NTNP #2, anybody else too?

Hello ladies...

Ive not read all replies so ill catch up after this...
I think I O 21st so its fertile week.. And OH is off work for the week!

Im more scared this time as im daughter wasnt planned so didnt have the whole
TTC... I loved my pregnancy though labour was classed 6 hours 17 mins... Went to hospital at 5:30 am and she was born 8:39am so was a quick visit!

I had no morning sickness or Braxton Hicks.. Kinda sailed through it..
Hoping next time will be the same!

I try not to stress other symptoms but I find googling etc!

Hi girls. May I join?
My son will be 8 months old in a few days. He was conceived after 2 years of serious TTC, laparoscopic endo removal, IVF consultation and in the first round of Clomid. My problem is high FSH which makes my boy a miracle :).
That is why we decided to TTC No.2 soon. I'm still breastfeeding and my cycles haven't returned yet. We are NTNP till then. It would be perfect if I got pregnant before first AF but chances are slim, especially now that our poor baby seems to be teething - has fever and diarrhea. So he's been sleeping with me in the big bed for 4 days now, banishing OH to the couch. Haven't BD'ed for a week... DS seems a bit better today and I'm hoping it stays that way.
My pregnancy was amazing. I was nauseous, vomited, had a bleeding scare once, was terrified something might go wrong but anyway... It was the best time of my life till then. And I really loved my bump and the kicking. I hope I can experience all that again. Even labour was wonderful - easy and short. And our baby is wonderful!
That's all for now, hoping to pass the time chatting with you lovely ladies.
Hi katy :) Sorry DS is teething hopefully it will pass soon & you and DH can BD!! My friend found out at her 6wk post partum appt she was PREGNANT! Her kids are 10 months apart! So its def possible!! Trust me they were not trying & it happened. Stay positive!!
hey hey MummyJade, it's party time this week for you and hubby ;)

hi Katy78, welcome! So nice to hear about your miracle boy. Oh I hope he is feeling ok now.

My DD has been waking up everry 2-3 hours at night and won't nap unless held for the past week. It is driving me nuts :wacko:
She sleeps in her own room but when she wakes up so much at night, I bring her over to our bed.

A thought came into my mind: if I get pregnant now, would we be able to afford it? Last time I was still working but now I'm not working anymore and man, I'm still adjusting to a single income. We spent at least $100 for each doctor's appointment and here it is done every 6 weeks during the pregnancy :shrug:

Am still feeling very crampy and I think my milk has decreased, sign that I am about to get my period.
Girls, thanks for the welcome.
yellowbell, we have a single income as well. But in our case my OH is the one without it. He's a bit sensitive about it so I'm happy he's not worrying about having another child. Good thing about that is having him at home. He really helps me with everything, to be honest, he's the one that does almost all the housework. I feel very lucky as I'm not much of a housewife anyway.
Baby hasn't cost us much so far. We borrowed or got most of the clothes he's wearing, other items too. I know expenses will increase, especially if we manage to conceive another one, but I'm sure we'll be fine. My job is stable and salary is good enough and OH is bound to find another job sooner or later. No use worrying about it now.
My son is better now, thank you for asking. His fever is down and he started eating again but we need to get his biorhythm back in line. He mixed up day and night. And we have to get him to sleep in his bed again.
By the way, we managed to BD yesterday, while DS was asleep ;).
hey hey MummyJade, it's party time this week for you and hubby ;)

hi Katy78, welcome! So nice to hear about your miracle boy. Oh I hope he is feeling ok now.

My DD has been waking up everry 2-3 hours at night and won't nap unless held for the past week. It is driving me nuts :wacko:
She sleeps in her own room but when she wakes up so much at night, I bring her over to our bed.

A thought came into my mind: if I get pregnant now, would we be able to afford it? Last time I was still working but now I'm not working anymore and man, I'm still adjusting to a single income. We spent at least $100 for each doctor's appointment and here it is done every 6 weeks during the pregnancy :shrug:

Am still feeling very crampy and I think my milk has decreased, sign that I am about to get my period.

