too. So uncomfortable.

BH are so annoying aren't they. I feel surely they should be doing something? If not they can get lost!!

sure are!
Love the bump pics, you both look great!

I had a BH session last night, before that id only had one or two random ones. Feeling totally normal today though so think this baby will be staying put until term.

I'm drinking raspberry leaf tea at the moment and will move onto the capsules at 36/37 weeks (whenever I run out of tea bags) I really think it helped with DD, my pushing stage lasted about 5 pushes!
Had a dr's appt today (36 weeks!) and I'm feeling much better, for a few reasons:

1) she agreed that the on-call doc had horrible bedside manner, but said he legitimately doesn't recognize that he does. He doesn't realize he's being a jerk - which for some reason makes me feel better? I don't know...but either way she agreed with us and apologized that it made a difficult experience even worse.

2) she told us that 5 of the 6 doctors in the practice WILL perform a VBAC - we just happened to encounter the one who doesn't. She put a note in my chart that if we show up in labor and he's the on-call doc, that they can call her at home and she will deliver my child. I love her.

3) she indicated that after 41 weeks, the risks involved in a VBAC do go up to the point that she does not feel comfortable going further than that. So, at the next appointment we are going to schedule my "just in case" VBAC at 41 weeks, on Wednesday November 26th. She wants me to feel like I really have a shot at it, and will even do sweeps or break my water if I'm progressed to the point where she can actually physically do it - just no pitocin, which I'm more than okay with.

So there it is. Reese has until November 26th to get out on her own, and if I show any progression, we can help her along some. Otherwise it's a RCS, but I can go into that comfortable that I gave her every chance to come out on her own.

OH - and my 3mm kidney stone is still there, but as long as it doesn't move around again, I should be fine. I'm on strict orders to drink 80-100oz per day, which is probably not the worst thing in the world anyway.
* Been drinking RRLT and taking capsules on the days I don't drink the tea. I'm aiming for 4 cups/capsules a day starting today until Reese is here!

* Twinklie, glad you talked to your doc! I hadn't even thought about the blood pressure thing (DUH!) but that makes sense. Glad you'll be getting some options to help take care of the pain.

* I've had a TON of BH this pregnancy and they haven't done anything to help with dilation, effacement, anything at all. I've not dropped, cervix is still long and thick. I really wish they would help, rather than just be annoying and uncomfortable! little boy could not hold on untill his 38 week elective section date.Went to hospital on the 19th for monitoring and bloods showed that i was going into renal failure due to pre eclampsia,so they decided to get him out that night.
Sylvester Peter Bruce Stone was born 19/10/14 at 11.07pm by c section at 37+3,he weighed 9lb 3oz.
Section went well after a struggle to pull him out as he was in an awkward flex breech position,but around 6am in the morning he was taken to NICU as his breathing was rapid.He is still in there now and i am home,but he is doing great and its all normalising now and he should be back home with us in a couple of days.They think it was just down to c section and having extra fluid on the lungs


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MarieMo - glad you got some reassurance at your doc appointment about VBAC, that's great news!!!

Dogtanian - congrats! He is a super cute big boy!
Dogtanian congratulations what a cutie- and a great weight well done.

So jealous of those with newborns though I know I'll miss my bump!
Congratulations dogtanian, he's adorable and that's a great weight for 37 weeks!
Lovely bumps everyone :cloud9:

I've suddenly developed horrific hip pain on one side today so hoping I'm close as it was really hard getting F in and out of the car :dohh: I had it last time for a few weeks but a lot earlier in the pregnancy. little boy could not hold on untill his 38 week elective section date.Went to hospital on the 19th for monitoring and bloods showed that i was going into renal failure due to pre eclampsia,so they decided to get him out that night.
Sylvester Peter Bruce Stone was born 19/10/14 at 11.07pm by c section at 37+3,he weighed 9lb 3oz.
Section went well after a struggle to pull him out as he was in an awkward flex breech position,but around 6am in the morning he was taken to NICU as his breathing was rapid.He is still in there now and i am home,but he is doing great and its all normalising now and he should be back home with us in a couple of days.They think it was just down to c section and having extra fluid on the lungs
Awwwwwww he is absolutely perfect! Congratulations to your little family.
Enjoy those newborn cuddles. And I LOVE the name xxxxxxx :cloud9:

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