
Can I join you girls in this thread, am due 11 Oct and would love some girlies to share my journey with. I got my BFP on Fri so still early days but the tests are getting darker so there's some reassurance. However, my symptoms are coming and going and feel slightly dilluted so I am quite anxious but I realise its still v. early days. Congrats to you all on your pregnancies, sending you all lots of sticky :dust:

Sorry to hear you had a chemical Jolene, hope you'll be back here soon.


well i aint been on this thread for a while but wanted to say congrats and its great we a due the same day so ill def be bump buddies!!
Isnt it an amazing journey and wxperience and i am so excited just cant wait! tho still a little nervous cos of the last mc. xx

Thanks hun, congrats again and thanks for your message on my page. I will add you to my sig, so nice we're due the same day. :happydance:
Hi ladies been awol lately just not had chance to get on hope everyone is well. Hello to those with their bfps!

Jolene so sorry for your loss sweetie. Thinking of you hunni.

Well had a right palaver with the hospital Friday. Rang to book my scan and got through to the ward who were directing the epus calls. I told them I was ringing to book a scan as my consultant had told me to so they asked who my consultant was and then put me on hold. she came back and said you need to see your gp and book it through them.

At this point I was a pit peeved and rather snottly told her that I had it in writing that I book the scan myself. So she put me on hold and I waited and waited and waited then heard the caller has left the line.:growlmad:

So tried phoning again and it was engaged. After about the 6th attempt I finally got through and it turns out she accidently cut me off when speaking to my consultants secretary. She then told me that the epu closed at 12.30pm and to ring to book a scan monday morning.

I mean ffs why can you not tell me that in the first place!!! Apparantly the ward is unable to book a scan unless its through the g.p! yeah right I bet she didn't bother to look through my notes and see why I was so annoyed with her. If she had I bet she would of been more then happy to book me a scan.

So now won't know til tomorrow when I get scanned.

On a positive note digi said 3+ yesterday and lines on tests are really dark so thats reassuring. 6 weeks now yay! sickness usually kicks in by now but its just nausea first thing in the morning. Is nice to be able to enjoy the pregnancy but its also worrying as the sickness is the only sign that makes me feel like everythings ok so now I am worrying the pregnancy isn't progressing especially as my 1st loss I was the same only had nausea and no sickness.

Roll on tomorrow and hopefully they will be able to fit me in asap for a scan. I can't take this not knowing anymore :cry: just want to know baby is ok so can relax a little.

Sorry rant over just needed to get it out somewhere. x
Hi Baby tots!!

glad you feeling a bit :sick:

I am hoping that i get like that too!!

so is when did you all go to the docs?

I went at 5wk 6days last time which was friday, then ended up back at docs on the weds cos i lost it.

just wondering if i should go soon, and do i have to ask for a scan or do you think he will offer it?

also, am i likely to get a scan as i have only lost one baby?

sorry for all the questions!!!
hi girls!

wanabamummy, when i went to the GP she offered to request an early scan for me without me having to ask. But you shouldnt be afraid to ask, if you just say to him/her that you are feeling very anxious about this pregnancy and would really like it if you could have a scan soon to check viability so you are reassured, well they cant really say no! Dont be afraid to ask, doctors see this kind of thing every day so sometimes they can forget how anxious we can be about it :hugs:

Leigh, UGH what a palaver you have had!! Hospitals are absolute nightmares for things like that. I hope that it all gets sorted soon and that you get your scan quickly!

:hugs: to everyone else! how were your weekends?

Im still waiting on a scan date. i will call my doctor on tuesday afternoon if i havent heard anything by then. I will be 6 weeks tomorrow and am feeling nauseous on and off, mainly first thing in the morning (i wake up STARVING so i think it must be blood sugar levels causing it) and in the evening. Right now i have nausea AND heartburn, fun! :haha: exhausted from about lunchtime onwards and havent been able to stay up past 11pm for the last couple days, normally i am a total night owl and stay up until at least midnight. I have had this past week off work (i work in a bar 3 nights per week) from 6pm-12.30pm) which has been lovely, but i am dreading going back this week! dunno how i will cope with the late nights!

But yeah, even though the symptoms are hard to deal with i couldnt be more grateful for them. I would be so worried if i felt fine.
hi girls!

wanabamummy, when i went to the GP she offered to request an early scan for me without me having to ask. But you shouldnt be afraid to ask, if you just say to him/her that you are feeling very anxious about this pregnancy and would really like it if you could have a scan soon to check viability so you are reassured, well they cant really say no! Dont be afraid to ask, doctors see this kind of thing every day so sometimes they can forget how anxious we can be about it :hugs:

Leigh, UGH what a palaver you have had!! Hospitals are absolute nightmares for things like that. I hope that it all gets sorted soon and that you get your scan quickly!

