November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Congrats Dogtanian! What a cutie...those CHEEKS! Glad he's healthy and all is well. Congrats again :) little boy could not hold on untill his 38 week elective section date.Went to hospital on the 19th for monitoring and bloods showed that i was going into renal failure due to pre eclampsia,so they decided to get him out that night.
Sylvester Peter Bruce Stone was born 19/10/14 at 11.07pm by c section at 37+3,he weighed 9lb 3oz.
Section went well after a struggle to pull him out as he was in an awkward flex breech position,but around 6am in the morning he was taken to NICU as his breathing was rapid.He is still in there now and i am home,but he is doing great and its all normalising now and he should be back home with us in a couple of days.They think it was just down to c section and having extra fluid on the lungs

Congratulations! Hes cute :)
Awww! So adorable, Dogtanian! And what a GREAT weight for 37 weeks! Congrats!
Congrats Dogtanian!! He is adorable, hope he can come home soon.

As for me, bad news (for me anyway). Turns out the doc did have my due date wrong, and can't induce before 38 weeks, which will be Wed Nov 4th, but also won't be able to do it until Friday Nov 7th. I've cried several times today, which I know is ridiculous but I was so excited to be almost done and now I have to wait 16 days instead of 10. I'm not super uncomfortable or in pain, I just want to be done with all these pregnancy induced health problems, and the 7 pills in the morning and 4 at night, and the poking my finger (which still hurts everytime). :cry:

Ok, enough of my pitty party, its now time for the "at least". I saw the CVS ad for Nov 2nd and it is awesome, so at least I can get some cheap retail therapy before my mind is all muddled with sleep deprivation lol.

Oh, and Macie is doing great, weighs 6 lbs 2 ozs so doc said she should weigh about 7 pounds 2 ounces when born. She is a perfect weight despite my problems.
Congrats Dogtanian!! He is adorable, hope he can come home soon.

As for me, bad news (for me anyway). Turns out the doc did have my due date wrong, and can't induce before 38 weeks, which will be Wed Nov 4th, but also won't be able to do it until Friday Nov 7th. I've cried several times today, which I know is ridiculous but I was so excited to be almost done and now I have to wait 16 days instead of 10. I'm not super uncomfortable or in pain, I just want to be done with all these pregnancy induced health problems, and the 7 pills in the morning and 4 at night, and the poking my finger (which still hurts everytime). :cry:

Ok, enough of my pitty party, its now time for the "at least". I saw the CVS ad for Nov 2nd and it is awesome, so at least I can get some cheap retail therapy before my mind is all muddled with sleep deprivation lol.

Oh, and Macie is doing great, weighs 6 lbs 2 ozs so doc said she should weigh about 7 pounds 2 ounces when born. She is a perfect weight despite my problems.

Awww.... I hear ya though! It sounds friggen terrible, but when I thought I was in the beginning stages of labor Monday and yesterday at only 35 weeks, I thought....not too bad! I can meet my babies and get my normal body/health back. How awful is that? I know the longer I can keep these babies baking the better and I should not be wishing this pregnancy (possibly my only pregnancy ever) over before it's truly done, nor should I wish prematurity (even if it's late prematurity) on my unborn children....but I'm just so over it all. I'm over the twice weekly doc appointments, the NSTs, the ultrasounds/biophysical profiles that take forever, the BP issues, pricking myself 4x/day, being tested for pre-e at every turn, constantly being given something new to worry about by either my OB or the perinatologist, not to mention just being overly uncomfortable. I just want to meet my babies at this point, have them here and get my health back! Also, the girl who struggled to conceive in me is really pissed at myself for even complaining/feeling this way. I used to get soooo annoyed at whiny pregnant moms because I would have given my left arm to be in their position.

BUT-we are in the home stretch! 16 days is nothing- Macie will be here and perfect before you know it! And only 13 days for me. If I can make it to term, I know that's the best thing for Isla and Declan.
That is true Missy, I should stop feeling sorry for myself. I'm the one who pointed out the discrepancy today when I stopped by to book the induction, they might or might not have caught it, and it was only 4 days earlier than 38 weeks, but we all know that 4 days means alot in pregnancy and I didn't want her to possibly have to spend those 4 days in the nicu because of breathing problems because she might not have been quite ready, know what I mean. I also have to do 2 doc appts a week and it is getting old (and expensive), I feel you. I sat in my car in the parking lot and cried, I won't lie. Part of me was hoping they'd say 4 days is no big deal and they'd let me have her Nov 1st anyway, but I kind of knew the outcome going in. And now I'm feeling sorry for myself all over again, lol. Well, 16 days isn't forever I guess. And I'm sure it'll fly by like all the rest of my pregnancy has. Good luck to you Missy, hang in there and wish me the same. :flower:
I have a second to breathe! Can't catch up on all I missed but I see we have more sparklers born! Congrats! Hope everyone else is doing well and not too uncomfortable. Rest now! We are totally exhsusted! But Collin is really a good baby and only cries when he's hungry. I think DH and I are just starting to get the idea that we're the parents and he doesn't go home at the end of the day with someone else lol I think I'm finally starting to recognize what some of his different noises and facial expression mean. It really is amazing that less than a week ago he was inside me and now he's here. It really is amazing
I have a second to breathe! Can't catch up on all I missed but I see we have more sparklers born! Congrats! Hope everyone else is doing well and not too uncomfortable. Rest now! We are totally exhsusted! But Collin is really a good baby and only cries when he's hungry. I think DH and I are just starting to get the idea that we're the parents and he doesn't go home at the end of the day with someone else lol I think I'm finally starting to recognize what some of his different noises and facial expression mean. It really is amazing that less than a week ago he was inside me and now he's here. It really is amazing

