November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Graham Walker Fenwick is finally here! He arrived at 4:46pm on November 12 after a 20 hour induction. There were a few scares and 2 threatened c-sections because he was laying on his cord but we made if through and delivered this 10.6 pound 23 in. baby vaginally! He is perfect and alert and has taken to breast feeding extremely well!

Congrats !!
Salu, great story! And congratulations, she's beautiful!

Traveling mom - wow! Amazing job delivering that little man, he's adorable!

My one sister taped me on her phone while I was screaming in pain, lol. I have yet to hear it :blush:
How it all happened.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday I had been having the late night contractions, but they didn't amount to anything, just ended 3-4 hours after they started. Monday was my OB appointment at 3pm. I started having contractions around 1pm, that were about 30 mins apart. Doctor said her head was engaged and I was still 4cm. Almost immediately after my appointment, I started having contractions that were 3-4 mins apart, and was still having light cramping throughout. Called the Birthing Unit when I got home, and the nurse said it was probably just due to my cervix check. I hung up, but nothing changed. I had a hot shower around 6pm to take my mind off it, it worked, but as soon as I got out, they were back. 9pm, I called back, and explained my situation, the nurse (a different one) said that if I wanted to come down to get checked out, I was more than welcome. Since OH just got his license, my sister came to pick us up. We got to the Birthing Unit, they checked me in, and I went into a room, where they hooked me up to check her heart rate and my contraction strength and frequency. The on-call doctor came in to check my cervix dilation, and it was at 5cm, she said "Alright, well you're staying tonight". Who knew I would be giving birth ?!?!
We got to my room, and my sisters boyfriend went to pick my mom other sister up. I told them that I wanted an epidural. Was told that because it was late (now almost 11pm), that there was only one person on call who could give it to me, but she put in the request. Contractions were getting stronger to deal with, but I was pushing trough. About 2 hours in, I was checked again, and I was dilated around 6-7 cm. I was then told that there was an emergency C-section and a surgery going on, so I would have to wait until about 2am for my epidural. The nurse asked if I wanted the Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) to help me calm down - although it wouldn't take away the pain. I took the gas, it actually helped me through the easier contractions - and boy was I loving it !! I made a few funny comments one being how I didn't know how the mom on 19 kids and counting could do this so many times, and another one when I was given the ice chips, I said they reminded me of the ice that Taco Bell use to have, lol. I kept my family amused. Around 230, a nurse came in to tell us that there had been a stabbing and that I would have to wait a little while longer for the epidural, all I could say was "Tell him to stay stable" lol. The doctor then came in to break my water, and Oh Holy Hell, the contractions that came were intense !! I was sucking on that gas. It then became apparent that I was NOT getting an epidural. The nurse and my mom were talking about it, and I knew right away. And just starting crying, I can't do this without one! Well, contractions became more intense and I really had to push, but was only 9.5 cm dilated so I couldn't. I think I even yelled I had to poop ! I was thrashing against the bed, and yelling so loud, they had to close the door to my room, so I didn't scare any of the other patients, lol. At 10cm, I began pushing. The pressure was intense, but that's all I could really feel. After about 10 minutes of pushing, she came out (which is a weird feeling!) They put her on me after cleaning her, and I held her crying my eyes out. I turned to see OH and he was crying too (first time I've ever seen him cry). I had a 1st degree tear that required only one stitch, thank god !
Here are some pics of my little princess.
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It's hard to believe that after 9months, she is finally here !
Congratulations again, that's a great birth story...thank you for sharing and well done you! Shes adorable Xxxx:cloud9:

