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NTNP #2, any buddies?

Hi welsh girl. :) Harvey and Alex are born a month apart, Harvey turned 2 this month.

I am really undecided on whether to take the pill now the implant is out. Although we were NTNP, hubby just lost his job about 2 weeks ago and we are thinking about holding off until he gets a new job. I don't know.. Chances of getting pregnant straight after implant coming out are slim right? X
Hi :) Alex was born 30th jan so not too far apart. I think I remember you from one of the jan/feb due date threads?

I dont know much about the implant sorry, I've ever only been on the pill, with Alex it took 9 months to conceive. I come off the pill last jan and found out I was pregnant in the may but miscarried in june, I never went back on the pill after that.

I've latelly been trying to get Alex into his own room but I'm ending up there with him. He slept last night for a good hour and half on his own up there so im hoping he will get better then it gives me and OH some time alone lol.
Ahhhh yes! Hello you :p Harvey was actually due on the 27th January, but the little pest decided to show 2 weeks later! isn't it funny we are both trying for the 2nd at the same time? I am so sorry about your loss though lovely :-( so sad.

Part of me wants to carry on NTNP but then part of me wants to use protection until hubby finds a new job. Oh what to do... Xx
Aw Alex was only 2 days late lol. Thank you, I came to peace with it pretty quickly as didnt have time to think too much about it, but my thought process was everything happens for a reason, reason being Alex was coming off his epilepsy medication a week later so our baby was sent to watch over Alex at that time :)

It's a toughie that one, listen to your heart or your head. The sensible thing would be to wait until he finds a new job but then again it could take a while to conceive, or just try to avoid ovulation time. Maybe talk it over with OH and come up with the best solution? X
Yeah that is my problem. My heart is going 'there is no guarantee you will fall pregnant yet and the more contraceptive you like the chances are it will take longer to conceive' and then my head is going 'no, let's not put anymore pressure on this little family yet, we have been through enough in the last few months to warrant anything else'.

I don't think it will take long before hubby gets a job. He's already had 5 interviews and two trial shifts with anther trial shift tomorrow afternoon. I think it's just me finally growing up and trying to think sensibly for a change.

I just don't want to leave this age gap much longer. If I leave it much longer then I will probably just wait until Harvey is in school. After all that will be September 2016 when he starts primary school for the first time. And Alex too xx
I have just said that and hubby just got a phone call and has been offered a job with the new center parcs is Woburn Forest - whoop whoop!! X
I have just said that and hubby just got a phone call and has been offered a job with the new center parcs is Woburn Forest - whoop whoop!! X

Great news! You never know what's ahead of you! Planning never seems to work xx
Harvey has pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed his limits today. So far in fact I have had to put him to bed early because he is being... Well downright awful! He has kicked and punched both husband and I, he has bitten the cats, smashed a mirror, rub out of the house 3 times, climbed on things he shouldn't have done and loads of other things. Please don't get me wrong,? I have tried everything today! Bargaining, bribig, naughty step, telling him no. Nothing had worked. So it's bed. It's the only way. He has gone calm now, maybe that's what it was? Maybe he's been tierd all day. But still, god knows what time he'll be up now he is down at 5.45pm. Oh well, I have work tomorrow anyway.

Urgh! What a day!!!!
Kids sometimes pick up on stress. Maybe he's realising you are stressed with your husbands job and is pushing your buttons to test you. Kids can smell fear!!
Yeah your probably right jogger, I think that Harvey has been missing nursery since I started putting him in for one day a week :-( he used to do 3 days a week. Now hubby has a job again I can probably put Harvey back in for 3 days a week. Can't believe that in April next year Harvey will get the 16 hours free on the government to encourage him into preschool. Scary scary scary thought!! Lol

How is everyone? Xx
Bex up at 6:10 today, an hour earlier than usual! All her little pals are being sick just now so I hope she doesn't get it... Again! Winter really sucks.
So many bugs going around at the moment. I've just got over a cold myself :-(

We all washed the cars yesterday. Hubby washed his because it's been on the drive for 6 months and we've managed to get it working again now that he has a new job and so I washed mine too.

Harvey helped of course :)
We had a great time. It was so much fun... Can't wait for the summer time :) X
Hurting so much these past couple of days, all downstairs and in the ovary, womb area. We have DTD onces since implant was removed... But I think it's my body all going back to normal.

