November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

I am breastfeeding. I've not set a specific diet, just whatever I want in the moment and haven't been counting calories lol but everything seems to be going well
I'm doing both. Breast and bottle. However I think she has a hard time latching so I pump and give it to her in bottles. It wad emotional for me to try and feed he not knowing if she was getting any or not. This way I know how much she is getting. Plus with the formula I don't have to worry about her not getting the vitamin D. My diet is the same as before. I just need to drink more water as I'm crazy swelling in my feet.

We had to go to the hospital again yestetday to check her jaundice again. It went up a point to 196, but she's gained weight from Thursday. The doctor said just kept an eye out and follow up with my doctor when she goes again on Thursday. He said nothing to worry about so no more hospital visits for that check - thank god. I couldn't watch them prick her foot - even though she didn't cry - it made me cry. OH had to stand with her. Damn emotions !
I'm doing both. Breast and bottle. However I think she has a hard time latching so I pump and give it to her in bottles. It wad emotional for me to try and feed he not knowing if she was getting any or not. This way I know how much she is getting. Plus with the formula I don't have to worry about her not getting the vitamin D. My diet is the same as before. I just need to drink more water as I'm crazy swelling in my feet.

We had to go to the hospital again yestetday to check her jaundice again. It went up a point to 196, but she's gained weight from Thursday. The doctor said just kept an eye out and follow up with my doctor when she goes again on Thursday. He said nothing to worry about so no more hospital visits for that check - thank god. I couldn't watch them prick her foot - even though she didn't cry - it made me cry. OH had to stand with her. Damn emotions !
Hey Salu just wanted to give abit of advice if i may. Have you tried a contact nipple shield? I had a hard time getting Macie. To latch feeding used to take up to 2 hours so I gave in and tried it and it was like turning on a switch! She latched on right away and stayed latched and fed awesome i could see and hear her guzzling it down i was amazed! My advice is to try that and stop giving formula. Every drop you supplement with is a drop less your body will make. Same with pumping and bottle feeding. I dont use my pump unless i have to. When i exclusively pumped and supplemented with formula i produced less and less milk and had to give more and more formula. I tried and failed at bfing twice and im determined to be successful this time. Whats also cool about the nipple shield is it fills up with milk and you can see baby is getting alot. The only thing is I'll have to wean her off it eventually but that is for later. Good luck! Ps medela makes the nipple shields and target sells them for about 10 bucks. I use sise extra small or small although my boobs and nipples are ginormouse. Hope that helps!
I'm doing both. Breast and bottle. However I think she has a hard time latching so I pump and give it to her in bottles. It wad emotional for me to try and feed he not knowing if she was getting any or not. This way I know how much she is getting. Plus with the formula I don't have to worry about her not getting the vitamin D. My diet is the same as before. I just need to drink more water as I'm crazy swelling in my feet.

We had to go to the hospital again yestetday to check her jaundice again. It went up a point to 196, but she's gained weight from Thursday. The doctor said just kept an eye out and follow up with my doctor when she goes again on Thursday. He said nothing to worry about so no more hospital visits for that check - thank god. I couldn't watch them prick her foot - even though she didn't cry - it made me cry. OH had to stand with her. Damn emotions !
Hey Salu just wanted to give abit of advice if i may. Have you tried a contact nipple shield? I had a hard time getting Macie. To latch feeding used to take up to 2 hours so I gave in and tried it and it was like turning on a switch! She latched on right away and stayed latched and fed awesome i could see and hear her guzzling it down i was amazed! My advice is to try that and stop giving formula. Every drop you supplement with is a drop less your body will make. Same with pumping and bottle feeding. I dont use my pump unless i have to. When i exclusively pumped and supplemented with formula i produced less and less milk and had to give more and more formula. I tried and failed at bfing twice and im determined to be successful this time. Whats also cool about the nipple shield is it fills up with milk and you can see baby is getting alot. The only thing is I'll have to wean her off it eventually but that is for later. Good luck! Ps medela makes the nipple shields and target sells them for about 10 bucks. I use sise extra small or small although my boobs and nipples are ginormouse. Hope that helps!

Never heard of them but I will see if the Targets here in Canada have them or not. I'm visiting my mom and sistereo tomorrow so I'll go out and see if they have them or not. Thanks for the advice :)
Thankyou Busytulip! :blush:

Omg mummytoamber she is precious :cloud9:

I'm bf' special diet, just extra chocolate!!! :blush:

I bf until yesterday. He wasn't putting on weight it seemed (last week he weighed 5lbs, Tues this week he weighed 5lb2oz, Friday he weighed 5lbs1oz., and seemed to have trouble digesting my milk :( so OH and I made the decision to put him on formula. Right now we are just using a supplemental formula to get him used to it. We have another appt tomorrow, so hopefully he gained some weight since we introduced formula on Friday evening.
My milk supply started awesome, but as days go by, im producing less and less..BUT i think because im in a simple not strict diet and im guessing thats affecting me
Jalanis, it's not recommended that your start dieting until your supply is well-established - I'd say at least 6 weeks post-partum. Your body need calories to produce!

