Oct/Nov Mums

Hi ladies due 5th november but expecting an induction around the middle of october. Pregnant with my second little girl.
Welcome ladies so many due dates comming up roll on August we are all ready for Sept right?! one month closer will be exciting :)
Just saying a quick hello, not quite in 3rd tri yet due 30th November but will be induced at 38 weeks as I'm diabetic so makes me mid november :flower:

Will stop by again when I'm officially in 3rd tri
Hey! How's everyone feeling?

I'm due October 29th with twin girls, I'll be induced first week of October so not much longer left for me! I have a 4 year old boy who's starting school in September so enjoying my maternity leave, just him and I before the madness happens! Had a pretty easy pregnancy last time and a quick birth. The pregnancy this time is a lot more tiring and constant appointments, can't wait for them to be here tbh!
A little early, but baby girl is due to arrive November 20th!
Hello October and November ladies!

I'm 27 weeks today and due on the 16th of November although I get a sneaky suspicion that he'll go over! I can't believe that I am far enough on to be sneaking into the third trimester section of these boards! I never thought it would happen and time is going by so fast. I'm very unprepared in terms of the big things for baby and we only have two possible names for our little man. I'm almost hoping that time will slow down a little although I cannot wait to meet my baby!
Welcome ladies it's mid August can't wait to get a month closer but still so much to do on the nursery!
Due November 14th but asking for a c section at 39 weeks. Getting big now and already have that feeling I'm running out of room! Baby is frank breech on last 2 scans and feels like he's trying desperately to turn around but not making it! Have tried all fours and ball but nothing helping. I know I'm asking for a section anyway but I had hip problems as a child and don't want him suffering from being breech. Also it's already uncomfortable so I've got the feeling it's going to get much worse as he gets larger!
Hopeful my baby is also breech for a while now they just said breech so not frank like yours. I'm hoping she turns as I want a natural my mom thinks I should have a c section and it irritates me it's bc I had 4th degree tearing but that doesn't mean it will happen again ughhh
Both my babies are transverse, so they're laying across my tummy. I have a scan in 2 weeks and hoping one of them are in position or I'll be booked in for a section which makes me a bit nervous. I would love a natural birth
I'm due on November 10th with my 2nd child. This pregnancy really seemed to fly by for the most part but now it's dragging along. :cry: I can't wait to meet my little man. <3
My little man is back to back at the moment. Hoping he turns, my daughters birth wasn't great and she was back to back, ended up with a third degree tear and theatre. Hoping for a normal delivery, will have to be induced due to medical issues and complications after last birth but it means I can get home quickly. My consultant seems pretty set on a section though so we shall see what happens.
Hopeful my baby is also breech for a while now they just said breech so not frank like yours. I'm hoping she turns as I want a natural my mom thinks I should have a c section and it irritates me it's bc I had 4th degree tearing but that doesn't mean it will happen again ughhh

Didn't have a tear (episiotomy and forceps) but have suffered with pelvic floor since and also have a rectocoele now which I don't want to make worse. My main concern though is him getting stuck - like my daughter. Strong family hx of it and I couldn't bear to go through labour and it happen again knowing what I know now. She was back to back though.
my son's head came out crooked and he was stuck too they had to suction him out it is very scarey! I would totally understand wanting a c section after what you went through and even for me. I'm just frustrated with my mom telling me I should just do a c section ide like to try natural if it's in the cards!
Quick question,

How do you all know how the baby is laying? Maybe I'm just not well educated enough haha! I mean I can obviously feel where some of the baby is just because its slightly painful, very hard and can tell by the movements.

Im 30 weeks on Tuesday, I can't wait to reach that milestone, feels like the home stretch!

Ive got everything and I'm totally ready. I work for myself and have my own business which typically is really taking off at the moment when I really need to be relaxing. My daughter is back in full time nursery care so i can work as much as possible.

Everything is going really well, I have everything I need and can't wait to meet my little baby boy! x
Quick question,

How do you all know how the baby is laying? Maybe I'm just not well educated enough haha! I mean I can obviously feel where some of the baby is just because its slightly painful, very hard and can tell by the movements.

I'm quite interested too, as I can't even seem to figure out which body part is which, I just feel for hard lumps. But no idea each body part or even the head, so clueless which way baby is. Last scan showed her as being breech x
I only know as i have scans quite often because I'm having twins but I'd have no idea otherwise. I'm sure in my last pregnancy, my midwife could tell how my baby was laying further along in my pregnancy x
I know because I had two have an extra scan due to familial genetic issues as of right now I'm officially done w scans :(

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