My god it hurts though. I came into work early just so I could have some downtime before I started this morning. Not sure whether I should let my boss know whether I am in loads of pain xx
Hey girls

I was very unwell myself lately, terrible flu I couldn't even move from bed and spent most of my days laying around the place, it was awful as I just recovered from tooth infection before that and was then hit by the flu! Now I'm doing better and on cd10! I swear ttc was the last thing on my mind when I was unwell!

I hope everyone else is doing well :)

Not sure if anyone else watches it but obem is back on tonight! Getting excited lol
Haven't even tried to count my cycle yet! Bought some ovulation packs off eBay to see if I can get a better understanding but we'll have to wait and see. I doubt I am ovulating yet! Xx
Hey hope everyone is ok. I've not been online really over the weekend, been busy.

babyjan, I was excited for obem too, Alex woke up half way through so brought him downstairs while I watched the rest (he went back to sleep on me thankfully) so emotional thinking 2 years ago I was feeding my newborn baby while watching it. Can't wait to do it all over again.
Hi there, new here.....not a troll or anything like that but I didn't post an intro on the general intro forum because I thought it would better suited to do so in a thread with other moms whom I share common ground with. My son is three soon to be four in July. My fiance and I met in 2012. He owns a company and just so happened to show up to a job that was being done for my dad by his company. I really liked him but figured I didn't stand a chance with a guy like him. Apparently I short changed myself though because a few days later he contacted me through email and I replied by giving him my cell phone number and the rest is history. We have our wedding bands already and plan to be married on May 19th as that was the day of our first date back in 2012. So two years later to the exact day we will be wed. We Plan to not spend money on a wedding that we feel is more for others than for ourself. We celebrate our love every day so we don't need a big ceremony to do that. Plus it's our second marriage. My son is his stepson but has only known him as a dad ever since he was 18 months old. In my eyes regardless of blood my fiance is his true dad and he's an awesome dad at that. He gets down in the floor and plays Iron Man or Power Rangers with our son and he's paying for him to start a private preschool this fall. I'm a stay at home mom now (I was working when we met but he feels that having me at home with our son 24/7 is vital to his development) so since we can afford to I stay at home and am a full time mom. However, with our son starting school in the fall (only four half days a week technically) I feel I will have extra time to give to another child. I also feel that having a child together will blend our family even more so than what it is now (if that makes any sense at all). I suppose I should also add one other important factor to my story. I had Mirena taken out back in April of 2013 and we started trying to conceive immediately since I had an ultrasound during a pre-conception visit to my OBGYN and was able to determine by measuring the lining of my uterus exactly when I should anticipate ovulation for the month of May. It was at that time we also discovered via ultrasound that I had some small cysts on both of my ovaries most likely brought on by the IUD. Fast forward to June 4th I got a BFP just three days after my 27th birthday I was elated to say that least. Also surprised that we had conceived so fast. I was a little concerned about any risks involved with getting pregnant so quickly after coming off of an IUD so I had an early in house ultrasound at my OBGYN's office at just 6 weeks along. It was at that time the inkling I'd had of multiples became reality. My OB was pointing out a little tadpole on the screen that had a beautiful flickering heartbeat that brought tears to my eyes instantly. Seeing the miracle of life forming inside of my womb combined with the pregnancy hormones and joy of being pregnant made tears start overflowing from the rims of my eyes. Then I noticed that there was another flicker down below (diagonally technically) from the other flicker so I asked my OB "if that flicker is my baby then what is the other flicker. Is that my other baby". It was then that she zoomed in closer and confirmed I'm expecting TWINS!!! I was so so so happy. Then came the downside. She came into the room after the ultrasound to let me down slowly. She told me that my twins share an amniotic sac and the likelihood of survival was 10 percent at best. Still I saw the flickers of their hearts so I refused to give up on my precious children. I left the office happy although there was a downside to my happiness. I was referred to a multiples specialist two weeks from that day. However, I started having pinkish bleeding while grocery shopping just a few days later. So I called the specialist office I had been referred to and was told they were booked up for moths so I had to keep the two week later appointment I had because the could not see me any sooner. At that point I was really angry because I was bleeding and really felt something was wrong but the attitude I seemed to be met with was that if I am miscarrying there's not a lot they can do at so early along so what's the point of seeing me sooner. So I called my original OB that had referred me and told her I had suspicion that something wasn't right and I was frustrated with what the