NTNP #2, any buddies?

Sweetmere I have hypothyroidism too. I took prenatals and vit b when trying to conceive #1. Vit b or vit b complex is supposed to help extend your lp, and I've heard good things about it. I've also heard folic acid, or the folic acid in prenatals helps as well, just with conception in general. Do you take anything for it now? I take levothyroxin to get my levels straight. I tried clomid for 9 months and that didn't work for me, but hopefully it will for you if you have to go that route.
I'm on levothyroxin...started it 3-4 days before my bfp last time coincidentally. Soy isoflavones are similar to clomid and I took them that month as well...they worked! I'll ask for clomid next year if it hasn't happened. I'm going to give myself a year. I found out soy isn't good for your thyroid so I'm not going to take that chance again!

I heard about b complex and tried it for awhile while ttc A but don't remember how long. Never noticed a difference but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try again. I started prenatals a month or so ago again and have been on them off and on since having A.

How long did it take you to conceive??
With #1 2 years, but I wasn't doing all of that for the entire time...maybe the prenatals a year, but the bit b maybe 5 months. I'd stopped the clomid cause it had gotten too painful. I'd also come off BC before we started trying too and they say that can have an affect as a your body needs to regulate itself. With this one we just ntnp for the one month and I was taking the levo, prenatals and I was taking mag-oxide and a narcotic as needed for headaches (I took this last time too for about a month before conception) and I was taking phentermine, an appetite suppressant.
Hi all just popping in again and wanted to wish everyone well in their tww! May you have patience and positive results!
Wow! That's crazy! We only tried for A for 8 months. I was 21 but stupidly assumed it would happen right away...you know, they always tell you in school it's so easy. It would have taken a lot longer if I hadn't been charting and hadn't taken the soy probably. But I guess I need to stop being so negative! ! :/ congrats!!!
I don't think that's stupid. I also have pcos so I knew it may take a while, but I also thought it would happen right away, lol. Didn't think it would take 2 years, but I also shouldn't have assumed it would happen the first month. Imagine my surprise when I found out I was preggo after one month of ntnp for #2! I had a feeling cause I'd been feeling the same way I had with my son. Even so I tried to tell myself I wasn't cause I really didn't think it would happen that soon.
I can't believe that! That's awesome :) definitely a little miracle! I noticed today my boobs feel kind of sore. I haven't had that since being pregnant, I used to have it every month. I've been on birth control but quit in January and still haven't had them since then but noticed it today, just slightly. But implantation wouldn't even happen until at least tomorrow through Wednesday so it's probably just progesterone which makes me feel better like things are working okay!
You never know hun. I knew I was preggo a week about 10 days before af was due. Maybe early implantation. Fxd for you!
Good luck sweetmere, hope it works out for you!

steffy I wish I could do that to my dh! He is very much a 'if I'm not in the mood its not going to happen' kind of guy. And although he's agreed to ntnp another one he isn't exactly thrilled about the idea of having another baby. (Its not that he doesn't want another one he's just really worried about money, education, him studying and other things that will have to be put on hold)
Bean my hubbs is the same way. He works full time, has a part time job (his choice, not a necessity), is a full time student, gigs around (he plays French horn) and is obviously a husband and father and still trying to be just "him". He wasn't ready to ntnp and I told him if so then he needed to take some precaution cause I was ready. Well he didn't, lol. He figured because it took 2 years with ds it wouldn't be quick with this one, that was his answer when I asked why he didn't do anything. He wasn't thrilled when I told him I was preggo just cause all that he does and he's u about money too, but has come around to the idea hand is excited about the baby. I think once I explained that we pretty much have all we need from ds he stopped worrying so much about money. And he's trying to be done with school right before the baby gets here so that will alleviate some stress too. He just stretches himself too thin then freaks about everything. I swear if I wasn't here his head would roll right off and down a hill, lol.
CD28 and still no sign of ovulation :(. I'll test in probably 2 weeks or so just in case (unless I get clear signs of O between now & then).

I've been trying to lose weight to help kick my body back into gear but went way off track this weekend. I really want another baby but I'm so weak in the moment when it comes to food!
Thanks no doubt! Makes me feel better to know its not just me! I wonder how long it will take us this time....

Nevernormal I also have an ongoing battle with food. Although I'm just below my pre-pregnancy weight now I still want to lose a few more kgs to get to my goal weight. But I love sweet things and just when I think I'm doing well something delicious comes along and I find it so hard to say no!
Who doesn't struggle with weight! Biggest struggle of my life so I feel you girls on that. I love it...something sweet comes along and I can't say no, lol. I'm not a huge sweets fan, I really love good rich foods like creamy pastas and such. Because of that I eat no bread at all, lol. Hopefully you ladies will get to tour goal weights soon.

Bean I think it's just men in general, they're suppose to provide and protect...you know? So they worry about things like money and whatnot a lot more than we as women do I think.
It's another 2 weeks before I can really ttc as I 'o' on cd30...I didn't mind before but now we're ntnp it's ages waiting each cycle!
When I had some tests done they mentioned pcos but I think purely because my cycles are long as I don't have any of the other symptoms.
So excited to hear if any of you get bfp's soon!!
Can I have a buddy please?

I'm Julie and I am NTNP # 2 since December. I'm still not sure of my cycles so any help will be appreciated!
Welcome Cormack! Hope this process doesn't take you too much longer.
Welcome Cormack! So we still have no action going on here (with my cycle or in the bedroom!)

On a completely unrelated note I have to share! My dd finally (at 16 months and 2 days!) started walking today! I'm so excited.
Omg I must have unsubscribed from here!

Well ladies AF came normal on the 16th but I bled longer than usual and discovered I was pregnant! Hospital took bloods but unfortunately it was a miscarriage as my levels dropped :(

Sunday was my last results which saw them go from 100 (on friday) down to 51, I just got a faint positive but clear on ic and OPK was positive which I'm sure is picking up hcg.

Sooo just gonna have to wait for pregnancy tests to go negative or for AF to arrive then I can start using OPKs.

Hope everyone is well x
Congrats bean...I know that exciting!

Babyjan, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know emotionally that is hard, but I hope physically it's not too rough on you.
Hi Cormack!

Babyjan I'm sorry to hear your news, I hope you are ok.

Good luck to everyone!

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