NTNP Chat Thread

Dont worry I will keep you all posted...! I can test friday the earliest but going to try and hold out till monday!

Morning Bex! Hope your work orientation goes well - what do you do?

Becca - we don't have any definite names yet either, just a list of some we like. I have been going on at my OH about TTC for about a year but gave it up mostly until May this year when I had my 26th birthday and started hearing my bodyclock SCREAMING at me! On that note, how old is everyone else?
Good luck holding out til Monday, I'm not sure I'd make it!!

My orientation is for a call center doing customer service. Kinda sucks but whatever I will hopefully work myself into a trainer's position soon enough. The pay is good and making money is perfect. :haha:
I turned 23 in June... my OH is 24.

I want to be a young mum so thats why I dont want to leave it too late. My mum was 23 when she had me and that worked out well...

I feel 100% ready now too, I have the house, the job, the car, the OH. Which makes not TTC all the more frustating... NTNP will have to do for now though.

I refuse to touch our spare room until I am pregnant and can decorate it as a nursery!

Bex - good luck :) I worked in a call centre for a few months before I went to Uni so I can feel your pain with it kinda sucking but I hope you get to the managers position soon! And agree that any job that pays reasonable money is good to have!!

Becca - I agree with the wanting to be a young Mum too. I was 22 and a half and ex-hubby was 23 (we conceived a month after we got married!) when Felix was born and that was perfect for me and I hoped to have #2 already by now but unfortunately that all went a bit pear shaped :( However! Got fabulous OH now and so hopefully #2 (his #1) will be forthcoming soon! OH is 28 and always maintained stubbornly that he didn't want kids til 30 but I kinda pointed out that he has to take my views into account too so why didn't we compromise as I said I wanted 2 kids together by the time I am 30 (I don't really want to have kids once I'm more than 30/31...just my personal thing) and so that meant starting about a year ago but I have waited an extra year (and counting)...so now even if we conceived next cycle he'd be 29 by the time LO arrived. I think that was what finally persuaded him..I don't think he'd actually thought about the TIME it can take for these things to happen! Men!
NTNP is a good start though....at least it means you still have the chance of conceiving! Better than nothing!
Exactly... but I have to tread carefully as dont want to scare him into not NTNP if you get me? Lol.

I'll get there eventually... I'm hoping my weight loss will help as least time I fell pregnant I lost weight before it so I'm trying to get to that weight again!! Fingers crossed.

Hi Girls!! :D

Been busy busy today, lots of boring washing and ironing then went shopping for OH's birthday which is two weeks today and got him some really nice presents, which I have just wrapped and put away!! Whilst I was out I naughtily popped into Mothercare with my wonderful Mummy so we could have a sneaky look around, so smiles all round!!

Ooooh we are off to TTC it would seem, well I'll be here whatever!! xxxx
Afternoon Jen! Glad you had such a good day :) What presents did you get your hubby? (or is he likely to see on here) Sneaky looks round Mothercare are always good...I have been doing that recently too! And Ebay...tracking sooo much stuff on Ebay (and possibly buying a few small things too :blush:)

One hour left of work...today has dragged sooo badly...come on clock go faster!!

Wedding was amazing thanks, a really lovely day!! :D We only had a very small do, but for us that made it perfect, and I absolutely love being married, even when doing OH's ironing on my afternoon off.... :p

Hubby's presents are a PS3 game that he wanted, a superdry polo shirt, some boxers and a model aeroplane to build/paint etc. :D I want a couple of tiny little presents, but I don't know what to get?!? I absolutely love buying presents for people!! :D

Good afternoon girls :)

Laura, i'm 30 but shhhhhh its a secret :lol: It was a major thing leading upto my bday, i'm still not used to saying it and i miss my 20's alot :(

Nicknames sorted now for Bex & Becca x

I've been naughty and had a nap with my little ones this afternoon :blush:
Awww Leah, don't feel bad about being 30! That's not so bad!! If I was 30 and NTNP #4 I'd be very pleased! At this rate I'll be 30 and only just about to try for #3!!

Afternoon nap sounds awesome...I have been practically falling asleep at my desk all afternoon. Very slow day! Patiently awaiting OH to pick me up atm and then going home to make lasagne. Mmmmmm.

Jen - those presents sound cool, I hope your hubby likes them. I love buying presents too and I always end up over spending or buying too many! Especially at Christmas, and then I get a telling off from the OH as he feels like he doesn't make enough effort! *sigh*

Laura thats one way of looking at it :) I was 18 when i had Ella, so started young! Although she wasnt planned she is such a blessing :)

Thought i'd give you girls some back story on me if thats ok :)

I met Nathan(OH) just over 6 years ago and we have been crazy about each other since :cloud9: But life has dealt us some crap :( After 6 months of dating Nathan found a lump in his downstairs department which was cancerous, It was an awfull time but we stayed strong and went onto concieve Ethan 6 months later :D
Ethan is amazing but bless him he is autistic, we are currently in the process of meeting with the panel to get the full diagnosis. He has a speech disorder, OCD and ADHD to go with it, it sounds bad but he is a gorgeous little dude :D
Since having Ethan i have discovered i have fibroids, so that teamed with Nathan's 1 testicle made it a hard journey to having Sienna & she took 12 months to concieve.

So thats us, we wouldnt change anything we have been through and are not bitter about any of it, it just makes us appreciate what we have so much more :D

Anyways, Nathan is just getting the kids off to bed and then we are tucking into a chinese.. Gonna chill tonight as we have a 2 hour assessment appointment for Ethan in the morning :)

L xx
Hiya, well I'm definitely NTNP.... Oh and I'm ancient... Will be trying for #1 and I'm 32 in September!!! I feel so old! Blurgh!!!!

I'm really hoping that if/when we do have a child, it's a girl, as that's what I've always 'wanted' but to be honest, I will just be incredibly happy to have a baby. I have to confuse to being completely nuts though. After 2 weeks of being off my BCP, we had a rather energetic time and we were both convinced that I would be pregnant. However we were both relieved to find it was a :bfn: as there are some things that we really want to do first, but could obviously rearrange if I did get preggers.
Hiya dragonhawk :) Do you want your name popped on our front list?
Oh yes please. :) Very excited. Just wish that I hadn't got frustrated with my CBFM at the weekend and reset it, only to find it was doing exactly what it was meant to do! Grrr....!!!!

Feel about ready to throw the thing out the window, as I'm pretty sure I know when I ovulate anyway.
Ok hun, well whats ya name? Or would you rather i just put your username on the list?

:wohoo: I have just convinced my OH to get me the car i like ... I am still learning to drive but my instructor thinks i will be quite a quick learner :smug:
So i am now looking at Citroen Xsara Picasso's on ebay :lol:
Sorry, can I ask that we stick with my username. I'm not sure that I want to risk anyone that I work with knowing exactly who I am. Sorry.

Bizarrely, I'm just looking at cars now. I've managed to get it down to a Mini or a Fiesta. (This is as a second car, for me as I've got a rustbucket of a car at present that will not get through it's MOT in September.)
No probs dragonhawk, I'll update the list now xx

Its fun car hunting isnt it :) Although i keep finding myself looking at Rangerover Sports!! If only huh!

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