November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Disappointing 40 week appointment today. Maybe 1 cm and she couldn't feel the baby's head. All the walking, yoga, tea, pineapple, and EPO feel like a waste at this point. So we're going to see a movie this afternoon to take my mind off all this for a while.
Disappointing 40 week appointment today. Maybe 1 cm and she couldn't feel the baby's head. All the walking, yoga, tea, pineapple, and EPO feel like a waste at this point. So we're going to see a movie this afternoon to take my mind off all this for a while.

Missy, I hope things get going for you soon...I feel your pain...
Good luck Mariemo! Xxx

Mummytoamber did you let your eldest sleep on her tummy at night? I'm coming to the end of my tether with K. I know you are not supposed to but he just won't go down on his back. He just gurgles and moans a d then is sick :dohh: xxx

PK, my girly sleeps in a Rock 'n Play sleeper that keeps her at about a 120* angle, so she's not laying flat on her back. They are supposed to help with acid reflux and I must say so far she likes it and sleeps fairly well (just need to get her sleeping longer, lol). I don't know if they have any kind of equivalent in the UK but if you're nervous about tummy sleeping it might be something to look into?
Thanks for the replies on my question! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only FTM feeling anxious about her sleeping habits and positions. I have to remind myself that she's only 2 weeks old - she's not exactly needing too much stimulation at this point (if she can even see past the length of a ruler!)

Just thought I would share this precious moment my sister caught while taking photos on Wednesday. :cloud9: She seems to prefer her daddy (of course, daddy's girl, etc.) but this proves that she at least finds me entertaining to look at! :haha:


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Good luck Mariemo! Xxx

Mummytoamber did you let your eldest sleep on her tummy at night? I'm coming to the end of my tether with K. I know you are not supposed to but he just won't go down on his back. He just gurgles and moans a d then is sick :dohh: xxx

Yes i did, i cant remember how old she was but had to have been under a month. What i did before doing nights was let her sleep on tummy during the day so i could watch her to make sure she did keep her head to the side. It also helped that she was head strong from quite early on. I didnt tell HV etc like you say your advised against it but as we all know every child is so different in their needs.

Heres pic of day time sleeping had to have been 3 weeks ish X
Thanks mummy! We have let him sleep this way in the day and e turns his head to the side easily. His head control is pretty strong. Obviously we are watching him in the day, but at night he is right next to me in the moses basket :shrug:
It's weird because when I wasa baby my mum was advised to tummy sleep us as laying on the back could cause babies to choke on their own sick. Isn't it crazy how the recommendations change. I would like to see some data on what it is based on.

Good luck Mariemo! Xxx

Mummytoamber did you let your eldest sleep on her tummy at night? I'm coming to the end of my tether with K. I know you are not supposed to but he just won't go down on his back. He just gurgles and moans a d then is sick :dohh: xxx

PK, my girly sleeps in a Rock 'n Play sleeper that keeps her at about a 120* angle, so she's not laying flat on her back. They are supposed to help with acid reflux and I must say so far she likes it and sleeps fairly well (just need to get her sleeping longer, lol). I don't know if they have any kind of equivalent in the UK but if you're nervous about tummy sleeping it might be something to look into?
thank you...I have heard of these, buti don't know if they have the over here? I will look into it. I have tried inclining his basket but it doesn't seem to help?

My little man Harrison Santiago was due on the 4th but was born on the 2nd at 16.20 weighing 7lb 10oz. His cord was wrapped around his neck and body so ended up being delivered as an emergency by forceps after 17 hours of labour before I even had a chance to try and push him out myself. It was all very scary and I'm pretty traumatised to be honest but he is beautiful and perfect and I don't remember what life was before he was here!
Contractions still inconsistent, but STRONG and painful. Can still talk through them, but it's tough.
DTD this afternoon, hoping for some progress. No increase in contractions, but noticed when I went to the bathroom this evening, a huge blob of old blood and more mucus.
Did a cervical check on myself - definitely lower, and probably about a fingertip dilated. Hoping this process speeds up a little bit!!!
My little man Harrison Santiago was due on the 4th but was born on the 2nd at 16.20 weighing 7lb 10oz. His cord was wrapped around his neck and body so ended up being delivered as an emergency by forceps after 17 hours of labour before I even had a chance to try and push him out myself. It was all very scary and I'm pretty traumatised to be honest but he is beautiful and perfect and I don't remember what life was before he was here!

Good luck Mariemo! Xxx

Mummytoamber did you let your eldest sleep on her tummy at night? I'm coming to the end of my tether with K. I know you are not supposed to but he just won't go down on his back. He just gurgles and moans a d then is sick :dohh: xxx

Yes i did, i cant remember how old she was but had to have been under a month. What i did before doing nights was let her sleep on tummy during the day so i could watch her to make sure she did keep her head to the side. It also helped that she was head strong from quite early on. I didnt tell HV etc like you say your advised against it but as we all know every child is so different in their needs.

