November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Yeah docs only seem to care about LMP. Don't agree with that personally though, what about people with like 60 day follicular phases? Haha. That's why I'm going by ovulation :) I ovulated day 16 so my LMP due date would be earlier but I'd rather be more accurate with myself so I'm not disappointed with sizes when it comes to scans etc.
My LMP due date and FF due date are 3 days apart, which I guess doesn't make much difference anyway. I think if you had a long cycle though they'd change the due date with your dating scan, right? I have a girlfriend who went in for a 16-week scan and they told her she was only 14 weeks, so they changed her due date - I guess it happens! Maybe only when it's a ways off though.
Either way I'm going to be adamant at my booking in appointment about my dates and to tell them to go by ovulation instead of LMP :p. If they even dare ignore me and tell me my baby is 2 days behind by measurements I'm gonna go mad lol
Yeah docs only seem to care about LMP. Don't agree with that personally though, what about people with like 60 day follicular phases? Haha. That's why I'm going by ovulation :) I ovulated day 16 so my LMP due date would be earlier but I'd rather be more accurate with myself so I'm not disappointed with sizes when it comes to scans etc.

my going based off my LMP just cause its always based off that, i mean either way im having a baby this year so i don't really care about my due date but im going to see what im measuring at on the 31st.
hiii!!!!! i love to join in if i may! im a army wife. me & my husband have been trying over a year and finally got pregnant on valentines day! (you can check out my chart ;) ) im due on november 3rd! so far im 6 weeks and 3 days! i found out i was pregnant two days after my implantation dip so i got a positive super early so i got lucky! we are excited! ive NEVER been pregnant, not even a chemical so im pretty antsy about my pregnancy & very cautious. ahaha! my family is excited to so im pretty relaxed! here is my bump from today (6 weeks, 3 days). my doctor thinks im having twins but we wont know till the 31st of this month. but i started showing at 4 weeks & 3 days. i think im having a girl because im ALWAYS dreaming about a little girl. i had a dream 3 days ago that i gave birth to a girl at 22 weeks, and it makes me nervous cause i was born at 23 weeks. so im super nervous. LOL :haha:

congratulations and welcome :) x

awe thanks! when are you due?

hows it going for you?

Im going with 7th nov but could be between 7-10th x
Either way I'm going to be adamant at my booking in appointment about my dates and to tell them to go by ovulation instead of LMP :p. If they even dare ignore me and tell me my baby is 2 days behind by measurements I'm gonna go mad lol

You in uk?
Ive been pregnant 3 times 3 different places and midwifes always go off LMP. They dont always change due date at dating scan.

First baby i had first date of 30th dec think this was off lmp, was switched to 27th. my labour started on 30th and she arrived 31st first was better lol x
hiii!!!!! i love to join in if i may! im a army wife. me & my husband have been trying over a year and finally got pregnant on valentines day! (you can check out my chart ;) ) im due on november 3rd! so far im 6 weeks and 3 days! i found out i was pregnant two days after my implantation dip so i got a positive super early so i got lucky! we are excited! ive NEVER been pregnant, not even a chemical so im pretty antsy about my pregnancy & very cautious. ahaha! my family is excited to so im pretty relaxed! here is my bump from today (6 weeks, 3 days). my doctor thinks im having twins but we wont know till the 31st of this month. but i started showing at 4 weeks & 3 days. i think im having a girl because im ALWAYS dreaming about a little girl. i had a dream 3 days ago that i gave birth to a girl at 22 weeks, and it makes me nervous cause i was born at 23 weeks. so im super nervous. LOL :haha:

congratulations and welcome :) x

awe thanks! when are you due?

hows it going for you?

Im going with 7th nov but could be between 7-10th x

im good so far today haven't been sick yet and i just started getting heartburn yesterday so hopefully that means hair. lol. i think im having a girl but ill be able to tell on my first ultrasound. happy anniversary by the way (according to your ticker).
My house is a mess and I have zero motivation to clean it...all I want to do is take a nap
hiii!!!!! i love to join in if i may! im a army wife. me & my husband have been trying over a year and finally got pregnant on valentines day! (you can check out my chart ;) ) im due on november 3rd! so far im 6 weeks and 3 days! i found out i was pregnant two days after my implantation dip so i got a positive super early so i got lucky! we are excited! ive NEVER been pregnant, not even a chemical so im pretty antsy about my pregnancy & very cautious. ahaha! my family is excited to so im pretty relaxed! here is my bump from today (6 weeks, 3 days). my doctor thinks im having twins but we wont know till the 31st of this month. but i started showing at 4 weeks & 3 days. i think im having a girl because im ALWAYS dreaming about a little girl. i had a dream 3 days ago that i gave birth to a girl at 22 weeks, and it makes me nervous cause i was born at 23 weeks. so im super nervous. LOL :haha:

congratulations and welcome :) x

awe thanks! when are you due?

hows it going for you?

