Occasionally Psycho (But Ridiculously Amazing TTC'ers) - PMA Not Required!

Hahhahaha!!! OMG....we are both crazy LOL :wacko: It is definitely much more fun to be crazy though :flower:

Okay, what kind of music do I like.... Well, I actually listen to a lot of stuff. My husband and I both listen to electronic music, but I also listen to classic rock, metal, blues. I love Janis Joplin, Tori Amos, Phish, The Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers Band, The Eagles, Pantera, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, and soooo many other bands it is hard to list them all haha! I am pretty extensive when it comes to music, and music has always been a huge part of my life. My family is also very musically oriented. My uncle plays guitar and sings in a band, my mother sings the blues, and my cousin has been playing the drums since he was 2 (he is 32 now). I am not big on pop music, but my girls love it so I listen to it...although not by choice LOL! I am also not big on country music, but have respect for the musicians in the industry, especially the guitar players. How about you? I was curious about that too lol. We seem to be pretty similar, so was wondering how much other stuff we have in common. Also, was wondering how old you were? I am 30. I'll be 31 in October :)

Okay, now for the other stuff.... HAHAHAHAHA!!! I told my husband that if we do conceive this month that I will get to tell this kid when they are older that they were an insemination baby!!! LOL!! I don't know how effective that was, but hell, can't just let it go to waste!! Luckily we BD'd at 7am that day too LOL!!

You told him they were sleeping?! LMFAO!!! He was probably like....yeah suuuuuure they are hahahaha!!!

Hell yes I say crapton. I also say craptastic on occasion LOL! I have all kinds of weird words for things. I call seagulls seagies. I call the longer chicken sandwiches at Burger King Long Chickens. I have a ton of made up words for every day items in life LOL! When I think of what some more of them are I'll let you know. My husband has even adopted my words into his vocab LOL!

I fell asleep sitting up on the couch like an old lady last night :laugh2: I was playing SimCity, and when I fell asleep my city had 7,000 dollars. When I woke up It had 42,000 LOL!! I was just like...wow...I need to go to bed dude.

So, today is my errand running day. Yay. Hubby will be at work, and so me and all 4 of the girls will be going shopping. Have to get stuff for the house at the store, go to the bank ect. I am buying the new Twilight today. I didnt think I would like the series when I first watched them, but was actually pleasantly surprised. I have all of the other ones, so this one completes it. I haven't seen it yet either, so I'm pretty excited LOL! I collect DVD's and Blurays btw. And I also collect Hello Kitty stuff. My bedroom has a massive collection, and my bathroom is all Hello Kitty stuff, as well as my youngest 2 daughters room (they share). I don't know what it is about Hello Kitty, but I love it haha! I bought my first Hello Kitty when I was 18. I still have her.

So, tell me a bit about yourself! :flower:

Oh, and btw, my real name is Amber :winkwink:
Bah! I've been trying to get to this thread at various times throughout the day and nothing doing lol. Guess I have to wait 'til bedtime, booooo! Hope the errand day is going nicely for you and your girls Amber :) . Will BBL to check-in!
Haha! Definitely much more fun to be crazy :happydance: .

I am absolutely one who listens to everything and have always been very much into music. I hope to really learn the violin someday (had to quit when I was a kid) and DH wants to really pick the guitar back up again. My kids love our music mostly but sometimes not so much lol. It's going to be so crazy the older they get and they really start digging into our collection :D . Right now DS2 is asking to hear the dubstep version of Sun Is Shining aaaaalllllll the time and of course we love it :cloud9: . They like some of the poppier stuff and they get us into it lol. But there's so much gawd awful music out there, omg, it's really a wonder how it keeps getting made! I've got my own thoughts on that though lol.

Ha! I'm an October baby too! Are you a Libra? I always click with Libras or our kin lol and have had a lot of Libra friends and acquaintances over the years. My DH was born two years and two days after me lol. I'll be 36 this year. Where's my cane :haha: .

