That sounds like a good plan, tani
Baby, thanks for that boost of hope

sadly i'm totally down about the whole thing this morning. No real symptoms, apart from boobs not being sore, but that could just be one of those things. No af cramping either, which was a sign for me last time and i think a pretty common one. Also the two pregnancies i had i was really hungry but didn't find anything appetizing, and i'm not having that this time, so i'm pretty sure it's not looking good.
Bfn this morning at 9dpo...
Also baby, i know exactly what you mean about wanting to use tests lol! I was thinking that yesterday and talked myself out of it. It was afternoon pee on, like, a 2-3 hour hold, would have definitely been negative so glad i didn't cave.
Pms is being a b* to me this cycle. I'm so emotional and negative...for ever bfn i see other people get, i become sad for them, and if they've been trying awhile, i get teary eyed. If ltttc'ers get bfp's i get misty eyed for their story...but the bfp's i see, i get sad because i feel like the more people who get them the less likely i am to get it.
Wow, this sounds totally insane!