specialist's receptionist attitude had been. My OB's nurse then called to the specialist office and got me in to see the OB on Friday so I'd only have to wait a couple more days and then the specialist would see me and I'd get an US to find out what's going on. Friday came and my Fiance was able to come to this US visit although he hadn't been able to come to the first visit unfortunately because he had to work and I wasn't convinced that they would absolutely give me an US at just 6 weeks so I told him it was fine if he didn't come (I truly regret that now). We waited in anticipation of getting to see our babies again in the waiting room. I filled out what seemed like a mountain of paperwork and then I peed in a cup as is a must do when your pregnant on every single visit. Then It was time for me to disrobe and put my heels in the stirrups so they could do an intrauterine ultrasound since I was just 7 weeks or so along. The US tech was quickly able to find both my babies but they seemed different. I couldn't see a flicker anymore they were just dots on a screen. She measured baby A and baby B. Then she told me to go put my clothes back on and she'd be back shortly. When she came back she was with a doctor which alarmed me. However I figured since MOMO twins are rare that maybe a doctor was necessary to confirm that I am without a doubt carrying monochorionic (or momo as they're called for short). I wasn't aware that a doctor in the room might be a sign of a bad thing. I was told to disrobe again and put on the paper hospital gown for another intrauterine US with the Dr. present. I did so, they again found both babies and again measured both babies. The doctor began by saying "these kinds of things happen". I thought she was just talking about the rarity of the twins it still hadn't set in that something was wrong with this picture. The Dr. went on to tell me that they couldn't find heartbeats for either of my babies and that one had passed away at 6 weeks 1 day and the other had passed away at 6 weeks 3 days. I use the term passed away because to me they had heartbeats that I had witnessed for myself and now those hearts no longer were flickering to me that is the true definition of death so to me my babies died they didn't miscarry. To me a heartbeat constitutes life, and therein my babies who once had a heartbeat no longer did, thus they had died. I was given a prescription for Cytotec which I didn't take for about a week. Then the heavy bleeding began and the hope I had that maybe the US was wrong was completely dashed. I decided at that time to go ahead and insert the cytotec to help the process along as I just wanted it to be over with by that time. About a month later we moved across country to the western region of America and have since been living out our life just the three of us, our german Shepard and a couple cats. As far as present day goes things are going well. Like I said our son starts at the best private school in town this fall and we just got his adorable personalized pottery barn back pack and matching attachable lunch box the other day. He's so excited for school and I am too because I really think education is important so I'm not upset by the idea of him going off to school. The preschool he's going to teaches on a kindergarten level and it's only for four half days out of the week. The benefits outweigh the selfish thought of not having him around all the time and knowing that he's growing up. I have an aunt and uncle who lost a child so I am so happy my son is growing up and reaching milestones like going off to school. He can't stay a baby forever and I truly would rather outlive him than have it be the other way around so I rejoice in him growing up and developing. I do have a hankering for a newborn though and baby fever has hit hard. In the state we live in we can solemnize our own marriage so it's literally just a matter of signing one form and we're officially married which I know for fact we will do on May 19th. I don't think it's presumptuous of us at all to start NTNP now and just see what comes of it. If I get pregnant before we're officially married the pregnancy will be only a few months along before we make things official with that one little piece of paper that we can fill out on our own (no officiant needed) so I see no harm in it and we have two insurances so my pregnancy would be 100 percent covered and since he owns a successful company we are financially prepared for whatever happens. Opinions are welcome though ladies. Opinions though not complete blatant criticism as I've experienced that on other boards and it's no fun at all. Anyways glad to be a part of a new community of women in the same not trying and not preventing boat that I'm in.
Hi teambabybump. I'm not sure if I'm reading your story wrong but I'm not sure what people have criticised you for.

I'm very sorry for both your losses, I saw my Bex at 7 weeks and I remember seeing the heartbeat and seeing her. It was lovely. I agree that once you see that your baby is a real little person to you.

I'm not sure what happens with insurances as in UK we have free healthcare. I can't comment much on that.

You are more than welcome NTNP here and I hope you get another little one to give your hubby to be a little bio baby and your little boy a sibling to play with. It won't make your boy any less of his son. It sounds like you are all a happy loving family.

Well I said I was NTNP but I poas today and I'm Ov. Oh well, I just can't seem to help doing it!

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