Salu - I bought a nipple shield at Wal-Mart in the US. Haven't found any at Target. But I know Amazon sells them too. Saved my BFing relationship with my daughter as well the first time around, we had latch issues. I did pump frequently, basically after every other feed, to build my supply - and DH gave her a bottle one or twice a day, that was nice.

Selaphyna, sorry to hear Eryk's weight isn't where you'd like it. Formula is a great option! Do what you gotta do to get that baby boy to grow!
Been having contractions 10 minutes apart pretty much constantly the past 36 hours. They stopped all night. Not strong, but stronger than the BH I've been having. And just CONSTANT. Ugh. Hoping this leads to something soon!
Been having contractions 10 minutes apart pretty much constantly the past 36 hours. They stopped all night. Not strong, but stronger than the BH I've been having. And just CONSTANT. Ugh. Hoping this leads to something soon!

Fingers crossed !
Anyone else's little one sleep constantly ? I'm new to this so don't know what's normal. I've read that babies that have jaundice tend to sleep longer than others.
Huh. Isla is having latch issues (Declan BF like a champ). I've badically been pumping and bottle feeding mostly for Isla, because BFing becomes traumatic for both of us. It's discouraging. I never heard of a nipple shield, but thanks for the tips ladies! I'm going to make another appointment with s lactation consultant for Isla and will bring this up.
Looks like all you ladies have great things to talk about! Your babies! I'm jealous....
Mummy- your little girl is gorgeous, congrats!

I'm so over being pregnant. I'm literally depressed.. I hate not being able to get my shoes on, I hate getting dressed... And even driving today was so uncomfortable. My belly hurts as I sit up to drive and I obviously can't lay back to drive... Did any of you have this problem?

Seems like my two year old is getting more and more troublesome the close I get, or maybe I'm just getting irritable at this end.
I'd ask if any of you ladies have any ideas on how to get labor started..but I know you all waited it out... Lol
I'm just going out of my mind. I can't even walk that much and that scares me because I think walking is necessary to start labor... Ugh...
Looks like all you ladies have great things to talk about! Your babies! I'm jealous....
Mummy- your little girl is gorgeous, congrats!

I'm so over being pregnant. I'm literally depressed.. I hate not being able to get my shoes on, I hate getting dressed... And even driving today was so uncomfortable. My belly hurts as I sit up to drive and I obviously can't lay back to drive... Did any of you have this problem?

Seems like my two year old is getting more and more troublesome the close I get, or maybe I'm just getting irritable at this end.
I'd ask if any of you ladies have any ideas on how to get labor started..but I know you all waited it out... Lol
I'm just going out of my mind. I can't even walk that much and that scares me because I think walking is necessary to start labor... Ugh...

Leading up to the birth of my LO, I ate pineapple and dates, had sex nightly, walked at least 1.75 miles each day, and sat on my exercise ball often. I don't know if any of that have anything to do with my LO making his debut at 39w2d or if that was just his own timing ;)
I have also heard nipple shields can be a god send to help a baby who is having trouble latching!

MarieMo, hope the contractions turn into something real for you soon!

Layla, I feel you on being uncomfortable and over being pregnant. I skipped a birthday party today and had DH go by himself as I just wanted to lay on the couch. My fat feet don't fit into 95% of my shoes, and it takes me 5 minutes to put my sneakers on, and I feel winded and ill afterwards. Haha. We are in the home stretch so hang in there! :hugs:

Thinking I will find out my C section date tomorrow AM, eek!
Good luck Mariemo. Xxx

I hope you're very close laylagirl :hugs: I drank raspberry leaf tea, took epo and bounced on a ball xxx
My DH's 5 year old niece asked me the other day if I was already having another baby because my belly was still kind of big. :haha: I just had to laugh because she's only 5, but fearless in her questions! Also points of discussion that day: are dolphins and sharks cousins? why do cats and dogs fight, are they brother and sisters? when can Kella play with my friends? does she like to play with her toys? (after saying she is too little) can I have her toys? That girl is a handful! But seriously, I am ready to lose this post-baby belly and thighs!
Been having contractions 10 minutes apart pretty much constantly the past 36 hours. They stopped all night. Not strong, but stronger than the BH I've been having. And just CONSTANT. Ugh. Hoping this leads to something soon!

Hope this it...

Congrats to all that have had their babies... And a painless labor and birth to all those waiting. May no one go over due!
Been having contractions 10 minutes apart pretty much constantly the past 36 hours. They stopped all night. Not strong, but stronger than the BH I've been having. And just CONSTANT. Ugh. Hoping this leads to something soon!

Best of luck! Where do you feel them? When mine started coming i was questioning it being early labour due to the length apart and how irregular they kept going.

In hosp mw first said we'll see how you get on before moving you to delivery as in her words i still wasnt contracting 'regular' to be honest i never got into a proper pattern like i did with my other 2 girls.

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