October 2012 Beans! (Due Dates List)

going to a good friends baby shower soon, she is only a week or so behind me and really looking forward to it! this pregnancy for her was complete shock as there is a 9 year age difference, i hope when they shout surprise both our waters dont break.

Congrats Twinkie, good luck Lara!!!

Not much to report over here. My SIL is in labour right now though! She's 41+6 and has been induced, hopefully my new neice or nephew will be here soon.
thanks for all the good wishes - i was able to get on bnb from the hospital, but it was so awkward to post using the hospital system that I couldnt be arsed with updating more than one place! Sorry about that :thumbup:

Sooooo, the news from Urchin Towers:
Aoife Grace (you pronounce it Ee-fa) was born at 9:44 on 2nd Oct weighing 7lbs 4oz.
The c-section was fairly uneventful, apart from the anaesthatist having to do an awful lot of hoking around in my spine with his excessively long needles *shudder*

I was passed Aoife for skin to skin cuddles straight after she was born and all seemed ok, but she was very snuffly and after about half an hour they discovered she wasn't able to breath through her nose.
Pediatrics were called and they found that they couldn't pass a tube up her nose at all (and were worried that she might have a fused boney plate completely blocking her airways - I forget what they called it) So she was sent to intensive care and I went to recovery and then up to the ward .... where I waited for 7 hours :(

Mr Urch was able to go down to see her, but because I'd had a spinal block I couldn't get up off the bed. Normally they would have taken me, bed and all down to see her - but there was a 28 week preemie in the bay next to Aoife that they were operating on, so there was no room for me.

And ICU then just kept stalling, til in the end the midwife rang them up and said 'this mum hasn't seen her baby for 7 hours, I've booked a porter, she's on her way' Go midwifey!

So I finally got to see her about 5pm and she was in a heated cot all covered in wires and attached to monitors and things that go beep and bing and wahhhhh :(

She was down there until Thursday at about 4pm, when they moved her to just the normal special baby care ward. While she was there they'd managed to pass tubes up both nostrils, so ruled out bony obstructions and started her on decongestants to shift whatever was up there.

She was to stay in special care for another day, with me going down to feed her through the night - but they brought her up to me at 11.30 Thursday night on the ward :D
FINALLY I'd got my Aoife back.

So Friday I spent the day cuddling and feeding her and they decided we were ready to discharge in the afternoon (though the paperwork took til 7pm)

And I can't tell you how good it is to be home :thumbup:
The good thing about the ICU and SCBU is that partners can visit any time they like - so Mr Urch was able to be with us a lot more than he would be able to on the ward .... but what I hated with ICU was that Aoife felt like their patient, not my baby.
and it was so stressful there, with machines beeping and binging and wahhing - and it was hard not to sit and watch Aoife's monitor all the time.

SCBU was much better - we had a little corner and a screen, and a big comfy electric recliner chair ... and the objective was to get her feeding. So I just sat cuddling her and trying my best to get her to feed.

But it is all so much better now we are home - a proper little family unit. Mr Urch is absolutely smitten with her - he has turned into a big puddle of goo. I think it has blown him away just how much she has melted his heart <3

So here we are, all at home, Aoife 4 days old, our lives are upside down and we love it :cloud9:

And before I forget - here's some pictures :D
First one she is 1 day old on ICU
The other 3 she is 3 days old and back on the ward with her mummy


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yay!!!congrats urch!!!glad the story has a happy (and beautiful) ending :D even tho it is just the beginning :D
How beautiful. Massive congratulations to u and mr urch. And I'm glad little aoife's nose is better and she's back with her mummy. So pleased for u!! :hugs:
Oooooh Lara B we had the same due date!!!! Am so jealous!!!!
Hope everything goes well for you. xxxx

Congrats to Urchin!!!! Scary start I bet but at least you are all where you belong now. xxx

Had my daughter's birthday party this evening and I think all of the excitement made little one go bonkers inside my tummy, but no signs of her coming just yet . . .

Daughter's birthday on Wednesday so I guess I can wait until after that!

Good luck to everyone!!! xxx
What a story urch! Glad all is well now, and you have been able to bond with your girl :) congrats
Congrats to urchin and twinkie very exciting to see the babies arriving.

My yellow bump turned PINK on thursday 4th october Freya arrived weighing 6lb 3oz! Have struggled with breast feeding so still in hospital but going home in an hour! I was due to be induced on thursday 4th but went into natural labour on the wednesday evening!! Could not believe it!
congrats cazi ... and to anyone else whose exciting news I missed while I was MIA xx
Yup I had her! Isabelle Alexa, born at 4:47pm on Wed weighing a tidgy 5lb13 at 39+1! Her blood sugars caused concern cos she's so little but she seems happy + thriving now, we only came home friday and my phone didn't work at hospital to update anybody before now was horrible but worth it! I ended up on a drip cos I was dehydrated and I was projectile vomiting after the op, ew.

Recovery wise its going okay and my scar is healing well. Got told to stop doing so much by the health visitor today though cos its day 3 and I've walked up and downstairs about 8 times yesterday :dohh: want to stay mobile but then need a wee and need to go back upstairs, its so hard! Pain wise isn't too bad, I'm just uncomfortable - its hard to think I had major surgery so soon ago!

Breastfeeding wise, we had a little nightmare.. She was amazing at first latched first time every time and fed really well, her blood sugar was too low so they topped her up with formula so she didn't need a drip and she wasn't interested in boob after that and wouldn't latch properly making me bleed :cry: then she started feeding every half hour for 20min a time so was reopening them and I spent all the second night crying with her! Day 3 today I've given her formula and I've waited til my nipples healed and have started expressing! So best of both worlds til she will latch again, if she doesn't at least I tried and she had 2 days of colostrum and will now have a few bm bottles a day :)

Sorry for the massive message! Hope you're all well!! xx
Congrats Cazi on your little girl surprise :)

Congrats Katie :) hope you two are doing well.

Me? Due date is today, lots of signs things will happen just don't know when. Co
E on let's get this show on the road, I'm officially uncomfortable and in pain now.
Gratz Ladies on all your safe deliveries!

Hard to keep up for me as my iPad is away for repair so cant get on here as easy *Pouty face*

My LO is still being stubborn - Now 6 days overdue and not looking like she wants out yet at all! Humph!

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