Good to hear from you Geralyn! So glad things are going well at home. I know it's exhausting! I'm sure you guys are doing wonderfully and I hope you're enjoying as much as you can - easier said than done, I know. Congratulations again :)
Starting to noticed cramps more regularly now. Was cooking brea K fast and had to stop until they passed. No rhyme or reason to them yet. Definitely going to tell my OB on Tuesday that I've been having them. More annoying than anything right now.
Good to hear from you, Geralyn! Glad things are going well. :)

Salu, I'm also cramping on and off since Monday, but nothing so far like the intense cramping I was having earlier in the week. I'd guess it's just normal at this stage? It's also getting very hard for me to move around at all. I have to seriously talk myself into getting up, shifting positions and taking steps because the pelvic pressure and pain can hit like crazy. All of this hit me like a truck this week, before then I think I was still getting around pretty well and pain free. I'm also meassuring like I'm 44 or 45 weeks pregnant though which doesn't even exist, so basically I'm off the charts right now which probably explains a lot of my pain. Lol. My poor uterus.
Had my 36 week appointment today. No dilation, but midwife said I'm about 60% effaced. Fine with me since it's still early. We also had a quick scan to confirm that his head was down (it has been since 28 weeks) and that's when the. Is wife commented on the low amount of amniotic fluid. She didn't seem too worried, but did tell me to drink more water. I thought I was, but obviously I'm not. We also couldn't get a good look at his face because he's being a good little baby and tucking his chin.
Well I'm beyond frustrated atm. First I have loss of appetite. Hardly ate anything yesterday, and ate this morning, but have no desire to have anything else at all.

Had another doctor's appointment today (I'm now going twice a week, though according to my normal doctor, Nov 3rd will be last one before either I go into labor on my own, or they induce me on the 4th). BP actually wasn't too bad, but I had only been up an hour before going in. By machine they got 148/93, but by manual they got 160/88. I also gained a pound since Monday (again could be clothing).

Doctor then checked me, said cervix is high, no effacement, no dilation at all. How can one doctor tell me just a week and half before I'm 80% effaced and 3 cm dilated, but today according to my normal doctor I haven't even started showing signs? Well I see the other doctor on Monday, and I'm sure he'll do an internal again considering I'll be 38w6d according to their records. I had my NST after my appointment again, and looks like I was having some contractions, but none that I was feeling. I also woke up at 3am this morning with really bad side pain (almost like a stitch in the side from running), but it was gone by 5:45 when OH got up to go to work.

Also, discharge has picked up a bit, but no loss of plug or bloody show.
Well I'm beyond frustrated atm. First I have loss of appetite. Hardly ate anything yesterday, and ate this morning, but have no desire to have anything else at all.

Had another doctor's appointment today (I'm now going twice a week, though according to my normal doctor, Nov 3rd will be last one before either I go into labor on my own, or they induce me on the 4th). BP actually wasn't too bad, but I had only been up an hour before going in. By machine they got 148/93, but by manual they got 160/88. I also gained a pound since Monday (again could be clothing).

Doctor then checked me, said cervix is high, no effacement, no dilation at all. How can one doctor tell me just a week and half before I'm 80% effaced and 3 cm dilated, but today according to my normal doctor I haven't even started showing signs? Well I see the other doctor on Monday, and I'm sure he'll do an internal again considering I'll be 38w6d according to their records. I had my NST after my appointment again, and looks like I was having some contractions, but none that I was feeling. I also woke up at 3am this morning with really bad side pain (almost like a stitch in the side from running), but it was gone by 5:45 when OH got up to go to work.

Also, discharge has picked up a bit, but no loss of plug or bloody show.
It's so frustrating that we have to rely on Doctors to tell us what our bodies are doing! Did you let your Doc know that the other one differed on opinion? I doubt it would have done much, but still. You can't go backwards lol!
yeah I know, I don't understand it. Right now as I'm sitting here, I'm feeling a bh contraction, but at same time, i have pain in my pelvic area. So I know I'm having contractions, granted most have been bh, but I know there have been a few real ones mixed in.

I also told her again about how with my first I never felt any of the contractions up until having DS1. I had told her this in the beginning as I was worried (and at times still am) I may have same experience. She seemed surprised when I told her.

Good thing to come from today though I guess is that she and I are both on same page to prevent a c-section as much as possible. We want to prevent an induction too, but it may come down to that.
You never felt any contractions? When did you finally go in with him, then? My doc thinks I'm crazy because I haven't felt anything even though I'm (very, very slowly) dilating. The -most- my pain has been on my scale is a 5, they just don't hurt that much to me.
I was induced at 41 weeks with him. The day I went in for the induction I was already 4cm dilated. I had a NST two days before this, and was told by nurses I was having big contractions, and asked if I could feel them. I told them no because all I could feel was just him moving around, no BH, no back labor, nothing.

I finally started to feel the contractions after they had broken my waters, and put me on a pitocin drip.

Yeah for the most part the pains I've had, about a 4 or so. I think the worst was Monday evening. It really felt like he was low in my pelvis and it hurt to walk, that was maybe a 6. I was fine when I was sitting though.

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