
hi ladies so sorry not been on in a while this tiredness is really killing me I feel like a zombie all the time and the hours just seem to slip away!

Rosie congratulations on your lil boy!!! So thats 2 boys so far I wonder if Immy and amy have girls to even the numbers out. Hope you both manage to resist the temptation to find out at your anomaly scans how long left til yours now.

Glad to hear you all feeling movement now too its a wonderful feeling isn't it. Lewis is quite lazy during the day but come 11pm he kickc and somersaults in there like theres no tomorrow and its so reassuring. Got past the date I was with Jessica so am feeling more relaxed now.

Have my anomaly scan tomorrow and feeling excited but really nervous I just want to make sure all his organs are ok and that hes healthy as thats scaring me so much.

Started buying baby things now too. Got him a swinging crib out my local paper for £15 and its in fab condition going to paint it white though to match the bedding range I want to get him. Been buying lots of clothes for him too I can't help myself :blush: its all new to me buying boys things so have been using ebay alot lol. Already got a holdall full and theres 4 medium sized carrier bags inside his crib full. Been selling the girls baby clothes so money I have made from them have gone on clothes for him so really I'm not spending a penny lol.

Hoping to put a deposit on the pram I want at the begining of June and then we just have to decorate the spare room for the girls to move into and their old room for Lewis and buy him a new cot and bedding etc.

Have any of you got prams in mind yet or have you started buying things?

Can't believe we are all nearly halfway there now how fast has the last 16 weeks gone! x
Good luck tomo Leigh, will Look forward to your update. I'm in bed but will post more tomo xx
Glad your feeling ok Leigh - I was def thinking about you!!! So exciting about your scan tomorrow - I hope it all goes well for you.

Amy - let's hope that dream doesn't come true!!!! I'm sure your baby will be fine and either a girl or a boy! Although I still reckon it'll be a girl.

I've not started to buy anything yet but have put a list together of things I need to price up. I reckon I'll buy most stuff brand new coz we are thinking we'll have 3 so hoping it'll last us 3 babies (well most of it anyway).

Anyone using reusable nappies? Know of a good brand to try?

Any it's such a great feeling when my boy kicks. I love that I'm feeling him more and more. Some days I can feel him all through the day - it's amazing!
Hi ladies sorry for not updating sooner been having internet problems and then getting sodding migraines again thanks to the sun!!

Anyways scan went fantastic was so amazing to see Lewis again and hes absolutley perfect growing really well though his femur bone was measuring behind but think thats just down to df being really short and my girls aren't very tall either. Hes definately a boy too. so happy can't beleive we have made it this far.

I'll try and upload some pics at some point of him. Got a fab one of himt rying to put his hand in his mouth looks like hes trying to blow a kiss or something is so sweet.

Hope everyone else is well and bumps too! x

p.s have bought a pram too was going to go with one from mothercare but someone on ebay was selling a m+p herbie for £100 (cost her over £500 new) and its gorgeous! Can't wait to go pick it up and have a play with it! The best bit is that as I'm not spending a fortune on a pram I can Lewis the bedding set I wanted to get that was overpriced lol.
Love it! Fab news, so happy for you:thumbup:

here's a pic of my little one - I can't remember if I already posted it or not so here it is anyway!


Hey girls!

How are you all doing??

I'm happy to report I'm feeling pretty much normal now-a-days!!

Had my scan - all was ok, so far so good, and as much as it killed me we didn't find out what it is!! OH really wanted to know - I didn't, but now I'm really curious as to what this little person moving around inside of me is!!

Finally started buying things too - went to the Baby Show at the NEC last weekend and made my first purchases:*pushchair* car seat* breastfeeding pillow* Morrck baby hoodie* Ewan the dream sheep* travel cot* blackout blinds* play mat*

Oh my god - there is no stopping me now!!

Charlie - how did the move go? Hope you're settling in ok?

Immi - how you doing? Is work still crappy? Are they being any nicer to you?