Graham Walker Fenwick is finally here! He arrived at 4:46pm on November 12 after a 20 hour induction. There were a few scares and 2 threatened c-sections because he was laying on his cord but we made if through and delivered this 10.6 pound 23 in. baby vaginally! He is perfect and alert and has taken to breast feeding extremely well!
what a gorgeous big baby!! Glad he came out safely in the end cheeky baby!
Congratulations :happydance::happydance::happydance: xxx
It's so exciting to read all of these great birth stories and see the cute pics. Can't wait to add mine to the mix...whenever that ends up happening.
Salu: I'm sorry you couldn't get the epi. But great birth story. Way to go without an epi. Sounds just like my previous birth stories only with inductions. I've never had an epi and I've always been dying to push at 9.5 cm.
I've added my birth story to the birth stories and announcement section. It's long!!
How it all happened.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday I had been having the late night contractions, but they didn't amount to anything, just ended 3-4 hours after they started. Monday was my OB appointment at 3pm. I started having contractions around 1pm, that were about 30 mins apart. Doctor said her head was engaged and I was still 4cm. Almost immediately after my appointment, I started having contractions that were 3-4 mins apart, and was still having light cramping throughout. Called the Birthing Unit when I got home, and the nurse said it was probably just due to my cervix check. I hung up, but nothing changed. I had a hot shower around 6pm to take my mind off it, it worked, but as soon as I got out, they were back. 9pm, I called back, and explained my situation, the nurse (a different one) said that if I wanted to come down to get checked out, I was more than welcome. Since OH just got his license, my sister came to pick us up. We got to the Birthing Unit, they checked me in, and I went into a room, where they hooked me up to check her heart rate and my contraction strength and frequency. The on-call doctor came in to check my cervix dilation, and it was at 5cm, she said "Alright, well you're staying tonight". Who knew I would be giving birth ?!?!
We got to my room, and my sisters boyfriend went to pick my mom other sister up. I told them that I wanted an epidural. Was told that because it was late (now almost 11pm), that there was only one person on call who could give it to me, but she put in the request. Contractions were getting stronger to deal with, but I was pushing trough. About 2 hours in, I was checked again, and I was dilated around 6-7 cm. I was then told that there was an emergency C-section and a surgery going on, so I would have to wait until about 2am for my epidural. The nurse asked if I wanted the Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) to help me calm down - although it wouldn't take away the pain. I took the gas, it actually helped me through the easier contractions - and boy was I loving it !! I made a few funny comments one being how I didn't know how the mom on 19 kids and counting could do this so many times, and another one when I was given the ice chips, I said they reminded me of the ice that Taco Bell use to have, lol. I kept my family amused. Around 230, a nurse came in to tell us that there had been a stabbing and that I would have to wait a little while longer for the epidural, all I could say was "Tell him to stay stable" lol. The doctor then came in to break my water, and Oh Holy Hell, the contractions that came were intense !! I was sucking on that gas. It then became apparent that I was NOT getting an epidural. The nurse and my mom were talking about it, and I knew right away. And just starting crying, I can't do this without one! Well, contractions became more intense and I really had to push, but was only 9.5 cm dilated so I couldn't. I think I even yelled I had to poop ! I was thrashing against the bed, and yelling so loud, they had to close the door to my room, so I didn't scare any of the other patients, lol. At 10cm, I began pushing. The pressure was intense, but that's all I could really feel. After about 10 minutes of pushing, she came out (which is a weird feeling!) They put her on me after cleaning her, and I held her crying my eyes out. I turned to see OH and he was crying too (first time I've ever seen him cry). I had a 1st degree tear that required only one stitch, thank god !
Here are some pics of my little princess.
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It's hard to believe that after 9months, she is finally here !

Well done to you for doing it without the epi! Shes lovely :)
Graham Walker Fenwick is finally here! He arrived at 4:46pm on November 12 after a 20 hour induction. There were a few scares and 2 threatened c-sections because he was laying on his cord but we made if through and delivered this 10.6 pound 23 in. baby vaginally! He is perfect and alert and has taken to breast feeding extremely well!
Congratulations! What a super weight!
Im still going lol but feeling very positive it wont be much longer.

My contractions were 5min apart for 4hrs, the pressure, cervix pain & nausea was intense. I had odd pain through the night & again so far today. I have my 2nd sweep at 2pm so hoping this will be enough to keep me going, 14.11.14 looks like a cool date :p
Im still going lol but feeling very positive it wont be much longer.

My contractions were 5min apart for 4hrs, the pressure, cervix pain & nausea was intense. I had odd pain through the night & again so far today. I have my 2nd sweep at 2pm so hoping this will be enough to keep me going, 14.11.14 looks like a cool date :p

I hope after your sweep, your body kicks starts! Good luck!

I've got my third sweep tomorrow (same days past due date as you!) so hopefully it works for me too! I had barely any contractions yesterday :(
Mummy and laura, good luck your your sweeps!!!

I got checked yesterday, still high, tightly closed, and only about 25% effaced. I'm thinking this girl doesn't want to come via VBAC and will instead wait for her c-section date of 11/24 :)
You never know MarieMo, could go zero to sixty!

