November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Finally been left alone by the visitors, toddler and dh in bed and I have a sleeping 1day old baby boy on my knee! So time to tell you what happened!

So Friday the 24th was the edd given to me by both scans but I believed I was due more like the 1st/2nd of November :shrug:
Anyway I woke up Thursday night with cramps which I timed for a hour on my phone before I had to get up. I had a shower and walked around downstairs but they didn't stop. They weren't really that painful and still pretty irregular but some with not long between so i rang the delivery suite. They said like last time stay at home as long as you are comfortable.
I had a real hunch this was it so I rang my mum to come over at 3.30amish to watch F.
By 4.30am the pains were under 5minutes apart and although not as painful as last time I was panicking about a quick second delivery so we headed in to get checked out.
We arrived at 5am and I was still just breathing through the contractions and joking in between them.

I was examined and only 3cm, although she said the babies head was very low and I was definitely in established labour so she gave my embraces a good sweep to 'get things hitting up' and sent me to walk round the hospital for an hour. Well I don't know what the heck she did up there but as soon as we set off I was clinging on to the walls every 30seconds!dh kept saying go back to her it's time but I was determined to walk for an hour. By the time we got back I was 5cm when not contracting but mid contraction she could stretch to 9cm.

She said I probably wouldn't need an epidural and suggested getting in the water. I was distraught. I was in so much pain.
I agreed to try the pool, but once I got round to the delivery room and had some gas&air I was panicking and felt out of control. This second midwife agreed I was so close I. Igot as well just go forit.
I got in the pool which was quite relaxing but I was still in horrific pain, the gas & air wasn't doing anything.

Anyway after about 5 contractions, the midwife asked if I needed to push and told me to go with my body. Something just took over and it took about 3pushes together the head out. The midwife was shocked as her second colleague wasn't yet in the room, I heard her mumble something about 'shoulders' and she ran from the room. I was terrified but she quickly returned and with help managed to deliver the rest of him from under the water. The delivery was about 45 minutes! And it was a boy!! I got to hold him for a bit in the pool which was lovely and then of course without the epi I could walk to the bed.

It was then they weighed him and told me he was 9lb13!!!! :saywhat: I was lucky not to need any stitches so got to get out of hospital pretty quick and were home last night.

Bug is still nameless but doing great. He's feeding well and lots, getting quite impatient for my milk I think!

Thanks for everyone's thoughts! Xxx
Lovely birth story. Congrats! Hope you get a decent nights sleep.
What a great story PK, thanks for sharing! I'm so happy for you, enjoy your newborn :flower:
Almost wednesday! This countdown is the longest it has ever been..i have so much pelvic pressure and some random contractions, i cant walk, i waddle...omg and it goes on and soo ready for wednesday
Just thought I would pop my head in. I'm doing well, still trucking along!
These cramps/Braxton Hicks can eff right off this morning ! Woke me up twice during the night, and now they're back at it again. It's Sunday, I just wanna relax today !!
These cramps/Braxton Hicks can eff right off this morning ! Woke me up twice during the night, and now they're back at it again. It's Sunday, I just wanna relax today !!

I've been waking up in the middle of the night to them a few times too. It's pretty annoying and makes me think it's real labor, but then, it's not!
These cramps/Braxton Hicks can eff right off this morning ! Woke me up twice during the night, and now they're back at it again. It's Sunday, I just wanna relax today !!

I've been waking up in the middle of the night to them a few times too. It's pretty annoying and makes me think it's real labor, but then, it's not!

Yupp, pretty much. And OH was out with friends last night and stayed over, and that's all I could think about was "What if it happens when he's not here!" lol
I have that thought through my head a lot now, as from wednesday hubby will be at least 1.5hr drive away, up to hour extra if traffic is bad. Hoping things go same as my other 2 babies its evening/night time again.
Feeling the same way about BH. :( It would be fine if they were helping me to make any progress, but as it is they are just really annoying and keep me from getting any real rest.

And I have swelling in my hands and feet. It started out that it would just be at the end of the day, but it's not even 11am now and they already feel like little sausages.

I have to keep reminding myself that pregnancy doesn't last forever and all the discomfort will become a distant memory once I am holding and snuggling with my little one.
Can BH come regularly, or are they irregular all of the time? I've been able to time for about 30 minutes, and they've hit about every 8 mins. Not much pain until they come on, then there is a LOT of pressure and some cramping. Last night I had restless legs and had a pretty good cry about it (poor dh..) so that helped me sleep, but I've been feeling lousy all weekend.

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