Yep, I make up words all the time lol. I bend Webster to my will haha! DH does it too and we're usually the only people that gets it lol.

:rofl: What a great moment to look forward to! "Son/daughter, lemme tell you about how you got here..." lol. Shoot, gotta get it in, so to speak :haha: so whatever! :thumbup: .

My DH and DS1 love Sim City. DH has been obsessed with it since we met lol. I used to go to high school with a girl who was really into Hello Kitty stuff. She worked at a store that sold a lot of the merchandise. Sweet chick.

Hmm, what can I say about me. I love, love, looooove to read, looooove music, which you already know lol, want to be a midwife, really enjoy yoga, used to like to go out dancing but I haven't done that in years. I consider myself a seeker and I'm just riding the waves of this journey here on planet Earth. I love movies and enjoy breaking them down. I scoffed at Twilight when it first came out but I've been wanting to see the movies over the past few months :blush: . Right now I'm working through the seasons of Lost on Netflix but I'm going to have to leave DH behind b/c it's just too awesome to wait for him! :-=

I'm a big ass nerd :haha: . Love math, although my brain is in no way equipped to do any at this point as my children and busy life here keep me from stringing together too many complete thoughts enough so that I'm rendered a babe in mathland once more lol.

I love sun and hot and detest cold. I'm not religious at all but get down with my spiritual path my way. I love cats and cartoons and I'm a sucker for learning in general. Just a little about me :flower: .
Are you sure you aren't my sister from another mister?!?!?! We are so alike that it is kinda weird!! :haha: Where do I begin?

I played the violin for 11 years, so that was pretty crazy and random when you said that!! I also played the electric guitar for a few years, but would like to pick up the acoustic. My husband and I both listen to dubstep, so that was pretty funny when you said that haha! We are both actually old school ravers. I started going to raves when I was 15, and him when he was 18. We are retired from that now... too old haha!

I am indeed a Libra, and so is hubby!! LOL!! What day in October were you born? I was born on the 18th :)

I love to dance as well, but don't get to very often anymore. It was always a favorite past time of mine. My husband just finished watching Lost on Netflix haha! He LOVED it!! I missed a lot of it, so I need to watch it on my own. I am a BIG fan of True Blood. Can't wait for the new season!! I swear it is the only reason I have HBO. I hope you do watch Twilight though! I am so glad I gave them a chance! I thought for sure I would hate them, but nope! Not to mention the guy that plays Jacob (Taylor Lautner) is SMOKING hot!! :haha:

I went to nursing school before I gave it up to stay home with my kids. Glad I did though. I will finish eventually! I love the beach immensely! Cant wait to be back there! This year we are going to go to North Myrtle. I bought the girls their bathing suits tonight actually! I'm getting the fever!! LOL

I am not a religious person either, but do believe there are certain people we are destined to meet, and that everything happens for a reason...even if we don't much care for what that reason is.

Okay, and about TTC...I am telling you right now...this better be my effing month. I am sick and tired of BD'ing!!! How bad does that sound?!! :rofl: I need a break!! I am sure that once I get a break I will feel better about it, but good gawd I'm over it right now hahaha!!

We BD'd this afternoon. I am sure I will O today at some point (or I did earlier today). Do you think I need to BD once more tomorrow? I can handle one more time if you think it would be for the best, but after that NO MORE FOR AWHILE LOL!!!
Nice! 11 years! I don't have that kind of time behind me lol. I only got to play for a year but I loved it and have been infatuated with it ever since :cloud9: .

I completely agree that there are people we meet that we're just supposed to for whatever reasons. I've seen this in action time and time again and I'm always fascinated by the way it plays out :) .

Haha! It seems to take an especially awesome kind of person to appreciate the whole-body musical orgasm that is dubstep :D . It seems to be that people either love or hate it. Wasn't a raver but I've known a few that have introduced me to some amazing music. In my late teens and early 20's I could be found at a lot of the "goth" dance nights. Fun shit! If I tried to go dancing now, OMG, I might cry at all the kids around me :cry: . Time to start hitting up the Grown 'n Sexy spots when my kids get older :haha: .

