Grr! I am so annoyed at my consultant/hospital!!!
I had my 38 week MW appointment today, she asked how my consultant appointment had gone at 36 weeks and if they'd booked my 41 week appointment for induction. I knew nothing about needing to see a consultant again!!! I'm planning to VBAC and want to desperately avoid an ELCS or EMCS, I was told I could VBAC and stay MW led unless I go too far beyond my due date.
Well, MW checks the system, the consultant/hospital have booked me a follow up appointment at 42 WEEKS!!! According to the MW, this appointment will be to discuss induction and if they think a VBAC is still possible, not to start the actual induction if I am still pregnant!!
I am so angry!! As it is, the hospital (only maternity hospital in the city) weren't great around the labour, delivery and recovery with DS. I never fully knew the details of why the EMCS happened, why I lost so much blood after etc. I never saw the notes, I was just given a few details when meeting with the consultant during this pregnancy.
Now, I'm possibly just being pregnant and hormonal, but DS was distressed in labour. They gave me a general anaesthetic to do the EMCS cos they HAD to get him out ASAP, they couldn't wait for the epi to take effect, so surely given my history, the risk of complications etc, leaving my till 42 weeks before even discussing induction is stupid? What if the hospital is full the day they then plan to induce me? Surely booking me after 42 weeks is dangerous to me and baby?
I really don't think I'll go into labour naturally, I had 2 sweeps with DS at 40+5 and 41+1 and none of the babies in DH's family have come naturally, and none before or on their due date!
Anyway, MW is phoning the hospital to rearrange the appointment and says if I've heard nothing by next week to call her about it.