November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Thanks ladies! I think so too, although I'm biased lol. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to wean from the nipple shield? Other than just keep trying. I really appreciate those things we might not have been successful at bfing without them, but I'm ready to toss them in the trash now. She latches on and feeds great at one feeding, and I'm like yay progress then the next feed we need it and it's like 1 step forward two steps back, sigh.
Love how its keeping so equal on boys / girls being born :)
I know...I keep thinking that when I update...freaky!
Looks like it is neck to neck for girls and boys, congrats ladies!!

Hang in tbere Mariemo, I've been thinking about you. I wish I had been able to wait until Macie came on her own, but now looking back the csec wasn't that bad. A little bonus is you don't bleed Half as bad as you would if you have a vaginal birth, I was really surprized. Good luck either way it goes!

Afm, Macie is a perfect baby, hardly ever cries, she's not fussy at all, she sleeps pretty good now that she sleeps on my chest at night. Hubby brought the recliner from the living room in so I could sleep with her in my arms. We are still using nipple shields but I'm able to get her to latch on without them several times a day, so I'm weaning her off slowly but surely. She did have abit of green poop yesterday and I read that that could be because she is not getting a good mix of fore and hind milk, I was taking her off one breast before she finished and putting her on the other. She was getting too much of the watery foremilk and not enough of the fatty rich hind milk. I started letting her feed off one until she finished by herself and today her stool is back to normal. My best friend posted a preview of my newborn pics. Here is one.

awww she's so beautiful, what a lovely photo :cloud9:
I heard that about green poo too. We had a day of it and tried to encourage K to feed more from one side and it sorted itself out too.
I'm glad she's such a doll baby, remind is why she sleeps on your chest? Only asking because that is the only place K will sleep too, but I struggle to sleep myself! :dohh: xxx
she is just like my son was and won't really settle to sleep at night unless she is on my chest. She sleeps fine during the day in her swing but fusses a little at night if I put her down in it. After a few sleepleness nights of trying to get her to sleep in her rock n play or swing I gave up and started sleeping in an armchair sitting up with her in my arms on my chest, with a boppy for support. My hubby brought in a recliner and now we sleep in that. Plus with breastfeeding I don't even have to wake up all the way to feed her, and we both fall back asleep so it works for us. My son slept on my chest like that for a couple months.
Looks like it is neck to neck for girls and boys, congrats ladies!!

Hang in tbere Mariemo, I've been thinking about you. I wish I had been able to wait until Macie came on her own, but now looking back the csec wasn't that bad. A little bonus is you don't bleed Half as bad as you would if you have a vaginal birth, I was really surprized. Good luck either way it goes!

Afm, Macie is a perfect baby, hardly ever cries, she's not fussy at all, she sleeps pretty good now that she sleeps on my chest at night. Hubby brought the recliner from the living room in so I could sleep with her in my arms. We are still using nipple shields but I'm able to get her to latch on without them several times a day, so I'm weaning her off slowly but surely. She did have abit of green poop yesterday and I read that that could be because she is not getting a good mix of fore and hind milk, I was taking her off one breast before she finished and putting her on the other. She was getting too much of the watery foremilk and not enough of the fatty rich hind milk. I started letting her feed off one until she finished by herself and today her stool is back to normal. My best friend posted a preview of my newborn pics. Here is one.

Gorgeous picture :)
I took Ruby to docs thankfully she has clear chest which was my main concern. Got to go pick up some nasal drops tomorrow as shes rather stuffed up.

Hubby back to work tomorrow :( dont know where the last week has gone. Really wish he could take the 2 weeks off. Fun part starts of me trying to get my older girls to school on time.

We have newborn/christmas pics with my girls on sunday which im really looking forward too.

It is early days but me & hubby are bit torn with our choice to stop at 3. We were so certain 3 was our limit and the plans were for him to have the snip but we're putting this on hold and going to rethink about it in 6 months.

How is everyone else feeling about future kids?
When I was in labor, I kept yelling "we're one and done" to my husband. Now that I'm starting to heal in my lady bits, I've started to think about the next one. I told my husband that at the point that Kyle hits a year, we can revisit and discuss when to TTC the next one.

