Now in 2WW, witch due 17 Dec, anyone with me??

I don't even have the guts to watch that video! I am seriously birth phobic, di dyou know there is an actual phobia to giving birth!! i am sure I have it!!
I'm not to good with watching vids or thinking about it tbh. You should watch this though, she looks in the least pain of any I've ever seen!
Glad Im not the only one I'm panicing thinking about it. My stupid phone would only load the first half but I'll have what ever she is having!!!! Must stop frightening myself!! Anyway guys off to America this morning so have a fab Christmas. Will be loggin in a few times to check on you all. Sammii I had a cold!! Good luck. Xxxxc
Ooooh Pippin, America?? You can't leave us!! Have a wonderful time (sure you will anyway!) what part are you going to??

Sammii how the heck have you not tested yet??

I'm testing again tomorrow, not holding out much hope though
good luck with testing sammii and claire hope your get your xmas :bfp:
Testing tomorrow but CP is low though it is soft and i have had a few pains so it feels like AF is down the road and my house is next on her list! Still keep hoping though and trying to stay positive . . .COME ON :bfp: !!!!
Razcox....good luck .....dont worry about the cp, everyones is different.

Well my temp went from 98.3 to 98.2 so not to much of a change. My boobs are hurting and i had major cramp last night. My cp is also low and hard, but closed. I keep swearing af is on her way but i always spot about 3 or 4days before and no sign yet...eek! Knock on wood. tomorrow is suppose to be testing day but i am totally chickening out just thinking about it! No symptoms other then sore boobs and these cramps that i have been getting since last week friday? ...Could these be af cramps??? For that many days!

Claire...did you test? Fingers crossed for yoU!

Sammi~any new symptoms?
I've got a massive stinking cold now! And a splitting headache! ERGH! Its over my left eye, and its just throbbing, throbbing, throbbing! Really annoying! Thats all for today though, been too busy wrapping presents to notice anything else except this crap cold! Right over Christmas as well :(

I tested yesterday, but didnt have enough pee and I had pee'd one and a half hours before, so I got a BFN. But my eyes did play tricks on me and there was an extremely faint line. I'm gonna test with FRER Boxing Day perhaps? Or maybe Saturday morning! Or maybe BOTH! Hahaha. Addict much!?

As for my CP, its really really really soft and squidgy and extremely high. So high that its really hard to reach! And its just blended in with the rest of my vajay. CM is milky and sticky!

Oh and my nips are sore! But were worse yesterday!

When you testing Claire?
OMg sammi.....Im soooo jealous of your CP haha...even though its usually not reliable for pg that sounds like my cp when im pg..:(.....mines low, soft and closed...ahh why does it have to be low! I thought you werent testing till the weekend..hehe.
OMG Claire!!! That woman makes giving birth look like a pleasant easy experience!!!! what was she on? I need to get me some of that for August!!! xxx
Btw..that giving birth video seems alittle strange. My gosh i would never lay there naked lol. And she looks more like shes having really good sex with a nice big O ...rather then having a baby! lol My gosh i pushed only fifteen mintues and i thought i was going to die. C section was alot easier..haha

I've come close to deliever one....I hope i get too someday!
Well all I can say is when I do finally get my BFP I hope I can get a little of what she was on!! Did you notice how she stopped halfway through to just have a casual chat???

Sammii when are you testing again???

Gabrielle I so hope this is your month, I have a little feeling about you this month, just with everything thats happened and all, I dunno what it is but I just keep thinking about you getting a BFP!!

Well I shall be testing yet again tomorrow when the witch will be 7 days late.

I've been worried today though, at lunchtime I had a huge stabbing pain in my lower left side (near to my ovary), I was typing away and then I was yelping in pain next minute. Anyway it went away then came again at 3ish, and has been on and off ever since, a sharp stab for a couple of seconds and then it goes. Anyway I'm a little worried about ectopic pregnancy now, I don't know why. If thats what were happening to me, would it still have shown pos on a test? When I mc, they thought I was having an ectopic then and tested, postive result, but still thought I was having an ectopic. So I guess I can't be can I, otherwise I would have had a positive HPT, right???

Someone kick me please!!??
hey hun...Thanks so much...I will be OKAY if im not.....i justdont want a bfn....i so much rather see the witch.
I hope your right.

About the pain..i get that alot and it will be a stabbing pain and then goes away. To be honest....usually you will have serve pain that comes and goes or thatis constant from an ectopic. Like more then a few seconds. BUT everyone is different! It should show up on an hpt...but again not always. I would say if the pain gets anyworse i would call your doctor asap! And if you dont get a bfp nor a period i would get checked out as well. I hope your ok!:) Whne are you testing? Tomorrow???
It just when it does come it's quite severe. But then I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain, god knows how I'll ever cope giving birth.

I'm going to test again tomorrow, and then on Christmas day. Is it bad that if I get a BFN but no witch that I'm going to drink on Christmas day?? I'll have given up on BFP by then. If no witch by bew years eve then I'll make an appointment to go to the GP after new years day.

So are you testing this month? And if so when!! x x
Hmm i know when i was pg i got those sharp stabbing pains sooooo bad. Maybe its a sign for you! EEK your testing tomorrow!!! you held off yesterday and today right??? I thin you maybe pregnant. I think if you dont have a BFP by xmas you could go and have a few...i personally wouldnt have alot...but then again there are many that dont know they are and do and their babies are fine.

Well.....the plan is tomorrow am....thats what i've been saying for two weeks. So I've gotten to this date. I will be 13dpo and no sign of spotting so far. That is a good sign for me...besides the fact my cp is low..i could cry lol! I hope i get a BFP BFP BFP!
Ooooh yay us, both testing tomorrow, OMG how amazing would it be if we got got our BFP's on Xmas eve?? That would be so brilliant!!!

No testing for me yesterday or today, I will be testing with a FRER tomorrow, how about you??? x x
gosh, that video is soooo you think she knew she had a baby poking out...she seemed very laid back about having half a head hanging out of her veejay...she certainly looked happy!
I havent tested at all ....well besides the one the doctor did last week. I feel like thats a sign. Ok listen so when i was ttc with Gavin my last pg. I went into the er b/c i was so sick and stuff and they said could you be pregnant? and i said yes, we are trying but you'd have to do a blood test to see if i am. So they did it and it came back negative. I was crying and thought oh no im for sure not! Hubby said he i am. So anyways....that was on a on friday i am like what the heck im taking a test...i went and got two frer and took one....i threw it out and then picked it up one more time and it had a very FAINT second line! I was SOOOO happy! anyways the point here is that was five days from the neg bld to the pos hpt. Well.....the blood this time was done on friday and it was neg.....and tomorrow will be wednesday,...five days from friday....! HOPE TO GOD IT is a sign and i get my bfp!!! :) know ............... call me crazy!

So I will be testing around 5am with a FRER. AHHHHH thats in 14hours!!!!!!!

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