You're a day before me, I'm the 19th lol. My DH is three days before me. Well, Libras are pretty much the shit so :happydance: .

I was doing pre-reqs for nursing school (was going to be a nurse-midwife) but have ended up walking a different path to midwifery. I would have been a kick-ass nurse too! One day when my kids are older I'll get back to midwifery. Everything seems to be "one day" when the babies are little but the time flies so friggin' fast doesn't it?!

Oh hell, and I hear you on too much BD lol! That's why I had to start trying to hit the best days instead of doing like a week straight or whatever like I tried before. I'm too tired for all that :rofl: . Did you give it the ole college try and get one more in today? lol I dunno, I dunno, something feels good about this cycle for you!

CD7 for me and I told DH if it doesn't work this time it's goin' down :rofl: . DS2 is down to nursing about 30 seconds at night before bedtime so hoping that helps! Come on preggy dust, let's get it!!!
Hahaha!! Very true abut Dubstep. I listen to other electronic music as well. My favorite band of all time Is NIN, so I also LOOOOVE Industrial music. My husband is a huge Skinny Puppy fan.

UGH...so sick of sex right now haha! I tried to get one in today, and hubby said he finished, but I dunno. :shrug: If he did finish it wasn't very much. He says I am running his well dry LOL! I think he may have just said he finished, even if he couldn't, to avoid me getting upset. Kinda sucks. I know I O'd yesterday, so I should be safe, but I can't help but feel a bit hopeless if I miss a day that I think could have made a difference. Blah. I hope what I did this month was enough!! We BD'd twice the day before O, so that might be promising. God I hate over analyzing everything...but it is in my nature. I have always been that way.

Guess there is nothing I can do now but wait. Glad to have you around to keep me half way sane!! :hugs:
Yep yep! Industrial music is my shit! Well, lot of shit is my shit but yeah, that's my shit :haha: .

Bwahahahaha! You tapped him out babe! Sounds like you should be good to go though, I think your bases are covered :thumbup: . I believe that O-2 and O-1 are supposed to be the best days for conceiving so yeah, now for The Wait :sad2: . Sit back, relax, and take a well deserved break from all the sexytime. Worry not dear heart, I'm here with piping hot sanity all TWW long :flower: :dust: .
Hahahaha!!!! :rofl: All kinds of shit is our shit!! So very true though!!

I KNOW!! I ran him dry man!! Poor guy LOL!! He gets a break now though. I remember when we first got together, we were having sex 5 times a day haha! Now it is hard to wrap my mind around once a day. We BD'd at 5am O-1, and again on O-1 at 11pm ish so it is kinda like O-2 and O-1. Lot's of BDing this past week, that is for sure. I am sure there had to be some :spermy: waiting there for that egg to pop. Now here's hoping they made it where they were intended to go!!

So...1DPO now...ugh. One plus to this is I do have a short LP of 11 days, so I can test sooner! Gotta love that! I deserve that I think though after Oing so damn late! :dohh: So I guess now I just wait 10 days and see where it goes. I am stocked to the gills on PG tests. I have IC's, FRER, and CB digitals for confirmation!! Sure would be nice to see that big, fat "PREGNANT" on one of those this month. Guess we will find out soon enough!!! :flower:

So glad to have you along for the ride on this crazy train!! :wacko: :hugs:
Oh good gawd yes, I know what you mean about all the :sex: when you first got together but now? Erh, I love you and all but I'm tired man :haha: . And I want a nice bubblebath, alooooooone. You know what's sexy this late in the game? A clean friggin' house that I didn't have to make happen and quiet time lol :thumbup: . Preggo sexytime is fun, teehee.