Rosie - My friend used Bambino Mio re-usable nappies and said that they were great, until her son became lactose intolerant, and the squitty poos leaked everywhere!! . I was thinking of it, but TBH I don't really think re-using nappies is the answer to global warming etc!!

Leigh - hope your headaches are better?

So....... we've got 2 Octo-Bump boys, wonder what Immi's, Charlie's and mine are??!!

Here are my scan pics too - it was so naughty again, when she went to check the eyes it covered them up!!

Love to you all XXX

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Hi girls! So sorry i've been AWOL for so long we only got broadband back yesterday after our move, it was the longest 33 days of my life! Don't worry Sky will be paying for their mistakes and delays! We've settled in great and love the house.

Baby and pregnancy wise i'm feeling great at the mo, full of energy and loving all the movement going on inside me, this baby is so much more active in the day than Bella was! We had a bit of a scare at the weekend though and I had a small bleed Sat morning and was then spotting for the rest of the day so ended up going into hospital for a few hrs! Luckily it was just a precaution and after monitoring and checking my cervix they said everything seemed fine so I was able to discharge myself around 3am since it was my OH's b'day that day and I wanted to be with him and Bella in the morning. I am so glad all's ok and the spotting has completely stopped now but it has shaken me up a bit as at 21 wks I was obviously thinking the worst!

On a positive note though we had our scan last Thurs and found out we're on team :pink: My OH would have loved a boy but he is still over the moon as we can use all Bella's things again etc. I was made up as I always wanted a sister for Bella as its just me and my sis and we're v. close these days. We had a surprise with Bella and although I was reluctant about finding out (it was OH's choice) I am really loving knowing this time and being able to get organised. I just can't wait to meet our little princess come Oct!

I'm so glad all is well with you girls, have missed you all loads! Congrats on finding out you're having a boy Rosie how exciting! Can't wait to find out all the other flavours, lol!


Welcome back!! Hope you're all settled in now - no internet for a month - when we moved my husband bought a dongle as he couldn't live for that long without internet!!

Team pink eh!! Yipeee, so excited for you! I think I'm the only one out of us who doesn't know what I'm having!! OH really wanted to find out but I resisted the temptation. As it is our first I don't think it really matters, although I think it is a girl, but may have a little tinkle surprise on the day!!

The bleeding was probably you doing too much in the move and if it has since settled I wouldn't worry about it!!

Gotta go to work now, take it easy!
A x
Sorry not been in for a while - got caught up with GCSE stuff at school - they've nearly done their exams now!!! I just had to tell you all that I'm 24 weeks today - woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, enjoy the new house Charlie & keep buying things Amy - then post them on here so I know what to buy!!!!!
Hello ladies long time no speak from me. I've been so busy lately that I've not had chance to pop on.

Amy lovely piccys your baby is soooo cute! Can't wait til you have baby and see what you are having. Hope you are keeping well.

Charlie congrats on the pink bump thats lovely news I bet Bella is excited about having a baby sister to mother. I know Hollie did when Charlotte was born (sadly now they fight like cat and dog).

Immi and Rosie hope your both well and anyone else who I have missed out.

Lil update on me got past the 24 week milestone yay! Lewis is still doing well in there and loves being right up against my ribs with his bum. Thanks son!!! We are all ready for him now and I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Still can't imagine holding a newborn baby it seems like a dream still.

Oh and we are getting married :happydance: we planned it after we lost Jessica to give us something positive to focus on and when we started ttc we didn't expect to fall pg and have the due date the same month lol sods law though eh?!. So when I got my bfp with Lewis we decided to postpone it. But after going to a friends wedding and then another friend deciding to get hitched it got me thinking and I really don't want to wait another year to marry df so we had a talk and agreed to keep our original date.

Lewis is due 6th/7th October and we get married on the 30th October so hoping he comes on time so I can fit ok in my dress lol.

