O/T Anyone with cats or dogs, help please!!


Proud Mommy to Chloe
May 22, 2011
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Hello :)

Me and the OH have ran out of idea's so I'm calling upon the help of anybody with any knowledge on the subject of the annoying bugs that infest our friendly animal babies.


The cat is about 14 years old, and rather big, he's a fatty. He is more an outdoor cat, and "socialises" with the other cats around the neighbourhood. We do spot on flea drops for him every month, but it only seems to take effect for two weeks and he's back to having them.
This time round for some reason though, they're only on his spine and stomach and not on his neck, but he's crawling with them and no amount of brushing is getting rid. I'm brushing him up to 4 times a day just to help relieve him too with a special flea brush the vet recommended.
We only did the spot on two weeks ago so we can't do another one yet, but they're driving him crazy as he can't reach his spine to scratch them off him :(

The dog is a 3 year old white short haired Staff, so they're very visible on him. They're easy to get rid off from him but because the cat and the dog get along so well, they're sharing the sodding flea's :(

The cat and the dog are both excellent with children and babies by the way. The cat being so old he just simply can't be bothered and the dog changes his temprement around children; he's boisterous around the OH but as gentle as anything around kiddies, without even having to be told to be.

The cat has full roam in the house, and I've found that I'm getting bitten, but only on my feet and ankles which is driving me crazy as well now.
I vacuum and flea dust the bed just in case they're on there, but think they're in the carpets too and its just getting out of hand :(

Please please please, has anybody got any tips on how to rid these vile things from the cat? :( Its worrying me as I don't want him to have flea's at all when bubs arrives, the idea of flea's hopping around the place with a baby is starting to give me nightmares!!

Do you get the spot on treatment from the vet or just over the counter
Yes, we have horrible flea infestations the past two summers. We have had really bad heat waves with high humidity the past two years which seem to make them worse.

You won't get rid of them by just treating the pets once they are really bad in the house. We sprayed the house twice over a 3 week period and we also sprayed the yard with an outdoor spray. That did the trick!

Good luck! They can be hard to get rid of, and older animals can get really sick from them.
Hi there. Ive had dogs all my life and currently have 2 cats.

Spot On is CRAP. Ive had Bob Martins, Spot On and shop brands and they really are just what you pay for, cheap.

We got our flea treatment for both cats from the vets. Advocate, which although is expensive (£40 for both cats) its a 3 month treatment and works immediately. Casper is long haired and although he doesnt go far, he does like bushes and gardens so can pick fleas up quickly (although hasnt!) Shelly is an indoor cat mostly but will sit in the garden a little. She hasnt had fleas either.

Dog fleas only count for 1% of the flea population apparently and dont infest or jump as quickly, so its definitely the cat fleas which can be horrendous and also can live in your carpets and furniture. Get some flea stuff from the vet, bath them all in flea shampoo and get some carpet flea powder which is good. Otherwise, its a vicious circle.

For your own skin, you might be able to use a cream or have a word with your Dr?

I hope you get it sorted
Can you do a flea bomb? A few years ago my neighbours had fleas really bad and they came into our apt. The landlady did a flea bomb in our apt and it completely cleared them up. I think you and the pets have to be out ofyour place for a day or two but it's totally worth the cleanup.
Thanks to all who have replied so far.
We get Frontline for both from the vets, its costing a bomb and doesn't seem to work for long enough.
I use flea powder on the carpets, leave it then vacuum it back up. We have a flea spray but my OH doesn't like me being in the house when its been sprayed for the chemical issue... And I don't actually know if he's done it or not, he claims to when I've just left the house for work..
I use germaline on the bites themselves, but I'm going to have to find some sort of repellent because they drive me crazy.

The cat is 'touch wood' not sick yet, but I'm starting to think he may start losing his marbles the amount he's scratching, its horrible to see them this way :(
Any recommendations on shampoo? And is that for the cat and the dog? Think the cat may not like baths...!! xxx
Can you do a flea bomb? A few years ago my neighbours had fleas really bad and they came into our apt. The landlady did a flea bomb in our apt and it completely cleared them up. I think you and the pets have to be out ofyour place for a day or two but it's totally worth the cleanup.

Not heard of this, would everything in the house have to be left in or removed? It sounds a good option if the cat stops bringing them in! x
Flea bombs are really messy. The indoor sprays worked better for us than the powders.

Spraying the outdoors really did wonders. The outdoor spray that we go attached to the water hose and was very easy to use.
Frontline, bob martins, johnsons or any other flea treatment that you can buy over the counter at any shop is rubbish- working as a vet nurse I have found a lot of people to have MASSIVE flea problems after using these products- the fleas have just become immune to them over time.