That's my plan too, cheapies and digi's to confirm. My LP is anywhere from 11-14 days depending on when I O. In general my cycles tend to be 25 or 26 days with the last three being 25. Ooh, so exciting! Getting in vicarious mode over here lol. What ya got planned distraction-wise?
:rofl: OMG SO TRUE!!! I swear I get NO privacy in this house...like...none. My husband is at work all the time, but the kids are one step behind me when he isn't here. I'm lucky if I get to pee by myself. :haha: A shower without being interrupted? HA! When hell freezes over. After the kids go to bed is my time. I get to play with the animals, play games, watch tv, reminise about what it used to be like when I was single and kidless. :rofl:

My husband actually had the damn nerve to ask me if I wanted to have sex today!! :dohh: Men I swear. LOL!

I love sex when I'm preggy too, until I get to beached whale status. At that point I need a damn crane to lift me out of bed, so I'm not feeling all that sexy :rofl:

As far as distractions, I have my video games, my netflix, and training my dog. She is going to obedience classes as of now, so I am working with her at home when we aren't there. She is doing really well! She is spoiled rotten.

My 2 year old has to go to the DR tomorrow, and I hate it! :cry: I hate when they have to get shots. I really don't handle it well at all. My husband is taking her, but I will be on pins and needles the entire time they are gone. I hope it all goes okay.

So 3dpo as of an hour ago! Not sure when I should test. I will know if I am preggy or not before I test though, I am sure. My face breaks out like a 15 year old, and my boobs will hurt in a weird way. Sooo hoping this is it for me. I am ready to get it over with LOL!
Lol! My DS2 still tries to follow me into the bathroom! I lock them out now :haha: . Yep, after the kids go to bed is when i get me in (or if they're watching a show, like now, gooooo Super Hero Squad!), if I don't pass out first! :wacko:

Oooh, I know what you mean about thinking of the kidless times lol. WTF was I doing with all that damn free-time?!

:rofl: Omg, he did not ask you if you wanted lovin'! Hell no man, get away from me :haha: .

Love my Netflix! We've had it forever. What kind of pup do you have? I loves the doggies too :cloud9: .

Aww :hugs: for you and your babe! Sometimes I think pricks are harder on the parents than the wee ones! We don't do vax but when they have to get their blood drawn or when DS1 has had to do the allergy skin-prick tests I just feel all the Mama Lion come out in me 'cause who wants to see their babies cry? :cry:

When are you going to start testing? About 8DPO?

Kids want to go fun it up in the sunshine! BBL!
Woo where has everyone gone from this site. Just letting you know bfn this month but I'm ok enjoying the ride now . With my new easy going way to conceiving ha ha ha. Wow love sanio and sweetpi you both get on amazingly you should have your own site for chatting. Boy you both can talk ha ha. Anyways leaving this site for a while and going with the flow. I maybe back in the future with news who knows. Good look to you all . Take care , have fun and stay stress free x x x x baby dust for you all
Woo where has everyone gone from this site. Just letting you know bfn this month but I'm ok enjoying the ride now . With my new easy going way to conceiving ha ha ha. Wow love sanio and sweetpi you both get on amazingly you should have your own site for chatting. Boy you both can talk ha ha. Anyways leaving this site for a while and going with the flow. I maybe back in the future with news who knows. Good look to you all . Take care , have fun and stay stress free x x x x baby dust for you all

Awww!! Sad to see you go, but I hope you get back here soon! Stress free definitely helps! That is why I am just going with the flow from now on. I hope to see good news from you soon! And yes, we are talkative hahaa!! It might be because we a Southerners! :winkwink:

Lol! My DS2 still tries to follow me into the bathroom! I lock them out now :haha: . Yep, after the kids go to bed is when i get me in (or if they're watching a show, like now, gooooo Super Hero Squad!), if I don't pass out first! :wacko:

Oooh, I know what you mean about thinking of the kidless times lol. WTF was I doing with all that damn free-time?!

:rofl: Omg, he did not ask you if you wanted lovin'! Hell no man, get away from me :haha: .

Love my Netflix! We've had it forever. What kind of pup do you have? I loves the doggies too :cloud9: .