I'm wondering if my OB even does cervical checks. I guess I'll find out at my doc appointment tomorrow.
I thought I was in early labor last night...I had painful contractions that felt like a cross between menstrual cramps and intestinal cramps, and spread all through my lower back as well. Walking made them worse, and laying down and drinking water didn't seem to help. They weren't very close together, maybe 20 minutes, but when I went to bed I really expected to wake up in full blown labor.

Nope! This morning I'm still getting pains every time I get up and walk around, but nothing timeable and they don't seem to be increasing in intensity. It's making it really difficult to get anything done, though! I had to work from home because I didn't think I'd be able to walk into the office.
Mummy and laura, good luck your your sweeps!!!

I got checked yesterday, still high, tightly closed, and only about 25% effaced. I'm thinking this girl doesn't want to come via VBAC and will instead wait for her c-section date of 11/24 :)

Similar story here and not much change from the last check 3 weeks ago. I think it's because it suddenly got cold in Texas. Our babies want to stay where it's nice and warm.
Princesskell- just checked the front page of the thread...and I'm super impressed! You're doing a great job with it! I can't wait to see my LO's name there soon! 👍

And congratulations again on all of you who have your precious babies!
Im still going lol but feeling very positive it wont be much longer.

My contractions were 5min apart for 4hrs, the pressure, cervix pain & nausea was intense. I had odd pain through the night & again so far today. I have my 2nd sweep at 2pm so hoping this will be enough to keep me going, 14.11.14 looks like a cool date :p

Im still going lol but feeling very positive it wont be much longer.

My contractions were 5min apart for 4hrs, the pressure, cervix pain & nausea was intense. I had odd pain through the night & again so far today. I have my 2nd sweep at 2pm so hoping this will be enough to keep me going, 14.11.14 looks like a cool date :p

I hope after your sweep, your body kicks starts! Good luck!

I've got my third sweep tomorrow (same days past due date as you!) so hopefully it works for me too! I had barely any contractions yesterday :(

I thought I was in early labor last night...I had painful contractions that felt like a cross between menstrual cramps and intestinal cramps, and spread all through my lower back as well. Walking made them worse, and laying down and drinking water didn't seem to help. They weren't very close together, maybe 20 minutes, but when I went to bed I really expected to wake up in full blown labor.

Nope! This morning I'm still getting pains every time I get up and walk around, but nothing timeable and they don't seem to be increasing in intensity. It's making it really difficult to get anything done, though! I had to work from home because I didn't think I'd be able to walk into the office.

Mummy and laura, good luck your your sweeps!!!

I got checked yesterday, still high, tightly closed, and only about 25% effaced. I'm thinking this girl doesn't want to come via VBAC and will instead wait for her c-section date of 11/24 :)

Similar story here and not much change from the last check 3 weeks ago. I think it's because it suddenly got cold in Texas. Our babies want to stay where it's nice and warm.
Eeeeeeeeeeek good luck ladies, sounds like we have more sparklers on the way! Enjoy! Xxxxxxxx

Princesskell- just checked the front page of the thread...and I'm super impressed! You're doing a great job with it! I can't wait to see my LO's name there soon! 👍!

Awwww thanks laylagirl:hugs: i hope I've kept up with everyone?
I've also been checking the birth announcements section to try and check any members who haven't updated in a while and remind them to come back and tell us! I've really enjoyed it!

My little man is 3 weeks old tomorrow! He is doing well and now weighs 10lb2 so back up and over his birth weight. He is feeding ok but does not have a very good latch so I think this is making him windy.
Sleep is getting slightly better and last night he went from 11.30-3! He's pretty good in the day and loves to be held or watch his big sister play. He has been doing better in his Moses basket and has spent less time in our bed!
He still has a touch of jaundice so had a blood test yesterday to rule out any liver problems...we find out the results tomorrow. Xxx
Glad Keir is doing well PK! Hope the tests come back ok. FX

I am starting to get impatient and I am not even 39 weeks until this weekend. I bet I go late!
Glad Keir is doing well PK! Hope the tests come back ok. FX

I am starting to get impatient and I am not even 39 weeks until this weekend. I bet I go late!

I'm with you twinklie!

Princesskell- glad to hear he's getting big! 😃 it's still new, so I'm sure he will get the hang of a better latch! Keep us posted on his tests!

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