Nude (Early) Parenting

Kaya now says 'Ewww' whenever she gets her bum changed lol.
personally my parents were a little to relaxed about being naked around me, my sister and brother. even my dad was still walking around naked just when i was leaving home at 18. i dont mean like in the middle of the day or anything, but slept naked at night and would get up to the bathroom etc without getting dressed. i remember feeling really uncomfortable about this, and id go so far as to say contributed to my decision about moving out.

me and dh both get naked infront of our kids now, just mainly in the morning thy see us when we get up, and i obviously shower with them there (joys of motherhood, never being able to loo/shower alone!) while im bf i think its fine, but as soon as that comes to an end, theres no real reason for them to see us naked, although i wont be deliberately hiding things either, if they walk in the bathroom when im in there that would be fine by me, if they dont want to see, they wont come in!
Sorry I had a titter at wearing a swimsuit when in the bath with my child:rofl:No offense intended.

Well since I said that, can I ask why you had a ummm....''titter''?

And to add my thoughts to the scenario in general -

Im most definatley not a prude and im perfectly happy to be naked in front of my child but there is a time and a place for it and that is what i fully intend on teaching my daughter. In my house and in my lifestyle lounging around the house naked is neither the time or the place.

Totally on the same page here :)
On a lighter note i think wandering around your house naked could be a bit dangerous .... you might get your bits caught in something :rofl: :rofl:

On a lighter note i think wandering around your house naked could be a bit dangerous .... you might get your bits caught in something :rofl: :rofl:


Sorry I had a titter at wearing a swimsuit when in the bath with my child:rofl:No offense intended.

Well since I said that, can I ask why you had a ummm....''titter''?

And to add my thoughts to the scenario in general -

Im most definatley not a prude and im perfectly happy to be naked in front of my child but there is a time and a place for it and that is what i fully intend on teaching my daughter. In my house and in my lifestyle lounging around the house naked is neither the time or the place.

Totally on the same page here :)

me too PP/Nicky0907-plus, i have floor to ceiling windows and my living room is overlooked by the neighbours.. .I could get arrested for indecent/lewd behaviour!! :rofl: :blush:
This thread has conjured up a few funny images in my head!!! I cant imagine that there are many people lounging around 'tackle out'!!! I think it's one thing to not be bothered about your kids seeing you naked and quite another for you to be having 'naked tuesdays'. :lol:

There's definately a time and a place but I imagine ( I may be totally wrong ) that mainly people seeing their family members 'sans kit' generally see them in the bathroom or bedroom or inbetween the two places. :shrug: Even though I could walk about my house naked without anyone seeing in as we have no nearby neighbours who could see, I dont other than to get clothes or whatever. I wouldnt sit in the lounge naked because there is a big mirror that I'd see my reflection in and it would definately put me ( and everyine else) right off their tea.

I did once iron naked when I was rushing on a night out.......jeeeezzz...that ended in tears......:shock:
Both me and Oh are totally comfortable being naked infront of Alfie and we both bath with him naked, it just isn't an issue.

We both come from pretty open families tho, which I guess has just made us comfortable with being starkers in front of each other. I too like Mervs mum would pop dowstairs in middle of night to get a drink without getting dressed or get my clothes out the tumble dryer without putting anything on, but I wouldn' t ever just be naked for the sake of it ifyswim!

I think that dads tend to be naked infront of sons for longer and mums tend to be naked in front of daughters for longer. I still have a very open relationship with my mum and am totally comfortable with her seeing my body. I'll just keep being open till it feels right not to.
i think its fine, my mom never hid anything from me and if i went in the bathroom when she was in the bath it never bothered any of us. i bath with summer and so does my boyfriend. there will obv be an age where both of them will feel unomfortable infront of each other and it will stop. but until then i think its fine. if chris isin the shower sometimes me and summer go in and chat to him lol and vice versa!
I have bathed naked with Amelia and so has DH, we aren't bothered about being naked around her. I mean we don't sit around the house naked just for the sheer hell of it, but if we have just showered like this morning i was getting in the shower, he was just out and naked but changed her bum and got her dressed etc...Then she sits on our bed whilst we get dressed.

I think once she gets to an age where she realises what everything is, we would probably not be as relaxed, i don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

Each to their own i say.
Both my husband and I are nudist ( we like to be naked ) lol we go to our camp grounds each summer where its only nude people ..each have there own cottage and its a close gate community ..loads of families there with there children ..

at first I was telling dh id never go there and now I ask him when can we go ..I think its important to make sure kids know bodies are nothing to be ashamed of..we are all different and should not judge but more feel comfortable with what you have and whats around you ..

I will; be raising my son the same as me until he chooses otherwise when hes a teen
I have NEVER seen my dads ding dong, and I don't intend to! :rofl: I don't think I will be hanging out with my kids nude when they are older, but I don't have a problem with those who do.
I can't say I can particularly remember seeing my parents naked, but then up until fairly recently I used to swim with my Mum every week and it was a communal changing room so we'll have seen each other in the buff.

As for around the kids, they are up when we're up so they're around when I'm having a shower and they very often have a shower with DH. I can't go to the loo in peace without one of them coming up and saying "poo, wee, potty, toilet" and running off with the loo roll. LOL! I'd rather be able to see what they're up to when I'm indisposed than not.

At some point they'll be able to wash themselves and use the toilet and I think that'll probably be the point we won't see each other naked.
I don't walk naked around the house, but not because I feel that Daniel will be affected in any way, but because I don't feel comfortable with it.

But I do undress in front of him, sometimes we still take baths together (naked), I take him swimming, after which I take shower holding him (he screams otherwise).... So generally at the moment I feel that it is ok for me being naked in front of him.

I do think that there will be be a point when it will have to stop, but as we haven't reached that point I don't know at what age it will be inapropriate... If he was a girl it might have been different... My mum is still fine with undressing in front of me (and I feel fine undressing in front of her), like when we go to the gym together or swimming pool or sauna....
neither me or OH think twice about being nuddy in front of Fred and we both bath him in the nud too, the only downside to bathing with him for me is Fred has taken to pooing in the bath with mummy and never with daddy!

i think since having a baby tho my body has changed i certainly feel less consious about being naked and will nip around the house if its just us in tho i wouldn't feel comfortable being starkers in front of other friends but thats just me! we live in a mainly 'clothed' society and think its important that Fred knows that, just because we wear clothes everyday doesn't mean u have to be ashamed of your naked body, its just how we live xx would hate for him to be picked on later on in life for thinking its ok to just strip off at school or in town! xxx
I don't walk around the house naked, just not practical with 4 cats and a dog that is at butt-level and enjoys sticking her nose there. I will go from the shower to the bedroom naked and have stopped to get Charlotte from her room on the way if she's fussing. I don't mind changing or being naked in front of here. If it weren't for the pets and the FD people that stop by unannounced I probably would. DH is VERY opposite though. His parents were pretty old when he was born and kinda raised him in an old way. He is very prude and won't even walk around in his boxers in front of Char. He's not even sure if he'll be naked in front of this baby and he's a boy!
I never really gave it a thought i sleep naked take baths with kaidayn and change infront of him and so does oh i never had a problem with nudity with my friends or parents, never saw dad nakie tho thank goodness his bathing suit was enuff:S

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