Aww :hugs: for you and your babe! Sometimes I think pricks are harder on the parents than the wee ones! We don't do vax but when they have to get their blood drawn or when DS1 has had to do the allergy skin-prick tests I just feel all the Mama Lion come out in me 'cause who wants to see their babies cry? :cry:

When are you going to start testing? About 8DPO?

Kids want to go fun it up in the sunshine! BBL!

My kids come to the door when I'm in the bathroom! I can just hear my 2 year old now - "Mommy you pee? Mamaaaaaaaaa" :rofl:

I don't know what the hell I was doing with all my free time either....but I always had something to do! Guess now that time is just filled with diaper changes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, trying to make a baybeh, ect. ect. LOL!

YESSS!! He seriously asked me if I wanted some smexytime....um...no dude, can't that I do. :rofl: I couldn't believe that, he is such a goober. I haven't even shaved my legs in like 3 days because I don't even care right now! I need to do that tonight while DH is off work. Maybe I can actually get an uninterrupted shower in tonight!! :happydance:

Anyhow, I have a Pomeranian named Lucy. She is the sweetest doggie/pain in my ass ever haha! I love her :flower: She keeps me company when DH is gone, and the kids are in bed. Here is a picture of her actually:


That was her last night after she got groomed. She was playing with the new toy I bought her. :)

When do you think I start testing? I have an 11 day LP like clockwork. I was thinking maybe 9dpo? I don't know if 8dpo would give me a :bfp: even if I was preggo? What do you think?

And YES!!! The weather is sooooo much better than it was the last few weeks!! Loving the sunshine!!!! :cloud9:
Woo where has everyone gone from this site. Just letting you know bfn this month but I'm ok enjoying the ride now . With my new easy going way to conceiving ha ha ha. Wow love sanio and sweetpi you both get on amazingly you should have your own site for chatting. Boy you both can talk ha ha. Anyways leaving this site for a while and going with the flow. I maybe back in the future with news who knows. Good look to you all . Take care , have fun and stay stress free x x x x baby dust for you all
Aw, sorry about the BFN but glad you've gotten to easy going zone! I agree with Sanrio, it's might be a Southern thing :haha: . When people from everywhere started moving here I was always so taken aback when I'd say hi to people on the street and they'd look at me like I had lost my mind :rofl: . Was not used to that!

Definitely going for minimal stress :thumbup: . GL and hope you get that sticky baby soon! :dust: Drop by and let us know when it happens :) .

Woo where has everyone gone from this site. Just letting you know bfn this month but I'm ok enjoying the ride now . With my new easy going way to conceiving ha ha ha. Wow love sanio and sweetpi you both get on amazingly you should have your own site for chatting. Boy you both can talk ha ha. Anyways leaving this site for a while and going with the flow. I maybe back in the future with news who knows. Good look to you all . Take care , have fun and stay stress free x x x x baby dust for you all

Awww!! Sad to see you go, but I hope you get back here soon! Stress free definitely helps! That is why I am just going with the flow from now on. I hope to see good news from you soon! And yes, we are talkative hahaa!! It might be because we a Southerners! :winkwink:

Lol! My DS2 still tries to follow me into the bathroom! I lock them out now :haha: . Yep, after the kids go to bed is when i get me in (or if they're watching a show, like now, gooooo Super Hero Squad!), if I don't pass out first! :wacko:

Oooh, I know what you mean about thinking of the kidless times lol. WTF was I doing with all that damn free-time?!

:rofl: Omg, he did not ask you if you wanted lovin'! Hell no man, get away from me :haha: .

Love my Netflix! We've had it forever. What kind of pup do you have? I loves the doggies too :cloud9: .

Aww :hugs: for you and your babe! Sometimes I think pricks are harder on the parents than the wee ones! We don't do vax but when they have to get their blood drawn or when DS1 has had to do the allergy skin-prick tests I just feel all the Mama Lion come out in me 'cause who wants to see their babies cry? :cry:

When are you going to start testing? About 8DPO?