I had that thought a few weeks ago. I had to knock up a list of stuff I would need to buy and show OH so we could discuss it. I was so organised the first time but this time it kind of crept up on me and I think I just assumed we had everything from number one, but there are some big things I'll need to buy.
Hi yellowbell! :flower:

And hi all!! I'm NTNP number 2 also.

I am 32 and have been married for 7 years now. We have a little girl, she is almost 3 and a half. I got pregnant quite quickly last time, within two months of coming off the pill, on a little week away with my hubby. We've decided to NTNP rather than TTC because the relaxed approach worked for us last time. I don't think it'll happen so quickly this time though...yet I feel more impatient this time because I am older.

I came off the pill the first week of October and have been NTNP since (I'm ovulating just about now soo.... ). We decided to do this now because the timing just seemed right. I didn't want too small an age gap between kids, just wanted to enjoy my daughter alone for a few years before I even started to think about having another. The time is right now financially but emotionally I feel ready now too...Practically also, My little girl is quite independent and she starts reception next September (she goes to nursery in the afternoons already) so I feel like she can do loads of things for herself and can help with a new brother or sister. She is also of an age where she is asking about having a sibling, and she can understand the whole process to some extent, get excited about a new brother or sister, be a part of the whole thing. Now is perfect for us, so hoping it will happen soon!

Fingers crossed for all xxx
hello Susie28 and welcome to this thread! I am looking forward to when my DD is at that age where she's more independent. Right now, my DD is in the very clingy stage, sometimes it drives me nuts but I do remind myself to just cherish it because someday I will miss it.

I've been feeling down since yesterday. I feel frustrated that I can't do much, there are house chores and things I would like to do like my baby's photoalbum or fix my wardrobe but I can't seem to do it because I feel tired all the time and DD won't really nap unless held, I feel so helpless.
Maybe this is hormones, AF came yesterday.

How's it going for everyone?
By the way, has any of you seen the movie "About Time"? I loved it sooo much and I remembered it because the baby's name there was Poppy, like your DD's name Katy78, very cute :flower:
Hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind me joining this thread but I am looking for new buddies that are TTC number #2. My little girl will be 1 in a few weeks and my hubby and I have decided that from January we will be NTNP for our second child! I have decided to do it this way as TTC was quite emotionally stressful last time - we conceived on our first cycle but sadly that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. It took so much out of me emotionally that trying to get pregnant again became a kind of mission! It worked and our beautiful rainbow baby was conceived again within 3 months, however I do not want the same kind of pressure this time. So from January we will be stopping contraception and seeing how it goes. I have given myself a limit of NTNP until April and then if we haven't fallen pregnant I'll break out the OPKs!

So lovely to meet others who are doing the same kind of thing. I am excited and nervous by the concept of having another child, I still find my first one so much work however we are definitely ready to expand our family and make our little girl a big sister!

hello Susie28 and welcome to this thread! I am looking forward to when my DD is at that age where she's more independent. Right now, my DD is in the very clingy stage, sometimes it drives me nuts but I do remind myself to just cherish it because someday I will miss it.

I've been feeling down since yesterday. I feel frustrated that I can't do much, there are house chores and things I would like to do like my baby's photoalbum or fix my wardrobe but I can't seem to do it because I feel tired all the time and DD won't really nap unless held, I feel so helpless.
Maybe this is hormones, AF came yesterday.

How's it going for everyone?

AF started for me on Saturday so I'll have to cross my fingers for this month instead.
hello Susie28 and welcome to this thread! I am looking forward to when my DD is at that age where she's more independent. Right now, my DD is in the very clingy stage, sometimes it drives me nuts but I do remind myself to just cherish it because someday I will miss it.

I've been feeling down since yesterday. I feel frustrated that I can't do much, there are house chores and things I would like to do like my baby's photoalbum or fix my wardrobe but I can't seem to do it because I feel tired all the time and DD won't really nap unless held, I feel so helpless.
Maybe this is hormones, AF came yesterday.

How's it going for everyone?

Thanks Yellowbell!

