i kno what u mean bout receptionists they dont seem to care what ur going thru and how nerve wrcking it is when ur pregnant aftewr loosing a baby.
What gets me is when they say... well ur not the only one loads go thru it!! well i think how reassuring..NOT. Regardless of how many other people have gone thru it u still feel upset and nervous. (
You hit the nail on the head there sweetie! Regardless of how many people go through it your not other people you are you and you are worried and scared doesn't give them the right to treat you like you are a nobody.
Hi wanabamummy you can always request to have a scan but I never got one when I was pg with my 2nd angel and even when pg with Jessica my doctor wouldn't send me for one ended up seeing a female doctor who was more considerate and booked me in for one at 8 weeks.
I went and saw my doctor once af was late but only because I wanted to get bloods done to check hormones were high and to also get booked in with the midwife. Way I see it I can book on early or late with them but won't change the outcome of the pregnancy.
im_mi your symptoms sound similar to mine I only get nausea first thing when I wake feels rather strange since I was sick as a dog in all but one of my previous pregnancies.
Beaniebaby good luck with the docs let us know how you get on. Glad you enjoyed Avator I want to go see it but its finding a babysitter so we can go lol.
alh28- Glad you had a good time at the hen night hope no one sussed your secret. Try not to worry about your symptoms easier said then done I know. I am just as bad so should eat my own words lol. This pregnancy is so different to my others so really panics me that I don't really feel that pg even though I have some symptoms. Hope your cold goes soon!
Star-sunshine wahoo on your scan I hope the next 2 weeks pass quickly for you sweetie!
Well as for me where do I start?! Rang the epu this morning got through to them and told them I had been told my consultant to book a scan she asked me if there was a reason for this so said yeah have had 3 miscarriages in the past. So she asked my name and stuff and looked me up on the system and told me that she didn't have my notes and she couldn't book me in. Apparently my consultants secretary was meant to send them my notes but she didn't. Was told to ring her up and get her to sort it out.
ao rang consultants secretary up told her what the epu had said and she turned round and said you really should book it through your g.p. FFs does no one ever bother to look through your notes anymore! told her my consultant told me to book it and so she took some details from me and said she would ring me back once she had spoken to the epu.
An hour later I got a phonecall from the epu they want me to go in tomorrow to have bloods etc done and then will get scanned.
Downside is I am going to be going on my own as df is at work and can't get out of it at such short notice. Will have my girls with me though to keep me sane just hope they don't get bored as I will be there a while.
Will get on and update as soon as I get home