Kids want to go fun it up in the sunshine! BBL!

My kids come to the door when I'm in the bathroom! I can just hear my 2 year old now - "Mommy you pee? Mamaaaaaaaaa" :rofl:

I don't know what the hell I was doing with all my free time either....but I always had something to do! Guess now that time is just filled with diaper changes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, trying to make a baybeh, ect. ect. LOL!

YESSS!! He seriously asked me if I wanted some smexytime....um...no dude, can't that I do. :rofl: I couldn't believe that, he is such a goober. I haven't even shaved my legs in like 3 days because I don't even care right now! I need to do that tonight while DH is off work. Maybe I can actually get an uninterrupted shower in tonight!! :happydance:

Anyhow, I have a Pomeranian named Lucy. She is the sweetest doggie/pain in my ass ever haha! I love her :flower: She keeps me company when DH is gone, and the kids are in bed. Here is a picture of her actually:


That was her last night after she got groomed. She was playing with the new toy I bought her. :)

When do you think I start testing? I have an 11 day LP like clockwork. I was thinking maybe 9dpo? I don't know if 8dpo would give me a :bfp: even if I was preggo? What do you think?

And YES!!! The weather is sooooo much better than it was the last few weeks!! Loving the sunshine!!!! :cloud9:
Bwahahahahaha! Omg, yes! My 3YO stands outside the door and pulls the same.damn.thing :rofl:

Man, being able to read more than a paragraph at a time in a book now is a little slice of heaven lol. Like right now, I reeeeeally don't want to start the drill for today, I just want to read and watch a movie :haha: .

Wait, you have time to shave your legs?! *blink,blink* I'm lucky that the hair on mine is so thin so I can get away with going forever w/o shaving them but holy carp do I need to give my feet some TLC. I just can't seem to find the time as when I have a moment to breathe there's always something else more pressing that I'd rather do lol.

Aww, what a sweet girl looking all dolled up! I'm sure she's spoiled to the hilt just like you said lol.

I was thinking 9DPO might be good to start testing at. That's what I do when I know my LP will be 11 days even though I don't seem to be that gal that gets early positives haha. How soon have you gotten positives with your girls?

Thinking about what 7Gembob said, I'm really a big-time introvert so it says something that we have such a good time :D . It's always nice to find other people that you spark with for sure. Thanks for being super awesome chick :kiss: .

Oh, and IDK WTF my chart is doing. It seems like it's trying to convey that my body is about to pull some super slingshot type of business when that egg finally pops :rofl: .

Alright, kids want to eat, off to do my Mommy thing :) .
OMG kids are driving me nuts today! :wacko: I need a day off man! LOL!! I told DH that as soon as we have a chance we are going to the movies without the kiddos. Geez I love em, but ermehgerd!!!

Anyhow, I'm sitting here watching the 20th episode of Spongebob today on Netflix. My 2 year old looooves her some SB. She even has a Spongebob blanket that she can't live without. I love Spongebob though, and am soooo glad she likes this over Barney or something LOL!

If I want to shave my legs I have to do it when DH is home, or after the kids go to bed. Sometimes by then though, I just simply don't want to do it LOL! I am all lazy by that point, and don't give a crap whatsoever. Hell, I still haven't shaved my legs haha! Hopefully I will get around to it tonight, but who knows. I don't care either way haha.

So, I agree. 9dpo sounds like a pretty good day to test. I couldn't even tell you when exactly I tested with the other kids. I dodn't chart then. Hell, I didn't even take OPK's!! Ah...I remember those days.... when it was so easy. My body is being an a hole this time around though. I decided to start charting and doing OPK's to try and minimize the time it takes to conceive. How long did it take you with DS1 and DS2? It has always been REALLY quick for me. DD1 took 3 cycles. DD2 took one cycle (actually just one episode of sexy time and found out). DD3 took 2 cycles, and DD4 took 4 cycles. It is now cycle 3 for me, so hoping it doesn't take too much longer.