Heres pic of day time sleeping had to have been 3 weeks ish X
Thanks mummy! We have let him sleep this way in the day and e turns his head to the side easily. His head control is pretty strong. Obviously we are watching him in the day, but at night he is right next to me in the moses basket :shrug:
It's weird because when I wasa baby my mum was advised to tummy sleep us as laying on the back could cause babies to choke on their own sick. Isn't it crazy how the recommendations change. I would like to see some data on what it is based on.

Good luck Mariemo! Xxx

Mummytoamber did you let your eldest sleep on her tummy at night? I'm coming to the end of my tether with K. I know you are not supposed to but he just won't go down on his back. He just gurgles and moans a d then is sick :dohh: xxx

PK, my girly sleeps in a Rock 'n Play sleeper that keeps her at about a 120* angle, so she's not laying flat on her back. They are supposed to help with acid reflux and I must say so far she likes it and sleeps fairly well (just need to get her sleeping longer, lol). I don't know if they have any kind of equivalent in the UK but if you're nervous about tummy sleeping it might be something to look into?
thank you...I have heard of these, buti don't know if they have the over here? I will look into it. I have tried inclining his basket but it doesn't seem to help?


Yes plus they allow lots of babies in hosp to tummy sleep.
I bought a poddle pod with this baby its got to be best £30 ive ever spent on a baby product. X


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Heres a quick version of my birth plan :cloud9:

Sadly i didn't get my home birth due to staff shortage, but i had perfect hospital water birth.

I had 24hrs worth of irregular pains from the 1am on 14th Nov. They rammed up a degree at 3am on 15th Nov. We started to get pool ready at home and our older children were collected at 4am. We rang to inform midwifes around 5am - this is when everything changed.

We were told midwife was unavailable to attend because she had been working to many hours and other had been called into the hospital as it was under staffed, my heart sunk. I have had to fight for my home birth due the positive GBS swab at 14 weeks. I had a good chat with midwife and we decided to stay home a bit to see how things went, as someone may of been able to attend from 8am.

Come 6am my pains we every 2mins lasting 1-2mins, i will admit i felt panic. With the whole strep b hanging over our heads we felt it was the babies best interest we head to hospital to be assessed and take it from there. On arrival everyone was very lovely we were taken to MLU. They already had the pool running for me, just incase. After doing obs i was offered a VE which i accepted due to how intense my pains were, she told me i was 3cm - disappointment set in.(About 7:30am) I could have cried; either i had gone so soft or these pains were so brutal as i remember them being like that near transition with my previous babies.

We were given the choice of stay until 8am or go home and see what happens with likely hood of returning later anyways. My pains started to go bit irregular at this point. I was seriously considering having an epidural as they were so intense & long! After talking things through with hubby we decided to keep my stress levels down and stay at hosp as we had brought everything, didnt want traveling there/back in busy traffic time.

We were told we would be transferred to triage for the time being.(9am at this point) Got to this very basic room, waited around 15mins. Pains getting stronger but irregular, we spoke to midwife here about our plans and said we will just stay as long as i could still use a pool, somewhere. After watching how i was coping/how often long my contractions were the midwife said they weren't coming at regular enough pattern,(shock, horror!!) we were left again for a little bit. She popped back in and seen how i was and said, actually can i check you again and if need be will get them told on delivery suite to start filling the pool as it takes 25 mins. I agreed, she said i was now 5cm (About 9:30am now) Thank the lord!

I made it to the pool room around 10am when i think i hit transition. My contractons still not regular but so strong and lasting for ages at times.
I must of had 6 contractions in the pool, before midwife said i think your fully dilated (I didnt have urge to push like it remembered it) i got on all fours and pushed slightly and pop went my waters with instant stinging and burning (Not something i remember either) I did the pushing part far to fast because of the pain it was causing before head was even out. I think it was only 4 pushes and head had crowned i then sat up and back and 1 more push i delivered my yellow bump at 10:27am straight onto my chest. I was shell shocked by the speed. I sat down and moved the cord to see we had our third princess. :cloud9:
We have called her Ruby, born on 15th November. she weighed 8lb 7oz & was covered in vernix at 41+2. (I think my dates were off due to longer cycles!) I had no pain relief and only had a few grazes.

They did try to keep me in 24hrs for obs but we agreed on obs for 12hrs, we left hospital at 12am that night, on my birthday! What a present i got.
Awe Mummy, lovely story! Thank you for sharing it! And yes, what an amazing birthday present :)
Heres a quick version of my birth plan :cloud9:

Sadly i didn't get my home birth due to staff shortage, but i had perfect hospital water birth.