Im going with 7th nov but could be between 7-10th x

im good so far today haven't been sick yet and i just started getting heartburn yesterday so hopefully that means hair. lol. i think im having a girl but ill be able to tell on my first ultrasound. happy anniversary by the way (according to your ticker).

aww thats good fingers crossed you aint sick :)

i tend to get bad heartburn only ever sipped ice cold milk to help it out.

you more after a girl? im not going to lie im hoping for a boy. i asked my youngest what she'd like and her reply was id like a brother ive already got a sister bless her.

thank you it was yesterday but going go out for a meal little later down the line lol x
I'm going LMP too, even though by conception, I should be two days ahead since I Oed early. But I know my midwife will go by LMP so no point. Only 2 days anyway.

And tell me about it. Sooo sleepy. I've hardly done anything around the house. Thankfully my husband has been doing it, and so our house is not in total shambles :dohh:
hiii!!!!! i love to join in if i may! im a army wife. me & my husband have been trying over a year and finally got pregnant on valentines day! (you can check out my chart ;) ) im due on november 3rd! so far im 6 weeks and 3 days! i found out i was pregnant two days after my implantation dip so i got a positive super early so i got lucky! we are excited! ive NEVER been pregnant, not even a chemical so im pretty antsy about my pregnancy & very cautious. ahaha! my family is excited to so im pretty relaxed! here is my bump from today (6 weeks, 3 days). my doctor thinks im having twins but we wont know till the 31st of this month. but i started showing at 4 weeks & 3 days. i think im having a girl because im ALWAYS dreaming about a little girl. i had a dream 3 days ago that i gave birth to a girl at 22 weeks, and it makes me nervous cause i was born at 23 weeks. so im super nervous. LOL :haha:

congratulations and welcome :) x

awe thanks! when are you due?

hows it going for you?

Im going with 7th nov but could be between 7-10th x

im good so far today haven't been sick yet and i just started getting heartburn yesterday so hopefully that means hair. lol. i think im having a girl but ill be able to tell on my first ultrasound. happy anniversary by the way (according to your ticker).

aww thats good fingers crossed you aint sick :)

i tend to get bad heartburn only ever sipped ice cold milk to help it out.

you more after a girl? im not going to lie im hoping for a boy. i asked my youngest what she'd like and her reply was id like a brother ive already got a sister bless her.

thank you it was yesterday but going go out for a meal little later down the line lol x

yeah so far this week i feel like i could do backflips, although i wont, AAHAH! and thanks i hope i dont get sick anymore it was pure hell. im more for a girl i guess just cause i wanna little girl i can dress up in cute outfits and have just a little mommy daughter bond but id be happy with either. but im a photographer and i figured having a girl would be easier to photographer cause you can find super cute stuff to do with a girl with a boy its kinda harder cause they dont wear tutus and headbands and such if it makes sense, but yeah either way id be happy. awe well i hope you have a boy then! when is your first ultrasound? mine is on the 31st. my husband is BEYOND stoked we got pregnant before he deploys but he MIGHT not beable to make it back for the birth but him & his chain of command are going to fight for him to be here since its our first born child & only child. but as of right now he can only be here if doctor orders me as a high risk or complication birth but i know i will be cause i was born at 23 weeks so im very high risk & complication from the get go.
I'm going LMP too, even though by conception, I should be two days ahead since I Oed early. But I know my midwife will go by LMP so no point. Only 2 days anyway.

And tell me about it. Sooo sleepy. I've hardly done anything around the house. Thankfully my husband has been doing it, and so our house is not in total shambles :dohh:

yeah by lmp im 6 weeks 4 days by conception im 5 weeks 6 days, i believe. but whatev. ahaha! my husband is barely home and we dont have any kids so our house isnt that messy isnt just mainly dishes. ahaha! thank gawd. :thumbup:
We don't have any kids either, but we tend to make pretty big messes like little children :haha:. We're good about tidying up though.
Hi ladies, after one hell of a day in cautiously back!