Been engaged for 5 years now and have dreamed of getting married for so long and can't beleive its actually happening. The nerves are creeping in as i hate being centre of attention but hey ho! x
Thanks Amy. So exciting you're having a surprise, bet you can't wait til your little one's here so you know whether you're team :pink: or :blue:!

Sorry not been on much been so busy with the house and presently trying to get a loft conversion off the ground before baby's due - v. stressful and we're up against it on time so may be a non starter! Also OH has a new role at work which means he's working all hrs so struggling to keep on top of things, will try and check in a bit more though I promise!

That's great news about your pending nuptials Leigh, how exciting! What's your history are you usually on time? I was 12 days late with Bella! No wonder you've been busy! Good luck with all your preps.

I hope GCSEs are going well Rosie. Sounds like we've all got lots on at the mo!

Hope you're well too Immi.

Congrats on reaching viability girls, i'll be joining you tomorrow, can't wait!

Wow, congratulations Leigh - how exciting. Congrats on getting to 24 weeks as well!

Sounds like you've got a lot on your hands Charlie & maybe take things, one step at a time! I have to say that to OH all the time as he's always trying to fit too much into one day!

I had my Midwife appointment yesterday & am still in dream land (hence why on here instead of working!!!!). My bump measured 26 & baby kicked as she was trying to listen to heartbeat! Every time doppler moved, he kicked it!!! lol. They're so funny!

Do any of you have recommendations for a pram? I can't really get my head around them - there's just so many. Even on the which's best buy list there's loads!
Hey girls!

Congrats Leigh - how exciting!! :wedding: A wedding and a baby all in a month!! I can't believe by the time you get married we will all have had our babies!! Try not to stress about the planning too much!

Rosie - how's school? Must be time for summer hols soon? :yipee: Are you going back in Sept or starting your mat leave? I have bought a Britax B Smart 3 with the baby safe sleeper lie flat car seat - got it with a rain cover and foot muff for £350 at the baby show!! We decided to get a flat car seat to protect the baby's back during long car journeys or whilst out and about when using the car seat on the frame. We may end up buying a regular car seat if the baby doesn't like lying down all of the time, but it was cheaper to buy this car seat and possibly buy a regular car seat than buying the carry cot attachment as I haggled such a good deal!!! I tried quite a few out at the baby show and the Britax was lightweight, easy to fold and folds down quite small, also has a good sized tray underneath which many of the fancy ones don't!!

Charlie - poor you, moving and now having building work done. Hope it goes smoothly, try not to stress too much! :hugs:

As for buying things - well now I've started there is no stopping me!! My John Lewis Glider Chair and matching Foot Stool arrived today - I'm looking at it now in the box - Need OH to come home and put it together!!! It was expensive £500 :shhh: - but it is soooo comfy, I'm gonna start using it straight away!!

MIL has also offered to buy our :crib:so obviously I tried my luck and picked a nice expensive John Lewis one, and she said it was lovely and ordered it!!!!! OMG!! Now I'll have to let her have baby cuddles!!

Also bought a hypnobirthing CD today - gonna need all the:help: I can get!!

How are you all enjoying the hot weather - I'm not!!! It is lovely, but not when you have to work where there is no air conditioning!! Also I keep getting dizzy and even passed out at work last week :dohh: Got all dizzy, and fuzzy headed and lost my hearing so thought I'd better lie down, but didn't make it - woke up on the floor!! Not sure why it keeps happening - my Hb is good, I'm eating well and drinking loads. Think maybe I need to slow down a little, keep forgetting I'm now 6 months pregnant and don't like not being able to carry on as normal!!

On the plus, I am feeling BT (the nickname we've given him/her) move all the time, and I LOVE IT!!!!! :cloud9: It is so special to feel this little person wiggling around inside of me. OH was lying on my tummy last night talking to BT and s/he kicked him in the cheek!!!!!! Definitely a naughty one there!!

Hope you're all keeping well,

Immi - everything ok?

