First congrats to all the ladies that have received their positive result! I started reading this whole thread yesterday, and just finished reading this morning. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years now. This is the first time I have charted and I also took ovulation tests every afternoon..if you all can please let me know what you think about my chart that would be great! And good luck to all!!!! =)
Congrats sunshine!!
Afm....what a difference vaginal temping is! A whole half a degree warmer! Still no af, just spotting. Hopefully the spotting isn't some weird super light af. Time will tell.
Hey Ladies, I got my Positive OPK last night as you all know, I retested today and it's gone back to a really faint line in which case I ovulated yesterday and BDED day before and yesterday!!! Hopefully I get my BFP I wont be testing until the 18th though I may wait until my period late so I don't get disappointed.
3athena - Keep it alive hun 10DPO negative 11DPO positive
Today is CD1 and evil.
Today is also day one of vag temping.
Good luck to the rest of November's testers!!