Nurse said "your not pregnant" hcg 86 @12dpo- UPDATE - new beta 249!!


Mom of 2
Mar 17, 2009
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I had a follow-up visit this morning with an obgyn cause I was at e.r. monday - I was having cramping and a LITTLE light brown blood on sunday night. Regular clinic said if I wanted a blood test to go to the e.r.

So - monday beta was 86. (dpo 12 I think) Cramping some yesterday but no blood.

The nurse today opened my chart and saw my beta #. She said "you are not pregnant" I wanted to burst out crying right there!!:hissy: She said if I was "really" pregnant my number would be way higher than that because my last period was Mar 15.

The dr. ordered another beta and a progesterone blood test - he will call me this afternoon with results.

The dr. was not as blunt as the nurse & basically said we will see how this test is & we hope it is at least 60% higher than monday's.

The nurse also told me that cramping is not normal in pregnancy. If you are cramping it is your body trying to get rid of the baby.

Do you think this nurse is right? I would just rather know - but if she doesnt know what she's talking about then I would like to know that too.
I feel like curling in a ball right now:cry::cry:
i heard that cramping was normal, that it was your uterus stretching so i think she does not know what she is talking about! she sounds really horrible and insensitive, im really sorry this is happening and really hope everything works out ok, fx for your results xxx
Blimey Daisy, poor you. I'm sorry but that nurse sounds like a right cow and she's wrong - a bit of cramping is normal in early pregnancy. She obviously has no idea how insensitive her comments are. Try not to take it to heart, her attitude is her problem, not yours.

FX'd that your betas/progesterone levels are all good hon, let us know how you get on...

E x
hi Daisy,

I would agree with the others that she sounds like a cow. cramping is very common in early pregnancy. the dr told me to expect to feel like my period was about to come for the whole of first tri and not to panic as it was my body adapting.

i also didnt think one HCG level could tell them much. i've heard that if your level is over 25 then you're pregnant. what really gives an indication as to if things are going well in the pregnancy is if it doubles (or increases by at least 66%) every 48 hours.

When I was at your stage my Hcg was 69 and then 24 hours later went to 124. i had mine taken as i've had severe cramping (suspected ectopic, turned out to be inflamed bowel :dohh:)

good luck and ignore that horrid nurse. FX for some good levels this afternoon:hug:
What a horrible cow your nurse is!!
Cramping is a main symptom with pregnancy.
Fingers crossed for you results later.
Thanks girls - that helps me not panic so much!

Ive been taking hpts too... and they are much darker than my first one does this mean more hcg do you think or just different dye?

Thanks for your input - I appreciate it more than you can know! :hugs:
What a B!tch !! I had cramps and felt like i was coming on for wks good luck xxx
well if cramping isnt normal then i dont think i should of made it to 12 weeks! I had a load of crampy pains in my lower abdo but again midwife said it was stretching of uterus etc. I hope everything turns out ok for you x
just want to say i hope you are okay xxx
hope everythings ok hun i have had alot of cramps and weird feelings in my whole pregnancy

I also hope you are feeling ok after a nasty nurse decided to freak you out. DO NOT PANIC! I had cramping and a little bleeding too. from my recollection your HCG levels should more or less double within 48 hours, some women dont double but it should go up at a reasonable level. The only way they can tell is if they give you two or more sets of blood tests within a certain timeframe - dont panic sweetie, maybe call the unit and explain that you are feeling confused by what the nasty lady said. The EPAU I went to was fab but they could be a little blunt when they were up to their eyes. Hope that reassures you a little?
Wow, that nurse was a B1TCH. How dare she be so blunt/rude with you in such a sensitive situation. :hug: I hope all is well with you and your lo.
Firstly, what a cow!!!!!!!!!! :growlmad:
Secondly, cramping is extrememly common in early pregnancy and can last all the way through!!!!
Thirdly, my HCG levels at the same stage as you were similar, in 70's or 80's and I was told this was normal, above 25 is pregnant!!

Try to be happy and good luck

Amy xx
I will bold my statements since I am seeing red at the moment.

1) That nurse is a fucking moron.

2) Cramping is very normal and my doctor told me she'd actually be worried if I hadn't had any at least by the six week mark.

3) 86 @ 12dpo is an awesome number!!!!!! Anything over 25 is pregnant and 86 at 12dpo is a very hefty number.

For number 3, let me tell you about a very pregnant friend of mine whole hcg readout at 18dpo was 320.

That means:
160 @ 16dpo
80 @ 14dpo
40 @ 12dpo <-- :shock:

She is 25 weeks pregnant today with a healthy little boy!!!!! Look her up, she's TigerLady.

Bottom line: You're pregnant hun and that nurse needs to go back to fucking school!!!!
My dr just called and said my hcg # went from 86 to 249 and my progresterone is at 22.2 He said anything above 20 was really good!!!

HA- I went from crying sadness to crying happiness!! I cant believe that nurse would put me through this!!! Makes me very upset at her! Dr. said we dont have to do a 3rd test (he before said we would) cause #'s are looking so good. Yeah :happydance:
Thanks for listening to my rollercoaster morning!
so glad everything is ok for you xxxx
My dr just called and said my hcg # went from 86 to 249 and my progresterone is at 22.2 He said anything above 20 was really good!!!

HA- I went from crying sadness to crying happiness!! I cant believe that nurse would put me through this!!! Makes me very upset at her! Dr. said we dont have to do a 3rd test (he before said we would) cause #'s are looking so good. Yeah :happydance:
Thanks for listening to my rollercoaster morning!

If I were you, love, I would make sure your doctor knows exactly how much his nurse freaked you out by giving you totally incorrect information and request that any test results be given to you straight by him. There is not excuse for her to be such an idiot. I am so happy for you though that everything turned out OK! :happydance:
That's great news daisybee, but I seriously consider putting in a complaint about that nurse - what the hell are they paid for if they give false information????
so happy for you, i think you should report the nurse tho xx

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