:hugs: to everyone else! how were your weekends?

Im still waiting on a scan date. i will call my doctor on tuesday afternoon if i havent heard anything by then. I will be 6 weeks tomorrow and am feeling nauseous on and off, mainly first thing in the morning (i wake up STARVING so i think it must be blood sugar levels causing it) and in the evening. Right now i have nausea AND heartburn, fun! :haha: exhausted from about lunchtime onwards and havent been able to stay up past 11pm for the last couple days, normally i am a total night owl and stay up until at least midnight. I have had this past week off work (i work in a bar 3 nights per week) from 6pm-12.30pm) which has been lovely, but i am dreading going back this week! dunno how i will cope with the late nights!

But yeah, even though the symptoms are hard to deal with i couldnt be more grateful for them. I would be so worried if i felt fine.
Hi girls.

Hope you get your scan date soon im_mi. Its reasurring you're getting so many symptoms.

Re your doc appointment wanabamummy, i'm gonna book mine this week and see what they say, if they don't suggest a reassurance scan I will defo ask for one! Good luck.

Morning ladies!

Still no real obvious symptoms, last time I had massive boobs and was hungry all the time, but this time I have vague symptoms - a little nausea occasionally, then hunger, slightly sore boobs - but not much growth!! I'm worried I want it so much I'm having a phantom pregnancy or a chemical one.

Really want a scan, but think it is too early?

Anyways, my weekend was fun, I went on a hen night to Brighton. Was kinda fun to have my little secret and make dodgy excuses for not drinking loads!! Luckily I had 1 friend who knows with me - she was very good at buying my alcohol-looking-alcohol-free drinks!! Was absolutely shattered at 8pm following the meal, but did put up a good fight and went to bed at midnight. That may explain why I was in bed at 8pm last night and have only just woken up!!!!!! Lazeeeeeebones!

Also got a stinky cold, which I find very inconvenient!! I am usually a real pill popper and would be on the sudafed now, but I'm sitting in bed with Karvol on my pillow and a bowl of menthol and eucalyptus!! Does anyone have any other baby-friendly remedies?

Babytots - did you get a scan? I sometimes think receptionists forget what we're actually going through!!

Anyways, I think I've waffled on enough!!

Have a good day,
Amy x
So sorry to hear you're suffering with a cold Amy, hope you feel better soon. I think you can take paracetamol can't you, or is that just after the first tri, can't remember. I would just say get lots of rest and keep doing what you're doing.

I know what you mean re the symptoms, I keep questioning things but then I will feel another symptom that will reassure me. They're all quite dilluted at this stage though, but then again we are v. early. I think by 6/7 weeks they should be more obvious. I did wake up feeling v. nauseous today which was reassuring but now i've eaten I feel fine again just v. tired this morning and a few twinges in my boobs. I have noticed my pregnancy bloat coming on though and suddely have huge muffin tops so recken something must be happening, unless its all the pizza and popcorn I had yesterday, lol!!! Went to see Avatar, didn't fancy it but its well worth going if you haven't seen it - great in 3D.

Anyway hope you feel better soon. Take care.

I hope the rest of you lovely ladies enjoyed your weekends.

Charlie xxx
Hiya, I had a really busy weekend but managed to get loads of sleep during the day so am feeling less tired now. I have started to feel nauseous but only in the afternoon & evening, mainly before I eat & just after I eat. Guess I'm just "special!"

I was going to ask im_mi if you had your scan date yet as I've not heard back. I was thinking of ringing tomorrow as well but maybe I should leave it a day longer as I'm a day behind you?
Congrats sweetie. My first scan is predicting October 4th as well. Super excited and super scared!
I Am Livid when did you find out about your scan? I'm still waiting to hear about mine!
Hi guys!! I can't get into my crappy docs till a week thurs!! I'll be nearly 6 weeks by then!! Hopefully I will be able to get in for a scan within a week after?

Told oh I was gona try for early scan, he told me I was worrying too much and I need to think postive!! Ahhh men!!

My bezzie has just offered me her travel system for £150.