Aimes X
Thanks for that Amy, I'll take a look at it. I think we're probably going to go for a Chicco Lite or Multiway. We don't want a travel system as we're going to buy the maxicosi car seat & don't want to pay for two. I want a pram that faces either way though & the Chicco ones don't but they're much cheaper. Oh what to do? is it important that they face you when they are young?

School's got 3 weeks + this one left so still a little while to go. I've put down 20th Sept as my leaving date altough realistically I'm not expecting to get to the end of week 1 in Sept! My cover has been sorted now but I'm mega busy writing lesson plans for a year - arg, it's taking forever!

The hot weather is lovely but I am really feeling the heat - wearing my Spanish dresses as they're the only thing that I don't sweat too much in. the kids keep coming into my classroom saying "it's so hot in here" - I reply with, yep, imagine having a hot water bottle around your waist!!!! V amusing! I love working with kids - they're hilarious. I had another kid cross his legs & ask me if he could go to the loo. I replied who do you think needs it more, you or me? He said he did, then I said, but imagine right now you have something putting pressure on your bladder. Now who's needing the loo more & he said me!!! Yeah, I won one! ha! Hope you enjoyed that story lol!

Also only 3 more days until I'm in 3rd tri - argggggggggggggggggggggggggggh!
Hey Rosie!

I don't think it really matters if they don't face you, depends on if you want to be able to see them, but I know people who only have one way facing pushchairs. It is only the car seats that MUST be rear facing!!

Kids eh, gotta love them!! Bet they are a real pain most of the time but every now and then you get a little gem from them!!

I've had a courtesy car since Thursday last week and it has not air conditioning!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo melting!! It is a 59 plate - didn't think cars came without air conditioning these days!! Can't wait to have my lovely air cond'd car back tomorrow - will have it on full blast in my face!!

Can't believe you're almost 3rd tri!!! That is so exciting!! Not long till I'll join you!

woah, hope u've got ur car back that must be a nightmare in this heat! We finished (i say we and mean he!) the nursery decor we have a lovely yellow room ready for items. Bought a winnie the pooh lampshade as well-our 2nd purchase 4 lo. So exciting. Can't wait until summer hols when can start buying things properly! Only 3wks till hols now. How's everyone doing? Xx

Omg, i am so sorry for dropping off the face of the planet girls. I am USELESS!! Hope no one was worried. if you guys are on facebook please feel free to add me, im always on there at some point during the day because i can get it on my phone. i'm Imogen O'Reilly and at present my profile pic is a tower of wedding cupcakes, lol.

Im being asked to go play playdoh by my gorgeous little boy, so ill make this quick, but i will be back later or tomorrow to read back and catch up with everyone! hope you've all been well!

i'm doing ok, have developed SPD which sucks because ive had to be signed off work and we are so skint its not even funny. my health in pregnancy grant should come through so that will help but i was kind of hoping to buy a birth pool, a new mei tai and some reusable nappies with it. didnt really fancy spending it on bills, but needs must i guess. The bump is getting bigger and Jack is completely in love with it, the first thing he asks for in the morning is "baby tummy out" and then he spends ages rubbing it, kissing it, saying "hello baby" and "baby come out", its so adorable.

Getting really excited about the birth, i absolutely cannot wait!! Feel very empowered and have total faith in my body's ability to do what it has to do. Going to write a birth plan just in case i end up in hospital (because i will pop a gasket if anyone tries to cut the cord until *i* say so, or if they try to take my placenta away- we want to do placenta encapsulation) but other than that i'm just going with the flow. My midwife is due her 3rd baby two days before mine is due, lol, so she wont be at my birth which sucks because she's amazing, but she's promised to fill the others in on my wishes and make sure that they dont bring any form of pain relief to my home.

Anyway this was supposed to be quick, lol!! Must dash, but again i am SO SORRY for disappearing and im really looking forward to catching up with you all really soon xxxxxx
Hello everyone!!!

Well its me Kelly, i havent been in this thread in like months.