I had 24hrs worth of irregular pains from the 1am on 14th Nov. They rammed up a degree at 3am on 15th Nov. We started to get pool ready at home and our older children were collected at 4am. We rang to inform midwifes around 5am - this is when everything changed.

We were told midwife was unavailable to attend because she had been working to many hours and other had been called into the hospital as it was under staffed, my heart sunk. I have had to fight for my home birth due the positive GBS swab at 14 weeks. I had a good chat with midwife and we decided to stay home a bit to see how things went, as someone may of been able to attend from 8am.

Come 6am my pains we every 2mins lasting 1-2mins, i will admit i felt panic. With the whole strep b hanging over our heads we felt it was the babies best interest we head to hospital to be assessed and take it from there. On arrival everyone was very lovely we were taken to MLU. They already had the pool running for me, just incase. After doing obs i was offered a VE which i accepted due to how intense my pains were, she told me i was 3cm - disappointment set in.(About 7:30am) I could have cried; either i had gone so soft or these pains were so brutal as i remember them being like that near transition with my previous babies.

We were given the choice of stay until 8am or go home and see what happens with likely hood of returning later anyways. My pains started to go bit irregular at this point. I was seriously considering having an epidural as they were so intense & long! After talking things through with hubby we decided to keep my stress levels down and stay at hosp as we had brought everything, didnt want traveling there/back in busy traffic time.

We were told we would be transferred to triage for the time being.(9am at this point) Got to this very basic room, waited around 15mins. Pains getting stronger but irregular, we spoke to midwife here about our plans and said we will just stay as long as i could still use a pool, somewhere. After watching how i was coping/how often long my contractions were the midwife said they weren't coming at regular enough pattern,(shock, horror!!) we were left again for a little bit. She popped back in and seen how i was and said, actually can i check you again and if need be will get them told on delivery suite to start filling the pool as it takes 25 mins. I agreed, she said i was now 5cm (About 9:30am now) Thank the lord!

I made it to the pool room around 10am when i think i hit transition. My contractons still not regular but so strong and lasting for ages at times.
I must of had 6 contractions in the pool, before midwife said i think your fully dilated (I didnt have urge to push like it remembered it) i got on all fours and pushed slightly and pop went my waters with instant stinging and burning (Not something i remember either) I did the pushing part far to fast because of the pain it was causing before head was even out. I think it was only 4 pushes and head had crowned i then sat up and back and 1 more push i delivered my yellow bump at 10:27am straight onto my chest. I was shell shocked by the speed. I sat down and moved the cord to see we had our third princess. :cloud9:
We have called her Ruby, born on 15th November. she weighed 8lb 7oz & was covered in vernix at 41+2. (I think my dates were off due to longer cycles!) I had no pain relief and only had a few grazes.

They did try to keep me in 24hrs for obs but we agreed on obs for 12hrs, we left hospital at 12am that night, on my birthday! What a present i got.

Lovely birth story well done you.

Actually quite similar to me I that they told me I wasn't established yet (3cm) even though it was soooo painful and within a few hours I was pushing. Very frustrating that you have to wait for 4cm rather then how your contractions are to get pain relief/access to labour suite.
Apple totally agree! Cant fault the midwifes i seen but really they should understand that every women doesnt follow a text book pattern labour.
Well, at the risk of jinxing it away...I think I may be in the early stages of labor!
Been up since 2am (it's just after 6 now) with painful contractions. Hovering right around 8 minutes apart, though occasionally going up to 9 or down to 6. I'm exhausted!!! Wish this would have started at, like, 7am???

Anyway. They don't seem to be getting closer together, so not sure when to call my doctor. Fingers crossed for some action soon.
Well, at the risk of jinxing it away...I think I may be in the early stages of labor!
Been up since 2am (it's just after 6 now) with painful contractions. Hovering right around 8 minutes apart, though occasionally going up to 9 or down to 6. I'm exhausted!!! Wish this would have started at, like, 7am???

Anyway. They don't seem to be getting closer together, so not sure when to call my doctor. Fingers crossed for some action soon.

Mine were about 10 minutes apart, lasting about a minute. After about two hours of that, they started to last almost 2 minutes, still 10 minutes apart. I got up to take a shower, which is when I thought water broke, so we just went in. Eryk was born 2 hours and 20 minutes later. It definitely sounds like you are in labor. Fx for you! :)
Well, at the risk of jinxing it away...I think I may be in the early stages of labor!
Been up since 2am (it's just after 6 now) with painful contractions. Hovering right around 8 minutes apart, though occasionally going up to 9 or down to 6. I'm exhausted!!! Wish this would have started at, like, 7am???

Anyway. They don't seem to be getting closer together, so not sure when to call my doctor. Fingers crossed for some action soon.

Hoping things move quickly for you. I was told to inform mw team at 3-4mins lasting 60-90 secs.

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