It's my first, so am thinking I want a new one but it's so cheap! Don't think she had it very long either! Also don't want to jinx things!!
Hi ladies! I'm glad everyone is doing so good. I have a call in to my Doc to see what he wants to do from here. After the beta tests last week I'm crossing my fingers and hoping they will do an early scan around 2/15 which should put me around 6 weeks and hopefully we can see a heartbeat. We will see........ Still no noticeable symptoms here, just wish I would get sick
Hey BeanieBaby... my OH been to see avatar on his own lol cos i didnt feel well the other day... he said it was really good! I kno what ya mean by the bloat... my belly looks like 5 months already... and on my last 2 i never showed anything till about 6-7 months(iwas tiny). I keep joking to OH were aving twins LOL. for 5 weeks my boobs av started to grown aldready too. how ya feeling today... aint got so much sickness today more heartburn and paind in belly. xxxx

Happy 5 weeks gorgeous! Am happy but for a moment this morning I was thinking I was 6 wks :dohh:. Its like that feeling when you wake up in the morning and think its Sat but its only Fri, or worse still Mon! Such a long way to go but at least we all have each other to help the days go faster. I'm feeling ok thanks, quite nauseous today on and off and v. thirsty all the time and quite tired. LOL re your bloat, would be nice if one of us on this thread was having twins, but would be happy with just one, not sure I could handle twins with my toddler! They do run in our family though as my auntie and uncle are twins (my dad's bro and sis). Sorry to hear you have heartburn, that's a sign for a girl!!! I didn't have it with my little girl though so guess everyone's different. Did you have heartburn with your boys?

Babytots did you get your scan date this morning? Sorry to hear the hospital messed you about Fri, what a nightmare!

Sorry to hear you're having probs too starsunshine, hope your date comes through soon and yours too WantaBelly.

I'm in a similar boat to you wanabamummy as my doc is really booked up, but they've managed to get me in this Fri, i'll be 5w 4d so not quite so bad. Fingers crossed we can get our scans for around 7 wks, at least I guess we may see a little more by then and there's less chance of it being too early and not seeing a heartbeat.

hiya, I got my scan date - it's 25th Feb woohoo. I know it's a couple of weeks away but I reckon it's a good thing coz should defo be able to see a heartbeat by then so am v happy about it! Yeah.
hiya, I got my scan date - it's 25th Feb woohoo. I know it's a couple of weeks away but I reckon it's a good thing coz should defo be able to see a heartbeat by then so am v happy about it! Yeah.

That's great news, congratulations!

i kno what u mean bout receptionists they dont seem to care what ur going thru and how nerve wrcking it is when ur pregnant aftewr loosing a baby.
What gets me is when they say... well ur not the only one loads go thru it!! well i think how reassuring..NOT. Regardless of how many other people have gone thru it u still feel upset and nervous. (

You hit the nail on the head there sweetie! Regardless of how many people go through it your not other people you are you and you are worried and scared doesn't give them the right to treat you like you are a nobody.

Hi wanabamummy you can always request to have a scan but I never got one when I was pg with my 2nd angel and even when pg with Jessica my doctor wouldn't send me for one ended up seeing a female doctor who was more considerate and booked me in for one at 8 weeks.

I went and saw my doctor once af was late but only because I wanted to get bloods done to check hormones were high and to also get booked in with the midwife. Way I see it I can book on early or late with them but won't change the outcome of the pregnancy.

im_mi your symptoms sound similar to mine I only get nausea first thing when I wake feels rather strange since I was sick as a dog in all but one of my previous pregnancies.

Beaniebaby good luck with the docs let us know how you get on. Glad you enjoyed Avator I want to go see it but its finding a babysitter so we can go lol.

alh28- Glad you had a good time at the hen night hope no one sussed your secret. Try not to worry about your symptoms easier said then done I know. I am just as bad so should eat my own words lol. This pregnancy is so different to my others so really panics me that I don't really feel that pg even though I have some symptoms. Hope your cold goes soon!

Star-sunshine wahoo on your scan I hope the next 2 weeks pass quickly for you sweetie!

Well as for me where do I start?! Rang the epu this morning got through to them and told them I had been told my consultant to book a scan she asked me if there was a reason for this so said yeah have had 3 miscarriages in the past. So she asked my name and stuff and looked me up on the system and told me that she didn't have my notes and she couldn't book me in. Apparently my consultants secretary was meant to send them my notes but she didn't. Was told to ring her up and get her to sort it out.

ao rang consultants secretary up told her what the epu had said and she turned round and said you really should book it through your g.p. FFs does no one ever bother to look through your notes anymore! told her my consultant told me to book it and so she took some details from me and said she would ring me back once she had spoken to the epu.

An hour later I got a phonecall from the epu they want me to go in tomorrow to have bloods etc done and then will get scanned.

Downside is I am going to be going on my own as df is at work and can't get out of it at such short notice. Will have my girls with me though to keep me sane just hope they don't get bored as I will be there a while.

Will get on and update as soon as I get home :D x
sorry ladies posted twice for some reason lol x

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