Probably the best and most effective treatment is something called Advocate which you can buy once your dog and cat have seen the vet (and then must be seen subsequently once a year to have it prescribed). Yes, as cherry mentioned it is quite expensive but a pack of three last three months, and it doesn't just cover fleas it covers:-

Lungworm/heartworm (which is a horrible and often life threatening worm that has become very prevelent)
biting lice
some forms of mange

Its not registered for ticks, but a lot of people have used it and not had problems with ticks. Its worth every penny. I know I probably sound like I work for the people that make advocate, but I dont- I just know it works. :) Also, if you buy it now it can be used alongside your spot on treatment without causing any harm to your animals.

Another added benefit is that it has some residual effect on 'household' fleas. The fleas that ingest the liquid from your animals coat drop to the floor, and subsequently the fleas in your carpets/soft furnishings get a dose as well.

I probably would reccomend buying a reputable household spray to use three to four times a year, esspecially since you now have a known flea issue in your house, even just to start you off this time round and make sure there are no 'hardcore' fleas wandering about still. ;) I'd reccomend Indorex which can be used safely when you are out of the room and is quite reasonably priced. You can get that from your vets or the net.

Good luck, hope some of my random ramblings have helped- feel free to send me a message if you need any further help.

Jess181989, thank you :) Thats all very good info. Just a case of finding the pennies to take them both up the vets to get them sorted. Both products sound really good but vets is never a cheap time! And I'd assume the vet would want to give them both a good going over?

We will be moving out of this place before the baby is born, just I don't want the little vermin to come with us! OH's mum has said she'd keep the animals but they're our little furry babies, I'd love for them to be able to move with us, this is the only issue at the moment making me consider not moving them! :(
Can you do a flea bomb? A few years ago my neighbours had fleas really bad and they came into our apt. The landlady did a flea bomb in our apt and it completely cleared them up. I think you and the pets have to be out ofyour place for a day or two but it's totally worth the cleanup.

Not heard of this, would everything in the house have to be left in or removed? It sounds a good option if the cat stops bringing them in! x
I do believe you move as much furniture into non carpeted areas of the place. You tape shut all your cudboards and remove food that can't be sealed shut.
It's a lot of work since you have to wash all your bedding and stuff afterwards but from what I hear it's worth it.
Frontline does not work on our pets either. But Advantage does. I'm in the US and wonder if Advantage and Advocate are the same thing but called different names in different countries.
Frontline does not work on our pets either. But Advantage does. I'm in the US and wonder if Advantage and Advocate are the same thing but called different names in different countries.

Advantage and advocate are made by the same company (Bayer). I think as I understand it, they are the same product but Advantage is cheaper because it only does fleas and sandflys? I think thats right. :)

Deffo going to ask at the vets. Will try Pets @ Home vets I think, my mum uses them with her cat and says they're quite reasonably priced.

Thanks to all :) xxxx
I just happen to have a box in the cabinet!

We have advantage multi which says it is for heartworms, feas, ear mites, hookworms and roundworms.

A pack of 6 was $72.95
Ahh must be the same thing then! :)

mummy2b362, I work at the vets in pets at home, they're all round the country- where are you based? We try to keep costs down as a company in general- we have people that love us, and equally I'm sure people that hate us hehe x
Jess, youre a star, Ive advised to get Advocate, my friend is a vet too and she sent us free samples of it and we then got it from our local vet too. I dont mind at all paying a fortune for it as its so good.

If youre cat is scratching that much hun sounds like he may have flea allergy himself and needs vet treatment
Ahh must be the same thing then! :)

mummy2b362, I work at the vets in pets at home, they're all round the country- where are you based? We try to keep costs down as a company in general- we have people that love us, and equally I'm sure people that hate us hehe x

My mum is one of your fans :D She stopped taking her cat to a normal vets as she found vets @ home so much more friendly and more reasonable! She said that they actually seem to care more about the animals there, whereas at normal vets they just seem to care about pointing out as much wrong as possible to get cash from you!
I'm in Redditch just out of Birmingham :) xx
In the U.S., but definitely try Advocate (assuming its the same as Advantage), but also recommend if you can find it through your vet using a product containing an IGR (insect growth regulator) to prevent the adult fleas from reproducing, this will help stop the infestation and is much safer than sprays / bombing. In the US you can use program for cats (6 month injectible or oral) and sentinel for dogs. Definitely worth using! Frontline Plus does contain a weak IGR but it does not work nearly as well as program or sentinel to keep the fleas from reproducing.

Also vaccuum vaccuum vaccuum to reduce the egg burden in the environment, best of luck!
In the U.S., but definitely try Advocate (assuming its the same as Advantage), but also recommend if you can find it through your vet using a product containing an IGR (insect growth regulator) to prevent the adult fleas from reproducing, this will help stop the infestation and is much safer than sprays / bombing. In the US you can use program for cats (6 month injectible or oral) and sentinel for dogs. Definitely worth using! Frontline Plus does contain a weak IGR but it does not work nearly as well as program or sentinel to keep the fleas from reproducing.

Also vaccuum vaccuum vaccuum to reduce the egg burden in the environment, best of luck!

One of the things that I love doing is vacuuming, I annoy the OH because I do it so often!! Don't know what it is, it sooths me!!

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