During my pregnancy, I kept thinking that I wanted a larger age gap - like 4-5 years. Now, I'm thinking maybe 2-3 years, but honestly, depending on my job situation at that point, I don't know that we could afford 2 in daycare at the same time. Hopefully I've advanced in my career and have a new job by then, so could afford it.

Mummy - Do you feel like you're changing your mind, as you want to have a boy or just because you don't feel ready to be done?
Mandaa -i was the same in labour ' no more, no more' and after i was saying im glad thats over with esp with having HG. Looking back i think shock of speed of things probably played big part in what i said.

Did you always have set number in your head?

My hubby actually said to me few months ago do you think we should save some sperm samples at the time i was very much no way would we need too its something that stuck in back of my mind.

I look at Ruby and think i dont want the option took away from us. Main reason why we were going down that route was so we'd have no accidents i wouldnt need to take any pills.

I do think not having a boy comes in to it for hubby, no matter how hard i try to push it aside (even though i still got a perfect birth) i still have big desire for a homebirth. Ive had few people comment and say "its just your hormones" ive actually not felt this happy in a long time.
We were gonna NTNP after a year. Right now though, dh is feeling pretty done (though not done enough to join the v club). I'm not so sure. When I'm so tired I can barely function, I think I could be done. But it's hard to think about right now the prospect of never being pregnant again, never nursing again, never holding a tiny little baby of mine again.
I always thought that I'd have 2-3. DH and I have discussed having 2, then re-evaluating whether we want a third. I think if we have 2 boys, that will factor into the decision. I'd love to have a girl next. I guess we'll see what the future holds... starting by enjoying my first, one day at a time.
We are done with this one - tying my tubes with tomorrow's c-section. We've talked about it a lot, and this just makes sense for us - financially and emotionally. Hubby is almost 40 also, I know that plays a part in his mind. I think we can handle our two girls, and we will be happy with that. Our family already feels so "complete" to me, even though she's not here quite yet...I love the feeling :)
We are done with two feel so lucky to have them. However OH is not ready for the v which does leave us open for the future if things change!
We want 2, which means we'll try again in about a year if it's going to happen before I turn 40. My sister calls it "an heir and a spare."
Still pregnant...40+5. Been contracting for 18 hours now, averaging every 9 minutes. Will be at the hospital in less than 5 hours. They'll check me, and if I've made any progress, I'm going to ask for a sweep and maybe for them to break my waters. If not - c-section is in 7 hours. Either way, I'm on my way to holding my baby girl!!
At 10p last night I had contractions every 15mins. By 11:30 they were every 30-45mins throughout the night. After those I have little ones but can sleep through easily.

It's 7:30 here now. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound and non stress test at 9. Curious to see if they want to continue those. So I'm calling at 8am.

DH went to work this am. Hopefully I can make it to the clinic. It will be an interesting day! Maybe they will just induce me today! (Or at least kick start it a bit more!) I'm hoping this is all good news!
Good luck today ladies!! I hope to hear of some more babies joining us soon!!
Good luck to ladies!

I'm thinking we are likely done, though not totally ready to do anything permanent. These sleepless, hard nights are really making me think this infant stage is never again for us. Financially, two just makes more sense for us as well. But we'll see.. It makes me a bit sad to think I may likely never be pregnant again.
She's here!
Reese Maxine Morrison made her debut today 11/24/14 at 12:22pm. She weighs 7lb 9oz and is 19.5 inches. She has a strong set of lungs and looks so much like her big sister. We are so in love! More to come...


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Congrats to all the ladies that have had those sweet little babies!

So just needing to many ladies here are due this week and still haven't had their babies? :cry: I feel like everyone around here (Alabama) is getting induced and they have their baby a week, two, or sometimes even three weeks early. I'm due right on Thanksgiving and my doctor has not even mentioned inducing. I go tomorrow and that may change (been at 1cm for two weeks) but as of right now she comes when she wants to. I'm beginning to get a little frustrated. I know it's not technically my due date yet but I'm eating us out of house and home...I have only gained 15 lbs before about 3 weeks ago and now I'm gaining 1-2 lbs a week. Seriously, I am craving cake like nobody's business. Haha! Stretch marks are getting worse too. I've nested and cleaned everything there is possibly to clean. Oh and to top it all off I'm still at work which makes it worse because I can't concentrate. Sorry just had to vent for a second...

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