So my body is an absolutely mess, clearly. Remember earlier this month I had vvvvvfl but assumed either a chemical or still leftover from my MC (this happened last month also). I am 10 weeks out from my d&c and tested this morning, cd7, just for peace of mind hoping to see a stark white negative so I could move on and know any new line i see is a new pregnancy...and I saw the same vvvvvfl I saw countless times last week and last month. It's faint but there if you look closely, and if I was looking for a new pregnancy and testing early I would see it straight away. I'm so upset
These can't all be faulty tests, I've taken a dozen of them at least (waste of money, too). And they are from different stores so no way I just got unlucky.
I'm going to call my doctor but it makes no sense. I've ovulated twice and had two periods. My periods haven't been normal as they were before AF, but definitely a period..and this last one was closer to my normal than the first one I had in September.
Has anyone been through this? I'm at my wits end, here. I've decided I'm not going to use FRER. I will only use cheapies as those I kept getting negatives on. If I get a good line on a cheapie I will test with FRER but not until then.