October 2017 testers - Having an Oktoberfest - 9 BFPs and counting

I totally understand you Toadly about taking temps or not. Just do whatever you think helps you. :hugs:

I sure hope that i get that crosshairs latest nextweek..... just dont want it this weekend or until monday as we are not planning to BD.
I totally understand you Toadly about taking temps or not. Just do whatever you think helps you. :hugs:

I sure hope that i get that crosshairs latest nextweek..... just dont want it this weekend or until monday as we are not planning to BD.

Really hope you O and manage to catch that egg! Fx for you!
Hi all! Can I join?
I've just signed up, we arent telling anyone we are ttc and my SO is a lot more relaxed about it than I am! Im driving myself crazy! And figured a forum with others ttc might by the way to go!
Ill be testing 27th of this month!

Sorry to those of you who have already tested, wishing you all more luck for next time!
For those of you still to test... Fingers crossed!
So my body is an absolutely mess, clearly. Remember earlier this month I had vvvvvfl but assumed either a chemical or still leftover from my MC (this happened last month also). I am 10 weeks out from my d&c and tested this morning, cd7, just for peace of mind hoping to see a stark white negative so I could move on and know any new line i see is a new pregnancy...and I saw the same vvvvvfl I saw countless times last week and last month. It's faint but there if you look closely, and if I was looking for a new pregnancy and testing early I would see it straight away. I'm so upset :( These can't all be faulty tests, I've taken a dozen of them at least (waste of money, too). And they are from different stores so no way I just got unlucky.

I'm going to call my doctor but it makes no sense. I've ovulated twice and had two periods. My periods haven't been normal as they were before AF, but definitely a period..and this last one was closer to my normal than the first one I had in September.

Has anyone been through this? I'm at my wits end, here. I've decided I'm not going to use FRER. I will only use cheapies as those I kept getting negatives on. If I get a good line on a cheapie I will test with FRER but not until then.
Hey ladies
just seeing if I can join in. I'm currently 9dpo. TTC#2. This cycle is promising so fingers are crossed tight!
I'm sorry you're going through so much Alligator.
If only it was not so difficult. Huge hugs for you!
Alligator I googled about constant faint lines after seeing your posts and i found a couple forums about it. One had said that even though blood levels of 0-5 hcg are considered negative, some women stay around 5 and because the hpts are so sensitive now they might be able to pick it up. Not sure if this is accurate or if this is whats happening to you but thought it might be an answer. Hope your OB can answer your questions for you
Looks like I'm not completely out for October! According to my app (clue) I should be ovulating in the coming days, and therefore AF is scheduled to come around the last week of October. Keep you all posted ☺️
Thank you, Rach...that's good to know. Perhaps I'll do a bit of googling as well but sometimes the internet can be your worst enemy in cases like this. I got in to see my doctor tomorrow so I'm pleased about that, hoping she may have answers or will agree to send me for blood tests. If those tests come back and say anything above a 5 I will ask for further testing or something to get me down to zero. If they are 5 or below I know it's just my body being weird and I will not use FRER moving forward, until I see a solid line on an IC...for my own sanity. I think it will help just to know!
So my body is an absolutely mess, clearly. Remember earlier this month I had vvvvvfl but assumed either a chemical or still leftover from my MC (this happened last month also). I am 10 weeks out from my d&c and tested this morning, cd7, just for peace of mind hoping to see a stark white negative so I could move on and know any new line i see is a new pregnancy...and I saw the same vvvvvfl I saw countless times last week and last month. It's faint but there if you look closely, and if I was looking for a new pregnancy and testing early I would see it straight away. I'm so upset :( These can't all be faulty tests, I've taken a dozen of them at least (waste of money, too). And they are from different stores so no way I just got unlucky.

I'm going to call my doctor but it makes no sense. I've ovulated twice and had two periods. My periods haven't been normal as they were before AF, but definitely a period..and this last one was closer to my normal than the first one I had in September.

Has anyone been through this? I'm at my wits end, here. I've decided I'm not going to use FRER. I will only use cheapies as those I kept getting negatives on. If I get a good line on a cheapie I will test with FRER but not until then.

I know it is very frusterating. But i know ive mentioned before that i still had faint bfps for a while after my d&c. It took a long time to finally be stark white....even after having a period or 2. Im glad youre seeing your dr and it is frusterating. But i too have had the same thing happen....and was able to conceive my 3rd month ttc with my baby girl!
Alligator I googled about constant faint lines after seeing your posts and i found a couple forums about it. One had said that even though blood levels of 0-5 hcg are considered negative, some women stay around 5 and because the hpts are so sensitive now they might be able to pick it up. Not sure if this is accurate or if this is whats happening to you but thought it might be an answer. Hope your OB can answer your questions for you

2 cycles ago i had a bfp and my levels were only 4. So they definitely are more sensitive.
Thank you Heather...do you recall how long you got those faint positives? It's so frustrating while getting a period also. You see other women who have clear negatives and this false line is just infuriating and has me worried something is going on. This is my second proper cycle since the d&c but third if you count right after the d&c...next week will be by third time ovulating since the MC, if that makes it clearer. Ugh what a mess.

I was able to get in to see my doctor tomorrow and I think I need it for my own peace of mind. I'm hoping she will agree to a blood test at the very least so I can know what my level is.
I really wish I had something constructive to say, Alligator. I really hope your doctor is able to help and get things cleared up. :hugs:
Thanks Ducky...me too. I just want to know either way...If there are retained products that's obviously not good. The lines are so faint so I am leaning towards the test just being super sensitive and my levels being low. But I want to know, and then I can know to stay the heck away from FRER!!!
This is so weird. I keep feeling like my period is going to start soon and i'm only 9 dpo. My LP is always 13 days. These cramps are the deep ones that I get usually hours before my period starts. But they're coming and going. Definitely noticeable since i'm not due for AF for 4 more days. My temps are looking good and my boobs are really sore and swollen; they feel a little prickly today. I'm just so hopeful that we get it soon.
With ds, it took us 6 years before we got pregnant. I don't want to give my hopes up. I stay humble by taking pregnancy tests every other day lol. BFNs today and on 7dpo.
is anyone else about 9dpo?
Tinkerbell92 and TryingInCO added you. Good luck!

Alligator :hugs: clever thinking on testing so early in your cycle. Hope you have a good doctor who can help you! Good luck!
Mrs. Sounds promising!!!

Alligator the first test here is my test at 8 weeks post dnc. My last positive i got (didnt test much after since it was getting lighter and barely can see it at this point. IRL it was easier to see of course but i changed the photo a bit when i got it to show in pics) so it could be possible to stay in your system even longer.

Second pic is of my bfp a few months ago with blood test only a few hours after with hcg of 4.

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