I went back in for my blood test today and while I was there she scanned me again but still nothing. I had a call at lunchtime saying my bloods were 1300 and they wanted me to come back down. I said yes but I'd have to bring LO and they asked if someone would be able to collect him if it turned out to be ectopic and I needed to stay in for surgery. I was a bundle of nerves when I got there but they were really nice and the nurse entertained LO while I was scanned again. Then the dr said she'd found an early pregnancy and it was in the right place. I've got to go back in two weeks to check for viability and dates but for now I am pregnant.
We don't have any kids either, but we tend to make pretty big messes like little children :haha:. We're good about tidying up though.

same here, my ocd kicks in if the house is too dirty, i start getting panic attacks and feel like im being uhm.. its like when you feel too crowded, not claustrophobic but its another word.. its feel like im being buried pretty much even tho its not that dirty.
Yay button that's great news that it's not ectopic at least! Hopefully you see more at your next scan and all turns out for the best :hugs:
Hi ladies, after one hell of a day in cautiously back!

I went back in for my blood test today and while I was there she scanned me again but still nothing. I had a call at lunchtime saying my bloods were 1300 and they wanted me to come back down. I said yes but I'd have to bring LO and they asked if someone would be able to collect him if it turned out to be ectopic and I needed to stay in for surgery. I was a bundle of nerves when I got there but they were really nice and the nurse entertained LO while I was scanned again. Then the dr said she'd found an early pregnancy and it was in the right place. I've got to go back in two weeks to check for viability and dates but for now I am pregnant.

awe how cool! good thing it wasnt a ectopic, that wouldve been bad & so scary! CONGRATS THO!!!!!! :hugs: <3 do you know when your next scan is?! i hope it turns out all good & you have a little bundle at the end of it! my levels are 3 thousand 4 hundred and something & that was when i was 5 weeks and 4 days. & now im 6 weeks and 4 days. i wonder what they are now! ahaha! i went to the er and they were worried about mine being in the wrong place so the did a TVU and found it was in the right place and my sac was about the size of a 50 cent piece when it shouldve been about the size of a quarter, so no clue there. the doctor thinks he found a yolk but wasnt sure so now im stuck waiting till my 9 week check up on the 31st:)
Hi ladies, after one hell of a day in cautiously back!

I went back in for my blood test today and while I was there she scanned me again but still nothing. I had a call at lunchtime saying my bloods were 1300 and they wanted me to come back down. I said yes but I'd have to bring LO and they asked if someone would be able to collect him if it turned out to be ectopic and I needed to stay in for surgery. I was a bundle of nerves when I got there but they were really nice and the nurse entertained LO while I was scanned again. Then the dr said she'd found an early pregnancy and it was in the right place. I've got to go back in two weeks to check for viability and dates but for now I am pregnant.

awe how cool! good thing it wasnt a ectopic, that wouldve been bad & so scary! CONGRATS THO!!!!!! :hugs: <3 do you know when your next scan is?! i hope it turns out all good & you have a little bundle at the end of it! my levels are 3 thousand 4 hundred and something & that was when i was 5 weeks and 4 days. & now im 6 weeks and 4 days. i wonder what they are now! ahaha! i went to the er and they were worried about mine being in the wrong place so the did a TVU and found it was in the right place and my sac was about the size of a 50 cent piece when it shouldve been about the size of a quarter, so no clue there. the doctor thinks he found a yolk but wasnt sure so now im stuck waiting till my 9 week check up on the 31st:)

Thanks, next scan is the 28th march when my mum is visiting so luckily won't have to take LO with me again. I have an appointment next Thursday for the dr to refer me to the midwife so I'll carry on as normal.
Hi ladies, after one hell of a day in cautiously back!

I went back in for my blood test today and while I was there she scanned me again but still nothing. I had a call at lunchtime saying my bloods were 1300 and they wanted me to come back down. I said yes but I'd have to bring LO and they asked if someone would be able to collect him if it turned out to be ectopic and I needed to stay in for surgery. I was a bundle of nerves when I got there but they were really nice and the nurse entertained LO while I was scanned again. Then the dr said she'd found an early pregnancy and it was in the right place. I've got to go back in two weeks to check for viability and dates but for now I am pregnant.

awe how cool! good thing it wasnt a ectopic, that wouldve been bad & so scary! CONGRATS THO!!!!!! :hugs: <3 do you know when your next scan is?! i hope it turns out all good & you have a little bundle at the end of it! my levels are 3 thousand 4 hundred and something & that was when i was 5 weeks and 4 days. & now im 6 weeks and 4 days. i wonder what they are now! ahaha! i went to the er and they were worried about mine being in the wrong place so the did a TVU and found it was in the right place and my sac was about the size of a 50 cent piece when it shouldve been about the size of a quarter, so no clue there. the doctor thinks he found a yolk but wasnt sure so now im stuck waiting till my 9 week check up on the 31st:)

Thanks, next scan is the 28th march when my mum is visiting so luckily won't have to take LO with me again. I have an appointment next Thursday for the dr to refer me to the midwife so I'll carry on as normal.

yaaay, you go in a few days before me!:)

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