That is funny that you are introverted! I have another friend that is the same way. I have known her since we were 15, but when she's around me she comes out of her shell quite a lot. She always told me that my personality is so extroverted that I can bring it out of anyone. I am definitely a social butterfly...always have been. I am also huge on first impressions. If I don't like you at first I know that it is a reliable thing to go on, and I always end up being right. LOL!

So I guess I will find out what is going on with me this cycle soon enough. In the meantime I will get my enjoyment from your crazy ass chart :) Hahaha!

lol! I do love my boys but yes indeed, some time off for mama does everybody good :) .

We dig the SP too lol. For the last week or so my boys have been all about the Super Hero Squad. It's awesome b/c these are all characters I grew up with anyway, just revamped (like they always do lol). Cartoons are so much fun and I love that they can get just as much out of it as I do. So neat to watch this stuff now from the adult's perspective.

I didn't have any idea about charting or FAM or anything when we conceived DS1. Boom, first try with "ill-timed" BD and I was preggo. I was charting before DS2 was conceived (though not for TTC) but for whatever reason didn't even complete that chart with him. Once again though, one time with the "ill-timed" BD and that was more than enough. With my m/c'd pregnancy it was the same way. So the fact that it's taking so long for me this time has been really frustrating. I feel like I'm mellowing out about things some though so that's good. But I'm not in the TWW yet so I reserve the right to spazz out :haha: . It seems like my body is gearing up to O so maybe tomorrow? :shrug: The first cycle I have in FF I O'd CD11, the second CD14, now FF is predicting I might O CD13 this time but has me down as being anywhere b/w CD's 11 and 14. Who the hell knows lol. My chart is weird looking for me thus far though. Time will tell!

Oh yeah chick, I am a serious introvert :haha: . People don't tend to believe it b/c I've forced myself to be more extroverted for my SAHM sanity as well as for my children. I'm definitely huge on my alone time so being a mommy has stretched me much farther than I ever thought I was capable of going lol. I see a lot of people say there's no way they'd go to the movies, out to dinner, etc. by themselves, I prefer it that way :D . My DH is the same way so we're quite a pair lol. We understand each other beautifully, half the time or more :rofl: . The thing about introverts is that it's not like we don't like talking to people, having fun, sharing ideas, or whatever else, we just tend to observe, contemplate, then let our hair down and bring ourselves to the table when we feel compelled to do so. It's hard being an introvert in and extrovert world man! lol

I know it seems like forever but not much longer to go for you! Are you SS yet? lol
Bahahahaha!!!!! OMG IT REALLY DOES!!! I am so infatuated with your chart right now LOL!!! So amazing. :)

Soooooo, Happy St. Patrick's Day chickadee!! :kiss:
I hope you are having a lovely day. Mine has been fairly uneventful. Hubby has been at work, and the kiddos have me watching the new Twilight. I'm pretty tired today. Only got 4 hours of sleep last night, and have been up since 8am. Luckily DH will be home in about an hour. I don't have to cook dinner either! I went to the store earlier and got everything for pot roast, and threw all that junk into my crock pot! My ass is going to bed early tonight. UGH.

Yeeeeah, I am beginning to smell those cookies baking in the oven.... :wacko: The closer I get to testing time, the crazier I feel... I'm hating it right now. So ready to get it over with haha! I guess we will find out something in 5 more days!

Oddly enough, I love introverted people. They always seem to be highly intelligent which I love, and are just awesome people! I guess opposites attract! :)
OMG FML right now. Just had one of those moments when you dwell on TTC and feel defeated. It is still early, but I am just tired of TTC LOL! I am impatient when it comes to this junk.

If it doesn't happen for me this month, I am going to buy some preseed and sese how that goes. Wouldn't hurt! :thumbup:
You wouldn't believe how many times I've tried to reply to this thread in the last 27 hours :dohh: . BBS!

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