The clingy stage is hard, but you will definitely miss it (at least a bit) when it was over, but then the next stage is so lovely and exciting too. Poppy is independent but she still loves getting cuddles and kisses and snuggling up so I feel like I get the best of both worlds.

Hope you are feeling better now?? Hopefully AF is now well over and you have some energy back!

Hope you all had a great weekend x

Oh and hi Leliana! :hugs: Welcome xx
Hi Everyone!
Hi Yellowbell!
how r things going for everyone?
We r NTNP for #2, my first baby miracle is 8months old but we got a jump on things (pretty much since 3 months after birth) since i have PCOS and it took me foreeeever to conceive my baby boy..
i hope this time goes faster.

i tried the opt a few ago and it turned out pretty dark plus i had cramps and i thought i was about to ovulate,...so today i poas again and it is still very dark...
im confused...
im not breastfeeding anymore and since i stopped i also stopped getting my period.. that was 3 months ago..

im looking forward another pregnancy, hopefully i can be more relaxed and aware of things. the first time i just let things go by and i regret that a bit now..
Yellowbell - I totally hear you on the clingy thing. It is so draining and it makes me worried about TTC again - I do sometimes wonder how I will cope with two. My body is desperate for a baby again and it is the right thing for my family but I do get very nervous!!
Hi ladies!

Welcome here Leliana! Ooh first birthday of your LO, are you doing a big party? I am also wondering to myself how it would be with two kids. One is already a handful so imagine two...But then I think being a mom gave us superpowers so we can do this! :thumbup:

Welcome Lavendel! You mean you already had your period back but it stopped when you stopped breastfeeding? Mine came back 5 months ago although I'm still breastfeeding. I am trying to wean off my DD from the breast but ironically, she is breastfeeding more that I am staying home (I used to be working full time and so I give her expressed breastmilk in bottle) and now she's not taking the bottles anymore.

I'm feeling better now, I even managed to get my butt to the gym the other day and did the threadmill! I think this is the first time I went back to the gym after I gave birth, lol. But now my body is still all sore like somebody beat me, LOL. My period for the past 3 months seem to be regular already so I am hoping my cycles are stable and if it is then I would be ovulating within the next 3 days so I better turn the heat up in the bedroom! LOL :blush:

Hope you're all having a great day! :flower:
Well I'm bleeding again 15 days after my last period, really wish I knew what is going on with my body!!!
Hi ladies, new here! My husband and I are NTNP too! We had our first in May of this year… So she's seven months old right now. I stopped breast-feeding at the beginning of last month. Still haven't gotten my period back yet though. (I did wake up to some spotting a couple days ago - Anxiously waiting to see if anything becomes of it.)I guess that's why we're technically not trying… no idea when I will ovulate. I also don't want "doing the deed" to feel forced. It's hard enough to keep it romantic with a new baby in the house. Haha! With our first, the pregnancy was a surprise since I was on birth control. I had been on birth control for about seven years. Before that my period was quite irregular… hoping things have straightened out with age. So that's why we're NTNP.
babyjan, maybe have a check with your Gynae?

welcome here Sahm134! yeah, I totally hear you on "forced DTD". I used to even raise my legs up for 10mins after DTD when were trying for our first, LOL.

As for me, according to the ovulation calculator, I am ovulating today. Hubby and I DTD this morning so hopefully we'll get lucky :blush:

I hope you're all having a good week.
babyjan, maybe have a check with your Gynae?

welcome here Sahm134! yeah, I totally hear you on "forced DTD". I used to even raise my legs up for 10mins after DTD when were trying for our first, LOL.

As for me, according to the ovulation calculator, I am ovulating today. Hubby and I DTD this morning so hopefully we'll get lucky :blush:

I hope you're all having a good week.

Fingers crossed yellowbell! :dust:

as for me, yep. since i stopped breastfeeding i never got a period, i had it back about 8 weeks after birth for 4 months, then never again..

i think i ovulated last tuesday-thursday (opt were on both days very strong and on friday it was very faint) and since yesterday i have this "heat" on me, my temp is also higher 37.1-37.4. so unless im getting sick it sounds promising..

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