As you may or may not know my DSD & DSS where spying on me in here, before i had my 13 wk scan. so they knew we were pregnant before we got to tell them. so things werent very nice for a little while. i changed my user name and everything and havent commented too much on threads incase they were still following me.

but i am hoping they have decided that they are bored of baby talk and doing something that young teenagers do. so i thought i would get back in touch.

I have been lurking and reading what you guys have been up to but just not commenting!! lol

anyway me and baby and doing just great. cant beleive we are viable and baby is bouncing aware.

i have an ever expanding bump and still feels so strange to be carrying and the thought of having a baby in october still totally overwhelms me!!!

we are on team yellow, which we nearly didnt do about 10 mins before the scan. but decided that it wouldnt change anything if we knew cos we already bought the buggy and nursery!! lol.

anyway, thats me. Hope everyone else is doing just great.

K x x x
Hey Kelly!!!!
Great to have you back!! I did look for you and saw your post ages ago about them snooping! Hope they leave you alone this time!

We're team yellow too!!
Welcome back Kelly. we missed you! :hugs:

Sorry i've been so rubbish at posting in here, i've also been popping in but often just get time to read and run which is really bad! Will have to start making more of an effort.

I'm potty training at the mo which has been fun and games and what with that and planning the loft conversion that's starting in a month's time i've not had a huge amount of time to come on here and keep up with everyone, so apologies. I do update my journal if anyone wants to pop in there from time to time.

I hope you're all feeling ok. I've been ok, touch wood, just feeling huge now though! Loving being in 3rd tri now and looking forward to my 28wk MW appointment on Fri. Bella enjoyed hearing the HB last time so that should be fun as she's coming with me!

Sorry to hear you've been suffering with SPD Immi, that really sucks, hope it doesn't get too bad. That's lovely that Jack's getting so excited. Bella's the same at the mo, all over my belly, although when I say the baby's moving and would she like to feel she then goes all shy and takes her hand away for some reason. However her fave game is putting the remote control on my belly and seeing it move when her baby sis kicks it!

Its great you're getting prepared on the birth front, you clearly have a good idea of how you want it to go. Good luck, I hope it works out that way. I was lucky with Bella as the midwife at the hospital was v. good at phyching me up every contraction and although i'd put on my birth plan that i'd consider an epidural or pain relief she had other ideas. She kept saying to my OH "I just know she wants it to be natural" which I found frustraing at the time as was begging her for gas and air etc. but managed to get through it with just the TENS machine and no gas and air in the Home from Home Rm. I had wanted a water birth but once I was in the thick of all the contractions I was too tired to move so decided against it. We got transferred into the delivery rm in the end to monitor the baby as there was meconium in my waters and that's when she fanally gave me the gas and air but then I had the urge to push etc. so didn't really get to use it! The few puffs I did have made me think the doc had been on TV so it must be good stuff, as my OH said I literally had a few puffs and that was it! :rofl: Even though I hadn't set out wanting a natural birth with no pain relief I was so proud of myself once it was over as I was in labour for 14hrs and was through the night as she was born at 5.06am. I'm hoping as its my 2nd this labour will be quicker so I can hopefully do the same again but we'll see, I have nothing against pain relief and will use it if it comes to that, depends what my pain threshold feels like this time around!

Not long til you break up now then Rosie, bet you can't wait! Your nursery sounds lovely too. We're going to have the baby in with us to start with then give her Bella's room when she grows out of the moses basket (was about 4 mths with Bella) and then just do a new room for Bella as makes sense to reuse Bella's cot bed and changing station etc. and get Bella some older furniture since she'll be over 3 by then.

Hope you're ok Amy. So sorry to hear about your fainting episode, have you had anymore in this heat? At least its cooled down now we've had some rain, i'm not looking forward to it getting even hotter in the coming wks.

Congrats on making a decision on the wedding Leigh, so exciting! Hope you have lots of helpers to delegate to so it doesn't become too stressful for you!

Off to bed now. Promise not to leave it so long next time between posts!

Love and :hugs: to all.


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