October 2015 and Beyond...8 BFPs!!!

Oh no bweaver! Hope it's nothing! If not, at least we will all be together again? Yeah!?

I haven't done the handstand thing but I'm going to especially since my husband was like "we need to let it marinade" hehe.
I did get af today :/ I'm bummed but not overly depressed lol I think I've done good not obsessing over it, so it helps. I have my 2 and 4 year old to keep me busy in the mean time! I hope everyone else is doing ok!
BFN again today (12dpo). Tomorrow should be cycle day 1 for me :( i'm having a hard time swallowing the negative this month....I just hate that even though timing was perfect, and no matter how badly i want it, there is basically nothing I can do.

Even though it doesn't change anything, I am obsessively googling stories of anyone who still ended up pregnant after a 12dpo negative. I know it's not going to be how my story ends up but af isn't here quite yet and i'm holding on to that last sliver of hope!
Ugh, what is with AF haunting all of us? It's been much too long since we've had good news!

STILL waiting for AF to be officially over. Hoping to start BD'ing as soon as possible, just in case I'm somehow O'ing before I think I am and missing it. I'm CD7 right now, usually I'm all done by this point but each cycle gets worse!
Agreed, SOMEONE needs a bfp! Statistically, our group is overdue!

I hope we get pregnant soon...I fear the idea of having a teeny tiny baby in the winter...
DD is a September baby and it was fun having her be so little at Christmas. We have the cutest picture of her laying under the tree with a pile of Christmas stuffed animals. The holiday season after she turned one was the hard one because she just started walking and was into everything.

But... it also is pretty warm here. We might get one hard freeze a year where it stays below 32 all day. So all she needed was a blanket in her car seat to keep warm.

I got pregnant in Jan three years ago and hope the kids won't have birthdays too close together but I want a baby more than I care about birthdays :)

I got home early yesterday from work for Christmas break and made a big batch of Christmas cookies for the first time in a few years. My two year old played in the kitchen while I baked (for 5 hours!). I will miss that freedom when baby #2 arrives.
I had my last baby at the end of December in 2013. Snowy, icy, cold December. It was HELL! I was terrified that there would be a bad snow storm, or bad driving that caused back up accidents. Taking an infant to the doctors every two weeks was terrible with all the crazy bundling that had to be done. Then at 6 weeks old he caught RSV and had to have a hospital stay for days.

I vowed to never have a winter baby again. But this isn't looking good! I don't want to skip 5 months of ttc just to avoid a huge chunk of the year. I assumed since we started trying when the due dates were in the middle of the summer, this wouldn't be an issue. But if this next cycle isn't a bfp, then I'll end up with a November baby at best, or a baby even further into the winter if that doesn't work.
I'm on cd8 and am still having some light brown spotting mixed with watery cm. Watery cm is a little unusual for me. I had a light but long period but now am having a ton of watery cm.

I was planning on starting opks on cd12 but now I'm wondering if I should start tomorrow on cd9. Fellow opk users, what do you think? My short cycles are usually 30 days but maybe this one will be weird?
Is a light period usual for you? If not, maybe you should take an hpt just to be sure?

Regarding opk's, if you're getting watery cm, might be a good time to try the opk's since watery cm is also considered fertile.
hey ladies! no action here ha!

Giggle did u get af?

Maybe_baby how is tww going?

I think im done ovulation but donno what dpo i am, not testing until new years eve
Yup, officially cycle day 2. I've decided this cycle, instead of paying super close attention, i'm just scheduling a day to test: january 15th. It's a friday...just feels like a good day of the week to test. That'll be cd27 if i calculated correctly. So i'm only going to mark what day i ovulate, since i can't ignore the pain, but i'm not going to symptom spot unless anything super out of the ordinary happens.
Yup, officially cycle day 2. I've decided this cycle, instead of paying super close attention, i'm just scheduling a day to test: january 15th. It's a friday...just feels like a good day of the week to test. That'll be cd27 if i calculated correctly. So i'm only going to mark what day i ovulate, since i can't ignore the pain, but i'm not going to symptom spot unless anything super out of the ordinary happens.

i agree! i had so many promising cycles that i dont think any of my symptoms were real :cry: im trying not to symptom spot and not stressed about what dpo i'm in, just gonna let it be. Im sure af will show up before i test lol
I'm on cd10 and started opks yesterday. Still have watery cm and feeling less emotional than last week so I'm hoping I'll ovulate sometime this week.

I admire the laid back approach. I was "laid back" for 9 months when ttc dd but I was soooo stressed and worried about infertility. This time I jumped in with opks and temping, knowing it would probably take awhile, starting with cycle 1 and I'm so much less stressed :) My type A personality is actually calmer when I've taken control of some part of this process and am in a routine because at least I'm collecting data :)

I'm loving being off for the holidays! DH and I are going to Houston to go ice skating tomorrow and are leaving dd with my inlaws while we get a hotel for a night. I haven't left her overnight before and she's 2!
CD9ish today. Was having ovary stabbing pains last night, which seems much too early to be O. But, I wonder if I am o'ing earlier and that's why we're not getting pregnant. Planning to start BD'ing tonight and every day for the rest of the week to try and fully cover when it could be happening. Still crossing my fingers that the busy holidays won't get in the way!
You guys about to ovulate, there will be action here always since we are not all synced.

Sapphire, i like collecting data too which is why i used opks and temped coupled days until i confirmed ovulation. But im trying not to symptom spot and peeing on stick every couple hours like i did last cycles. Im worried about infertility but i feel better this cycle because i have ultrasound booked to check everything right after af arrives.

I got a really bad news today, one of the bloggers i follow , lost her daughter today. 3 years old, she had diarrhea for two days and passed today. Its like a sick joke, can u imagine how painful it must be for her mother. It breaks my heart even tho i didnt know her in person.

Appreciate your family and kids, you never know when God decides to take them away. :hugs:
Hello everyone!! I'm glad to see everyone doing well. I'm on cd3! lol so exciting! Like some of you, I will not be symptom spotting any longer. I had such promising symptoms this month, and nothing. However we will be making more if an effort this month. We typical long bd the day before o, and then that's it (minus random days we have sex). My husband works 3rd shift, so it's hard at times (no pun intended haha!). But I've decided we're going to bd everyday from cd10-cd20. I feel like that will cover all basis! I can't wait to be in the tww again!

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